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18/01/2020 Sophos XG Firewall: How to re-image the appliance - Sophos Community

Sophos XG Firewall: How to re-image the appliance

126906 2 oct. 2018 16 personnes ont jugé ceci utile

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This article describes the steps to re-image a Sophos XG Firewall appliance.

Important note: Re-imaging will destroy all the data on the Sophos XG Firewall, so ensure that you
have created and saved a recent configuration backup.

In the following steps, we will be using a bootable USB flash drive to re-image the Sophos XG Firewall.

The following sections are covered:

What to do
Download and burn an ISO image to a bootable USB flash drive
Steps to re-image your appliance
Feedback and contact

Applies to the following Sophos products and versions

Sophos Firewall

What to do

Download and burn an ISO image to a bootable USB flash drive

Download the required version of your Sophos XG Firewall from MySophos portal. Go to Network
Protection > Download Installers and select the download for your type of XG Firewall whether it is a
Hardware, Virtual or Software Installers. 1/9
18/01/2020 Sophos XG Firewall: How to re-image the appliance - Sophos Community

Download Etcher, a free tool to make a bootable USB flash drive.

Run Etcher and accept the license agreement.

Insert a USB flash drive into your computer. 2/9
18/01/2020 Sophos XG Firewall: How to re-image the appliance - Sophos Community

Note: The USB flash disk will be formatted and all its existing content will be lost.

Select the image downloaded earlier.

Click on Flash!.

Wait until the flashing and validating process is completed. 3/9
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Steps to re-image your appliance

Note: The following procedure will permanently delete your existing data on the appliance.

1. Power-off Sophos Firewall appliance.

2. Optionally plug a SVGA monitor to the SVGA port of your appliance. This step will help monitor the installation
process. If the Sophos Firewall doesn't have a VGA port, the installation process can be monitored using the
LCD panel.
3. Plug in the bootable USB flash drive created earlier.
4. Power-on the Sophos Firewall appliance.
5. Make sure that USB key is the first boot option in the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, press Delete key when the
appliance is booting. 5/9
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6. Save and exit from the BIOS, the appliance will reboot. 6/9
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7. The installer starts to re-image the appliance.

8. Monitor the installation progress. 7/9
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9. Once the firmware is installed, remove the USB flash disk and type y to reboot.

10. Once the installation is complete, default factory values are set on the device.

11. You can now login to the newly installed firmware and restore your configuration as required.

Feedback and contact

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Cet article apparaît dans les sujets suivants

XG Firewall > Sophos Firewall > System

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18/01/2020 Sophos XG Firewall: How to re-image the appliance - Sophos Community

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