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Jovanny Morales Tabares

Solución a la pregunta 5

Nicknames for New York

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Describe City

Newspaper Name

Biggest Community

Recorded Visitor

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Nicknames Popular

Nicknames are used to describe people, places or things. Many

American cities have nicknames. They can help create identities, build
unity and help people feel a sense of pride in their community.
Some years ago, marketing and advertising experts were asked to
choose the best nickname for an American city. The winner was the
nation’s biggest city, New York. The nickname they chose was “The Big
Where did the nickname “Big Apple” originally come from? In the
nineteen seventies, New York suffered from image problems. The
number of visitor was falling. A campaign was launched to give the city
a new image and a new nickname. The New York board chose the
nickname “The Big Apple”
It was not the first time the nickname had been used to describe the
city. A journalist for a New York newspaper had used the name “The
Big Apple” to describe New York in the nineteen twenties.
The Big Apple was also the name of a night club in the Harlem area of
New York City in the nineteen thirties, as well as the name of a popular
dance and hit song around that time.
“The Big Apple” is not the only nickname for America’s Biggest city.
Almost one hundred nicknames that describe New York have been
recorder. Some of the best known nicknames for New York are “The
Capital of the World”, “Empire City”, “Gotham”, “The City So Nice They
Named it Twice” and “The City That Never Sleeps.”

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