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TENTH WEEK OF DISCUSSIONS (MARCH 27-28, 2019) specified in the next preceding article, if committed by a domestic
servant, or with grave abuse of confidence, or if the property stolen is
TITLE 10 – CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY motor vehicle, mail matter or large cattle or consists of coconuts taken
from the premises of a plantation, fish taken from a fishpond or fishery
or if property is taken on the occasion of fire, earthquake, typhoon,
THEFT, QUALIFIED THEFT AND ROBBERY volcanic eruption, or any other calamity, vehicular accident or civil
 Taking of personal property  Coconut in a plantation (if in the carbon – only simple theft)
 Belonging to another  Fish in a fishpond (if in the carbon – only simple theft)
 With intent to gain
 Without consent How about shrimp in the fishpond?
Reyes said we should apply ejusdem generis because they belong in
the same kind. But penal laws are interpreted strictly; hence it cannot
THEFT has four elements: include what has not been included by the legislators.
1. Taking of personal property
2. Belonging to another  For motor vehicles – we should take into consideration the
3. With intent to gain special laws such as carnapping law.
4. Without consent
These elements will become qualified depending on who took and
Theft will become robbery depending on the “how” or manner or what was taken and it will become robbery as to how taking was done.
means used in order to obtain.
It will become ROBBERY if:
1. There is violence or intimidation against persons
 What is meant by “taking”?
2. Force upon things
o It is not necessary that the property be
a) Inhabited place
actually carried away out of the physical
b) Uninhabited place
possession of the possessor or that he should
have made his escape with it. Neither
QUALIFIED THEFT asportation nor actual manual possession of
the property be required. Constructive
 Penalty is 2 degrees higher: possession of the thief of the property is
 Committed by domestic servant; or enough.
 With grave abuse of confidence; or o Laurel v. Abrogar GR 155076 Feb. 27, 2006
 Property stolen is mail matter; or  Thus, there can be no Frustrated Theft
 Coconuts taken from plantation; or  Valenzuela v. PP June 21, 2007; Canceran
 Fish taken from fishpond or fishery; or V. PP, July 1, 2015
 Property taken on occasion of earthquake, fire,
typhoon, volcanic eruption, or any other calamity,
Even intangibles can be subject of taking, misappropriation, or estafa.
vehicular accident or civil disturbance
Mere taking control of the thing will already consummate the crime.
Ergo, no frustrated theft or frustrated qualified theft.
The same sets of elements will become QUALIFIED THEFT
depending on who committed the theft that is either: Q: Is there still frustrated robbery?
a) By a domestic servant; or
b) By a person to whom the trust and confidence of the victim
has been reposed. NO MORE FRUSTRATED THEFT

The penalty will graduate two degrees higher. It also answers the  Valenzuela v. Pp 552, Phil 381, June 21, 2007
question of what the thing taken is.  Accused stole boxes of detergent from a supermarket,
but security guards were able to apprehend them.

QUALIFIED THEFT OF COCONUTS  The ability of the offender to freely dispose of the
property stolen is not an element of the crime of theft.
 Empelis & Cabungco v. IAC GR-L 66136, Sept. 28, Judicial interpretation of penal laws should be aligned
1984, take note of Valenzuela v. Pp, June 21, 2007) with what was the evident legislative intent, as
 Coconuts taken within the premises of a plantation expressed in the language of the law.

 Coconuts may be stolen while still in the tree or  Accused committed Consummated Theft, but convicted
deposited on the ground within premises only for Attempted Theft because charges were for
Frustrated Theft.
 Crime is Frustrated Qualified Theft as accused was
seen carrying away coconuts while in the premises of
the plantation, but was not able to carry the coconuts For theft, there is no more frustrated. So when there is a taking or
away from the plantation due to the timely arrival of the physical handling or control over the thing, then the crime is already
owner. (This would now have been Consummated consummated.
Qualified Theft in view of Valenzuela)
In this case, the case filed was frustrated. The SC said that no more
frustrated theft. But here he could not be convicted with consummated.
Art. 310. Qualified theft. — The crime of theft shall be punished by The crime was consummated but he cannot be convicted with it
the penalties next higher by two degrees than those respectively

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because he was charged only for frustrated. So he was convicted only

for attempted.  What is meant by “with intent to gain”?
 This specific criminal intent (animus furandi, the intent to
deprive another of his ownership/possession) must exist
Canceran v. Pp GR 206442, July 1, 2015 apart from and concurrently with the genera criminal
intent of dolo (dolus malus)
 Accused stole boxes of Ponds cream from a  Laurel v. Abrogar GR 155076 Feb. 27, 2006
supermarket, but security guards were able to
apprehend them.
 Valenzuela ruling was reiterated.
Specific criminal intent refers to the intent to deprive another of his
 Accused committed Consummated Theft, but convicted ownership or possession. This is a specific criminal intent which must
for Attempted Theft because charges were for exist together with the general criminal intent.
Frustrated Theft.
So there is no such this as culpa in theft.


The Supreme Court said that the crime committed was frustrated
 Personal property does not necessarily mean “tangible” qualified theft because he was still in the plantation. Kung makagawas
 Electricity may be pilfered, though there is a special nalang siya sa plantation, theft nalang.
penal law (RA 7832) on Anti-Electricity Pilferage that
specifically covers it.  Naa pa sa lubi: QUALIFIED THEFT
 Business interest is a personal property capable of  Ig-naog: FRUSTRATED QUALIFIED THEFT
appropriation  Inig gawas sa plantation: THEFT
 Stocheker v. Ramirez GR 18700, Sept. 26,
 Business of providing telephone services is likewise QUALIFIED THEFT: GRAVE ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE
personal property which can be the object of theft.
 PLDT v. HPS Software, Dec. 10, 2012,  People v. Syou Hu, GR 45765, Jan. 29, 1938
reversing Laurel v. Abrogar GR 155076,
Feb. 27, 2006  Grave abuse of discretion is mere circumstance which
aggravates and qualified the crime. It is not necessary
for said circumstance to be premediated in order to be
The thing taken may be intangible. Until 2012, there was a debate that taken into consideration. Its presence in the commission
should it also consist service. of the crime is sufficient.
T/N: Prior to that, there was a ruling in so far as gas, LPG. LPG is not
capable of manual or physical handling. However, it can be consumed. It does not necessarily have to be deliberately planned to get the
It is a fungible that can be taken and can be misappropriated. confidence as long as there is confidence.
As to Business Interest Not all employees belong to the category of with confidence. There are
only a distinct number of employees who are imposed with trust and
A business interest is a personal property. Under the law, there is an confidence.
enumeration of what are real properties. Ang wa sa enumeration sa
real property, it is considered is as personal property. Example: A cashier would be a person upon whom trust and
confidence is reposed. But an ordinary tindera would not fall in that
Considering that business interest is not in the enumeration under real category. If she takes money then it would be theft, if it’s the cashier
property, it is a personal property. that would be qualified theft.
Discussion of the PLDT Case: Example in Viray where the laborer was paid in a daily basis and was
not allowed even inside the house by himself, he had to destroy the
What was stolen was the services of PLDT. So here, there was this lock doors the crime is robbery not qualified theft. The surprising thing
company wherein they have certain gadget and they would issue is robbery carries a lower penalty than qualified theft. No confidence
certain cards (long distance call cards) to people in Japan (Fiscal is not was reposed upon him.
sure). And then they will place a call and use the facilities of PLDT. But
HPS was paying PLDT for local services.
They skipped some protocols in such a way that the calls will appear
as local calls when in truth an in fact it was long distance calls. PLDT  Pp v. Bustinera, GR 148233, June 8, 2004
says there was theft.  Taxi driver failed to return his taxi.

SC said services can be the subject of theft. Business involving public  Art. 310 has been modified with respect to certain
utilities can be a subject of theft. It belongs to the classification of vehicles. “When statutes are in pari materia or when
personal property that can be taken. they relate to the same person or thing or cover the
same specific matter, or have the same purpose or
object, the rule dictates that they should be construed
 Accused who was charged for Qualified Theft was
convicted for Carnapping.

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QUALIFIED THEFT: MOTOR VEHICLE  Where only the material possession is transferred,
conversion of the property gives rise to the crime of
 Paramount Ins. v Remondeulaz, Nov. 28, 2012 theft; where both material and juridical possessions are
 The car was entrusted by the owners to a car accessory transferred, misappropriation of the property would
expert for the purpose of adding accessories and constitute estafa; and when in addition to the material
improvements. The latter did not return it after the possession, the ownership of the property is transferred,
agreed 3 days. Is there Qualified Theft when the car was misappropriation would only give rise to a civil
entrusted and not “taken without owner’s consent”? obligation.
 Theft can also be committed by misappropriation when o PP v. Aquino, 36 Off Gaz. 1886
the accused did not have juridical possession.

In Bustinera, The taxi driver was entrusted with the taxi. The CRIME WHEN WHAT IS TRANSFERRED IS:
agreement was that after a certain period, he will return the taxi. He did
not. In this kind of cases, although there was receiving, he did not take;  Physical and material possession – Theft or Qualified
Theft (e.g. Bank Teller, store clerk, PP v. Lacson)
In Remondeulaz, that when the case was only supposed to be in the  Juridical possession – where the delivery of the goods
possession of the offender for 3 days and he did not return it, there is to be sold on commission involved a transfer of juridical
now taking without owners consent. possession thereof, the crime resulting from the
misappropriation of the goods or of the proceeds thereof
So even if actually he did not take it. It was received by him and it was would be estafa and not theft, simple or qualified.
entrusted to him. Here SC said that the crime is qualified theft because  Ownership – there is only civil liability
it involves a motor vehicle, never mind that it came to the possession
because it was given entrusted to him.
One way of committing estafa if by abuse of confidence, one way of
So it would seem to be that SC was so focused on the issue of taking. committing qualified theft is also by abuse of confidence. So what’s the
The issue here was taking the element of taking. The SC said, the difference then?
taking need not necessarily that you have to get it. It could include
property being entrusted. In which case there is no taking but The difference would be in the nature of the possession. (more on this
receiving. when we discuss about estafa)

But it would seem that the SC forgot on the law of carnapping. If the
thing or object is a motor vehicle. We do not apply anymore qualified
theft. In Bustinera the issue was not taking, it was not the focus. Here
 Robbery is the taking of personal property belonging to
focus was what law applies. Should it be Art. 310 or Qualified Theft or
another, with intent to gain, by means of violence
should it be carnapping. SC said that RPC on Qualified Theft has been
against, or intimidation of any person, or using force
modified with respect to certain vehicles.
upon things.
So if the vehicle is a land based vehicle, motorized land based vehicle,
the appropriate or proper law is the law on carnapping. Same elements as in theft but it becomes robbery depending on the
manner of commission or how the taking was done.
If statutes are in pari materia, involving the same subject matter, or
when they relate to the same person, or cover the same specific
matter, the rule dictates that they should be construed together. And so CLASSIFICATIONS OF ROBBERY:
they can stand together. Meaning that carnapping is only for those
motorized vehicles on land. 1. Robbery with violence against or intimidation of
persons (Arts. 294, 297 & 298);
In Bustenira the accused was charged for qualified theft. But he was 2. Robbery by the use of force upon things (Arts. 299 &
convicted for carnapping. Why? Because the body of the information 302)
states the same acts punished in the carnapping law. So he can still be
convicted even if it was not the designation in the information because  What if both circumstances are present in a
what matters is the body, the allegation in the information. robbery?

Therefore, if the question is what law shall apply, even if Bustinera is

older than Remon, with respect to the law it should be carnapping. If Which of the two kinds of robbery is the graver or the more
the issue is whether there is taking or not, or whether the crime should serious?
be estafa or theft, in this case theft will not be punished under 310 but
under carnapping. We refer to Remondeulaz but only to the nature of SC decided that between the two kinds, the more serious is the
the possession. robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons.

But what if both circumstances are present?

With the amendment of the RPC, there is no need to apply the Napolis
 When there is Theft even if property was received, case anymore. Since the amount involved in robbery has been
not taken: increased, it is likely that if the courts will apply the penalty of robbery
with violence against or intimidation of persons, the penalty will already
Whether the offender, on receiving the property, acquired: be higher. No more need of the complexing.

1. Material possession alone; or

2. Material and juridical possession; or
3. Material and juridical possession plus the ownership.

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 As to Robbery with violence or intimidation of persons –  There is no Robbery in band with Murder; Robbery with
from the moment the offender gains possession of the Multiple Homicides or Robbery with Homicide in band.
thing, even if the culprit has had no opportunity to  The band or the qualifying circumstance to Murder will
dispose of the same. only constitute an ordinary aggravating circumstance in
 As to Robbery with force upon things – the thing must this special complex crime.
be taken out of the building/premises to consummate
the crime.
Special complex crimes are indivisible.

 Therefore, even if 5 people died, the crime will just be

SINGLE LARCENY DOCTRINE robbery with homicide.

 Robberies/Thefts committed upon different victims on  If 5 people died and 3 people were raped in the course of the
the same occasion and in the same place constitute only robbery, robbery being the main purpose, the crime will just
1 crime. These are incidents to only 1 criminal intent. be robbery with homicide. Because the crime is single and
 If committed in different house belonging to different indivisible, you cannot change the name.
victims, there are as many Robberies or Thefts as there
are incidents. Serious physical injuries here is generic in a sense that we do not take
into consideration the presence or absence of intent to kill.
Here, if there are repetitive acts of taking, under one single criminal So even if there is intent to kill, we do not call the crime robbery with
intent, it will only result in one simple crime. Not complexed. frustrated homicide. It will still be robbery with serious physical injuries.
So, it is generic only insofar as the intent to kill is concerned.
 Santiago v. Garchitorena, GR 109266, Dec. 2, 1993
NOT GENERIC insofar as the nature of the injuries is concerned,
 The trend in theft case is to follow the “single larceny”
because the injury must be serious. Because if not serious, not
doctrine, the taking of several things, whether belonging
anymore be a special complex crime.
to the same or different owners, at the time and place
constitutes but one larceny.
 Many courts have abandoned the “separate larceny FOR ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE – all conspirators are
doctrine,” under which there are distinct larceny as to liable for the Homicide which is a “foreseeable offense”
the property of each victim. in Robbery. (Regalado).
 All that is needed to be proven is that there was a
conspiracy to commit the robbery. (PP v. Lascuna,

1. Robbery with Homicide;

2. Robbery with Rape; FOR ROBBERY WITH RAPE BY A BAND – Art. 296
3. Robbery with Mutilation; (2) applies. Rape being an “unforeseeable offense” in
4. Robbery with Serious Physical Injuries; Robbery, only band members who committed the rape
(any person) or who knew of the rape but did not prevent the same
a. Insane, imbecile, impotent, blind can be held liable. (Regalado)
b. Lost use of speech, hear, smell; lost an eye, hand,  Other band members will only be liable for Robbery in
foot, arm, leg or use thereof, or incapacitated for Band.
work that he was habitually engaged in  This was applied in PP v. Canturia (non-participants
(injuries inflicted on person not responsible for its who did not know were not held liable); and in PP v.
commission) Pizzaras, Oct. 30, 1981 (one who held the legs but did
not rape was held liable).
c. Deformity
d. More than 30 days
5. Robbery with physical injuries by band What important is that the main purpose is robbery. If not, we do not
6. Attempted (or frustrated?) Robbery with Homicide special complex.
7. Robbery with Arson under RA 7659
Take note that in Robbery with Serious Physical Injuries in a or b
above, the victim may be ANY PERSON. But if the injury inflicted is c  So if the main purpose is to kill then afterwards the personal
or d, the victim must NOT BE A CO-ROBBER. belongings are taken. The crime is MURDER and THEFT.

 Therefore if 5 people were killed (intention is to kill) – 5

ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE counts of murder.

 Generic interpretation of homicide in complex crimes of  If the main intention is to rob and 5 people were killed –
Robbery one robbery with homicide.
 There is Robbery with Homicide even if the killing was
not premeditated. What is determinative is the killing  Rape AND Murder AND Theft – If the main purpose is to kill
took place “by reason or on the occasion of” the and before killing the victim was raped and then taking
robbery. robbed.

