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Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

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Research paper

A novel hybrid grey-fuzzy optimization model for assessment of solar

technologies considering different scenarios of the Indian market
Shweta Singh a, Rathul Raj b, Atul Dhar c, Nikhil Khot d, Satvasheel Powar b, c, *
Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78758, USA
School of Technology and Business Studies, Energy Technology, Högskolan Dalarna, Borlänge 78170, Sweden
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Kamand, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 175005, India
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UN House, 55, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi 110003, India


Keywords: This paper examines the various solar photovoltaic technologies available in India. Seven commercially available
Solar photovoltaic photovoltaic technologies are compared using thirteen criteria that mainly contribute to sustainability, such as
Solar technologies social, economic, and environmental, along with technical criteria under various conditions. Three distinct cases
Multi-criteria decision making
were developed (case I: considering all the thirteen criteria, case II: considering twelve criteria and freezing LCOE
Levelized cost of energy
Grey theory
criteria, and case III: considering twelve criteria and freezing efficiency criteria) to determine the best technology
available for multiple stakeholders to invest in at different conditions. The assessment integrates grey system
theory, fuzzy set theory, and multi-criteria decision-making methods. The grey and fuzzy-based Analytical Hi­
erarchy Process is used to determine the significance of the criteria. In contrast, the grey and fuzzy-based
COmplex PRoportional ASsessment is used for ranking these technologies. According to the results, the most
favorable technology in all three cases is Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) if developed in the Indian zone. The CdTe
technology has a lower levelized cost of electricity and module cost, high efficiency, and, most importantly, high
technological maturity compared to other technologies.

1. Introduction place in India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change, with the Na­
tional Solar Mission as one of the key missions. Solar power capacity has
Environmental concerns and increased oil prices have led to increased more than elevenfolds in the last five years, from 2.6 GW in
increasing interest in renewable energy sources and encouraged inten­ March 2014 to 40.1 GW in March 2021 (Ministry of New and Renewable
sive research for new, more efficient, green power plants with advanced Energy, 2022). The reason for such a noticeable growth in solar power
technology. The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) estimates that by installation is the commitment of the Indian government to increase the
2030, the share of renewable energy generation in India will increase use of clean energy sources and the heavy promotion of green energy.
from 18% to 44% (Renewable Energy Industry, 2022). India is also the The continuous decrease in the cost of PV arrays and the increase in
world’s third-largest consumer of electricity and renewable energy efficiency imply a promising role for PV generating systems shortly
producer, with 38% (136 GW out of 373 GW) of total installed energy (Hussein et al., 1995; Zweibel, 1990). Unfortunately, the technologies
capacity in 2020 from renewable sources. Ernst and Young Global associated with photovoltaic (PV) power systems are not yet fully
Limited ranked India third behind USA and China in Renewable Energy established. Therefore, the price of an energy unit generated from a PV
Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) (Contributors, 2022). system is an order of magnitude higher than conventional energy sup­
Among renewable energy sources, solar energy has taken a central plied to city areas through the grid supply. Also, with increasing

List of Abbreviation: AHP, Analytical Hierarchy Process; CEA, Central Electricity Authority; CdTe, Cadmium Telluride; CIGS, Copper Indium Gallium Selenide;
COPRAS, COmplex PRoportional Assessment; G-AHP, Grey Analytical Hierarchy Process; G-COPRAS, Grey COmplex PRoportional Assessment; F-AHP, Fuzzy
Analytical Hierarchy Process; F-COPRAS, Fuzzy COmplex PRoportional Assessment; G-MCDM, Grey Multi-Criteria Decision Making; LCOE, Levelised Cost of Energy;
MCDM, Multi-Criteria Decision Making; mc-Si, Multicrystalline Silicon; PV, Photovoltaic; RECAI, Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index; sc-Si, Mono­
crystalline Silicon.
* Corresponding author at: School of Technology and Business Studies, Energy Technology, Högskolan Dalarna, Borlänge 78170, Sweden.
E-mail addresses:, (S. Powar).
Received 8 November 2023; Received in revised form 16 January 2024; Accepted 23 January 2024
Available online 2 February 2024
2352-4847/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

