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Earth, the planet we call home is not alone.

But while there are plenty of worlds out

there it is not of them, we have become excited about. Across a boundary we thought
incapable of breaching, the dimensional barrier. It was in late November 2015 that the
scientists at Stanford University first breached the dimensional barrier. The explosion
leveled the science building and left a free-standing open breach between our earth and
later found out a world similar but radically different, Urth. The police and eventually
FBI and military were poring over themselves and the campus when the true event
occurred, a pair of elves walked thru the breach and introduced themselves, as
weapons were drawn upon them, they warned those present to leave Urth alone and
promptly vanished along with the breach. Two years later the first true gate was
erected at Mojave Base, scientists from around the world working together built the first
of 12 gates to become a push towards enter-dimensional travel. But as they activated
this gate, they discovered an anomaly, it did not go to the same dimension as the
accident previously being called the Stanford Breach. This world was devoid of sentient
creatures, animals seemed to be the highest on the evolutional tree. Man being what
they are began looking for resources, and in course found what was thought a large
deposit of naturally occurring crystal. In a nutshell they mined a small amount to bring
through to be analyzed and discovered that it was a bad idea as several crystals
shattered putting shards and a strange gas into the air. Man learned that day to be
wary of off world materials, but setup an off-world research facility. Three search units
were sent out to find signs of humanoid presence, none of these units came back, it was
decided to fortify the gate location and slowly move outward.

Meanwhile on Urth the Mages and Druids began studying the energies created by the
breach/gate to the other world and many discovered that there were more than two
worlds setting side by side. The druids being more of mind to visit these alternate
realities created the first gateway opened to earth. With careful half steps they began
sending groups over to discover compatibility. The mages on the other hand took
several months to decide if it was useful to visit this other world but eventually opened
a gate to earth, it is so horribly funny that it took them to Las Vegas Nevada. But they
too discovered there were more worlds connected across dimension. They opened
several gates and found several worlds, one was a nightmare of twisted metal and metal
people who tried to push into the gate, it was closed and never opened again, however
one world proved intriguing it was bereft of people with lakes and mountains waiting to
be plundered.

Today, December 16th 2016 on the world of Eryth two groups working independent of
each other find a purple almost malleable metal alongside the iron ore coming from
their mines. One hour after this discovery both groups discover the metal is somewhat
sentient and carries a tremendous amount of power and potential. On the magical
realm side, the new metal is termed Anite while on the other side the scientist making
the all-important discoveries term it Viridian. Magic is discovered to be enhanced by
this while technology find it to be an energy source like none found before.
The two groups also discover each other and are shocked to also discover Eryth does
indeed have a sentient humanoid race. This point in time April 5th, 2017 is called the
Arrangement, the point in history that representatives of all three worlds are together
for the first and last time. The aquatic Athenians grant both groups right of ownership
and stipulate that so long as both groups remain on land and leave the oceans alone
the Athenians will leave the invaders in peace.

Earth is the standard mundane earth we all know and understand, we have taken the
first steps in high technology and with the mapping of the human genome we are
heading towards altered humans. The common idea of us as being alone in the universe
has been found false, there is life out there it just does not want anything to do with us.
More curious is that the first open visitor landed in Burlington Vermont and gave Lucas
McMahon a Farmer the documents which outline what and how mankind can reach the
stars, unfortunately due to the document no ship will be allowed off planet until
humanity gets control over its aggressive nature. Also, currently due to Stanford
University we have an alternative for growth. The continent called New Rhode Island is
being opened for colonization by the US land and redevelopment agency while 11 more
gates are being built around the world. While several countries resent the US control,
everyone sees the potential and await the chance to relocate to a new unknown land.
On the other hand, the Magus central of the High council ruled that those individuals
who want to attempt the colonization of this new world could but there would be no
involvement of the ruling council. The military council however saw the world as prime
means of gaining benefits and immediately claimed control over the project. The Major
Templar of House Elaine decided to build a walled fortification for protection of those
citizens wishing to travel to the new world. The cost of transportation and lodging
meant that those of less than commoners would be less common to travel. Surprisingly
though a group of nearly 100 peasants pooled their funds and paid their way through
and promptly disappeared out into the wild. New Vegas was established and the elf,
gnome, dwarf and human population decided to be polite and trade minor goods with
their neighbors from the alternate world.
Meanwhile the San Francisco; California, Sheffield; England, Saint Petersburg; Russia,
Chita; Russia, Tokyo; Japan, Delhi; India, Beijing; China, Perth; Australia, Warsaw;
Poland, Berlin; Germany, Quebec; Canada, Reykjavík; Iceland, came online one after
another in the afore mentioned order from 2017 to 2029, each having it’s own military
in control of security but with a US military consultant and USGTS team to control the

Energy Shield

Energy shield is a form of defense that acts as an additional hit point pool on top of Life.
Along with Armor, energy shield is one of two defense types that can implicitly appear
on equipment. Unlike life, energy shield will quickly regenerate naturally after the
character has not taken any damage for 1 minute. Every class starts with no energy
shield, and gains 5% increased maximum energy shield for every point of Intelligence


Gaining an Energy Shield: At second level you gain an Energy Shield, the energy
shield is equal to your Constitution Score. Furthermore, you will gain +15, +10, or +5
based on what class you belong to; all full Melee gain +5, all full Magic gain +15, all
others gain +10.

Damage Mitigation: If the character has any energy shield remaining when
damage is taken, that damage is inflicted on energy shield first. Physical damage
reductions and elemental resistances applies to damage before it is deducted from
energy shield. Damage is only applied to life once all energy shield is depleted. The
exception to this is Chaos damage, which bypasses the energy shield.

Energy shield Recharge Rate: The default rate is 5 points per round and will
continue to recharge until the energy shield is full or if the character takes damage. The
recharge rate can be increased with +# increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
modifiers, and can be filled by use of Energy Shield Potions.

Rare Artifacts pertaining to Energy Shield and Life

Several artifacts exist which allow the user to heal both Life and Energy Shield. They
are usually potion bottles with high levels of magic and/or psionic power used to craft a
specific +# Life and Energy Shield recovery. The Soma Bottle crafted by Enui Soma for
the Monastery at Gran March is known to recharge 20 points of Life and Energy Shield
3 times per day. It is to this day used by His Holiness Bishop Poul Eunrii.
Additionally, and occasionally standard items get twisted either by experiment or
accident but grant differential recharge. The Recattic Bracer of Fire crafted and used by
Arch-Mage Pinethint was supposed to grant an additional 1d6 fire damage to any
weapon used in that hand, unfortunately some of the materials being used in crafting
was chaos bent and thus the bracer instead deals but 1d3 fire damage with any staff,
club or mace used in that hand, but it also recharges 2 life and 5 energy shields
anytime said weapon successfully deals at least 1 point of damage to a foe.

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