Kinematics Solutions

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Question Answer Mark

𝑣 −𝑢
11 • Use of a = (1)

• See 1.6 m s2 Or see (−)4.9 to (−)5.2 m s2 (1)

Max 1
• At 9 s the acceleration becomes negative (1)

• From 9 s to 12 s the object is decelerating (1)

• From 12 s to 17.5 seconds the object is accelerating while

moving in the opposite direction (1)

Example of calculation
14 m s−1  0
a= = 1.56 m s2
Total for question 11 3

Question Answer Mark

12(a) • Length/height of wooden rod (1)

• Distance from the rod to the light gate (1) 2

12(b) length of rod

• v = time (to pass through light gate)

• Repeat (at each height) and (calculate) an average (1) 2

12(c) • Repeat at different (release) heights (above the light gate and
calculate v for each height) (1)

• States an appropriate graph to draw (1)

• Corresponding description of how to obtain the acceleration from

the gradient (1) 3

Graph s  v2 v2  s 2s  v2 v2  2s v2/2  s s  v2/2

a 1/(2gradient) gradient/2 1/gradient gradient gradient 1/gradient
Gradient 1/2a 2a 1/a a a 1/a

Total for question 12 7

Question Answer Mark
16(a)(i) • Use v2 = u2 + 2as (1)

• a = () 10.6 (m s2) (1)

Example of calculation

(75 m s1)2 = (460 m s1)2 + (2  a  9700 m)

a =  10.6 m s2

16(a)(ii) • Use of F = ma Or W = mg (1)

• Use of mg Fcos6 = ma (1)

• F = 8700 N (1) 3

(ecf from (a)(i), direction of a must be negative for MP2, F = 8900 N

using the show that value)

Example of calculation
600 kg  (3.8 N kg1)  Fcos6 = 600 kg  (10.6 m s2)
F = 8690 N
16(b) Either
• Free fall means that weight/gravity is the only force acting on the
object/probe (1)
• There will also be resistive forces acting on the probe (1)
• Use v2 = u2 + 2as to determine the acceleration (1)
• a = 2.4 m s2 (1)
• Acceleration (of free-fall on Mars) = 3.8 (m s2) (1)
• Comparison of their calculated acceleration to acceleration of free-fall
with reason e.g. 2.4 m s2 is lower than 3.8 m s2 so it was not in free fall. (1)

• Free fall means that weight/gravity is the only force acting on the
object/probe (1)
• There will also be resistive forces acting on the probe (1)
• Use v2 = u2 + 2as to determine the final velocity (1)
• using a = 3.8 (m s2) (1)
• v = 181 m s1 (1)
• Comparison of their calculated velocity to 150 m s1 with reason (1)

• Free fall means that weight/gravity is the only force acting on the
object/probe (1)
• There will also be resistive forces acting on the probe (1)
• Use v2 = u2 + 2as to determine the displacement (1)
• Using a = 3.8 (m s2) (1)
• s = 2.4 km (1)
• Comparison of their calculated displacement to 3.7 km with reason (1) 6

Example of calculation
(150 m s1)2 = (68 m s1)2 + (2  a  3700 m)
a = 2.42 m s2
Total for question 16 11
Question Answer Mark
13(a) • Use of v = s/t Or use of gradient
• 1
v = () 1.1 to 1.2 (m s )
• Scaling of the velocity axis so that the graph covers at least 50% of
the paper above and below the axes. (1)
(A minimum of 1 number on each axis required e.g. 1 and 1)

• A positive constant velocity from 0 to 42 s and the same negative

constant velocity from 48 s to 90 s with connecting line/curve (1) 4
(tolerance of ± 1 s)

Example of calculation
46 m
Initial velocity = = 1.15 m s1
40 s


Velocity / m s1


Time /s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



13(b)(i) The graph should be a curve initially (1)

with a decreasing gradient up to 15 m (by eye) (1) 2

(ignore any part of the graph above 15 m)
13(b)(ii) 1 mark for a simplification (1)

1 mark for a corresponding explanation (1) 2

Simplification Explanation
Velocity constant • Variation in velocity during each stroke
Or velocity doesn’t change • The force applied to the swimmer/water
Or velocity is an average varies (within the stroke)
Or no regions of • As the swimmer moves above/below
acceleration/deceleration water to breathe, the velocity changes
• The speed would change as they went
from gliding to swimming
The velocity of the swimmer has The swimmer may have tired and this could
the same magnitude in both parts be less for the second half of the race
of the race
The initial velocity after the turn The swimmer would probably glide
would be greater (underwater) after the turn
Gradient should initially increase Swimmer initially pushes off from starting
from zero block/turn

Treat references to drag as neutral.