environmental concerns, clean technologies are being intensively pur­ multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) framework for comparing
sued and investigated (Singh, 2013). technologies based on various critical factors affecting their perfor­
In the Indian market, there are numerous solar cell technologies. mance. This work expands on the study by including new cases
Some technologies excel at efficiency, while others excel at design or demonstrating the relative importance of multiple indicators over per­
cost. Many researchers have investigated and attempted to explain this formance and technological dominance. This study will also help iden­
technological competition (Van de Kaa et al., 2011; Suarez, 2004). With tify the best available technology so that instead of investing money in
increasing innovation in the field and the development of new and all the technologies, the investors and stakeholders can invest it for a
hybrid technologies, studies covering essential aspects and the relative particular technology to be developed further with new design
importance of different factors for comparison must be updated. This innovations.
research aims to fill these gaps by developing a grey and fuzzy-based

Table 1
Literature review.
Ref Alternatives considered Evaluation criteria MCDM methods Brief

Van De Kaa et al (Van Multi-crystalline silicon (mc-Si), Financial strength, brand reputation, Crisp and fuzzy Analytic The research investigated the best
De Kaa et al., 2014). monocrystalline silicon (sc-Si), and credibility, operational Hierarchy Process method technology that will emerge as the
cadmium telluride (CdTe), CuIn (Ga) supremacy, learning orientation, dominant design. The most
Se2, copper indium (gallium) technology superiority, flexibility, influential criteria in the analysis
Selenide (CI(G)S), and amorphous pricing strategy, appropriability were the pricing strategy and
silicon (a-Si) strategy, timing of entry, marketing technological superiority in the
communications, pre-emption of dominance process.
scarce assets, commitment, and The first-generation technology
diversity of the network monocrystalline silicon PV has the
best chance of achieving dominance
(30% chance).
Yong Tang et al (Tang SG (solar grade) silicon production, Improved Siemens process, Ethyl Delphi-Analytical Hierarchy The paper studied the critical
et al., 2014). bulk crystal growth for PV, silicon Corporation process, czochralski, Process method technologies associated with silicon
wafers, cells, solar modules and directional solidification, wafering solar cells to evaluate the potential
systems technology, texturing, ion space for each technology in the
implantation, inkjet printing, all rear industrial chain of the solar cell. The
contact, rear passivation IBC cells, presented study was for China’s
boron emitter passivation, thinning silicon PV industry. The results
and anti-reflection, lithium-ion concluded that the technologies with
battery and two-axis tracking great potential for cost and energy
technology consumption are mainly distributed
at the front end, while technologies
for improving efficiency are mainly
concentrated at the back end.
M. Socorro García- Crystalline silicon (monocrystalline Manufacturing cost, efficiency in Technique for Order The study analysed the best
Cascales et al ( and polycrystalline), an inorganic energy conversion, market share, Preference by Similarity to photovoltaic cell available.
Socorro thin layer (amorphous silicon), an emission of greenhouse gases, and the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
García-Cascales inorganic thin layer (CdTe and CIGS), energy payback time method.
et al., 2012). an advanced III–V thin layer with
tracking systems for solar
concentration, and lastly, advanced,
low cost, thin layers (Organic and
hybrid cells)
Nasrollahi et al ( The fuzzy Delphi method The research examined the current
Nasrollahi et al., (FDM) and preference wave energy technologies as an
2023). ranking organization method alternative to employing green and
for enrichment evaluations sustainable technology in the seas
(PROMETHEE) and oceans. Major wave energy
extraction methods were listed along
with a framework. Strategic
considerations, availability,
technical expertise, technological
characteristics, economic, social, and
environmental considerations have
all been considered while evaluating
each technology. In all, 52 criteria
and 20 converters were considered.
The Caspian Sea was used as an
example, and a decision matrix was
created by fusing the information
obtained with the views of the
experts. Pelamis is regarded as the
best suitable technology to capture
wave energy in the Caspian Sea.
Tausif Ali et al (Ali Solar, wind, biomass to electricity, The main criteria are economic, Shannon’s Entropy method The paper investigated different
et al., 2019). biogas to electricity, and solar-wind- technical, environmental, and socio- for criteria weightage and renewable energy technologies. The
battery hybrid energy system political. Evaluation based on Distance southern region of Bangladesh was
from Average Solution selected as the geographical region
(EDAS) method for ranking for the study. The study’s outcome
shows that the Solar-Wind-Battery
hybrid energy system is the best
option for the selected region.

