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January - April 2024

Part One Part Two / Three

Frame number Task number

1314 An occasion when you used a map.
1 Where you live now 1315 An unusual holiday you had
2 Work/Study 1316 A time when you offered to help someone.
3 Your Home 1317 A job that you do not like to do.
4 Sunglasses 1318 Something you do regularly to help you work or study.
5 Feeling bored 1319 A public facility that has been renovated and improved.
6 Colours. 1320 An interesting conversation you had with a very old person.
7 Collecting things. 1321 A person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home.
8 Memory 1322 A long-term goal you would like to achieve 1323 A period you were busy.
9 Losing things. 1324 A skill that you learned in your childhood.
10 Video Games 1325 A useful object in your home that you cannot live.
11 Crowded places without
12 Advertisements/ 1326 Something in your country that you are interested in.
commercials 1327 A person who did well in a team (e.g. schoolwork and
13 Cakes and other sweet things community)
14 Money 1328 An activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school.
15 social media 1329 A person who likes to talk a lot.
16 Singing 1330 An occasion when there was a lot of noise.
17 News 1331 A place - not your home - where you to go to relax.
1332 A uniform you have worn wear (such as a school or
company uniform)
1333 A trip that was delayed for some reason.
1334 An outdoor activity that you recently did in a new place
1335 Something that people easily lose.
1336 A street market you have been visited.
1337 An occasion you met someone complaining in the public (such as in the
restaurant or other places)
1338 A piece of work you did quickly


Topic 1 : Where do you live

 Do you live in a house or an apartment?
 What is your favourite room in your home?
 What things make your home pleasant to live in? .

Topic 2: Work or Study

If you work:

 What do you do?

 Have you always wanted to do this kind of work?
 Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon?

If you study:

 What do you study?

 Have you always wanted to study this subject / these subjects?
 Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon?

Topic 3: Your Home

 What did you like most about the house or apartment where you grew up?
 How do you feel about the house or apartment where you live now?
 What kind of home would you like to have in the future

Topic 4: Sunglasses

 How often do you wear sunglasses?

 Would you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?
 Would you buy sunglasses for someone else? ny sunglasses?
 Have you ever lost any sunglasses?
 Did you ever find school boring, when you were a child?

Topic 5: Feeling bored

 Do you often feel bored?

 What sort of things do you find most boring now?
 What do you do to stop yourself feeling bored?
 Have you ever lost any sunglasses?

Topic 6: Colours

 Do you have any favourite colours?

 Did you wear bright colours when you were younger?
 What colour would you choose for the walls of your room?
 Is the colour of a car important to you? .

Topic 7: Collecting things

 Have you ever collected anything?

 What things are popular to collect in your country?
 How do people get things for their collections?
 Why do you think, in general, people collect things?

Topic 8: Memory

 How often do you need to remember something?

 Would you say you have a good memory?
 Do you forget things sometimes?
 Do you think (having a good) memory is important?

Topic 9: Losing things

 Do you often lose things?

 What can we do to avoid losing things?
 Why do some people tend to lose things more often than others?
 What will you do if you find something lost by others?

Topic 10: Video games

 Do you like (to play) video games?

 Do you like playing video games alone or with others?
 Do you think people play computer games too much?
 What are some differences in computer games nowadays compared to the past .

Topic 11: Crowded places

 Is the city you live crowded?

 Do you like crowded places?
 When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
 Do most people like crowded places?

Topic 12: Advertisements/commercials

 Do you often remember advertisements/commercials that you've seen?

 What do you usually do when an advertisement/a commercial comes on TV or the internet?
 Have you ever seen an advertisement/a commercial that you really don't like?
 Would you like to be in an advertisement/a commercial one day? (what kind/why? )

Topic 13: Cakes and other sweet things

 Did you enjoy cakes and sweets when you were a child?
 Have you ever made a cake yourself?
 On what occasions do people in your culture eat special cakes or other sweet food?
 Do you enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal?

News Topic 14: Money

 Do you spend a lot of money?

 How do you save money?
 Do your parents give pocket money to you for helping with the housework?
 Do people in your country give money as a gift to children?

Topic 15: Social Media

 Do you (often) use social media websites?

 When did you first use one of these websites?
 Is social media very popular in your country?
 Is social media very popular in your country?

Topic 16: Singing

 Do you like singing?

 Why do people sing?
 Have you ever had singing lessons?
 Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

Topic 17: News

 Are you very interested in the news?

 What sort of news are you most interested in?
 Which do you think is more important, domestic news or international news?
 How important is it to you to get the news every day?


1314 An occasion when you used a map


1. What do people usually do when they get lost?

2. What are the differences between paper and digital maps?
3. What do you think of in-car GPS navigation systems?
4. What do people often do with a map?
5. How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your country?

1315 An unusual holiday you had


1. In general, what do people in your country do when they have a holiday?

2. Do you think it's important for people to plan before travelling away from home?
3. Do you think people should have (need) more holidays than they have now?
4. Are there any differences between traveling at different times of the year?

1316 A time when you offered to help someone.

1. Do you think parents should help their children with homework?
2. How much should children help their parents in the home?
3. What is some important advice that parents can give to older teenagers?
4. What are some of the personal qualities needed to be 'a good neighbor?
5. Why should young people do more to help older people in their community?

1317 A job that you do not like to do.


1. What jobs that young people in your country want to do?

2. Which is more important to most young people: an interesting hob or a job that pays a high salary?
3. How usual is it for young people to move to another city to find a job?
4. Do you think jobs in the past required more physical effort than today's jobs?
5. How are robots and computers changing people's jobs?
6. What are the factors that motivate people to make an effort in their work?

1318 Something you do regularly to help you work or study


1. In general, what do people have to do every day?

2. How is the daily routine of adults different to that of children?
3. Do you think it's important for children to have a (regular/habitual) daily routine?
4. How important do you think it is to maintain a routine in the workplace?
5. Is it important for working people to take a break from their work routine?

1319 A public facility that has been renovated and improved

1. What kinds of public infrastructure, including buildings do you have in your hometown?
2. Would you say facilities such as cinemas and parks are important in a (or, the) city?
3. Which facilities in your city do you thing are better, the old ones or the new ones?
4. In general, are young people very willing to share facilities with old people?
5. Would you say people in the cities are less likely to communicate with others than people in
rural areas?
6. Do people in the cities usually know their neighbours?

1320 An interesting conversation you had with a very old person

1. What are the differences between face-to-face communication and communication by
2. Do you think body language plays a role (or, an important role) in communication?
3. What qualities (or skills) does a person need in order to communicate well with others?
4. What kinds of (everyday) conversations do people typically have in your country?
5. What are the differences between having a conversation with a man, and having a conversation
with a woman?
6. When men chat with other men do they usually talk about the same things that women do when
they chat with other women?
7. When men and women are together (i.e., mixed company) what do they usually talk about?

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