Total for question 13 8
Question Answer Mark
13(a) Method 1 – Calculate the vertical displacement at 102 m.
See (uv =) 33sin28 Or 15 to 16 (m s−1) Or (uh =) 33cos28 Or 29 (m s−1) (1)

Use of v = s/t with s = 102 m for the time of flight needed

Or Use of v = s/t with s = 10 m for the extra time of flight needed (1)

Use of equation(s) to determine the vertical displacement at the time calculated (1)

Vertical displacement = (−) 5.8 to 6.0 m (1)

Comparison with required height AND height is insufficient (1)

(Allow correct conclusion based on the calculated height)

Method 2 – Calculate the horizontal displacement for a height of 4.5 m.

See (uv =) 33sin28 Or 15 to 16 (m s−1) Or (uh =) 33cos28 Or 29 (m s−1) (1)

Use of vertical equation(s) with s = (−)4.5 m to determine the actual time of

flight Or to determine the time beyond 92 m (1)

Use of v = s/t to determine the range

Or Use of v = s/t for the extra displacement beyond 92 m (1)

Horizontal displacement = 98 to 101 m Or extra displacement = 7.7 to 7.9 m (1)

Comparison with required displacement AND height is insufficient

Or Comparison of extra displacement AND height is insufficient (1)
(Allow correct conclusion based on the calculated distance)

Method 3 – Calculate the actual time of flight and that needed for 102 m
See (uv =) 33sin28 Or 15 to 16 (m s−1) Or (uh =) 33cos28 Or 29 (m s−1) (1)

Use of v = s/t with s = 102 m for the time of flight needed (1)

Use of vertical equation(s) to determine the actual time of flight (1)

Time of flight needed = 3.5 s AND actual time of flight = 3.4 s (1) (5)

Time needed > actual time AND height is insufficient (1)

(Allow correct conclusion based on the calculated times)

Example of calculation
uv = (33m s−1) sin28 ° = 15.5 m s−1
uh = (33 m s−1) cos28 °= 29.1m s−1
102 m
29.1 m s−1
t = 3.50 s
s = (15.5 m s−1 × 3.50 s) + (½ × (−9.81 N kg−1) ×(3.50 s)2)
s = − 5.87 m
*13(b) This question assesses a student’s ability to show a coherent and logically
structured answer with linkages and fully-sustained reasoning.
Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer is structured and
shows lines of reasoning.
The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for indicative
content and lines of reasoning.

IC points IC mark Max linkage Max final

mark available mark
6 4 2 6
5 3 2 5
4 3 1 4
3 2 1 3
2 2 0 2
1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0

Number of marks awarded for

structure of answer and sustained
line of reasoning
Answer shows a coherent and logical 2
structure with linkages and fully sustained
lines of reasoning demonstrated throughout
Answer is partially structured with some 1
linkages and lines of reasoning
Answer has no linkages between points and 0
is unstructured

Indicative content
With air resistance:
Vertical motion
• When moving up weight and (vertical component of) air resistance are
Or When moving up air resistance increases the resultant force.

• (When moving up,) downwards/vertical acceleration/deceleration increases

Or upward velocity decreases more quickly.

• (So maximum) height is lower.

Horizontal motion
• There is a horizontal deceleration/force (due to air resistance).

• (So the average) horizontal velocity is lower.

• The (ball travels a) shorter (total) distance. (6)

Total for question 13 11

Question Answer Mark
17(a)(i) The graph is less steep
Or The gradient is smaller (1) (1)
𝑣𝑣 −𝑢𝑢
17(a)(ii) Use of a = Or Use of a = gradient (1)

(1) (2)
a2 = 0.96 to 1.3 m s−2

Example of calculation
13.2 m s−1 −6.8 m s−1
a2 = (10.5 −4)s
= 0.98 m s−2

17(a)(iii) Velocity is large(r) (in higher gears) (1)

so force (of the engine) will be smaller. (1) (2)

17(b)(i) Conversion of mph to m s−1 (1)

Use of acceleration values for first and second gears only. (1)

Use of a =
𝑣𝑣 −𝑢𝑢
to determine a time (1)