 Special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide (rape

aggravating) – Main purpose was to rob and the victim was

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killed as well as valuables were taken and the victim was The victim were robbed by the accused. Two of the accused raped the
raped. victim. The case said that once it is established that the main purpose
is not to rape but to rob and there is rape committed – special complex
 Special Complex Crime of Robbery with Rape – if the crime, everybody is liable even if they did not agree on the rape.
purpose is to rob and the woman was raped 5 times
So long as they were present and did not do anything to prevent it, the
 Forcible Abduction AND 4 counts of rape – Woman was rape is act of one is the act of all is not only limited to crimes agreed
taken first with lewd design and thereafter raped 5 times, upon and crimes foreseeable.
there will be an ordinary complex crime. And in ordinary
complex crime you can have as many crimes as there are
acts or victims, you will still have 5 crimes.  Celerino Chua v. PP GR 172193, Dec. 7, 2017
 Although Chua was not present during the Robbery and
Everybody will be liable for all other crimes even if not the subject of Carnapping, he was found guilty for both, being the
robbery when it is committed by a band. mastermind and conspirator.

If there are other crimes committed that are not agreed upon,
everybody in the band will be liable if they were PRESENT AND THEY
 In this case, the argument of the court seems to reiterate
the ruling that once conspiracy is proven, every
conspirator, including those who were not present, are
liable for injuries inflicted even if not previously agreed
upon. However, the crime here was not a special
complex crime as the injuries were only less serious.
The law specifies robbery by a band but SC, in several cases, that the
same law can also be applied when the crime is a special complex
crime. So the robbery by a band provision is given application in other
Special Complex Crime like Kidnapping with Rape or Homicide. ROBBERY WITH RAPE, ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE

Even if there is no band provided that the crime is single and  The true intent must be determined – which is to commit
indivisible. the Robbery. This must precede the Rape or Homicide.
 If otherwise, there will be two separate crimes of
Robbery and Rape or Theft and Homicide or Murder.
FOR ROBBERY WITH RAPE:  Robbery cannot anymore be committed after the victim
 In PP v. Mendoza, July 9, 1998, citing US v. Tiongco, is killed. He cannot anymore be “intimidated”.
the conspirators who was not present during the rape  There is no complex crime of Robbery with Attempted
was held liable for the rape because there was proof of Rape.
conspiracy to rob.  Even if the victim of Rape marries the rapist, the crime
 Mendoza cannot seek sanctuary in our jurisprudence of Robbery with Rape will not change.
that where there is no evidence that the accused was
aware of his co-accused’s (lustful intent and his
consummation thereof so that he could have attempted Even if he was not present in the place where the crime is committed,
to prevent the same, the former should be held only for but because he was the mastermind, he was found him guilty even for
robbery and not for the rape. other crimes that are not subject of conspiracy.

In robbery cases, it is the intent or main purpose is important.

In a special complex crime, you can have multiple people killed and
several raped – one special complex crime with one penalty. If it is robbery with rape, rape can be committed before or after the
taking. What comes first is not important factor. The important factor is
what is the main purpose of the accused. If the main purpose is to rob:
COMPLEXING AND CONSPIRACY robbery with rape. If the main purpose is to rape: rape and robbery.
 In the newer case of PP v. Suyu, GR 170191 Aug. 16,
2006, Willy and Clarissa were held up by 4 accused. ROBBERY, HOMICIDE, RAPE
Then 2 accused committed rape by sexual assault
intercourse on Clarissa and 1 accused committed rape  Pp v. Tapales, GR L-35281, Sept. 10, 1979
by sexual assault.  When Rape and Homicide co-exist in the
 Once conspiracy is established, accused would all be commission of Robbery, it is Art. 294 (1) which
equally culpable for the rape committed by any of them applies, the Rape to be considered as an
on the occasion of the robbery, unless any of them aggravating circumstance.
proves that je endeavored to prevent the other from  While there may have been an appreciable interval of
committing rape. time between the robbery and the killing and the rape,
there was a direct relation, an intimate connection
between them such that it can be stated that is was by
reason or on occasion of the robbery that Homicide and
 PP v. Suyu Rape were committed.
 Although 2 people committed rape by sexual
intercourse, there is only 1 single and indivisible felony
of Robbery with Rape and any crimes committed on the
occasion and by reason of the robbery are merged and TAPALES CASE:
integrated into a single and indivisible felony of Robbery
with Rape. When rape and homicide co-exist in the commission of robbery, rape is
only aggravating circumstance because the crime is designated as
In the case of Soyu, for example: robbery with homicide.

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2. PD 532
PD 532
 Pp v. Napud, Jr. GR 123058, Sept. 26, 2001
 RAPE MAY BE COMMITTED BEFORE, DURING OR Under PD 532, it is not necessary there is band or group of robbers. In
AFTER THE ROBBERY – when appellant forcibly highway robbery, the robbery must be indiscriminate which means that
entered the chicken coop and took the chickens, anybody who is in the highway can be the victim. The place is part of
while his confederate was threatening the victims, the element of the crime.
he committed the crime of robbery.
Though robbery appears to have preceded the rape of Evelyn, it is
enough that robbery shall been accompanied by rape to be In brigandage under RPC, it is not indiscriminate. The place has no
punished under the RPC for the Code does not differentiate relevant or bearing.
whether the rape was committed before, during, or after the
robbery. Note: Mere conspiracy to commit robbery is already crime

Rape can be committed before, after and during the robbery. What is This is one of the instances where the conspiracy is already a crime
the important is that the main purpose is to rob. and therefore punishable. Because we said that the conspiracy that is
already a crime is when there is conspiracy to commit treason,
rebellion, etc. Because in brigandage, it is not required that the crime is
CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY committed. The mere formation of group to commit robbery is already
 Pp v. Porcare, GR L-37235, Feb. 5, 1983
 Robbery with rape is a crime against property.
 Same also with Rape with Homicide. Here, treachery ESTAFA
can be appreciated as aggravating, even if ordinarily this
circumstance only applies to crimes against persons. A. Defraudation by abuse of confidence or by means of
 Modes of commission:
The Robbery with rape and robbery with homicide are both crimes 1. With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence;
against property. SPL involving robbery are crimes against property. 2. By means of false pretenses or fraudulent
Even if crimes against property, there are certain aggravating acts;
circumstances that may apply. 3. Through fraudulent means

Relevance of this is for instance, recidivism can be appreciated

because they are under the same title. However, No recidivism can be B. Damage or prejudice of pecuniary estimation is
appreciated if the first crime is rape, and the next crime committed is caused to the victim
robbery with rape.

Two main elements of Estafa

ROBBERY WITH ARSON – RA 7659 1. Fraud or abuse of confidence
2. Damage
 There can only be Robbery with Arson under RA 7659 if
there is, in this order: Note: There are specific acts of estafa.
o No Robbery with Homicide
o No Robbery with Rape Estafa is punishable not only under Art. 315 but until Article 318, RPC.
o No Robbery with Intentional Mutilation
There is also estafa punished as special penal law. This syndicated
There can only be Robbery with arson under PD 7659 (special penal Estafa is the only estafa where the penalty can reach up to reclusion
law) if there is NO robbery with homicide, rape, etc perpetua.

Example: If main purpose is to rob, and someone is killed and a house ESTAFA UNDER RPC
is burn. The crime is robbery with homicide. (Not robbery with arson) This provides for a generic definition of estafa with two main elements.
But there are also Specific acts of estafa which have their own specific
elements as well
Three Modes of commission under Article 315:
o Brigandage in the RPC – mere formation of the group 1. Unfaithfulness/ abuse of confidence
is punished; can only be committed by 4 or more armed 2. False pretenses/ fraudulent acts
persons 3. Fraudulent means
o Brigandage/Highway Robbery in PD 532 – the actual
robbery is punished; maybe committed by only 1 person; These three constitute fraud. Defraudation may embrace two and
robbery must be indiscriminate three. One is abuse of confidence.
o Ordinary Robbery in the highway – committed on the
highway but not indiscriminate Deceit only pertains to number 2. The importance is this because there
are cases where one is sued under number 1, but convicted under
number 2.

Note: PD 532 is not listed in the Bar Exam syllabus.

Two laws punishing brigandage or highway robbery:

1. RPC
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Notice of Dishonor. But Notice of Dishonor is only required for Estafa

ESTAFA par. 1 – UNFAITHFULNESS OR ABUSE OF 2(d). It is only unique for 2(d). And of course, BP 22. But for 2D, you
CONFIDENCE need to have a Notice of Dishonor.

o Altering, substance, quantity or quality of anything of Why? Because the criminal liability will not ripen. It will only be in its
value which the offender shall delivery by virtue of an INCIPIENT STAGE. It does not mean to say that it is not
obligation. consummated. It is already consummated.
o Misappropriating or converting xxx property received by
the offender in trust or commission or for administration, Incipient is different from consummated. When you say consummated
or under any obligation involving the duty to deliver or it means that the accused has already performed all the acts of
return the same xxx execution. The accused already performed all the acts of execution but
o Taking advantage of the signature in blank, and by in incipient stage, even if the acts are already consummated, it will not
writing any document above such signature in blank. ripen into a criminal liability; unless, not the accused, but the victim
must still do something more. Insofar as the accused is concerned, he
already performed all the acts of execution. That’s why consummated
CRIMES INVOLVING DOCUMENTS! because he already performed everything. But, so that it will ripen, the
victim, the offended party, must do one more thing.
ART. 298. Any person who, with intent to defraud another, by
means of violence or intimidation, shall compel him to sign, And that is, for 2(d) Estafa, he must give a notice of dishonor. Now,
execute or deliver any public instrument or documents, shall be unless the notice of dishonor is given, which is kind of a grace period,
held guilty of ROBBERY. the criminal liability will not ripen.

ART. 315 (1)(c) ESTAFA by taking undue advantage of the ESTAFA par. 1 – UNFAITHFULNESS OR
signature of the offended party in blank, and by writing any ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE
document above such signature in blank, to the prejudice of the xxx
offended party or of any third person. b. Misappropriating or converting xxx
property received by the offender in trust or
ART. 315 (3)(a) ESTAFA by inducing another by means of deceit commission or for administration, or under
to sign a document. any obligation involving the duty to deliver or
return the same xxx
ART. 315 (3)(c) ESTAFA by removing, concealing or destroying in
whole or in part, any court record, office files, document or any DEMAND REQUIREMENT
other papers.
In Paragraph 1(b), there is misappropriation. There is trust and
ART. 316 OTHER FORMS OF SWINDLING by a person who, to confidence reposed by the victim and by reason of the trust and
the prejudice of another, shall execute any fictitious contract. confidence, the offender receives a personal property with the
obligation to return it and he fails to return it because he
misappropriates. That would be Estafa 1(b). In this kind of Estafa,
there is also the requirement of DEMAND. Without the demand, the
ESTAFA par. 2 – FALSE PRETENSES criminal liability will not ripen. It will be merely in its incipient stage.
o By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to
While we have the 2 general elements of Estafa, there are specific acts
possess, power, influence, qualifications, property,
under each mode. There are 3 modes or means of committing Estafa.
credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions, or
For par. 1, there are 5 acts that constitute Estafa by abuse of
other similar deceits
confidence. For number 2, there are 3 kinds of Estafa by deceit. For
o By altering the quality, fineness or weight of anything
different acts, for different felonies, there are different specific
pertaining to his art or business
o By pretending to have bribed any Government employee
o By post-dating a check, or issuing a check in payment of
But for whatever the kind of Estafa, there must be damage. Without the
an obligation when the offender therein were not
damage, there will be merely ATTEMPTED ESTAFA.
sufficient to cover the amount of the check.
o By obtaining any food, refreshment or accommodation
Qualified Theft or Estafa?
at a hotel, inn, restaurant, boarding house, lodging
house, or apartment house without paying with intent to
So, let’s go to Estafa number 1. Unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence.
We mentioned earlier that when there is abuse of confidence, abuse of
Let us say 1 but convicted under 2. Or maybe 2, you have 5 instances confidence is not only a mode of committing Estafa but it is also a
under paragraph 2. Nga gi file-an for issuance of checks but was mode of committing qualified theft.
convicted under 2(a). Therefore, there may be differences in the
elements. So when is the crime Qualified Theft and when is the crime Estafa?
Because abuse of confidence could be a mode of committing EITHER
ESTAFA par. 2 – FALSE PRETENSES qualified theft or Estafa.
d. By post-dating a check, or issuing a
check in payment of an obligation when the
offender therein were not sufficient to cover
the amount of the check.


For example, in 2(D), for the issuance of checks. When a check is

issued for the payment of an obligation, which is existing, that can give
rise to Estafa. Now, in that kind of Estafa there is the requirement of

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QUALIFIED THEFT: GRAVE ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE If Maria, the owner of the jewelries, tells Juana, “Juana, I have
jewelries. You can do 10 installments.” Anyways, Juana did not make
 People v. Syou Hu, GR 45765, Jan. 29, 1938 the payments and it caused damage to Maria.

 Grave abuse of discretion is mere circumstance which What is the crime?

aggravates and qualified the crime. It is not necessary
for said circumstance to be premediated in order to be None, because we only have a sale. For non-payment, the liability will
taken into consideration. Its presence in the commission only be civil and not criminal.
of the crime is sufficient.
It is the nature of the possession which determines whether the abuse
of the confidence gives rise to the crime of estafa or qualified theft.
It would depend on the nature of the possession. If the nature of the
possession of the offender is merely physical or material possession, Possession is only an issue for 1(B), not an issue for Estafa 2 or 3
then the crime would be merely Qualified Theft. Which actually carries because in Estafa number 2 or 3, if a person pretends to possess a
a higher penalty. property or business and by reason of which he was able to deceive
the victim and caused damage to the victim. The possession now will
But if the possession is juridical in nature in that the offender has not matter if there is deceit.
become the agent of the lawful owner; meaning there is a contract,
then the offender commits Estafa. You will notice that 1(A) – altering substance, quantity or quality of
anything of value which the offender shall deliver by virtue of an
The most basic way of illustrating this is like this: obligation, which is the same in 2(B) – by altering the quality, fineness
or weight of anything pertaining to his art or business, its more or less
Maria is the owner of jewelries and amiga sila ni Juana and because the same.
they are friends she trusted Juana. Maria asked Juana to give the
jewelries to Pedro because Pedro already bought them. Maria said, The difference is the mode of commission:
“Kindly tunul this to Pedro. I will entrust it to you so that you will deliver  In 1(A), the altering was made because of the abuse of
it to Pedro.” Juana did not deliver the jewelry to Pedro. What is the confidence. Nisalig siya nimo na di ka binuangan mupalit ko
crime? The crime would be QUALIFIED THEFT. nimog jewelry and then nagbinuang.
 Whereas in 2(B), the altering was because of the false
Was there abuse of confidence? pretenses. Palit mo ani, rolik ni. Rolik.
Yes. She was entrusted with the thing. There’s no double jeopardy so I don’t think there can be any legal
But what was the nature of her possession?
Q: Is it not a violation of the right of the accused to be informed of
Purely physical. She was not authorized to do anything with the the nature of accusation against him? Since what was alleged
jewelries. She was not authorized to enter into a contract. She was not was Estafa but what was proven was Qualified Theft and he was
authorized to sell. She was merely authorized to deliver. Therefore, her convicted of Qualified theft (graver penalty).
possession is only physical.
Fiscal: Remedy is substitution since there is re-arraignment (impliedly
If Juana sells it to Jose. Jose, if he knew that the thing does not belong Fiscal said it is a violation of the right to be informed).
to Juana, could be liable under the Anti-Fencing Law. Because Juana
was not authorized. Another act constituting estafa is taking advantage of a signature in
blank. In estafa 1 (c) the taking advantage of a signature in blank
So the crime committed by Juana would be qualified theft. There was would constitute estafa but inducing another to sign a document by
physical possession; there was taking; there was no consent; and the deceit is also another kind of esatafa.
taking was made possible because of abuse of confidence.
Now, Maria the owner of the jewelries, trusted Juana and so she said
“Juana, I have pieces of jewelry. You can sell these pieces of jewelry  ESTAFA THROUGH ESTAFA
for me. I will entrust to you these jewelries and you can sell this to
whoever. If you are unable to sell, please return the same jewelry.”
If mangilad ka “pirmahi ni kay maka kobra ka ani” and then you use
Remember that the wording of the law is “the same”. When the that para mag himo kag deed of sale. The crime would be it would be
property is to be returned or there is an obligation to return, it must be
an ordinary complex crime of estafa through estafa! Estafa by inducing
the same thing. But if you sell it, then you have to remit the proceeds.
another by means of deceit to sign a document. As a means, para mo
take advantage ka of the signature in blank. Wa man siyay gi falsify.
ESTAFA QUALIFIED THEFT Nangilad ka kay magpa pirma kag blanko unya imo na gi take
Nature of advantage.
Juridical possession Material possession
Juana misappropriated the thing or the proceeds, what will the
crime be? What you did was you compelled the person to sign. That is robbery!
Compelling a person to sign is robbery by means of violence or
The crime will be estafa. Estafa because there was abuse of intimidation for the purpose of defrauding him. So now you have a
confidence, she was able to receive the thing because there was trust signature and you take advantage of that what is now the crime?
and confidence and there was obligation to return but there was Estafa through robbery (medjo inaudible kay saba si Kerven).
In this kind of estafa, there is an additional element of demand.
Without the demand the criminal liability would only be in its incipient In the case of Yusai (?) there was estafa through theft. He stole a
stage. Thus, if the case is filed without the necessary demand, then the pawnshop receipt nangilad siya sa pawnshop nga “ako to”. SC said it
case will not prosper. was impossible for him na maka ilad if he did not steal the receipt.
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possess, power, influence, qualifications, property, credit, agency,

