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Novel :- Fyodor dostoyevsky : notes from the underground

Biography of writer:-
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in full Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky, Dostoyevsky also spelled
Dostoevsky, (born November 11 [October 30, Old Style], 1821, Moscow, Russia—died February
9 [January 28, Old Style], 1881, St. Petersburg), Russian novelist and short-story writer whose
psychological penetration into the darkest recesses of the human heart, together with his
unsurpassed moments of illumination, had an immense influence on 20th-century fiction.
Dostoyevsky is usually regarded as one of the finest novelists who ever lived. Literary
modernism, existentialism, and various schools of psychology, theology, and literary criticism
have been profoundly shaped by his ideas. In his time he was also renowned for his activity as
a journalist.

Setting :-
The novel Notes from Underground takes place in the city of St. Petersburg, which was
originally known as Leningrad, during nineteenth-century Russia. Unlike many European cities,
St. Petersburg has a relatively short history as it was founded in the early eighteenth century by
Peter the Great. With the purpose of serving as the capital, St. Petersburg was meticulously
designed to exude grandeur. Its streets were laid out with symmetry, while the city featured
magnificent palaces constructed by Italian and French architects. By the time the story unfolds
in the nineteenth century, St. Petersburg had transformed into a bustling metropolis situated on
the Gulf of Finland.

Themes :-

A.) Major Theme

The major theme in the book is the misery caused when a person feels alienated and isolated
from the world. The central character of the book, the underground man, has divorced himself
from society, from reality, and even at times from himself. Since he has never felt love or found
acceptance, he has become inhuman, inspiring mockery or hatred in everyone he encounters.
Because he lives in the big, impersonal city of St. Petersburg, it is easy for him to hide away
from life, living in an underground world of fantasy and misery.

B) Minor Theme:-

The minor theme of the book is the power of mankind to inflict destruction and despair. The
underground man inflicts pain on Liza when he offers to help her and then rejects her; after
having sex with her when she comes to his house, he sends her away a crushed and broken
woman. The narrator also inflicts pain and destruction on himself. Ironically, the pain of his
self-destruction makes him feel alive.

Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground" has been critically analyzed for its
profound exploration of various themes. One notable aspect is its connection to existentialism,
as the novella delves into the narrator's existential crisis, grappling with the absurdity and lack of
meaning in life. Dostoevsky also examines alienation, portraying the underground man's
self-imposed isolation from society due to his intellectual superiority. This complex protagonist
serves as a representative of the conflicted nature of humanity, embodying both intelligence and
self-destructiveness, ultimately symbolizing the duality of the human psyche. Moreover,
Dostoevsky offers a social critique by challenging the emerging rationalistic and utilitarian
philosophies of his time, arguing that they dehumanize individuals and breed hopelessness.
Additionally, the underground man's erratic behavior and contradictory desires shed light on the
irrational aspects of human motivation and desire. Dostoevsky's psychological exploration of the
character provides valuable insights into the torment of the human mind. Lastly, his distinctive
writing style, characterized by introspective monologues and a focus on psychological realism,
is prominently displayed throughout the work.

Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground" revolves around the life of the
protagonist, known as the Underground Man. In the introduction, the former civil servant
provides insights into his existence in St. Petersburg's underground and shares his thoughts.
The first part delves into the Underground Man's contemplation of his bitterness, alienation, and
discontent with society, as he rejects rationalism and embraces his contradictory nature.
Recalling a past incident in part two, he recounts insulting an officer named Zverkov but failing
to establish his superiority. Furthermore, the Underground Man fantasizes about a society where
predictability reigns in part three, delivering a critique on utopian ideals and the concept of a
"crystal palace." In part four, he attempts a "heroic" act by insulting Zverkov and his friends at a
dinner party, which ultimately results in further isolation and humiliation. The conclusion finds the
Underground Man contemplating his inability to escape his own irrationality, conveying a sense
of despair and hopelessness. Throughout the novella, the narrative primarily focuses on the
protagonist's introspection, interactions with others, and intense philosophical conflicts with
society, all highlighting his isolation, bitterness, and existential struggles.

The Underground Man:
The anonymous narrator & protagonist of mortal the Underground Man is a minor civil
servant living in the 19th Century. Saint petersburg ; who has retired corp into war he cases the
"Underground" A state of local alienation (lonely) isolation. society. Severely missan throack,
the underground man believe himself to be more intelligent & perceptive than most other people
in world, but he also describes himself and frequently feel himself to be inferior for humiliated,
we see au of the events & characters from underground man's skewed perspective.

A young prostitute whom the underground. try to rescue after slipping with her at a pothole.
Liza is somewhat shy & innocent despite her profession and she responds emotionally to the
Underground Man's efforts to convince her of the error of her ways. She is naturally loving &
sympathetic, but she also has a Sense of pride & nobility.

A former schoolmate of the Underground Man, the only one with whom the Underground man
currently maintains a relationship. The Underground Man sees Simonev as an honest, inde-
-Pendent man who is less narrow-minded than most people. Nonetheless the underground Man
also suspects that Simoneu despises him & finds his friendship burdensome.

A friend of Simonov's and another former schoolmate of the Underground Man. Zverkov is a
successful officer in the army & well liked by his friends. The Underground Man hated Zverkou
during their school days, considering him to be coarse, boastful & stupid. He is also jealous of
Zverkov's wealth, confidence & popularity.

Ferfichkini :-
Another of the Underground Man's former schoolmate admirer of Zverkov. In School, ferfichkin
was the Underground Man's "bitterest enemy." The Underground Man describes Ferfichkin as
impudent, foolish & cowardly & notes that Ferfichkin frequently borrows. borrows money from

Trudo lyubov :-
Another former Schoolmate of the Underground Man & a distant relation of Zuerkov's.
Trudolyubov is an honest man who treats the Underground Man with some degree of
Politeness. Nonetheless, he considers the Underground Man to be ""nothing" & worships
success of all kinds.

The Underground Man's elderly servant. Aposson lives with the Underground Man & performs
household tasks for him Somewhat grudgingly. The Underground Man thinks that Apollon is
constantly judging him, & that he is unforgivably vain. The Underground Man hates the way
Apollon looks & talks.

Anton Antonych Setochkin-

The head of Underground Man's department in the minist Anton Antonych '' is the closest
thing to a friend that the Underground Man has. The Underground Man occasionally borrows
money from Anton Antonych & visits his home on Tuesday when he has an urge to be social.

The Officers :-
A military officer who treats the Underground Man dismissively in a tavern one night, thereby
making himself the object of desire for revenge for the Underground Man's obsessive desire for
Several years. The Underground Man resents the officer for his rank, wealth, physical prowess,
& confidence but is also intimidated by him for these same reasons & therefore.can never make
a move against him.

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