(1) (4)
total time = 13.0 to 14.0 s

Example of calculation
60 mph ×1600 m
Velocity conversion = = 26.7 m s−1
18 m s−1 −0
2.9 m s−2 = t1 = 6.21 s
26.7 m s−1 − 18 m s−1
1.2 m s−2 = 𝑡𝑡
t2 = 7.22 s
Total time = 6.21 s + 7.22 s = 13.4 s

17(b)(ii) As velocity increases the air resistance increases (1)

(When) frictional forces are equal to the (driving) force of engine/car (1)

There is no resultant/net/unbalanced force and no acceleration (1) (3)

Total for question 17 12

Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828

with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom
10 A is the correct answer

B is not the correct answer as the gravitational force does not increase.
C is not the correct answer as an increase in temperature would reduce the viscosity
which would not account for a decrease in acceleration.
D is not the correct answer as the upthrust depends on the density of the fluid and the (1)
volume of the sphere, neither of which changes.

Question Answer Mark


11 • Reference to s = ut + ½ at2 with u = 0 (1)

• Correct variable labels on graph axes to give a straight line through origin. (1)

• Reference to time in s and distance in m (this can be taken from the axes labels or a
suitable unit conversion) (1)
• Straight line through origin.

• Correct method to determine g using their graph. (1)


Total for question 11 5

Question Answer Mark

15(a) • Use of v2 = u2 + 2as AND u = 0 (1)

Or mgh =½mv2

• v = 3.4 (m s-1) (1)

Example of calculation
v2 = 2 × 9.81 m s−2 × 0.60 m
v = √11.77 m s−1
v = 3.43 m s−1

15(b) • Horizontal 3.4 × sin 70° Or 3.4 × cos 20° Or calculated value. (1)

• Vertical 3.4 × cos 70° Or 3.4 × sin 20° 1.16 Or calculated value.
Allow e.c.f. from part (a)
15(c) Use of v = s/t to determine time to end of ramp (0.38 s).
• Use of s = ut - ½ g t2 to determine drop in altitude after time t (0.27

• Ball does not bounce on the ramp. (1)

• Justifies conclusion from numbers calculated.

e.g. 0.86 – 0.27 > 0.00 means has not reached ground by end of (1)

Example of calculation
1.23 m
t = 3.4 m s−1 × sin 70°

t = 0.39 s

s = (3.4 (m s−1) × cos70° × 0.39 s) + (½ × (−9.81 m s−2) ×(0.39 s)2)

s = − 0.28 m


• Use of s = ut - ½ g t2 to determine time to s = - 0.86

• Use of s = vt to calculate s (1)

• Ball does not bounce on the ramp. (1)

• Justifies conclusion from numbers calculated. (1)

e.g. 1.23 < 1.79
• Use of v = u – gt1 with v = 0 to get time to max height (0.12s) and
use of s = ½ g t12 to get gain in height (0.07m) and use of s = ut + ½
g t22 with u = 0 and s = 0.93 to get time from there to the ground (1)
(0.44s) Total time t = t1 + t2 .

• Use of s = vt to calculate s (1)

• Ball does not bounce on the ramp. (1)

• Justifies conclusion from numbers calculated. (1)

e.g. 1.23 < 1.79 (4)

Total for question 15 8

Question Answer Mark
*14 This question assesses a student’s ability to show a coherent and logically structured
answer with linkages and fully-sustained reasoning.
Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer is structured and 6
shows lines of reasoning.
The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for indicative content.

Number of Number of marks Linkage marks

indicative marking awarded for available
points seen in indicative marking
answer points
6 4 2
5 3 2
4 3 1
3 2 1
2 2 0
1 1 0
0 0 0
The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for structure and lines of
Number of marks awarded for
structure of answer and sustained
line of reasoning
Answer shows a coherent and logical structure 2
with linkages and fully sustained lines of
reasoning demonstrated throughout
Answer is partially structured with some 1
linkages and lines of reasoning
Answer has no linkages between points and is 0

Total marks awarded is the sum of marks for indicative content and the marks for
structure and lines of reasoning

Indicative content

• Acceleration is maximum (or acceleration = g) initially

• As velocity increases the air resistance increases
• Resultant force decreases until it becomes zero and diver reaches terminal velocity
(Eventually) forces balance and the diver reaches terminal velocity
• At t1 the air resistance increases or is greater then the weight
• Skydiver decelerates or the resultant force is now upwards/negative
• Second terminal velocity is lower because air resistance = weight at a lower velocity.