Q: Why is the Single Impulse Doctrine cannot be applied? business or imaginary transactions, or other similar deceits

A: Simple Impulse doctrine is the exception rather than the General

Rule. So because it is an exception, it is applied in Crimes against ARSON
Person and when there are several acts committed with one intent
(several persons were killed with one intent and there is no Conspiracy  Arson is the malicious burning of property.
e.g The Maguindanao Massacre).
Under Art. 320 RPC, as amended, and PD 1613, Arson is
But the doctrine we apply in Crimes against Property is Single classified into two kinds:
Larceny Doctrine. When crimes against property will not result into a
Complex Crime, the Single Larceny doctrine will result into a simple, 1. Destructive Arson (Art. 320, as amended) and
single crime. 2. Simple or Other cases of arson (PD 1613).

Here, there is one act as a means of committing another.  This classification is based on the kind, character and
location of the property burned, the viciousness of the
It is not single larceny because the latter talks about repetition of the commission thereof, and the peril to life, regardless of
same act which would have been separate crimes except that they the value of the damage caused.
were performed repeatedly under a single criminal intent. So in Single
Larceny, remember the Manok situation lol.
We now have two laws in Arson. We have Article 320 of the Revised
Penal Code and PD 1613. The rest of the provisions in the RPC in
ESTAFA par. 2 – FALSE PRETENSES relation to Arson has been repealed by PD 1613.

a. By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to PD 1613 punishes what we call simple or other kinds of arson. Then
possess, power, influence, qualifications, property, we have Destructive arson which is the only kind of Arson punished
credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions, or under the RPC. But the acts constituting destructive arson are
other similar deceits enumerated not only in Article 320 but also in PD 1613 as well. So
b. By altering the quality, fineness or weight of anything there are two sets. Not all those enumerated in Article 320 are
pertaining to his art or business enumerated in PD 1613 and vice versa. But the only law punishing
c. By pretending to have bribed any Government employee simple Arson is PD 1613.
d. By post-dating a check, or issuing a check in payment of
an obligation when the offender therein was not Arson is a malicious burning of property that is why it has to be
sufficient to cover the amount of the check. INTENTIONAL. If not intentional, it may punished only as damage to
e. By obtaining any food, refreshment or accommodation property.
at a hotel, inn, restaurant, boarding house, lodging
house, or apartment house without paying with intent to Now, the general description of the nature of the two kinds of arson is
defraud. that it is based or its classification is based on the kind, character,
location of the property burned but more precise definition of
destructive arson are those enumerated in the law itself. It is not just
2(D) POSTDATING A CHECK the nature but it must fall in one of the enumerations in the RPC. It
must be one of those. If not one those, then it is not destructive arson.
Do not be misled by the word postdating because it may be an old date
check. What is really important is that a check is drawn or issued, As amended by the death penalty law, when then burning of the
payment upon an obligation (so there must consideration) and the structure results into a death, we do not complex because the law for
check then bounces. In order to constitute Estafa, the law specifically arson already provides for its penalty. It would be simply arson but the
provides that it should be made as a payment for something. SO here, penalty will be different.
the check must be a tool for deceit.
Example: Juan wants to buy a car from Pedro. Pedro cannot give the
car unless Juan gives him check. So the reason why Pedro gave the We mention that when we took up the stages of crimes under Article 6.
car was because of the check. Was it not because of the check, Pedro There can be attempted, frustrated and consummated.
would not have parted with his property. So in essence, if a thing is
given because of the check and it was later on proved that it was a In consummated, even slightest burning will already consummate the
worhles check then there is deceit. And such tool of the deceit was the crime. But the burning, however slight, must be on the structure itself
check. or part of the structure. Because if what is burned is not part of the
structure, it cannot be arson.
Q: What if Juan gave 36 worthless checks for the Car? How many
crimes? So, if a person throws a torch in the building and burned the curtains
but no part of the building is burned, then, it cannot be arson because
A: There is only one criminal intent of deceit so there is only ONE in consummated arson there must be the slightest burning. The case
crime of Estafa but 36 crimes of B.P 22. So these 2 crimes are two may be considered as attempted arson if not all the acts of execution
different things. were performed but if all acts of execution were already done like gi
ligo ug gasolina ang usa ka gasoline station and the structure were not
Q. What if Juan a USC student said Pedro, “I am a USC student. I am burned then it may be frustrated arson.
important than you. I like your car but I don’t have a check right now.
Can you give it to me and I will just issue the check after?” So Juan got But if nasunog ang curtain wala kalahos sa house, then it could not be
the car and 1 month after Juan issued the check but it turned out arson because curtain is not part of the house.
However, there is a contrary opinion on that sa Reyes but hello!!
Is there Estafa? If so, what kind of estafa? curtain is not part of the house, it is only an accessory of the house. It
can only be attempted arson though.
A: There is Estafa but Estafa under 2(A) because he got the car kay
nailad siya. 2(A) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to Would you complex attempted arson with malicious mischief?
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Depends on the value of the curtain. Because if the value of the curtain SIMPLE ARSON
is not so expensive, then it would not be considered less grave. You  Sec. 4 of PD 1613, special aggravating circumstances in
can only complex grave or less grave felonies. Simple Arson, the penalty under Sec. 3 shall be
imposed in its maximum period:
a. If committed with intent to gain;
DESTRUCTIVE ARSON b. If committed for the benefit of another;
 ART. 320 RPC, as amended by RA 7659, contemplates c. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred
the malicious burning of structures, both public and towards the owner or occupant of the property
private, hotel, buildings, edifices, trains, vessels, aircraft, burned; and,
factories and other military, government or commercial d. If committed by a syndicate, or group of 3 or more
establishments by any person or group of persons. This persons.
is heinous crime punishable by reclusion perpetua to  If by reason, or on the occasion of Simple Arson death
death. results, the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death shall
 If as a consequence of the commission of any of the be imposed.
acts penalized under Art. 320, death should result, the
maximum penalty (used to be death) shall be imposed.


 There is no complex crime of arson with (multiple)
 Luminda’s degree of perversity and viciousness homicide.
o Essential characteristics of destructive arson
 If main objective is to burn but death results, ARSON,
o Is shown by the following:
homicide absorbed
a. He and 30 other armed persons
 If objective is to kill by fire, MURDER only
surrounded the house and fired at it;
b. They instigated Angel to burn the Pajero;  If objective is to kill, and afterwards fire is resorted to
c. They were indifferent to the resulting cover up the killing MURDER/HOMICIDE AND ARSON
effects of also burning the house nearby.  PP v. Abayon, GR 204891, Sept 14, 2016
 PP v. Luminda, GR 200954,
Oct. 14, 2015
Nor arson with homicide because homicide will be absorbed.
In the case of Luminda, there were many people and all armed. Their PEOPLE vs. ABAYON
intention is to burn only a car but it resulted to the burning of houses.
The SC said that this is a case of destructive arson. Here, residential If the main objective is to burn, it is only ARSON, even if death results.
houses were burned. If the main objective is to kill by fire or murder; to kill and then
thereafter conceal the corpus delicti by burning the house, the case
In another case, husband was a fight with the wife and the husband would be separate – it could be homicide, murder or arson. Two
threatened to burn the house as he in fact burned the house a few separate crimes.
hours after. With the intention of burning only their house but it resulted
in burning the neighboring houses as well. So, there was already more
 PP v. Malngan, GR 170470, Sept. 26, 2006
The SC said this is not destructive arson and only a simple arson even a. If the main objective is the burning of the building,
though there were many houses that were burned because the but death results, the crime is simply arson, and the
intention was not to burn the other houses but only intended to burn his resulting homicide is absorbed;
own house. b. If the main objective is to kill a person in a building
or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the means to
There are special aggravating circumstances: accomplish such goal, the crime is murder;
1. When the offender is motivated by spite and hatred towards c. If the objective is to kill a particular person, but fire
the owner of the property and the penalty will be imposed in is resorted to as a means to cover up the killing,
its maximum. then there are two separate and distinct crimes
committed – homicide/murder and arson.
In that case, where the husband burned their property resulting in the
burning of other neighboring houses, the SC said that there is no
special aggravating. No spite or hatred. Rather, there is mitigating PEOPLE vs. MALNGAN
circumstance of passion or obfuscation.
If the main objective is the burning, the crime is simply Arson. Same as
Abayon case.

 Under PD 1613, there can be conspiracy in Arson
 Under Art. 320, conspiracy applies

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MALICIOUS MISCHIEF If the son threatened his mother to give him money, that would not be
anymore ABSOLUTORY. There would be no more absolutory cause
Elements: because once there is intimidation, that would not be theft anymore.
1. Offender deliberately caused damage to the property of That would already be ROBBERY, and that is a crime not included in
another; the list.
2. Such act does not constitute arson or other crimes
involving destruction; If mangupit mo's pitaka sa imong mama, okay ra na. Mangayo mo's
3. The act of damaging another’s property was committed imong mama ug kwarta para palit ug dispenser, okay ra na.
merely for the sake of damaging it;
4. There is destruction of the property of another but there
is no misappropriation. Otherwise, it would be theft if he CARUNGCONG v. PP, GR 181409, Feb 11, 2010
gathers the effects of destruction.  Does Art. 332 apply to variations of the crimes
mentioned therein?
 The coverage of Art. 332 is strictly limited to the felonies
If imong gi-guba ang koral sa silingan kay imong isugnod, that would mentioned therein. The plain, categorical and
NOT be malicious mischief, because the purpose is simply not for unmistakable language of the provision shows that it
destroying but there is an intent to gain. If there is intent to gain, the applies exclusively to the simple crimes of theft,
crime would be THEFT. swindling and malicious mischief. It does not apply in
complex crimes.
(A question was asked but I can't hear anything. Sorry)
 Does Art. 332 still apply even with the death of the
Fiscal: I think it was asked in one of the Bar Exams nga ang cow sa common relative by affinity, e.g. crime committed
neighbor iyang gipatay kay it was eating his crops. The cow was eating between in-laws where the spouse is already dead?
his crops so the guy killed the cow; then he gave the meat of the cow
to his neighbor. Then the neighbor cooked the meat and they also took
part in the eating. We already discussed the CARUNGCONG CASE when we were
talking about defense of relatives insofar as the two views on relatives;
The question was what was the crime committed? and in the case, Art. 332 also applies even if the common relative by
affinity is already dead. So if we are talking about brothers and sisters
It cannot be malicious mischief nor theft because there is another law, in law, even if the common relatives by affinity are dead, provided they
which is the cattle rustling law. Under that law, intent to gain is NOT are living together, it still applies to them by virtue of the CONTINUING
necessary, so there can be taking for the purpose of destroying. AFFINITY VIEW.

In view of the PRO REO principle, we interpret the law in favor of the
SPECIAL CAUSES OF MALICIOUS MISCHIEF – ART. 321 accused and strictly against the State.
1. Causing damage to obstruct the performance of public
functions; Two view re termination of relationship by death:
2. Using any poisonous or corrosive substance; 1. Terminated Affinity View – relationship by affinity
3. Spreading any infection or contagion among cattle; terminates with the dissolution of marriage, except when
4. Causing damage to the property of the National there is a surviving issue.
Museum or National Library, or to any archive or 2. Continuing Affinity View – relationship by affinity
registry, waterworks, road, promenade, or any other endures even after the dissolution of marriage.
thing used in common by the public.
For purposes of Art. 332, the 2nd view applies, in view of the in
dubio pro reo principle, which interprets the law in case of doubt in
favor of the accused.

2. Swindling
3. Malicious mischief
1. SAD, also by affinity, includes common-law spouse, Elements:
adoptive and stepchildren, parents-in-law 1. Woman is married;
2. Widowed spouse 2. She has sexual intercourse with a man not her husband;
3. Brothers and sisters including in-laws, living together 3. The paramour must know her to be married.

ABSOLUTORY CAUSES UNDER ART. 332 The third requisite is important since in both Adultery and
Concubinage, both the wife/husband and the paramour must be
Whereby a relative, spouse, ascendants, descendants (SAD) – no impleaded accused. As such, there must be knowledge on the part of
legitimacy is required here - when the crime is THEFT, SWINDLING, the paramour that his/her lover is married.
MALICIOUS MISCHIEF, any of these would NOT be criminally liable.
This is one of those crimes where only the offended spouse can file the
Brothers and sisters even. Including in-laws, provided they're living case. So if nangabit ang mother, the son cannot file the case.
Abandonment is merely mitigating; it will not absolve the woman from
But the crimes listed here is EXLUSIVE. criminal liability.
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 As in Consented Abduction, Qualified Seduction does
Elements: not require physical virginity (virgo intacta).
1. Man must be married;  One who maintains illicit relations with other men is not
2. He either; legally a virgin; one who had sexual relations with one
 Kept a mistress in the conjugal dwelling; and the same man who was the accused is legally
 Has sexual intercourse with a woman who is considered a virgin. (US v. Suan, Phil 12 and US v
not his wife under scandalous circumstances Casten, Phil 808)
 Cohabited with her in another place
3. Concubine must know the man to be married.
 A domestic is any person living under the same roof as
For example: Juan has 3 girlfriends, Lorna, Aida and Fe. Iyang i-meet a member of the same household, including long-term
on different days. He has 5 children from each woman. He is also boarders who are not transients. (US v. Santiago, 41
married. Phil 793; Pp v. Subingsubing, GR No. 104942-43,
Nov. 25, 1993)
Is there concubinage?

No. Requisites have not been complied with. In Qualified Seduction – the offender must be a person in authority,
priest, home - servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or any person
If Lorna is married, and Juan knew of this fact. entrusted with the education or custody of the woman.