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

1.1. Motivation and inspiration to select the best solar technology (including first and second-generation
solar) for the Indian region while considering sustainable criteria for the
A shift in energy sources is occurring today towards clean and assessment using grey and fuzzy MCDM methods, assuming different
affordable energy for the masses, highlighting the need for solar energy cases-based on solar growth trends. A comprehensive literature review
as an alternative due to its increased availability and affordability. The shows no studies have simultaneously evaluated this diverse range of
government and policymakers have undertaken many initiatives to solar technologies. The present study simultaneously uses hybrid grey
establish India as a global leader in solar energy. Despite these efforts, and fuzzy techniques to check for certainty and vagueness. Also, the
India faces several challenges, including a lack of innovation in solar different cases included in this study, considering real-world market
technologies that could otherwise provide more accessible energy- situations, will help stakeholders and design innovators to invest in one
efficient results. technology irrespective of growth trends in the solar PV industry. The
There are numerous first- and second-generation technologies on the scientific contribution of the paper will be that the research will assist
market. Out of these, there is a need to identify one specific technology policymakers, stakeholders, and even customers in understanding under
that can dominate the market because it is critical for the organization to a particular situation which solar technology is best to pick to invest in,
understand the design; they should support the consumers to win the make policies on, and finance.
business battle. Policymakers can change their strategies based on the
dominant technology, and the government can initiate funds for 3. Problem statement
advancing that technology’s design as the energy sector for any country
acts as a critical determinant of economic prosperity, environmental The best available solar technologies from the perspective of India
quality, and social security, in short, crucial to growth. Along with that, have been approximated in this study. The seven solar technologies
several factors can affect the performance of solar technologies, such as chosen for evaluation are Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) thin
efficiency, cost, location and climate, space availability, application, film, Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), amorphous silicon (a-Si) + micro­
environmental impact, incentives and regulations, reliability, durability, crystal silicon, Perc half-cut monocrystalline silicon, monocrystalline
etc. Deciding on the best course of action that satisfies individual energy silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and heterojunction technology.
demands while also considering more significant factors is no easy feat. With reference to the literature review in the related field, the study
Hence, these decisions need to be considered while selecting a solution analysed the various sustainable criteria used for the purpose, some of
for solar energy. which are listed in the Fig. 1 fishbone/cause-effect diagram. The criteria
selected in this study are based on their effects on the performance of
2. Literature review and gap identified these technologies as documented in the literature and after consulta­
tion with a group of decision-makers. To validate the feasibility of these
2.1. Literature studies selected criteria given the performance of solar technologies, experts
from solar energy industries in Northern India and researchers who have
Solar power is constantly being explored by decision-makers and worked in this field for more than ten years are consulted, and brain­
researchers worldwide for decision-making in many areas, such as the storming sessions are held. Experts provided perspectives on the various
best location for solar plant site selection, technology selection, best criteria and investigated their associated practicalities. Finally, based on
renewable energy selection, and so on, attracting government, acade­ the data availability and experts’ opinion, thirteen critical criteria are
micians, and organizations. Table 1 flashes the light on literature from identified as given in Table 2 based on their importance concerning the
the solar energy field to know the research going on and linked gaps. study.
Different cases have been considered based on the significance of
2.2. Research gaps selected criteria on the performance of solar PV technologies. These are-
Case I. Considering all the thirteen criteria (given in Table 2) and
To the best of our knowledge and based on a review of the relevant
prioritizing the alternatives (solar technologies).
literature, academic research on the evaluation of solar technology in
India is lacking. When comparing and assessing sustainability in­ This case considers all thirteen criteria in the decreasing order of
dicators, most literature does not include all of them (Kaneesamkandi significance- levelized cost of energy > total module cost per watt >
et al., 2022). Other studies overlooked the relative importance of technological maturity > efficiency > temperature coefficient of Pmax >
various factors contributing significantly to the performance of the energy payback time > module lifetime > CO2 emission per kWh pro­
technologies (Van de Kaa et al., 2011). The assessment studies were duced > shadow tolerance > cumulative energy demand for production
mostly conducted using conventional multi-criteria decision-making > weight > highest available module wattage > aesthetics flexibility.
(MCDM) methods or fuzzy MCDM methods (Singh et al., 2022a) (Mary,
Case. II: Freezing ‘Levelized cost of energy (LCOE)’ and considering all
2022) (Memon and Patel, 2021). MCDM approaches are a
other criteria in the same significance order (as in Case I).
decision-making procedure developed to deal with cases where more
than one competing criterion or objective needed to be considered at the This case addresses the rapid technological growth and continuously
same time. Incorporating fuzzy set theory into multi-criteria decision-­ decreasing modules cost in recent years. This case will determine the
making (MCDM) methods gives numerous benefits to the study, such as changes in the ranking of the technologies (compared to Case I) when
handling linguistic variables, expressing degrees of disbelief, combining the LCOE is considered insignificant and assumed as fixed criteria. LCOE
qualitative and quantitative information, enhancing sensitivity analysis, is eliminated in this case, and the significance of the other twelve criteria
and most importantly, involves uncertainty, imprecision, and vague­ used is decided in decreasing order as total module cost per watt >
ness. Many articles can be found on MCDM and fuzzy set theory in the technological maturity > efficiency > temperature coefficient of Pmax >
solar energy field for various courses of decision. Very few articles used energy payback time > module lifetime > CO2 emission per kWh pro­
grey-MCDM, which deals with uncertainties and vagueness and focuses duced > shadow tolerance > cumulative energy demand for production
more on producing concrete results. Grey-MCDM can be beneficial > weight > highest available module wattage > aesthetics flexibility.
where information is limited, uncertain, or incomplete, deals with am­
Case. III: Freezing the efficiency criterion and considering all other
biguity, and can incorporate partially known criteria. Articles that
criteria in the same significance order (as in Case I).
include MCDM, fuzzy, and grey set theory for decision-making are
almost negligible in the study area. This case is considered as solar technologies are becoming increas­
Keeping this in mind, one such effort has been made in this research ingly competitive nowadays, and numerous studies are being conducted