Ignore mention of upthrust.

Total for question 14 6

Question Answer Mark
17(a)(i) • Initial angle at approximately 30° (by eye) with approximately parabolic shape. (1) 1

• Use of v2 = u2 + 2as (with u and v the correct way around) (1)
Loss of KE = gain of GPE (i.e. uV2 = 2gh)
• See u sin 30° for initial vertical component of velocity uV (1)
• u = 57 (m s−1) (1)
Example of calculation
02 = (u sin 30°)2 + (2× − 9.81 N kg−1 × 42 m)
uV = u sin 30° = 28.7 m s−1
u = 57.4 m s−1

17(a)(iii) • Use of trig to determine the horizontal component of the initial (1)

velocity (1)
• Use of suitable equation(s) of motion to determine the time of flight
(1) 4
• Use of v = s/t to determine the horizontal distance travelled by the
• Comparison of distance to boat to distance flare travelled with conclusion
consistent with student's value
e.g. 7.9 km is less than 8.0 km so the flare can be seen.

Example of calculation
0 = (57.4 m s−1× sin 30° × t) − (0.5× 9.81 N kg−1× t2)
t = 5.85 s
s = (57.4 m s−1× cos 30° × 5.85 s) = 49.7 m s−1 × 5.85 s = 291 m
• Use of v = s/t to determine the time to reach 200 m
• Use of s = ut + ½at2 to find height reached after 200 m travel
• Explains conclusion consistent with student's value
e.g. flare above the sea and in range so visible

17(b) • Air resistance/drag is ignored Or air resistance/drag is (presumed to be) (1)

negligible 1

Total for question 17 9

Question Answer Mark

• Use of v2 = u2 + 2as
• Vertical component, 𝑢𝑢𝑉𝑉 = 𝑢𝑢 sin 35° (1)
• Speed of ball = 17.3 (m s−1) (1) 3
Example of calculation
0 = uv2 – 2 × 9.81 m s−2 × 5.0 m
uv2 = 98.1, uv = √98.1 = 9.9 m s−1
u = 9.9 / sin 35˚ = 17.3 m s−1

• Use of uH = u cos θ
• Use of t = s/uH (1)
• Use of 𝑠𝑠 = 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 + 𝑎𝑎𝑡𝑡 2 with uV = u sin θ and a = − g (1)
• Height = 3.2 (m) (1)
• Comparison of result consistent with calculation of height at 22 m. (1) 5

Example of calculation
Horizontal speed = 17.0 cos 35˚ = 13.9 m s−1
Time to travel 22 m = 22 ÷ 13.9 = 1.58 s
Initial vertical speed = 17.0 sin 35˚ = 9.8 m s−1
Height gained in 1.58 s = 9.8 1.58 – 0.5  9.81 1.582 = 3.16 m

Total for question 13 8

Question Answer Mark
Resolves velocity into horizontal and vertical components. (1)

Use of s = u t for horizontal displacement (1)

Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 with a = g for vertical displacement (1)

Height after 30 m = 0.91 m (1)

Or decrease in height = 1.99 m

Comparison and conclusion consistent with student's calculation. (1)

A method that calculates horizontal displacement in time taken to fall 2.9 m

can score full marks.
Resolves velocity into horizontal and vertical components. (1)

Use of suvat equations to calculate total time in flight (1)

Use of s = u t for horizontal displacement (1)

Total distance = 32.7 m (1)

Comparison and conclusion consistent with student's calculation. (1) 5

Example calculation
vH = 25 m s−1 × cos 10° = 24.6 m s−1
vV = 25 m s−1 × sin 10° = 4.34 m s−1
30 m = 24.61 m s−1 × t
→ t = 30 m ÷ 24.6 m s−1 = 1.22 s
s = 4.34 m s−1 × 1.22 s − 0.5 × 9.81 × 1.222 = −1.99 m
Height = 2.9 m − 1.99 m = 0.91 m
0.91 m > 0.00 m ⸫ success


Use of EK = ½ m v2 (1)

Use of ΔW = FΔs (1)

F = 3.88 × 102 N (1)


Use of v2 = u2 + 2as or combination of suvat equations to find deceleration. (1)

Use of F = m a (1)