Is there adultery? When the law says, domestic, it does not mean domestic servant.
House servant is mentioned separately from domestic.
In Qualified Theft – It specifically says that the offender must be a
In private crimes, the offended spouse must include both of the guilty domestic servant for him to commit Qualified Theft.
parties, unless, one of them is dead. Consent / pardon of the offended
party will negate criminal liability. ELEVENTH WEEK OF DISCUSSIONS (APRIL 3, 2019)


 Acts of lasciviousness under Art. 336 must be PERSONS
committed by the same means as Rape under the old
law (or Art. 335, RPC). Only rape was amended by RA
Art 347. Simulation of births, substitution of one child for another
and concealment and abandonment of a legitimate child
 If the Acts of Lasciviousness is committed with the
consent of the offended party, it is a crime only if the
victim is a virgin and over 12 but below. 18. (Art. 339,
RPC) Crime is committed regardless of consent if victim (4 ACTS ARE PUNISHED)
is below 12 y/o.
 For the first 2 acts, legitimacy is not required.
 For the last 2, it is required.
Acts of lasciviousness can be committed against the will or consented.
This is the same with Abduction.  The purpose is to cause the loss of civil status, or affect
or obtain the civil status of another. If this is not the
Virginity under this provision is not physical virginity. The woman must purpose, but merely to extort, the crime could be estafa.
be chaste.

That’s actually simulation of birth. That’s a crime which could be a part

SEDUCTION from other crimes such as falsification of document and other acts.
 Seduction involves carnal knowledge. The victim must There is also the crime of substitution of one child of another wherein a
be a woman. For obvious reasons, the offender must be child who probably dies.
a man.
 Art. 337. In Qualified Seduction, the victim must be a
woman; a virgin above 12 y/o and less than 18 y/o, the Art. 348. Usurpation of civil status
offender is a person in authority, priest, home-servant,
domestic, guardian, teacher, or any person entrusted
with the education or custody of the woman seduced. ART. 349 BIGAMY

 Can be committed through negligence (a judicial

There is always carnal knowledge, whether Simple or Qualified. The declaration is required. Domingo Vs CA, Mercado vs.
difference with Rape is that, there are means to commit rape. When Tan)
we discussed rape, we mentioned that it can be committed by fraud;
this fraud is a mode of committing seduction.

Can only be committed by a man against a woman.

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Montanez vs Cipriano, GR 181089, 22 Oct 2012 Bangayan vs Bangayan, GR No. 201061, July 3, 2013

The elements of the crime of bigamy are: Q1. What is the effect on the Bigamy case of lack of requisites
a. The offender has been legally married; of the second marriage?
b. The marriage has not been legally dissolved;
c. He contracts a second or subsequent marriage; For bigamy to exist, the second or subsequent marriage must
d. The second or subsequent marriage has all the have all the essential requisites for validity except for the existence
essential requisites for validity. of a prior marriage.

The felony is consummated on the celebration of the subsequent Santiago vs People, GR 200233, July 15, 2015 (applying
marriage. It is essential in the prosecution for bigamy that the Tenebro vs. CA)
alleged second marriage, having all the essential requirements, The legal effects in a criminal case of a deliberate act to put a flaw
would be valid were it not for the subsistence of the first marriage. in the marriage.

In the past there used to be a prejudicial question where the criminal Here, the 2nd marriage was defective (absence of marriage license)
case is bigamy and the civil case would probably be annulment of the 1st was valid. SC said there is no bigamy.
marriage. All those jurisprudence involving that has changed because
of the rulings of these cases.
“The State’s penal laws on bigamy should not be rendered
Now there can be no subsequent marriage if there is no judicial nugatory by allowing individuals“ to deliberately ensure that each
declaration of nullity. So even if eventually the civil case will declare marital contract be flawed in some manner, and to thus escape the
the first marriage void there will still be bigamy. consequences of contracting multiple marriages, while beguiling
throngs of hapless women with the promise of futurity and
Before when the spouse who contracted the subsequent marriage, if commitment.”
he/she was the victim of the previous marriage that such fact can be
used as a defense in the bigamy case and that if he was the guilty Here, the parties to the 2nd marriage deliberately lied that they
person in the first marriage, he cannot use that as a defense. Now that cohabited for more than 5 years and got married without a license.
will not matter anymore. This nullity cannot be a defense in the Bigamy.

This nullity cannot be a defense in the Bigamy.
Let’s talk about the second marriage because in the first marriage it will
1st marriage was valid.
not matter whether void ab initio or voidable. In the second marriage in
order that there be bigamy it must have all the essential requisites for
2nd marriage defective (absence marriage license)
validity of marriage except the existing of a prior marriage.
SC ruled differently from Bangayan because here the reason why they
Meaning that the second marriage must have all the requisites such as
were not able to submit was because instead of presenting a marriage
legal age, consent, marriage ceremony between a man and a woman,
license, they executed an affidavit of cohabitation by reason of which
marriage license and solemnizing officer. It should have been a valid
marriage license is not anymore required. But in truth and in fact, they
marriage were it not for the existence of the second marriage. If the
were not cohabiting for that length of time but only less than 5 years.
2nd marriage is void, there will be no bigamy.
So therefore the 2nd marriage should have been void.
In the case of TERRY (? Not in the slides) who was a lawyer he said
that my marriage was void so therefore I can remarry. The spouse was
previously married. He got married subsequently without judicial  Art. 353. Libel
declaration. From then on, it has been held that there should be a
judicial declaration. Libel is a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or
defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or
REPEAT: The validity or invalidity of the first marriage will not negate circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit or contempt
bigamy. What is important is the 2nd which must be valid were it not of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one
for the existence of the previous marriage. who is dead.
It should have been void because it lacks an essential requisite, but
the Supreme Court said, you cannot make your own foolishness as What's important in Libel and Slander (Oral Defamation) is that there
your own defense in the Bigamy. So even if, in this particular case, the must be a third party. So, in Libel, there must be publication but not
second marriage was actually null and void because it did not have the necessarily that you have to publish it in Sunstar or Facebook, etc.
requisite of marriage license which it should be required of them
because they were not cohabiting for more than 5 years – the parties Publication – there is a third person who knew about this malicious
are still liable for Bigamy. imputation. It means it is made public, even if it is made known to at
least one other person. So it must be malicious and made publicly.
The Second Spouse – because of the existence of the first valid
marriage is liable as an accomplice. WHO CAN BE VICTIMS OF LIBEL?
 Natural persons
Take Note: Bigamy is NOT a private crime. So it doesn't need to be  Juridical Persons (Corporations/Business Entities)
filed by a private offended party and you don't need to sue both of  Somebody who is dead
In order that the allegation be libelous, not only must it be malicious but
it must involve a vice, crime or defect. It seems that the coverage of
libel is quite broad.
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For example: body shaming "Ikaw, putot" "Ikaw tambok" Why is it TRUTH AS PROOF
such a bad thing? We don't really know. There is yet no jurisprudence
for that. Truth may only be received if:

1. The imputation is against a public official and the same

ELEMENTS OF LIBEL: relates to his public functions;
2. There is imputation of a crime against a person
1. The allegation of a discreditable act or condition
concerning another;
2. Publication of the charge; Truth is not per se a defense. Good faith can be a defense because
3. Identity of the person defamed; this is mala in se. So if you like a facebook post that is libelous, under
4. Existence of malice cybercrime law it is not considered as libel. But if you share it, then,
you can be held liable for libel. Because the accused in the libel case
(Brillantes vs. CA, 440 SCRA 541) need not be the author of the libelous statement.

In the case of Eguia, the victim here is actually the author of the
The victim must be identifiable. If not identifiable, there is no libel. libelous letter. She wrote a love letter to another man despite being
married. Then, somebody exposed that.
So, if muingon na kanang mga 4th year sa law kay (inaudible jud siya
kay saba ang people huhu so assume nalang ta na mga absenot since
mao ako madungog sa mga sabaan sa recording haha) How many counts of libel?

Would we be able to identify them? Basta let’s say na it is a libelous  If done on separate occasions, there are as many
remark, can we file libel? Are the victims identifiable? crimes as there are acts and persons affected.
 If done one a single occasion:
Yes. Daghan ramo. Kamong tanang identifiable. But can everybody file o There are as many crimes are there are
a case? No. Only one of or all of you but there is only ONE LIABLE. identifiable victims (PP vs Gil, Oct 31, 1968)
o If the victims are identifiable but not specific
What is meant by publication? (you “Merrera lawyers”), there is only 1 Libel
(PP vs Aquino, 99 Phil 713)
o If the victims belong to a class, but
Publication in Libel identifiable, only those in the class to whom it
was directly addressed can bring 1 suit. (PP
 Publication means making the defamatory matter know vs. Marquez, CA 51, OG 239)
to someone other than the person to whom it has been
written. If it was sent straight to the person for whom it is
written, there is no publication. (Alonzo vs. CA, 441 There are as many crimes are there are identifiable victims (PP vs
SCRA 51) Gil, Oct 31, 1968)
 The wife of the person defamed is considered a third
person. (Magno vs People, Jan. 27, 2006) So if in one occasion, muingon ka na si Juan, Pedro ug si kuan kay
kana sila xxx so each one of them can file a libel case.

In the case of Magno vs People, the only other person, apart from the If the victims are identifiable but not specific (you “Merrera
offended party and victim, who knew about it was the wife of the victim. lawyers”), there is only 1 Libel (PP vs Aquino, 99 Phil 713)
Here, the SC still considers it as sufficient publication.
So if muingon ka na kanang pamilya kay so and so, the victims are
So if there is at least one other third party, then it would already be identifiable but not specific. Then, there is only one libel. Any one of
libelous. them can file.

But the law itself says that if it is made in good faith as part of the
official report, there is no libel even if such allegation is said or read by Malice in law (presumed malice)
the third person because there is no malice there.
 If on its face the article is defamatory, even if the facts
“Putang ina mo” is not libelous. It is considered as expression of are true, malice is presumed.
profanity. I’m not saying that it is okay as it is not okay but what I am  If the article is not defamatory on its face or is
saying is it is not a crime. The Cebuano equivalent to that is “buang ambiguous, malice in fact (not malice in law) should be
ka”. Diba you usually do that? proved. Surrounding circumstances have to be
 Articles referring to the victim’s public life or conduct as
Must the accused be the author? public officer or public figure does not require malice in
law. Malice in fact has to be proven in such cases.
 In fact, the victim may be the author, as when love
letters written by a married woman was circulated by the
accused. (US vs Eguia, 38 Phil 857) We have malice in law and malice in fact.

What is malice in law?

It is malice that is presumed. So, you would know that there are
different standards in libel. The standard is higher if the victim is a
celebrity or a public figure. It has a different standard. But for private
persons, the malice can be at a lower level.

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So, when then utterance or article is highly insulting, not necessary or

not related to the public function or public life of an individual, then So, it means that the author has no control whether the act would
malice is presumed already. constitute Libel under the Revised Penal Code or Cyber Libel under
the Cyber Crime Law; because so long as the article can be accessed
What does that mean? online, the Cyber Crime Law will apply.

It means that the victim does NOT have to prove the malice because (2) What is the prescriptive period now? Because the prescriptive
the law itself presumes that there is already malice, that the utterance, period under the RPC is only 2 years whereas under Cyber Crime,
the article could not have been made without malice in the mind of the it is longer. Besides, in newspapers, TV or radio, you would know
offender. exactly when to start counting.

But if it involves a conduct of a public official or a public figure, in order So, when it appears that April 3, it began publication, you start on April
to be libelous, malice in fact should be proven by the prosecution, 3.
meaning the victim will have to prove that there is malice.
BUT if it's online, and it was published on April 3 and it stays
That burden, that onus probandi is not necessary when the victim is a there for 10 years, when do you count?
NOT a public figure, because malice is already presumed in law,
especially when it is highly insulting in nature. But for public officials, As long as it's there, you can always file a case.
they have to prove malice in law.
There can be Cyber Libel if, for that matter Cyber Crime, if there is a
use of a computer or the use of internet. Once there is a use of the
No Attempted Libel computer or the internet, there is already a Cyber Crime. Therefore, if
it's a Facebook post, there can be Cyber Crime.
 Libel is a formal crime. It has no attempted stage.
 Threatening to publish or offering to prevent publication How about a text message? Is that a Cyber Crime or would that be
for compensation is punished under Art. 356 (similar to merely Libel under RPC?
 However, there is a hairline difference between art. 356 General Rule: When you use a smartphone, that is considered a
and robbery with Intimidation (extortion). COMPUTER. But if you use a keystone (or burner phone), it's not.

But the problem is I used a 3310 but the one who received it was using
No attempted libel. "Ikaw, Juan! Aarrrrggghhh!!" No attempted stage, a smartphone. So, there's a hairline of difference there. I don't know.
but threatening to publish libel is already a crime. Sometimes, we call it We don't know. So far, the definition of Cyber Libel, CYBERCRIME is
extortion. committed if it involves the computer or the internet. If there is Libel
committed, with the use of computer or internet, it constitutes
Rule of Procedure in Libel
You can also opt to file the case under the provision of the RPC. If the
 Constitutionally, ROP are formulated by the SC case is prosecuted under the Cybercrime Law, the penalty is higher by
 In Libel, the rules are in the RPC., a substantive law one degree.
enacted by Congress.
 The court having jurisdiction in Libel is the RTC Q: Venue of libel cases.
(substantive jurisdiction)
 Venue for libel is the place of residence (procedural A: Residence is the basis of the venue; If it affects people who are not
jurisdiction) residents, they can file anywhere.

If for example, one of the victims is an OFW in HK and another victim

So, libel can only be brought before the RTC even if the penalty is only is an OFW in US, they cannot probably file Libel there if it isn’t a crime
2 years. Why? Because the law says so. there, but it can be filed here.
VENUE FISCAL: Even if committed outside Phil. Territory, it can be prosecuted
here since it is a transnational crime.
It should be the place of residence of the victim OR it could be of the
defendant. So, it's like in the civil case, where the place of commission The same person cannot file the same case twice in several places;
is not necessarily the venue. but if for example, three persons who are residing in different places
are affected, they can file separate cases in different places.
Example: Juan wrote an article in The Freeman which is situated in
Cebu. He wrote it and published it in Cebu City; but he resides in Q: Can Duterte be prosecuted after his term for his statements on
Manila. He can file the case in Manila because venue in criminal shooting drug lords?
cases, here, insofar as libel is concerned, is similar to civil cases.
A: Depending on the prescription; IF not an official act, the immunity
If the crime is committed on the internet, Cyber Libel may apply. In will only be during the presidency. If by the time his term ends, he
which case, it can be brought anywhere in the Philippines, even by or could be prosecuted if the crime has not yet prescribed by then.
against parties who do not reside in the Philippines; because it is a
TRANSNATIONAL CRIME. So long as any of the parties is Filipino or [ REITERATION BY FISCAL ]
affects a business in the Philippines, the crime may be brought in the
Philippines. In Malang vs Moson (August 22, 2000), the guidelines on when there
can be bigamy when the parties are muslim and have multiple spouses
(1) If Juan wrote for Freeman or Sunstar, your intention was only or when there can be a parricide.
to write on Freeman or Sunstar but Freeman or Sunstar are all
already digital, so your article that was meant to be in a In an old case which was enunciated before the effectivitiy of the
newspaper can be accessed online. So, can Cyber Crime apply? Shari’ah law, the SC held that there can only be bigamy insofar as the
Does it make the libel Cyber Libel if the intention was not to post
online but to only publish in a printed newspaper?
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first marriage is concerned and in order to be considered a parricide,

the victim should be the first wife. Characteristics of crimes punished under special penal laws:

Note that now, with the Shari’ah law, multiple marriages have already 1. They are (or used to be) usually mala prohibita;
been legally recognized. There is now a timeline. The Supreme Court 2. Rules and principles applicable to crimes punished
has already set forth a guideline involving multiple marriages. under the RPC’s are not usually applicable, such as;
a. The usual application of principal,
accomplices and accessories have no
b. The usual stages of the crime as
consummated, frustrated, and attempted as
 Reckless imprudence consists in voluntary, but without defined under RPC do not apply. The SPL
malice, doing or falling to do an act from which material may have its own definition of what is
damage results by reason of inexcusable lack of precaution attempted or frustrated e.g Attempted child
on the part of the person performing of failing to perform such trafficking);
act, taking into consideration his employment or occupation, c. Art 48 on ordinary complex crimes does not
degree of intelligence, physical condition and other apply, but the SPL may itself penalize certain
circumstances regarding persons, time and place. special complex crimes.
d. JEMAA do not usually apply they usually do
 Simple imprudence consists in the lack of precaution not adopt the penalties under the RPC
displayed in those cases in which the damage impending to e. The rules on graduation of penalties do not
be caused is not immediate not the danger clearly manifest. apply
When the SPL uses the penalty of the RPC, the rules on
 The penalty next higher in degree to those provided for in this graduation of penalties shall apply. Thus, in the application of ISL,
article shall be imposed upon the offender who fails to lend it shall not stop at the minimum of the penalty imposable, but
on the spot to the injured parties such help as may be in this rather must still go down one degree lower.
hand to give.

