Expressing Likes and Dislikes

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I love eating I don’t like eating

soup! soup!

I like helping you,

Mum! I hate staying
at home! I hate staying
at home!

like, don’t like, love, hate

doing something

A. Read the sentences above and notice that when we want to say we like or
dislike doing something we use an –ing form.

don’t/doesn’t like
+ -ing form

B. Your first task is to write the correct –ing form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi, there! I’m Michael and

you can see me in the picture
feeding the swans.
My family and I love
(1)______________ (go) to the

park at weekends. We like

(2)______________ (have) picnics

and love (3)______________ (be)

near the animals. My father hates
(4)______________ (cook) and my

mother likes (5)______________

(make) sandwiches for all. My
sister and I love ______________ (play) around in the park and (7)______________

(feed) the animals. My mother doesn’t like (8)______________ (lie) on a blanket so she
always likes (9)______________ (bring) a tablecloth and loves (10)______________
(watch) us while we play. The park is a very relaxing place because we love
(11)______________ (listen) to the birds singing and we like (12)______________ (watch)

the little rabbits running around. We all like the park mainly because we love
(13)______________ (be) outdoors and (14)______________ (feel) free.
C. Look at the table below and tick ( 3) what YOU like, don’t like, love and hate
like don’t like love hate
Mary YOU Mary YOU Mary YOU Mary YOU
go to the dentist 3
study Maths 3
listen to music 3
clean the room 3
play computer games 3
D. Now write sentences about Mary and you. Follow the example.

1. Mary doesn’t like going to the dentist. .

2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. I _______________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________________

E. Look at the example and write questions and answers.

1. Mr Clark / work with computers 2. Janet/ eat apples

(like) Does Mr Clark like working with computers? (like) __________________________________
(No, hate) No, he hates working with computers. (Yes, love) _____________________________

3. the children / play football 4. the boy / go to the doctor

(like) __________________________________ (like) __________________________________
(Yes, like) ______________________________ (No, not like) ___________________________
5. Lucy / read books 6. Mrs Williams / touch mice
(like) __________________________________ (like) __________________________________
(Yes, love)______________________________ (No, hate)______________________________

7. Mike / do his homework 8. The girls / jump the rope

(like) __________________________________ (like) __________________________________
(No, not like) ___________________________ (Yes, like) ______________________________

F. Now your final task is to write sentences saying what YOU and some
teenagers like and dislike. Look at the table below and follow the example.

listen to music study Maths send e-mails draw pictures

Peter 3 8 3 8
Laura 8 3 8 3
Jim 8 3 3 8
Chris, Jill and Chloe 3 8 8 3

1. Peter likes listening to music and sending e-mails but he doesn’t like studying Maths or
drawing pictures. .
2. Laura _____________________________________________________________________
3. Jim ______________________________________________________________________
4. Chris, Jill and Chloe _________________________________________________________
5. I _________________________________________________________________________

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