F = 3.88 × 102 N (1) 3

Example of calculation
EK = ½ × 63 × 232 = 1.67 × 104 J
1.67 × 104 J = F × 43
F = 1.67 × 104 J / 43 = 3.88 × 102 N

Total for question 14 8

Questio Answer Mark
16(a) Resolves velocity to find vertical component (1)
Use of v = u + a t (1)
Time to max height = 3.3 (s) (1) 3

Example of calculation
uv = 50 m s−1 sin (40°) = 32.1 m s−1
v = u + a t with v = 0
t = 32.1 m s−1 ÷ 9.81 m s−2 = 3.28 s
16(b) Use of vH = v cos θ (1)
Use of s = u t to calculate horizontal distance (1)
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 to calculate maximum height or other suvat (1)
equation (1)
Maximum height = 53 m (allow ecf from (a)) (1)
Use of tan θ to calculate vertical height of hill (1)
Compares height of hill with maximum height (accept conclusion
based on candidate’s values).


Use of vH = v cos θ (1)

Use of s = u t to calculate horizontal distance (1)
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 to calculate maximum height or other suvat (1)
equation (1)
Maximum height = 53 m (allow ecf from (a)) (1)
Use of tan θ to calculate minimum angle of hill for a hit (1)
Compares angle of hill with minimum angle (accept conclusion based
on candidate’s values).

Use of vH = v cos θ
Use of s = u t to calculate horizontal distance (1)
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 to calculate maximum height or other suvat (1)
equation (1) 6
Maximum height = 53 m (allow ecf from (a))
Use of tan θ to calculate horizontal distance to 52.6 m height along hill
Compares horizontal distances (accept conclusion based on
candidate’s values).

Example of calculation
vH = 50 m s−1 × cos (40°) = 38.3 m s−1
sH = vH × t
sH = 38.3 m s−1 × 3.28 s =125 m
maximum height of rock = sV = uV t + ½ a t2 with a = − g
sV = 32.1 m s−1× 3.28 s − ½ × 9.81 m s−2 × (3.28 s)2 = 52.6 m
vertical height of hill at horizontal distance of 125 m = 125 m × tan (20°)
= 45.7 m
45.7 m < 52.6 m, so no

Total for question 16 9

Question Answer Mark
Use of appropriate trigonometry (1)

vx =32 m s−1 and vy =15 m s−1 (1) 2

Example of calculation
vx =35 m s−1 × cos 25° = 31.7 m s−1
vy =35 m s−1 × sin 25° = 14.8 m s−1

Use of s = ux t to find time taken to travel 100 m horizontally (1)

Use of s = uy t + ½ a t2 with a = − g to find distance fallen in time t

Accept other correct SUVAT methods (1)

Distance fallen = 2.1 m (1)

Conclusion consistent with comparison of student's values,

e.g. 2.1 m < 3.0 m so rider lands on other side of river (1)


Use of correct SUVAT method with a = − g to find time to descend by 3 m. (1)

Use of s = ux t to find horizontal distance travelled in time t. (1)

Distance travelled = 102 m (1)

Conclusion consistent with comparison of student's values (1)


Use of s = ux t to find time taken to travel 100 m horizontally (1)

Use of correct SUVAT method with a = − g to find time to descend by 3 m. (1)

Time = 3.21 s (1)

Conclusion consistent with comparison of student's values,

e.g. 3.15 s < 3.21 s so rider lands on other side of river
(1) 4
Example of calculation
time taken to travel 100 m = 100 m ÷ 31.7 m s−1 = 3.15 s
vertical displacent = 14.8 × 3.15 − 0.5 × 9.81 × 3.152 = − 2.12 m
2.1 m < 3.0 m, so rider lands on other side of river
Air resistance act to oppose the motion of the motorcyclist (1)

So it decreases the time for which the motorcyclist is in the air

There is deceleration in the horizontal direction
Speed in horizontal direction is reduced
The (maximum) height reached by the motorcyclist is reduced (1)

Horizontal distance travelled is reduced (dependent on MP1 or MP2) (1) 3

Total for question 18 9

Answer Mark
Use of trigonometry (1)
Vertical component = 34 (m s−1) (1) 2

Example of calculation
52 m s−1 × sin 41° = 34.1 m s−1

Method 1:
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 with s = 11 m and a = − 9.81 m s−2 (1)
Use of quadratic formula (1)
t = 6.62 (s) [Allow ecf from (a)] (1)