SPLs are generally mala prohibita. But now, a good number of SPLs
are mala in se.
Art. 365 Quasi offenses
The difference is important because if the crime is malum prohibitum,
In intentional crimes, the act itself is punished in negligence or good faith is not a defense. If malum inse, good faith is a defense.
imprudence, what is penalized is the mental attitude or condition
behind the act, the dangerous recklessness, the lack of care or Knowledge or lack of knowledge is different from good faith. In good
foresight, the imprudenceia punible. Much of the confusion has faith, there is knowledge and lack of malice.
arisen from the common use of such descriptive phrase as
“homicide through reckless imprudence” and the like, when the Example:
strict technical sense is, “reckless imprudence resulting in
homicide. Laglag bala, if you do not know that someone put a bullet in your
luggage, you can use the defense of lack of knowledge even if malum
(Reyes Trucking Corp vs. People, cited in Sevilla v. People, GR prohibitum. In this case, there is no animus possidendi.
no 194490, Aug 13, 2014)
But if you say that “wa manggud ko kahibaw na di diay pwede na.”
This is only good faith which is a defense only in mala inse.
Reckless imprudence; simple imprudence
The last paragraph of Art. 365 graduates the penalty if the offender,
especially in a vehicular accident, fails to render assistance to his Also, there are certain principles that may or may not apply in SPLs.
victim (e.g. hit and run). The RPC states that provisions of RPC can have suppletory
application to SPLs when it would make sense.
In Reyes Trucking vs. People (cited in Sevilla case), the injury was
caused through reckless or simple imprudence. Hence, Art. 365 was If it will be disadvantageous of the accused, it may not apply
applied to punish the reckless imprudence or simple imprudence. suppletorily.

Note: The legally precise terminology is reckless imprudence resulting STAGES OF A CRIME
to homicide because what is punished is the reckless imprudence. The
law itself provides for the penalty - it penalized the lack of care or The stages in the commission of felonies are found in the RPC. They
foresight. It is a crime in itself and not a mode of committing a crime. do not necessarily exist in SPLs.

To reiterate, reckless imprudence or simple imprudence is not When can they apply?
only defined but also penalized. If the SPL expressly states.

Dangerous Drugs Law – Sec 26 of that law says that attempt to sell,
SPECIAL PENAL LAWS perate a drug den, to manufacture, to prescribe etc.
- A mere attempt would already constitute a crime

Child Abuse Law – mere attempt to commit child abuse is already a


Human Trafficking – mere attempt would already constitute a crime.

The law now says that mere attempt to commit human trafficking is
already punishable.

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You want to smuggle or import shabu. The importation did not  A person below 18 years old
materialize because the law enforcement authorities were able to  A person 18 years of age, who is unable to take care of
intercept (not nga naa nay shabu). No shabu yet, no corpus delicti yet. himself/herself
Can there be a crime already?  A person who is depicted as a child
 A computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted
Yes, because there is an attempted importation or selling uner the images or graphics of a person who is represented or
SPL. But the frustrated stage is not punished. who is made to appear to be a child.

Child under 9344 the definition to be exempt is he must be 15 below.
As a general rule, conspiracy is a mode of incurring criminal liability Over 15 to below 18, he must act with discernment.
under the RPC. But it is also a crime under certain circumstances.
For child abuse law, a child is somebody who is below 18 or a person
So conspiracy is a mode of incurring criminal liability under the RPC. who is over 18 provided that he has some mental issues such as being
But not necessarily under the SPL. retarded or having the mental age of a child.

ILLEGAL GAMBLING/ NUMBERS GAME Definition of child may defer. Under the child pornography law (see
You could say that the financier and the coordinator and the usher,
have agreed to commit the crime of sale of illegal games. They are in Example: “Sweetheart”
conspiracy. The usher will derive his income from the financier.
Everybody will derive from income from that there is a ladder There was this operation involving a digitally crafted girl named
conspiracy or a chain conspiracy. Sweetheart but she was just digitally crafted. But behind Sweetheart is
an NBI personnel. Sweetheart was posted in the website and less than
That is not the way it operates in illegal gambling EACH AND EVERY 24 hours there were already several pedophiles who wanted to have
PARTICIPANT is liable for his own specific act so the usher will be cybersex with Sweetheart. But it was really an entrapment operation.
liable for selling, coordinator for his own, financier for the financing. By using Sweetheart, these NBI agents were able to entrap the
Each will have his own crime. We do not invoke conspiracy where in pedophiles.
the act of one Is the act of all. So not necessarily true that conspiracy
theory is true in special penal law Can they be sued for violation of RA 9775 considering there was
no actual child involved?
Yes. The child may not be a real child.
Just because I’m with you does not necessarily mean that I am also
penalized. It’s just you. So whenever there is a special penal law, Also, if participants in a sexual activity are depicted as children, even if
forget about ordinary complex crime. they are not children like for example nag cosplay, in costumes as
children. They can also be sued for violation of Child Pornography.
How about special complex crime? Even gani if cartoons or comics.

Yes there can be special complex crime involving special penal laws,
but not ordinary complex. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, DEFINED

“JEMAA do not usually apply they usually do not adopt the  Refers to any representation, whether visual, audio, or
penalties under the RPC” written combination thereof, by electronic, mechanical,
digital, optical, magnetic or any other means of child
General rule: Modifying circumstances will not apply. engaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sexual
Exceptions: Generic modifying circumstances

Remember though that there are modifying circumstances that are ACPA’s definition of child pornography in fact already covers the use of
generic. So when the modifying circumstance such as surrender or “electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other means.”
voluntary plea of guilty, minority, habituality or habitual delinquency,
these are generic and may apply in special penal laws. So, under the Child Pornography law, there has to be a sexual activity.
This is different from the SPL on photo and video voyeurism because
“The rules on graduation of penalties do not apply if the penalty under that law, it is NOT necessary that there be an activity. It is
is not borrowed from revised penal law.” enough that there is a body part that is being videoed and probably
shared when there is an expectation of privacy.
ISLAW always applies.
But for child pornography, there must be a sexual activity whether the
activity is simulated or real.
RA 9775

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(a) To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce or coerce a child to

“GROOMING” refers to the act of preparing a child or someone perform in the creation or production of any form of child
who the offender believes to be a child for sexual activity or sexual pornography;
relationship by communicating any form of child pornography. It
includes online enticement through any other means. Using the child to make porn
“LURING” refers to the act of communication, by means of a (b) To produce, direct, manufacture or create any form of child
computer system, with a child or someone who the offender pornography;
believes to be a child for the purpose of facilitating the commission
of sexual activity or production of any form of child pornography The video, the movie, the whatever.
"PANDERING" refers to the act of offering, advertising, promoting,
(d) To possess any form of child pornography with the intent to
representing or distributing through any means any material or
sell, distribute, publish, or broadcast: Provided. That possession
purported material that is intended to cause another to believe that
of three (3) or more articles of child pornography of the same
the material or purported material contains any form of child
form shall be prima facie evidence of the intent to sell, distribute,
pornography, regardless of the actual content of the material or
publish or broadcast;
purported material.
Possession of child porn with intent to sell and distribute. So it would
seem here that there would only be a crime involving possession if it is
GROOMING coupled with the intent to sell or distribute.
By saying can you wear this thing? Can you do this? That is already (l) To possess any form of child pornography.
Mere possession even without the intent to sell or distribute is
LURING punishable provided that the material constitutes child porn. If the
material does not involve child porn but pornography, then, the
It is the second step. For example, after telling the child to wear this applicable law is RPC – the illegal distribution or showing of obscene
thing it like communicating with the child to facilitate now the doing of acts.
the act.
But the possession of pornographic material is with intent to sell. So if
PANDERING kept for confidential purposes, it is not punished, unless it is child
pornography. The mere possession is punished under letter (l).
Again, it is an act punished under this law.

(a) To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce or coerce a child
 Family Court which has territorial jurisdiction over the
to perform in the creation or production of any form of
place where the offense or any of its essential elements
child pornography;
was committed.
(b) To produce, direct, manufacture or create any form of
child pornography;
(c) To publish offer, transmit, sell, distribute, broadcast,
This is a transnational crime, hence, even if one of the accused
advertise, promote, export or import any form of child
committed the crime abroad, provided that Filipino is involved or one
of the acts were performed in the Philippines, then the person who
(d) To possess any form of child pornography with the intent
performed the crime abroad can be held to curt in the PH and
to sell, distribute, publish, or broadcast: Provided. That
prosecuted under our laws.
possession of three (3) or more articles of child
pornography of the same form shall be prima facie
evidence of the intent to sell, distribute, publish or
(e) To knowingly, willfully and intentionally provide a venue
for the commission of prohibited acts as, but not limited
to, dens, private rooms, cubicles, cinemas, houses or in
establishments purporting to be a legitimate business;
(f) For film distributors, theaters and telecommunication
companies, by themselves or in cooperation with other
entities, to distribute any form of child pornography;
(g) For a parent, legal guardian or person having custody or
control of a child to knowingly permit the child to
engage, participate or assist in any form of child
(h) To engage in the luring or grooming of a child;
(i) To engage in pandering of any form of child
(j) To willfully access any form of child pornography;
(k) To conspire to commit any of the prohibited acts stated
in this section. Conspiracy to commit any form of child
pornography shall be committed when two (2) or more
persons come to an agreement concerning the
commission of any of the said prohibited acts and
decide to commit it; and
(l) To possess any form of child pornography.

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There is a duty to report and preserve evidence as well. Failure of the

DUTIES OF AN INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER (ISP): ICH to remove the child porn content within 48 hours shall be evidence
of its violation.
 All internet service providers (ISPs) shall notify the PNP
or NBI within 7 days from obtaining facts and Q: for ICH is usually located outside, how can they enforce such
circumstances that child pornography is being law?
committed using its server.
 Nothing in this section may be construed to require an A: PCP is part of the Interpol. They share intelligent units through the
ISP to engage in the monitoring of any user or the Interpol. Therefor there was a crime committed by Sweden. He was
content of any communication of any such person: the mastermind of the child pornography and the actors are in
Cordova. He was the one created the website, created the bank
 That no ISP shall be held civilly liable for damages on
accounts and how to pay the websites.
account of any notice given in good faith Furthermore,
an ISP shall preserve such evidence for purpose of
He was the one who created the website, the banks accounts and how
investigation and prosecution by relevant authorities.
to pay the websites. So there was no extradition treaty. And in fact,
 An ISP shall, upon the request of proper authorities,
what happened there was the co-offenders here were not arrested
furnish the particulars of users who gained or attempted
here. The Swedish enforcement knew about it so they arrested the guy
to gain access to an internet address which contains any
in Sweden and tried him under their own laws given that the crime was
form of child pornography.
committed there. He was convicted there. By virtue of that, SC said
 All ISPs shall install available technology, program or yeah, they share it.
software to ensure that access to or transmittal of any
form of child pornography will be blocked or filtered. QUESTIONS FROM CLASS:
 An ISP who shall knowingly, willfully and intentionally
violate this provision. What would qualify as possession? What if you were sent a link
 The (NTC) shall promulgate within ninety (90) days from containing child pornography? Would that be considered as
the effectivity of this Act the necessary rules and possession?
regulations for the implementation of this provision
which shall include, among others, the installation of Fiscal: If you were sent a link, you would not know if it’s child
filtering software that will block access to or transmission pornography if you do not open it.
of any form of the child pornography.
What if it’s not just a link but the actual video that was sent and I
did not ask for it?
Example: Globe, Smart (ones providing for the internet)
Fiscal: Here’s the thing. I think in the future there will be a definitive
Where is child pornography committed in Cebu? and clearer definition of possession because it seems to me that when
we talk about possession, our understanding of possession is physical
Answer: In Cordova. The houses there are small huts. Engaged in this possession of something that is tangible; something that we can have
business. Nganong gitagaan man silag post-paid internet? This under our control.
involves live streaming. The possibility there, they are using post-paid
internet, then it seems that there are ISDs sleeping on the job because But things have changed because of technology so if it is already in
they are supposed to notify the NBI within 7 days. your mailbox, does that mean you already have possession? It gets to
your mailbox without you not doing anything. Unlike when the thing is a
DUTY TO REPORT tangible because you have with you the book or the firearm, it is very
clear that you have possession because we can say really that there is
They cannot however monitor because it would be a violation of animus possidendi. But that is rather a gray area if we talk about the
privacy. But once they notice they must alert the PNP or NBI and even digital things.
take down the website just like how Facebook is doing to fake news.
The NBI and Government cannot do take down the website. This is Bisag ako ha. Diba naa muy spam nga mamaligya ug Viagra? We do
actually the issue in the case of Disini v. DOJ, the first draft of the law it not know how it got into our mailbox or our spam. SC said in a case
provided that the secretary of justice can block a website for (Disini vs. SOJ) that they cannot prevent spam because it is your right
committing a cybercrime but the Supreme Court ruled that the to read your spam. That would violate your right against expression.
government cannot take down anything unless there is a court order.
But this will not apply to private persons since they are not guarantors So, here’s the thing. In possession, it would be easier if you have a
of the rights under the bill of rights. tangible. It would be very hard if you have just a digital content. But
here is the thing, even if this is mala prohibita and that mere
If ISP are not doing it? possession can be a crime already, therefore, good faith is not a
defense; but at least we should have knowledge. We should know.
Under the law, they can be held liable. There is a civil liability and there Then, in the animus possidendi, you must have the intention to keep it
is a penalty. for yourself. Once you receive it, if you delete it, then there is no
animus possidendi. Yes, it went to your mailbox or it was shared to you
or you were tagged. So, that will be something that would be debated
DUTIES OF AN INTERNET CONTENT HOST later on if there is animus possidendi.

 Not host any form of child pornography on its internet Lack of knowledge could be a defense. If it gets into your spam,
address; mailbox or you receive a link, remember accessing or even attempting
 Within seven (7) days, report the presence of any form to access is already a crime under this law.
of child pornography, as well as the particulars of the
person maintaining, hosting, distributing or in any But I still would say, you must know that it is child porn. Or if you do not
manner contributing to such internet address, to the know that it is child porn because it is just a link; kay diba ilarun ta
proper authorities; and usahay? They will tell you to please open this link and you do not
 Preserve such evidence for purposes of investigation know that is in the link, is that tantamount already to accessing child
and prosecution by relevant authorities pornography?

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not make its own definition of libel. It borrowed the definition under the
CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AS A TRANSNATIONAL CRIME RPC, resulting in the same definition, the same elements EXCEPT
with the video/computer.
DOJ may act on a request of a foreign state for assistance in the
investigation or prosecution of child pornography by; If filed under the Cybercrime Law then the penalty would be one
degree higher.
(1) Conducting a preliminary investigation against the
offender and, if appropriate, to file the necessary But so far, what the SC declared in the DISINI case, is only double
charges in court; jeopardy with respect to cybercrime and libel. Insofar as others, they
would just wait for you to become lawyers. (LOL).
(2) Giving information needed by the foreign state;
(3) To apply for an order of forfeiture of any proceeds or
monetary instrument or properly located in the
Philippines used in connection with child pornography in REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10591
That the principles of mutuality and reciprocity shall, for this FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF
purpose, be at all times recognized.

 Firearm refers to any handheld or portable weapon, whether

a small arm or light weapon, that expels or is designed to
DOUBLE JEOPARDY expel a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any projectile, which is
discharged by means of expansive force of gases from
 If the elements are the same, there is double jeopardy; burning gunpowder or other form of combustion or any similar
otherwise, none instrument or implement.
 Child porn is a manner of committing trafficking, but the  For purposes of this Act, the barrel, frame or receiver is
elements are not necessarily the same. considered a firearm.

