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Networking for Business Success

Stephen N. Davis
Partnering With Clients to Drive Sustainable Profitable Growth

John Wanamaker

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is, I dont know which half.

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

The Marketing Landscape has Changed

Buy My Product

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Ads are Everywhere

People see and hear between 1,000 87,600,000 throughout their lives and 3,000 advertising messages/day
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Nielson: 90% of People Who Can Skip Ads - Do It

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Nielson: Only 14% of People Trust Ads

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Trust Drives Transactions

Of the Economy is Influenced by Personal Recommendations
SOURCE: McKinsey & Co.
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Trust Drives Transactions

Say consumer reviews are the #1 Aid to Buying Decisions
SOURCE: JC Williams Group
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Trust Drives Transactions

Trust Recommendations of other Consumers
SOURCE: Nielson Report - October 2007
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Trust Drives Transactions

Will Buy from Companies they TRUST
SOURCE: Edelman Trust Barometer, 2008
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Trust Drives Transactions

Will NOT buy from Companies they DISTRUST
SOURCE: Edelman Trust Barometer, 2008
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Its Not About Collecting Business Cards

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Your Ultimate Goal

Convert Your Contacts Into a Word-of-Mouth Referral Network

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Your Network = Your Net Worth

The Value of a Contact in YOUR Network
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Networking Steps

Meet people Start conversations Answer questions Ask questions Offer to Help Build Trust Follow Up

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Networking is NOT about you .

Its ALWAYS about the other person
2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Step 1: What is Your Brand?

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Your Personal Brand is More important than the Company Brand

What is Your Brand?

We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.
Tom Peters - 1997

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

What is Your Personal Brand?

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Communicates your personal story What attributes set you apart How do you want to be positioned

What is Your Personal Brand?

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Communicates your personal story What attributes set you apart How do you want to be positioned People and groups you associate with Company and/or Self List keywords prospects might use to search for you

Step 2: Establish Your Goals

Who are you trying to meet?

Customers Strategic Partners Referral Sources

New Business over what time Frame? How much time should I allocate to networking? How many meetings should I shoot for each week?

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Step 3: Learn About Your Network Prospects

Who should I network with? What is their profile? How do they make decisions? Find out where they hang out Where do I go to network with them? Rank prioritize venues Where can I meet the most Strategic partners? Prospects? Referral sources? When is the best time to network? I prefer morning meetings

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

How to Network Effectively

You are Not Selling Start a CONVERSATION Introduce yourself Ask the other person What they do for a living? Get to know the other person Use open ended questions ALWAYS CARRY BUSINESS CARDS

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

The Right Questions

Separates the Pros from the Amatuers .

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

The Right Questions

Shows Youre Concerned Helping Them Achieve SUCCESS

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

The Right Questions

Gets Them to Tell You How to SELL Them

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Questions I Close With

Who is a Good Prospect for You?

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Questions I Close With

Who Are Your BEST Referral Sources?

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Working a Room/Event

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Ways to Connect at an Event

3. 4.

Be strategic about which events you attend

Get there early and talk to people at the registration table Study the name tags

Identify people to meet

5. 6.

Dont hang out with people you already know Circle and scan for your targets Look for people standing alone

Use your time wisely 8. Dont try to sell 9. Ask questions of the other person

Know when to break off an unproductive conversation

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Follow-up After the Event

Assess the event

Was it worthwhile? Should you do it again?

Sort & prioritize collected business card

Those you want to contact within 48 hours Those you want to contact within a week Those you will never contact

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group


Go Meet Someone Make a Referral Today

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group


2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Driving Profitable Growth

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Driving Profitable Growth

We help companies optimize business development and marketing; accelerate sales; and seize the most attractive growth opportunities.

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

The CXO Advisory Group

CXO Advisory Group is a strategic operations advisory and management firm comprised of proven C-level executives with both breadth and depth of experience.
CXO Advisory Group Team members have achieved success in positions ranging from: President/CEO to COO, and VPs of Sales, Marketing, Corporate Development and Human Resources.

Has proven success in business development and in building US sales and distribution channels

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

How Can CXO Help You?

Business Strategy Services

Audit business practices and organization Evaluate product and pricing strategies Evaluate effectiveness of sales channel Assess effectiveness of existing sales and marketing programs Analyze competitive landscape Market launch strategy and plan Channel strategy and programs Establish sales channels Generate sales and manage relationships Identify and develop strategic partnerships

Market Entry Program

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

How Can CXO Help You?

Sales Channel Management

Review and revise sales channel strategies Channel partner identification, prospecting and recruitment Eliminate channel conflict Channel contract development and negotiation Strategic alliances Align sales and marketing Social networking integration into marketing mix Co-marketing ventures

Business Development

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

How Can CXO Help You?

Interim Management Resources

Interim CEO, COO, CMO, CSO Interim VP of Sales and Marketing Consultant on staff Launch team coaches Fine tune operations, business strategy and market entry Assist with due diligence Strategic business assessment of portfolio companies

Venture Advisory Services

2000 - 2011 CXO Advisory Group

Contact Information:

Stephen Davis
Interim COO/VP Sales & Marketing | Business Consultant | Sales Channel and Business Development Expert | Author & Speaker

Partnering With Clients to Drive Sustainable Profitable Growth

Phone: Email: Website: Linkedin: Twitter: (508) 528-7571

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