Method 2:
Use of v = u + at, with v = 0 to find time to max height [3.48 s] (1)
Use of s = ½(u + v) t, or other correct suvat equation, to find max height [59.3 m]
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 to find time to fall to 11 m [3.14 s] (1)
t = 6.62 (s) depending on rounding of (a) [Allow ecf from (a)] (1) 3
(allow ecf from (a))
[Allow any valid suvat method]

Example of calculation
Let time to max height = t
11 m = 34.1 m s−1 × t − ½ × 9.81 m s−2 × t2
4.91 × t2 − 34.1 m s−1 × t + 11 m = 0
t = (34.1 ± √( 34.12 − 4 × 11 × 4.91) m s−1 ÷ 9.81 m s−2
= 6.62 s (or 0.34 s)

Resolves for horizontal component of velocity (1)
Use of s = v t (1)
260 m so no (1) 3
(Allow ecf from (b) with correct conclusion based on student’s value)

Example of calculation
Horizontal component of velocity = 52 m s−1 × cos 41° = 39.2 m s−1
s = 39.2 m s−1 × 6.62 s = 260 m
Distance required 245 m to 255 m and 260 m > 255 m so no.
Question Mar
Number k
15(a) Use of correct trigonometry to calculate horizontal component (1
[9.7 cos 49° or 9.7 sin 41° seen] )
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 with a = 0 [i.e. use of s = v t]
t = 0.79 (s) [NB reverse argument scores 2 marks (Rule 4.2)] (1 3
Example of calculation (1
vH = 9.70 m s−1 × cos 49° = 6.36 m s−1 )
t = 5.00 m ÷ 6.36 m s−1 = 0.786 s

15(b) Use of correct trigonometry to calculate vertical component (1)

[9.7 sin 49° or 9.7 cos 41° seen]

Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 (1)
s = 2.7 m (ecf from (a)) (1)
["show that" value also gives 2.72 m]
Correct conclusion from valid comparison using student’s calculated value (1)

Use of v2 = u2 + 2 a s (1)
Max height = 2.7 m [no ecf] (1)
Correct conclusion from valid comparison using student’s calculated value (1) 4
[allow any valid suvat method, allow ecf if method involves t from (a)]

Example of calculation
vV = 9.70 m s−1 × sin 49° = 7.32 m s−1
s = 7.32m s−1 × 0.79 s − 0.5 × 9.81 m s−2 × (0.79 s)2 = 2.72 m
2.72 m < 3.00 m so ball does not go over the wall

[Significant moments …

Total for question 15 7

8 The correct answer is B 1

A is not the correct answer because the mass has not been multiplied by g
C is not the correct answer because the mass has not been multiplied by g
and the factor of 103 is missing for the power
D is not the correct answer because the factor of 103 is missing for the power
9 The correct answer is B 1

A is not the correct answer because the mass is not needed

C is not the correct answer because radius cannot be directly measured and
the mass is not needed
D is not the correct answer because radius cannot be directly measured
10 The correct answer is B 1

A is not the correct answer because the forces don't act on the same body
C is not the correct answer because the forces have equal magnitudes
D in not the correct answer because the forces have equal magnitudes

Answer Mark
11 Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 with u = 0 and a = g for flight time (1)
Use of s = u t + ½ a t2 with a = 0 for horizontal displacement of stone (1)
Distance travelled = 5.9 m (1) 3

Example of calculation
12 m = 0.5 × 9.81 m s−2 × t2
t = √(12.0 m ÷ 4.905 m s−2) = 1.56 s
sstone = 3.8 m s−1 × 1.56 s = 5.94 m

Total for question 11 3

Answer Mark
(Use balance to measure) mass and multiply
mass by g to determine weight
Use the balance set to read newtons to determine weight (of ball) (1)

Measure the diameter (of the ball) (with the calliper) to determine volume (1)

Identify upthrust with weight of fluid displaced (1)

Calculate the weight of fluid displaced by multiplying the volume of the ball by
the density of the liquid and g (1) 4

12(b) Use of F = 6π ηrv (1)

η = 2.2 × 102 Pa s (1) 2

Example of calculation
1.1 × 10−2 N = 6π × η × 0.50 × 10−2 m × 5.4 × 10−4 m s−1
η = 1.1 × 10−2 N ÷ (6π × 2.7 × 10−6 m2 s−1) = 216 Pa s

Total for question 12 6

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