No double jeopardy when the elements are different. Barrel, frame, or receiver are not a firearm, merely a part of firearm but
is considered as one firearm for purposes of imposing a penalty.
Can you file you file child abuse?
A person was arrested and caught in the possession of two firearms
Yes, if there is a real child. and one barrel.

If there is a child involved, you can file child abuse and you can even What is the significance?
file rape, if the child was rape. You can file even anti-voyeurism if there Under the law, if you have three firearms, the penalty would be
is a photo and video spread. Reclusion Perpetua.

YES, THERE CAN BE SEVERAL, provided there are different

 Loose firearm refers to an unregistered firearm, an obliterated
or altered firearm, firearm which has been lost or stolen,
illegally manufactured firearm, registered firearm in the
CYBERCRIME v. CHILD PORN possession of an individual other than the licensee and those
with revoked licenses in accordance with the rules and
 In the case of Disini v. SOJ, the SC ruled that Liber and regulations.
Child Pornography cannot be filed both under the RPC  Firearm with expired registration or one in the possession of a
and the Cybercrime Law, or RA 9775 and Cybercrime person with expired license is not covered in the definition.
Law, as that would constitute double jeopardy.
 With the exception of the crimes of online libel and We do not anymore use the term unlicensed firearm because
online child pornography, the Court would rather leave technically we do not license the firearm. We register the firearm.
the application of Sec. 7 to actual cases.
 The same is true with child pornography committed In that definition of loose firearm, a firearm with an expired registration
online. Section 4(c)(2) merely expands the ACPA’s is not considered a loose firearm. To be considered loose, there must
scope so as to include identical activities in cyberspace. be revocation of registration.
ACPA’s definition of child pornography in fact already
covers the use of “electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, Firearms can be classified into small or light weapons. It used to be
magnetic or any other means. low caliber and high caliber which were not in accordance with the
international treaties. Now, small arms include low caliber and high
BUT in DISINI v. SOJ, the court categorically stated that if the child
porn is committed with the use of the computer. You CANNOT file
under both you must choose only one.

The same with cyber libel, you must choose only one.


Because they have the same elements. Under the Cybercrime Law,
while it punishes child pornography, it did not make any other
definition. It just borrowed the definition under the child pornography
law. The same with Libel, while cybercrime punishes cyber libel, it did
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crime cognizable with the RTC and punished with at least Prision
FIREARMS COVERED ARE CLASSIFIED AS: Mayor. However, such can go up to Reclusion Temporal if the firearm
is loaded with a bullet.
1. Small arms – intended or designed for individual use, or
to be fired from the hand or shoulder, which are not If there are three or more firearms, the penalty would be Reclusion
capable of fully automatic bursts or discharge, such as Perpetua. Hence, non-bailable.
handgun, rifle, shotgun.
2. Light weapons: Note: If there is another crime committed, there will be no more
 Class A – self-loading pistols, rifles, carbines, penalty for firearm.
submachine guns, assault rifles and light
machine guns not exceeding 7.62 MM fully EFFECTS OF LOOSE FIREARM IF ANOTHER CRIME IS
automatic COMMITTED:
 Class B – designed for use by 2 or more
persons, rifles or machine guns exceeding
7.62 MM, mortars of caliber less than 100 USE OF LOOSE FIREARM IN COMMISSION OF OFFENSE
 Aggravating – when inherent in the commission of a
crime; no separate info for the possession of loose
 SEC. 7. A permit to carry firearms outside of residence shall  If penalty for the other crime is lower, the penalty for
be issued by the Chief of the PNP or duly authorized illegal possession of firearm shall be imposed in lieu of
representative to any qualified person whose life is under the penalty for the crime charged.
actual threat or his life is imminent danger due to the nature  If penalty for other crime is the same, the penalty of
of his profession, occupation or business. prision mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed in
 It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove that his life is addition to the penalty for the crime.
under actual threat by submitting a threat assessment  The firearm used must have been seized. Without it,
certificate from the PNP. Sec. 29 cannot apply.

Small arms can be handheld or fired from the shoulder such as rifle.
Light weapons which are further classified into two: class A and B.  If the violation of this Act is in furtherance of, or incident to, or
in connection with the crime of rebellion or insurrection, or
A person may be granted to possess firearm and carry such outside attempted coup d’etat, such violation shall be absorbed as an
his residence provided he justifies the necessity of carrying the firearm element of the crime of rebellion or insurrection, or attempted
outside of his residence. Who can these persons be? These are those coup d’ etat.
who are in imminent danger or threatened species.  If the crime is committed by the person without using the
loose firearm, the violation of this Act shall be considered as
Note that in the enumeration, you cannot find politicians because they a distinct and separate offense.
have police protection.  Ladjaalam and Agote abandoned

Professionals considered to be in imminent danger due to the NOTE: If there is another crime committed, there will be no more
nature of their profession, occupation or business: penalty for firearm.

a. Members of the Philippine Bar;

b. Certified Public Accountant; When confronted with 2 crimes involving a loose firearm,
c. Accredited Media Practitioners; there are 3 possibilities – illegal possession is either:
d. Cashiers, Bank Tellers;
e. Priests, Ministers, Rabbi, Imams; 1. Absorbed – in rebellion and attempted coup d’etat.
f. Physicians and Nurses; 2. Aggravating – if inherent in the commission in the other
g. Engineers; and crime, whether punished in the RPC or special penal
h. Businessmen, who by the nature of their business are laws.
exposed to high risk of being targets of crimes. e.g., COMELEC gun ban and loose firearm
3. Separate – if not inherent in the commission of the other
crime, not rebellion nor attempted coup d’etat.

 Regardless of classification, possession of loose firearm QUESTION:

is a crime cognizable with the RTC.
 The penalty is 1 degree higher if: 1. Where do we file an Alarms and Scandals case if the
a. Firearm is loaded with ammo or magazine crime was committed with the use of a firearm?
b. Firearm is fitted with laser or gadget used to guide 2. What is the penalty if the Homicide is committed with a
the shooter to hit the target; loose firearm?
c. Fitted with sniper scopes, firearm muffler or firearm
d. Accompanied with an extra barrel; and BEFORE: If there is another crime committed, there will be no penalty
e. Converted to be capable of firing full automatic for firearm. Even unlawful vexation.
NOW: Not anymore. If there is another crime committed, the firearm
will be aggravating if its use if inherent in the crime.
It used to be that when the firearm is low caliber, the case is filed
before the MTC as it carried the penalty of imprisonment below 6
years. Now, regardless of the caliber, possession of loose firearm is a

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Murder with use of firearm or Alarms and Scandals can be absorbed because the law says so and because of the principle
If it is not inherent, it will be separate. So if there is a search warrant, of political offense doctrine.
you go to the house of Juan and found a firearm and shabu, gambling
paraphernalia. The previous rulings of the SC said that once there are So when there are 2 or more crimes involving a loose firearm = Loose
other crimes such as drug, mawagtang ang firearm even if it totally firearm is aggravating in inherent, if not filing of separate crime. If
unrelated with the crime. political offense then absorbed.

BUT NOW, if there is another crime committed and the other crime
committed is not related to the firearm or not inherent, they will be  If the Homicide is committed with a loose firearm and
separated. NO ABSORPTION. the firearm was seized, the penalty would:
o Be reckoned from Homicide Reclusion
If inherent, aggravating ha. Temporal, in its maximum (only aggravating if
PM is the penalty for the firearm?
But here’s the thing: if the penalty for the firearm is greater than o Be Reclusion Temporal plus Prision Mayor
the other crime, minimum if the small arm was loaded with
ammos, etc. (increased to RT med, same as
Example: Homicide)

Alarms and Scandal’s penalty (arresto mayor) is lesser than the

penalty (prision mayor or reclusion temporal) for firearm. The penalty for the homicide is reclusion temporal, then the firearm if it
is simple if the penalty for the firearm would have been prision mayor,
If we follow the ordinary rules on aggravating circumstance, the penalty then the penalty would be reclusion temporal maximum.
would be only arresto mayor at its maximum which is a bit unfair
considering that there is a firearm. But if the firearm contains a bullet, the penalty for that firearm would
not be prision mayor, it would now be reclusion temporal. So pariha na
THIS law now made it clear that the firearm is an aggravating nag homicide ug firearm with bullet is temporal. If the penalties are the
circumstance, we would now take a look at the crime having the higher same, add prision mayor.
 Absence of permit to carry outside of residence – the
So even if the crime is Alarms and Scandal (with firearm), the penalty
penalty of prision correccional and a fine of P10,000.00 shall
should be the penalty for firearm because it is the higher penalty in
be imposed upon any person who is license to own a firearm
which case it is cognizable with the RTC. You do not file it with the
but who shall carry the registered firearm outside his/her
MTC if there is loose firearm.
residence without any legal authority therefor.
Same is true with grave threats.

GUN BAN You need a permit to carry outside even if the firearm is covered with a
license. Even if there is the LTOP, you still need a permit to carry
The penalty for gun ban is one to six years. The penalty for the loose outside. In case of failure, the penalty will be prision correctional.
firearm is at the minimum prision mayor.
If the firearm is a loose firearm and no permit to carry (actually no
If both committed: The firearm is only aggravating to gun ban permit to carry if loose firearm) so the penalty will be for the loose
(inherent), thus the crime to be charge is gun ban, but the penalty shall firearm.
be the penalty for the loose firearm.
 Use of an imitation firearm – an imitation firearm used
TAKE NOTE: in the commission of a crime shall be considered a real
1. Gun Ban is cognizable with RTC as it was expressly stated firearm and the person who committed the crime shall
under the law. be punished.
2. Also you can actually be liable with Gun Ban even if you are o e.g., robbery with fake firearm; usurpation of
carrying a knife. The law says “weapons”. public functions with fake firearm
Because the firearm is now aggravating only to the other crime,
because it is inherent to gunban, so in that case the case to be filed Considered as a real firearm if used in the commission of a crime. if a
will be gunban, but the penalty will be for the loose firearm. You cannot person robs a jeepney or its passenger or a bank. The penalty would
separately file them because loose firearm is inherent to gunban. be the same as in real firearm.
So the penalty will not be for the main case. The penalty that shall be Which means that if the robbery is only punished with prision mayor
imposed shall be that for the loose firearm. (depending on amount) and the firearm is loaded, therefore the penalty
for the loaded firearm is reclusion temporal.
If the penalty for the loose firearm is higher than the higher crime. If
they are the same, it would be PLUS prision mayor in the minimum in The case would be robbery in relation to 10951 sec 29. It means that
addition to the penalty. the firearm is aggravating in the robbery. And because the firearm
carries a higher penalty than the robbery, if convicted of the robbery,
Example: the penalty to be imposed should be the penalty of the firearm which
So let’s say reclusion temporal ang duha then its reclusion temporal should be reclusion temporal even if the penalty for the robbery is not
PLUS prision mayor minimum. It’s not two reclusion temporal. reclusion temporal.
That is when the loose firearm can be aggravating – if it is Even if it is not a real firearm, because if it is used in order to commit a
inherent. If it is not inherent, then separate filing. crime, it will be considered as real. The same is true with grave threats.
Threatening a person with an imitation firearm is grave threats with the
There are also instances when the firearm is neither aggravating nor use of a loose firearm; in which case the penalty can be as high up as
does it give rise to separate filing and that is the crime is rebellion, prision mayor.
insurrection, coup d’etat, the firearm will be absorbed. Of course, they

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Injuries caused on the occasion of the conduct of competitions, If you want to sell, don’t ride, just walk. Because if you just walk, the
sports, games, or any recreation activities involving imitation crime would just be possession – a bailable crime.
firearm shall not be punished.
When there is maintenance of a drug den, dive, or resort,
normally there is also sec 7 of the law – visiting. The person who
QUIZ: merely visits knowingly a drug den would also be liable even if he is
not doing anything. And the penalty for visiting is the same penalty for
1. Juan and Pedro are rebels. In the course of the possession. Even if was not in possession, provided that he visited.
rebellion, Juan forced political candidate Dugoy to give
money, and when the latter refused, Juan killed Dugoy’s What if nasaag ra siya?
wife with the use of a loose firearm. What crime/s This law is malum prohibitum. Good faith is not a defense. But LACK
was/were committed by Juan? OF KNOWLEDGE IS A DEFENSE. They are different. Good faith
2. When Pedro was driving to school as a law student, he means you know but you have no bad intention. Lack of knowledge
was apprehended for a traffic violation. He attacked the means you do not know.
law enforcer with a cal. 38 loose firearm, and killed him
in the heat of anger. What should be his penalty? No
need to graduate or apply ISLaw.  In Sec. 26, conspiracy may refer to selling, delivery, transport,
importation, manufacture of drugs, but not for possession.
 However, in a ruling (PP v Tira, May 28, 2004) under the
previous law, RA 6425, SC convicted both spouses for
possession, stating “The appellants had actual and exclusive
The crime committed is rebellion. Everything else is absorbed.
possession and control and dominion over the house,
including the room where the drugs were found by the
policemen. She had full access to the room, including the
space under the bed.”
The penalty here would be for the homicide which is reclusion
temporal. And it will be in the maximum because of the use of the
firearm. It can also be direct assault with homicide but again in relation  The absent husband has constructive possession.
to the firearm. It would be reclusion temporal maximum in its
In addition to the acts punished, Sec 26 states that conspiracy is also
punished. Even if she was not herself caught or directly involved in the
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 trading, but it was alleged that she conspired in the trading.
DRUGS ACT OF 2002, REPEALING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6425, But if you look at Sec 26, you will not find illegal possession, which
OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF means that conspiracy is only a mode of committing any of the acts
Does that mean that there can be no conspiracy to possess
dangerous drugs?
In one case, SC convicted the wife of the subject of a search warrant.
Even if the SW is only against the husband. SC said the wife conspired
to possess the shabu. What happened was that Juan, the husband,
had a SW against him. When the police officers went to enforce the
 Dangerous drugs – those listed in the 1961 Single
SW, Juan was not around. Only Juana, the wife was there. So there
Convention on Narcotic Drugs as amended, and 1971
was a search and Shabu was found. SC said that we can also convict
Single Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Juana for the possession even if the Search Warrant did not name her
 Controlled precursors and essential chemicals – because Juana also had effective control over the premises.
listed in the 1088 Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Therefore, also in possession. Juan can also be sued as he was the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. subject of the SW. SC said they conspired to possess.

PP v Mantalaba, GR No. 186227, July 20, 2011

Acts punished:
 Elements of sale of drugs:
1. Importation, Sec. 4
1. The identity of the buyer and the seller, the object,
2. Sale, transport, administration, dispensation, delivery
and the consideration; and
3. Maintenance of den, dive, resort
2. The delivery of the thing sold and the payment
4. Employees and visitors of den, dive, resort
therefor is necessary.
5. Manufacture
6. Illegal chemical diversion
7. Manufacture or delivery of equipment
There must be a transaction. There must be meeting of minds. We
8. Illegal possession of dangerous drugs (Secs. 11 & 13)
must know the buyer and seller. The buyer has to perform certain
9. Illegal possession of paraphernalia (Secs. 12 & 14)
protocols and guidelines.
10. Illegal use of drugs
11. Cultivation or culture of plants
12. Illegal prescription
The first person who will possess the drugs, he must affix his signature
in that chain of custody. Everybody who got hold of it must sign.
Even if the courier has not reached the destination yet, he intended to Therefore, it is not anymore allowed that any civilian asset. They only
sell the shabu but before reaching his destination he was caught, the serve as informant. They cannot participate anymore in entrapment.
crime would be for transport. The penalty for selling and transporting And then the object – corpus delicti. What if there is no drug seized,
are the same. there is no violation of the RA 9165.

