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Addis Software Test Project

This test project will determine your ability as a frontend developer. Develop your
application based on the instructions given below. For a mock REST API, you can either use
JSONPlaceholder or run your own backend with a chosen technology. You need to integrate
the frontend and backend (API) with each other to make it a Full Stack Application.

The frontend part of your app should primarily show a list of songs and enable clients to
create, update, and delete songs. It should utilize the REST API to fulfill the functionalities.

Use the technologies below to create your frontend web application.
● ReactJS: To build your user interface.
● Redux Toolkit: To manage the state of your app. You should first read about redux
to learn the core concepts.
● Redux - Saga: To make calls to your REST API.
● Emotion and Styled system: To style your app.

1. Host your application on free platforms like netlify or vercel.

Note: The code needs to be pushed to a public git repository.

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