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RA 9165 – DANGEROUS DRUGS, aab RA 10640  A buy-bust operation is not invalidated by mere non-
coordination with the PDEA.
 Possession is not only actual, but may also be  Neither is the lack of prior surveillance fatal. (People v.
constructive. Lacbanes)
 Constructive possession – when the drug is under the o Surveillance is important if maintaining a
dominion and control of the accused or he has the right drug den.
to exercise such dominion or control over the place  Non-compliance by the apprehending/buy-bust team
where it is found. Exclusive possession or control of the with Sec. 21 is not fatal as long as there is justifiable
place is not necessary. (PP v Tira, May 28, 2004) ground therefor, and as long as the integrity and the
 Animus possidendi as an element – free and conscious evidentiary value of the confiscated/seized items are
awareness of being in possession of a drug. properly preserved by the apprehending officer/team.

I would say that there can be a conspiracy to possess even if it is not Lack of prior surveillance is not fatal to buy-bust operation. It is
found in Sec 26 because SC said but it would be kind of rare. But you however important if the crime is maintaining a drug den, there must
can find Sec 13, 9165, it says there that there can be an illegal be a confirmation that the place is where drugs had been usually used,
possession of dangerous drugs committed in the presence two other possessed or sold. For drug den, there must a prior surveillance. How
persons. would you know if there has been habitual use if there is no
surveillance? But for a buy-bust? There is no surveillance needed.
Ni-strike ang law enforcer upon a tip and they found 5 people sitting
around a table. Nay shabu sa tunga. Let us say that it was done in a RA 9165 – DANGEROUS DRUGS, aab RA 10640
stanger’s house. there were 5 people but they were not physically
possessing.  Possession is not only actual, but may also be
Kinsa man ang nagpossess ana?  Constructive possession – when the drug is under the
dominion and control of the accused or he has the right
Go to the definition of possession. There is physical possession and to exercise such dominion or control over the place
there is constructive possession – that even if the persion is not where it is found. Exclusive possession or control of the
physically possessing the dangerous drugs, that he can be held liable place is not necessary. (PP v Tira, May 28, 2004)
for possession, nonetheless.  Animus possidendi as an element – free and conscious
awareness of being in possession of a drug.

So going back to the example of Juan and Juana, even if Juan was not The thing can be co-possessed because exclusive possession is not
there during the raid, it is presumed that he owns everything inside the necessary. Important is the intent to keep it. Therefor if there is no
house, so by reason of this he has constructive possession. He was knowledge, there is no animus possedendi. Lack of knowledge is equal
committed. to lack of animus possedendi which can be a defense. Good faith is
not a defense.
But in the scenario where it is a public place and there are 5 people –
possession in the presence of two other persons. The penalty is
higher. The same is true in a gathering, a party and a meeting. The
mere possession will not only penalize up to 20 years but it will be RP.
 On constitutionality of drug testing
 On whether random drug testing maybe performed on
Question: what if 3 persons are actually using the drugs?
candidates for senators.
Answer: In using, the penalty would Sec 15 and it will be actually much  On whether they can be performed on respondents
lower because: under preliminary investigation.

- First offense – rehab (principle: You jail the pusher, save

the user because the latter is actually a victim) Pimentel challenged the constitutionality of drug testing. Sec 32 of the
- Second offense – prision correccional. law states that there can be drug testing in education places and work
places. The testing can be done to political candidates and those who
So inig-abot sa police, kan-a na tanan! =) are accused in a criminal case and undergoing preliminary
Question: Can use if you do not possess? investigation. He argued that the drug test qualification is an additional
requirement not provided in the constitution. Any law which reduces or
Answer: If you use the crime will be using, the penalties under Sec 15, adds a qualification would be a violation of the constitution.
which are lighter than possession, will only apply if there is no other
crime committed. If you use but if naa pay sobra – possession.

So that’s why there has to be the corpos delicti. But although the law
requires compensation in order for there to be sale, it does not mean
however that the money be presented as evidence of the crime. Even
if there is no money, there can be a conviction of selling.

Selling is perfected by meeting of the minds. The Supreme Court in

many instances ruled that the presentation of the money is not crucial
to the conviction of the accused. What is crucial is the presentation of
the drugs itself. There was to be a presentation that there was a
transaction involving money.

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1. Elected Public Official

So they can search. BUT the law additionally requires other witnesses
 Approved July 15, 2014, amending Sec. 21 of RA during the inventory. This time, the Brgy. Tanod will not do anymore.
9165 They will not qualify as witnesses to the inventory.
 The apprehending team having initial custody and
control of the dangerous drugs, controlled precursors So, in the inventory, the witnesses must be at least two. One must be
and essential chemicals, paraphernalia and/or an elected public official, who may or may not come from the same
laboratory equipment shall immediately conduct a community. He may be a resident of another place.
physical inventory of the seized items and photograph
the same in the presence of the accused or the persons Why? Because the law makes no distinction. Which means to say that
from whom such items were confiscated and/or his if the Brgy. Official in that place For whatever reason, kay parente or
representative or counsel, with an elected public official amigo or whatever, refused to cooperate and be present during the
and a representative of the National Prosecution Service inventory (of course, they can be sued later on in the Ombudsman),
or the media who shall be required to sign the copies of inventory should still proceed. In the meantime, if there is no elected
the inventory and be given a copy thereof. Brgy. Official coming from that place, then another elected official from
another place may serve or act as witness.

 The physical inventory and photograph shall be 2. A representative of the National Prosecution Service OR
conducted at the place where the search warrant is the media
served; or at the nearest police station or at the nearest
office of the apprehending officer/team, whichever is Aside from that, it is also required a representative from the National
practicable, in case of warrantless seizures. Prosecution Service. Remember, that it does not need to be a
 Noncompliance of these requirements under justifiable prosecutor. Under the old law, RA 9165, it did not specify National
grounds, as long as the integrity and the evidentiary Prosecution Service. It merely said representative of the DOJ. But the
value of the seized items are properly preserved by the NBI is part of the DOJ. So now with the amendment, it is made clear
apprehending officer/team, shall not render void and that the representative must be from the National Prosecution Service.
invalid such seizures and custody over said items. It does not have to be a prosecutor. It just says prosecutor.

As of now, our janitor, because of lack of people, he doubles in other

 A certification of the forensic laboratory examination jobs such as process server and many other, sometimes mura pud
results, which shall be done by the forensic laboratory siyag fiscal. They can be sent as representatives because it says any
examiner, shall be issued immediately upon the receipt representative. But notice that the wording of the law is “an elected
of the subject item/s. When the volume of dangerous public official and”. “AND” means there must be another.
drugs does not allow the completion of testing within the
time frame, a partial laboratory examination report shall Who is the other one?
be provisionally issued stating therein the quantities of
dangerous drugs still to be examined by the forensic It could be a representative from NPS OR the media. The problem
laboratory. A final certification shall be issued here with the media is we do not know what kind of media. What if
immediately upon completion of the said examination social media? Tig baligyag tambal sa radio station? Or maghimu kog
and certification. akong relihiyun? We do not know what this media is.

Question from Kerven:

But if the dangerous drugs were seized during the implementation of a
search warrant, that means the law enforcers had prepared and had
Katung walay lawful occupant diba pwede man 2 ka Brgy. Tanod?
possibly more people involved in the search. When there is a search
Katung isa maapil natus elected?
warrant, the inventory must be conducted at the crime scene itself.
They cannot go elsewhere in order to do that.
Fiscal: Dili na kay Brgy. Tanod man to sila. Dili mana elected ang
Brgy. Tanod. Appointed mana sila.
Who must be present during the inventory?
Note that there are two kinds of witnesses during a search and an
Pero kung ang isa kay Brgy. Captain?
Fiscal: Maapil siya. Siya na ang usa. And they would still need one
(a) Witnesses during a search:
During a search, your Rule 126 provides that in the implementation of
a search warrant, the search warrant should be implemented in the
presence of the lawful occupant of the house. Noncompliance of these requirements under justifiable grounds,
as long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of the seized
If there is no lawful occupant of the house during the search, can items are properly preserved by the apprehending officer/team,
the law enforcers still search the premises? shall not render void and invalid such seizures and custody over
said items.
Yes, provided there are at least two witnesses.
Fiscal: So is it possible nga isa ra?
Who must these 2 witnesses be?
Let’s read the law. Because all these people should be made to sign
They must be from the place itself. Because the Rules of Court states the inventory. The amendment to the law says that non-compliance to
that they can only search a house without the lawful occupant being these requirements under justifiable grounds. Non-compliance
present if there are 2 witnesses who must be of good moral standing in provided that it is justified and the integrity of the thing is not
the community itself. Otherwise known as the Barangay Tanod. compromised shall not render void or invalidate such seizure and
(b) Witnesses for Inventory under RA 9165, as amended by
RA 10640 Example:

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You were raiding sa kinatung-an sa bukid ug mga marijuana to be approved by court. However, in drug cases, the private offended
plantation, pinaka luyu nga bukid. Walay fiscal didto. And then, samut party id the people of the Philippines represented by the prosecutor.
na walay media. But you cannot stay there. You have to conduct the DOJ came out with certain guideline as to when plea bargaining is
inventory there. Because usually this is planned or organized. allowed.
Therefore you have to conduct the inventory there. If there is a
certification as to why wala na-comply ang requirements of the law and The problem with these guidelines is that when the police will agree
the reasons are justifiable, then that should not render invalid the with the plea bargain, the plea bargaining must comply with the rules of
seizure and custody. That’s what the law says. court. The guidelines of DOJ shall not prevail over the guidelines set
forth by the Supreme Court.
Prior to this, there was only 20 to 30 percent conviction rate under
9165 because of failure to comply with section 21. Example:

The purpose of amending section 21 is to emphasize that while we are Under the Rules, in bargaining, it should be for a lesser offense. The
going to be very strict on the requisites on the protocols or methods or lesser offense is usually the offense which is included in the higher
processes to be observed, but when such very strict requirements offense.
cannot be met despite efforts, there are just times when it cannot be
met and the reasons are valid, that should not invalidate the seizure What does that mean? Kung mag possession ka, ngano dili man
and custody over the dangerous drugs. So physical inventory and included ang using? Or kung mag selling ka, ngano dili man
photograph must be conducted in the place where the search warrant included ang possession?
is served or nearest police station where it is not by virtue of a search
warrant. For the longest time there has been an issue to that, so they keep on
changing the guidelines. But never mind the guideline, that can
Now, what are the jurisprudence here? We have a little problem. change, that’s none of the business of the Supreme Court. In so far as
Because sometimes Supreme Court can say yeah, we can justify that the Supreme Court is concern, plea bargaining as govern by the rules
or sometimes no, we cannot have that. What is important is that all the of court and the guidelines of the Supreme Court, it’s a judicial matter.
requirements in the law are very clear.

PDEA it’s the chief law enforcement agency with respect to drugs.  One of the world’s worst computer-related disasters
They should be on top of thing when it pertains to the implementation involve a virus that was “Made in the Philippines”.
of drugs law. o The “I Love You” virus.
o This was created by Onel de Guzman and
However, the police, by virtue of PNP law, has the general mandate to Reonel Ramones in May 2000.
implement all laws and also to make arrest on any violation on any o It is estimated that the damage caused by this
crimes, that includes apprehension on violations of dangerous drugs virus exceeded $15Billion, including the
act. amount spent to remove the worm.

There is no inconsistency because in buy bust cases and in search

warrant cases police must make a proper and prior coordination with
PDEA. They cannot plan on an operation without securing the per  Computer crimes, or cybercrimes are crimes that involve
mission and approval of PDEA. Such coordination must be presented a computer and/or a network.
as evidence during the trial. 1. The computer device or network as target;
2. The computer device or network
Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) – Formulates the rules and
guidelines and grants licenses and permits.
Cybercrime law, was passed in 2012.
What are cybercrimes?
A person needs a certain drug and the drug cannot be dispensed with
without doctor’s prescription or the drug is a prohibited drug or Loosely, when we say cybercrime, not in accordance with our laws,
regulated, and the doctor who can prescribe it must be licensed with loosely, when we say cybercrime, they either are crimes that involve a
the DDB. computer or a network, meaning the internet. So either the computer
device or network is the target, it will destroy your computer or your
In relation to criminal cases, it states that if use of the dangerous drugs network, such as when a worm is introduced and it will crash the
played a role in the commission of the crime, it is always aggravating. computer, or the computer is the tool to commit a crime, such as when
Unlike in intoxication, which can be an alternative meaning it can be libel is committed with the use of a computer. What is computer
aggravating or mitigating. In section 92 of RA 9165, you will find that device? It has been opined by the cybercrime unit, that a smart phone
law enforcers and even prosecutors bungle(inefficiently) who will their is a computer.
cases shall be criminally liable.


The law says we cannot plea bargain. However, it was declared PREVENTION, INVESTIGATION, SUPPRESSION AND THE
unconstitutional because plea bargaining involves rules of procedure. IMPOSITION OF PENALTIES THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER
Rules of procedure, under the constitution can only be promulgated by PURPOSES
the Supreme Court. The judges though have to coordinate with other
officers of the court including the prosecutors because when we plea
bargain there has to be an agreement of all the parties involve. In a
drug case, this is a victimless crime.

Thus, there is no private offended party. When there is plea bargaining

both the victim and the offender will come to an agreement and it has

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o 3 general categories:
1. Sec. 4(c)(3) which pertains to unsolicited commercial a. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and
communications availability of computer data and systems
2. Sec. 12 which pertains to real-time collection of traffic b. Computer-related Offenses
data c. Content-related Offenses (usually also punished in
3. Sec. 19 which pertains to restricting or blocking access other penal laws)
to computer data

Cybercrime offenses have been divided into three categories. First is

(a) offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the
 SEC. 6. All crimes committed by, through and with the use of computer data system. Next is (b) computer related offenses, and next
information and communications technologies shall be is (c) content related offenses.
covered by this Act. The penalty shall be 1 degree higher
than that provided for by the RPC and special laws. Content related offenses has nothing to do with computer, it has
 SEC. 7. Liabilities under Other Laws. – A prosecution under something to do with what is being posted with the use of computer.
this Act shall be without prejudice to any liability for violation
of any provision of the RPC or special laws. Example:
 In the case of Disini v. SOJ, the SC ruled that Libel and Child
Pornography cannot be filed both under the RPC and the If you use the computer in order to spread libel, then that’s a content
Cybercrime Law, or RA 9775 and Cybercrime Law, related offense. The content is a crime already, but you used the
respectively, as that would constitute double jeopardy. internet to perpetrate the crime, or if you use the computer in order to
distribute pornographic or child pornography, then the content is
already a crime, it’s just that the medium used is the computer.
 With the exception of the crimes of online libel and online
child pornography, the Court would rather leave the Usually in content related offenses, the offenses are already punished
application of Sec. 7 to actual cases. under other penal laws, it could be the RPC, such as Libel already
 If the published material on print, said to be libelous, is again punished under the RPC, or Child pornography is already punished
posted online or vice versa, that identical material cannot be under the child pornography law. It could also involve crimes involving
the subject of two separate libels. The two offenses, one a trade and commerce, such as you sell fake Gucci, through the internet,
violation of Art. 353, RPC and the other violation of RA 10175 there is a violation of the law.
involve the same elements. Sec. 4(c)(4) merely establishes
the computer system as another means of publication.  Sec. 4 Cybercrime Offenses:
 Charging the offender under both laws would be a blatant a. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
violation of the proscription against double jeopardy. and availability of computer data and systems:
1. Illegal Access – Access to the whole or part of
a computer system without right.
The law is known as the cybercrime prevention act of 2012, RA 10175.
2. Illegal Interception – Interception made by
Three of the provisions of the law has been declared unconstitutional,
technical means without right of any non-
because this law was already passed by congress. After it was passed, public transmission of computer data to, from,
it was then challenged by several groups, including Disini. So for a
or within a computer system including
while the implementation of the cybercrime law was put on hold, there
electromagnetic emissions from a computer
was a moratorium in its implementation, while the law was being system carrying such computer data.
challenged before the Supreme Court. Eventually the Supreme Court
3. Data Interference – The intentional or reckless
ruled that three of the provisions of the law are unconstitutional.
alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration
of computer data, electronic document, or
What are these?
data message, without right, and the
introduction of viruses.
These are Sec. 4(c) (3) on unsolicited commercial communications 4. System Interference – The intentional
and Sec.12 on real time collection of traffic data, and sec. 19 which
alteration or reckless or interference with the
pertains to restrictive or blocking access to computer data.
functioning of a computer or network by
transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating,
Sec. 4(c)(3) is otherwise known as spam. In the law, it states that it can
altering or suppressing computer data or
block spam. The Supreme Court said, NO you cannot block spam,
program, electronic document or data
because blocking spam would violate their constitutional right of the
message, without right or authority, and the
reader or the sender to their freedom of speech.
introduction of viruses.
5. Misuse of Devices
Sec. 12 pertains to real time collection of traffic data, because under
6. Cyber-squatting – the acquisition of a domain
the law, law enforcers can collect data involving traffic of
name in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy
communications, Supreme Court, this is a violation of privacy, you
reputation, and deprive others from registering
cannot do that, unconstitutional.
the same, if it is:
i. Similar, identical, or confusingly
Sec. 19 is restricting or blocking access to computer data, otherwise
similar to an existing trademark
known as the automatic takedown clause, meaning that law enforcers,
registered with the government
under the Secretary of Justice, can take down access to computer
ii. Identical or similar with the name of
a person other than the registrant;
iii. Acquired without right or intellectual

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These are the specific acts constituting the crimes in each category. This was contested by Disini but SC said, we will not redefined Libel
from the Revised Penal Code. Therefore, because they have the same
Under category (a) we have illegal access. Illegal access is accessing definition, you cannot sue under both. You only have to choose only
a computer without a right, probably this means, hacking. one. The penalty for Online Libel under Cybercrime Law is one degree
higher as are other crimes.
Then, illegal interception, could also be hacking, after gaining access,
you interfere with the traffic.
 SEC. 7. Liabilities under Other Laws. – A prosecution
In data interference, let’s say a message that is supposed to be sent, is under this Act shall be without prejudice to any liability
misdirected, or something that is not supposed to be sent, is sent. for violation of any provision of the RPC or special laws.
 In the case of Disini v. SOJ, the SC ruled that Libel and
And then in system interference is more on the direction of the traffic Child Pornography cannot be filed both under the RPC
(fiscal: I’m not really sure what I’m talking about) and the Cybercrime Law, or RA 9775 and Cybercrime
Law, respectively, as that would constitute double
We have misuse of devices and cyber-squatting. In cybercrime jeopardy.
squatting, the company or a person does not really own the site, and  With the exception of the crimes of online libel and
makes it look like that it is the site, but actually is a fake site. online child pornography, the Court would rather leave
the application of Sec. 7 to actual cases.
Example:  If the published material on print, said to be libelous, is
again posted online or vice versa, that identical material
So you visit BDO Website, but it's actually BD[0] the number. It looks a cannot be the subject of two separate libels. The two
like really BDO and when you go to it, it starts asking your personal offenses, one a violation of Art. 353, RPC and the other
information. So that maybe Cybercrime that later on it may also lead to violation of RA 10175 involve the same elements. Sec.
Cybertheft. 4(c)(4) merely establishes the computer system as
another means of publication.
 Charging the offender under both laws would be a
b. Computer-related Offenses: blatant violation of the proscription against double
 Computer-related Forgery - jeopardy.
i. The input, alteration, or deletion of
any computer data without right
resulting in inauthentic data with the
Question from Class:
intent that it be considered or acted
upon for legal purposes as if it were
Regarding Child pornography, diba dili man ma-complex and
authentic; or
Special Law. Can you sue both?
ii. The act of knowingly using
computer data which is the product
NO. Child Pornography cannot be filed under both. Choose only one.
of computer-related forgery.
But remember that not all Libel or Child pornography are Cybercrime.

For example, it is in newspaper or magazine then that is not under

c. Content-related Offenses: Cybercrime. But if the computer or internet is used in order to distribute
i. Cybersex – the willful engagement, the child porn, ow you have both. If you choose Cybercrime, the
maintenance, control, or operation, penalty would be one degree higher. You cannot have both because
directly or indirectly, of any they have the same element.
lascivious exhibition of sexual
organs or sexual activity, with the Cybercrime is transnational crime. Even if the parties do not reside in
aid of a computer system, for favor the Philippines or even if the parties committed the crime outside of
or consideration. Philippine territory, Cybercrime may still be prosecuted in the
ii. Child Pornography – acts defined Philippines because it is a transnational crime.
and punishable by RA 9775
committed through a computer If Juan will post on facebook: "Kini si A,B ug C, mga kawatan ni sila"
system. The penalty shall be 1
degree higher than that provided for How many crimes?
in RA 9775. 3 crimes.
iii. Declared Unconstitutional
iv. Libel – the unlawful or prohibited Venue is RESIDENCE, not place of commission.
acts of libel as defined in Article 355
of the RPC, committed through a So let us say, Juan committed the crime while he was a seaman on a
computer system or any other boat. Let us say A is a resident of Cebu City, B in Manila and C in
similar means which may be Bacolod. They can file a separate case of Libel in Cebu, Manila and
devised in the future. Bacolod because this is not a case where there is only one victim.
There are three victims with different residence which is the venue for
filing the case.
Such as Cybersex and child pornography. Regarding spam - according
to SC, the reader has the right to read "Spam". So deleting spam is This is I think, the only crime where the venue is not place of
unconstitutional. commission but the residence of the victim and of course at the option
of the victim. So even if one posting, there can be several counts
LIBEL because there are several victims.

There was an attempt by Senator Sotto to include Libel in the In the Revised Penal Code, prescription of the crime is reckoned from
Cybercrime law because that was the time he was bullied because of either the date of the commission of the crime OR the date of the
the alleged plagiarism. discovery of the crime. Therefore if there is a libelous article in the
Freeman and the article appeared in January issue for example

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If there is a libelous article in the Freeman and it appeared in the

January issue, then from January, you already start counting the 3. Section 19 on the automatic take-down clause or
prescriptive period. But in Facebook, once it is posted, it does not go restricting or blocking access to computer data by
away, right? It will always be there. DOJ
o This is violative of the constitutional
Example: Juana writes for a newspaper but the newspaper without guarantees to freedom of expression and
telling her, digitized the article. against unreasonable searches and seizures.
For an executive officer to seize content
Now, can she insist that she be sued under the RPC? alleged to be unprotected without any judicial
warrant, it is not enough for him to be of the
This is still in issue now. opinion that such content violated some law,
for to do so would make him judge, jury, and
Q: What if i-take down ang post? executioner all rolled into one.
o The LEA shall also certify that no duplicated
A: But the crime is already consummated. So even if I take down ang or copies have been made, or if made, that all
post, the crime was already done. But we still don’t know if the such duplicates or copies are included in the
voluntary taking down of the post can be considered as mitigating. We package deposited with the court. The
still don’t know. package so deposited shall not be opened, or
the recordings replayed, or used in evidence,
In the Disini case, the SC said that in so far as other crimes are or then contents revealed, except upon order
concern, we will just cross the bridge when we get there. We will only of the court, which shall not be granted except
talk about libel and child pornography. upon motion, with due notice and opportunity
to be heard to the person or persons whose
Example: conversation or communications have been
There is a child who was made to perform sexual act, video was taken
and was distributed online. We can choose whether it is child porn or
cybercrime but it doesn’t mean that the crime is limited there. There This is also considered unconstitutional because it would be
can still be child abuse, white slavery or libel but we cannot have child tantamount to unreasonable search and seizures. It is also a violation
porn and cybercrime. of privacy and violation to freedom of expression as in automatic take
down, the DOJ will automatically take down the offending data.

Question: What are the parts of Cybercrime law that were However, this can be done by private person as what Facebook did
declared unconstitutional and why? with some accounts and Facebook can do that. In the US, the
providers can also do that and they call it “notice and take down”
1. Art. 4(c)(3) on spam whereby when there is an offending website like there is a seller of
o Unsolicited advisements are legitimate forms fake goods online.
of expressions. The recipient has the option of
not opening or reading these mail ads. To What the provider do it to notify that it will take down and it would not
prohibit the transmission of unsolicited ads be a violation in so far as they are concern because they are not public
would deny a person the right to read his officers. Being private persons, they are not considered as the
emails. guarantors of people’s human rights. Here, since this is DOJ, it
o Commercial speech is a separate category of considered as public official, thus, state actors.
speech which is not accorded the same level
of protection as that given to other
constitutional guaranteed forms of expression REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9995
The SC said that it would be unconstitutional to block spam because
unsolicited advertisements are still considered as legitimate form of
expression and it is part of commercial speech which protected by the RA 9995: THE ANTI-PHOTO AND VIDEO VOYEURISM LAW
 Photo or video voyeurism means the act of taking
photo or video coverage of a person or group of persons
2. Section 12 on real-time collection of traffic data.
performing sexual act or any similar activity or of
o It threatens the right of individuals to privacy.
capturing an image of the private area of a person or
Although it limits the collection of traffic data to
persons without the latter’s consent, under
those “associated with specified
circumstances in which such person/s has/have a
communications”, this is no limitation at all
reasonable expectation of privacy.
since it is the LEAs that would specify the
 No particular form of consent required.
target communications. The power is virtually
limitless, enabling law enforcement authorities
to engage in “fishing expedition,” choosing
whatever specified communication they want.  Or the act of selling, copying, reproducing,
broadcasting, sharing, showing or exhibiting the
photo or video coverage or recordings of such sexual
This is also considered unconstitutional because it would be a violation act or similar activity through VCD/DVD, internet, cellular
to one’s privacy. phones and similar means or device without the written
consent of the person/s involved, notwithstanding that
consent to record or take photo or video coverage
of same was given by such person.

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So, here, we can relate the child porn, the cybercrime with the photo
and video voyeurism. However, not all photo and video voyeurism are b. To copy or reproduce, or to cause to be copied or
cybercrime. It will only be a cybercrime if the computer or internet is reproduced, such photo or video or recording of
used. sexual act or any similar activity with or without
However, if somebody takes a picture of somebody and distribute such c. To sell or distribute, or cause to be sold or
picture, it would still be a violation of the law. distributed, such photo or video or recording of
sexual act, whether it be the original copy or
d. To publish or broadcast, or cause to be published
TWO ASPECTS: or broadcast, whether in print or broadcast media,
or show or exhibit the photo or video coverage or
1. Taking of the photo or video without consent of a sexual recordings of such sexual act or any similar activity
act or a private area of a person under such through VCD/DVD, internet, cellular phones and
circumstances in which such person has a reasonable other similar means or device.
expectation of privacy
 The prohibition under paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) shall
What if at the beach, you take a picture of somebody exposing apply notwithstanding that consent to record or take
whatever, would that be a violation? photo or video coverage of the same was given by such
person/s. Any person who violates this provision shall be
NO, because no expectation of privacy. liable for photo or video voyeurism as defined herein.

If there is that expectation, such as when it is performed in a bed room

and someone is performing a sexual activity or an exhibition, naay mu- Example:
take ug video or picture, note that the consent here is not required to
be in writing. Nya ang mama mu-take ug picture sa iyang baby nya i-post sa
FB? If it wasn't focused on a private area then it may not
Therefore, it may be verbal or maybe even implied, such as kung ni-
pusing jud diay ka, musayaw ka'g Careless Whisper in front of the Art is usually made as an excuse, for example, the reason for
camera. That means that the taking was with consent. There is no distributing or showing a person that is naked, (It should be a real
specific form required as to the manner of consent. person, not just a drawing).

2. The act of selling, copying, reproducing, broadcasting, Question:

sharing, showing, or exhibiting the photo or video
coverage or recordings of such sexual act or similar Is the taking of a picture of a bikini-clad woman in a beach, and
posting it on Facebook a crime?
This time, in order for not to be criminal, the act mentioned must be
 Note that there are 2 acts here:
1. The taking;
2. The posting

Careless Whisper. Even if the taking was consented, you posed before Photo of bikini-clad women, no crime committed because there is no
the camera, if the distribution was not consented but even if consented reasonable expectation of privacy
but not in writing, it could still be liable. The taker may not be liable but
the distributor. Can it be CYBERCRIME?
With respect to selling, the requirement is more stringent. It may be because remember in Disini, Supreme Court held that we
cannot decide yet whether we can have double jeopardy in other
What gadgets are we talking about? cases. We can only declare that we cannot have two prosecutions for
Libel and Cybercrime as well as Child Porn and Cybercrime. Insofar as
If it is a cellphone that is capable of taking a photo or a camera (kay other crimes, they will just take it up when a real controversy presents
similar means or device man), and then you share it then you show it, itself.
that can be actually TWO CRIMES - (1) taking and (2) broadcasting or
Juan and his 16-year-old girlfriend agreed to have their sexual
activity captured on video. Juan’s wife got hold of the video, and in
 Prohibited Acts. – it is hereby prohibited and declared her anger, she posted the video on youtube.
unlawful for any person:
a. To take photo or video coverage of a person or What crimes are committed?
group of persons performing sexual act or any
similar activity or to capture an image of the private
area of a person/s such as the naked or What are the crimes here?
undergarment clad genitals, pubic area buttocks or Child Abuse, either Cybercrime or Child Pron, Voyeurism
female breast without the consent of the person/s
involved and under circumstances in which the It could be Child Porn or Cybercrime for Child Porn. There could also
person/s has/have a reasonable expectation of be Libel here. You can choose between Libel and Cyberlibel.
There can actually be two cybercrimes here: (1) One for the libelous
content; and (2) for the Child Porn content, because these are content-
related cybercrimes.

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Can there be also a violation of Art. 201 (Obscene Publications)?

Yes.  SEC. 6 All crimes committed by, through and with the
use of information and communications technologies
Can they be complexed (Special Penal Laws)? shall be covered by this Act. The penalty shall be 1
NO. degree higher than that provided for by the RPC and
special laws.
Once they use the same definition, according to Disini, you have to  SEC. 7 Liability under other laws – A prosecution under
choose, because once the same elements, that means that filing one this Act shall be without prejudice to any liability for
will bar the filing of the other. violation of any provision of the RPC or special laws.

STUDENT: Can you apply the RPC in complexing?

FISCAL: No, we cannot complex. Let me go back to Cybercrime, so in

Section 6 and 7 of Cybercrime law (CCL) states that “All crimes
committed with the use of computer and internet shall be considered
as Cybercrime.” This is what we can as content related. Now Section 7
further says that a prosecution under CCL shall be without prejudice to
any prosecution under the RPC or other special laws.

Now here comes Disini. It states that if a crime is already punished

under one law, it cannot anymore be prosecuted under the other IF
they are materially the same. That would constitute double jeopardy.

That SC said that the term “child pornography” as used in the ACPA is
the same definition, there is a cybercrime. That is why if it is essentially
the same act with essentially the same elements, you cannot use CCL
and the other law at the same time. Same with libel, because the
definition of libel is the same in the RPC.

However, Section 7 says, even when you file cybercrime, you can file
in another law, provided that there is no double jeopardy. So if it’s the
same definition, there is double jeopardy. If the definition is different,
you can.

Example: If the child pornography is filed as Cybercrime, you can still

file Child Abuse. There is no double jeopardy.

When we read Section 7, we should read it together with the ruling in

Disini. Even if the law says you can still file under cybercrime when it is
already penalized under the RPC, that only applies if filing both will not
constitute double jeopardy.


Let’s say Juan is an illegal recruiter. He recruited Juana for the

purpose of commercial sexual exportation. He recruited using the
computer as a means. There is illegal recruitment with the use of a

So can we file under Migrant Worker’s Act for illegal recruitment?


Can we file under Cybercrime? Yes.

Can we file both for the same act of recruiting? Applying Disini,
maybe not.

If you file under Cybercrime for recruitment however, you can still file
for Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking is different from recruitment
which has been considered a cybercrime.

If you make Human Trafficking the Cybercrime, that is also possible.

There are now two Cybercrimes, similar to our earlier example with
Child pornography and libel. The only time you cannot file both is if
there would be double jeopardy. You can file a cybercrime as two
different offenses even if they arise from one act.

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