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

Fig. 1. Fishbone diagram indicating the various influencing criteria for technology selection.

technological maturity, efficiency, temperature coefficient of Pmax,

Table 2
module lifetime, CO2 emission per kWh produced, shadow tolerance,
Sustainable criteria selected for evaluating solar technologies with decreasing
cumulative energy demand for production, weight, and highest avail­
order of significance according to decision-makers considering case location
‘India’. able module wattage are taken from solar industries and technical re­
ports (First Solar Series) (Solar and HDT, 2024) (Solar, 2024) (Miasole,
S. Criteria References
2024) (Powitt Solar, 2024) (Thin-Film Silicon Products, 2024) (Green
et al., 2020). The value for aesthetic flexibility is taken on a five-point
1 Levelised cost of energy (Hansen, 2019;Padmanathan et al., 2017)
scale during brainstorming sessions with decision-makers, where five
2 Total module cost per watt (Padmanathan et al., 2017)
3 Technological maturity (Van De Kaa et al., 2014)
corresponds to highly flexible and one corresponds to minimal flexi­
4 Efficiency (Ghasempour et al., 2019;Wu et al., 2018) bility. The values for the Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and the energy
5 Temperature coefficient of payback time (EPBT) are calculated by the authors by using the
Pmax following equations-
6 Energy payback time (Socorro García-Cascales et al., 2012;Wu et al.,
2018;Rath-Nagel and Stocks, 1982) Initial Investment + (Annual cost ∗ n) − Residual value
7 Module lifetime LCOE = (1)

rate)i− 1
8 CO2 emission per kWh (Socorro García-Cascales et al., 2012;
First year yield∗(1− system degradation
(1+interest rate)
produced Kaneesamkandi et al., 2022) i=1
9 Shadow tolerance
10 Cumulative energy demand where, i = years and n = life of the system
for production
11 Weight Specific energy
EBPT = (2)
12 Highest available module Energy generation rate
13 Aesthetics flexibility (Van De Kaa et al., 2014) Next is to select the assessment methods. Here in this study, the grey
system theory and fuzzy set theory are chosen for evaluation because
they can deal with uncertainty and vagueness in decision-making
to improve the efficiency of solar modules. This case will examine problems and for the validation of results (Aytaç Adali et al., 2022).
changes in the ranking of technologies using efficiency as an insignifi­ As discussed in the previous section, two grey MCDM methods, the
cant indicator. Efficiency is eliminated in this case, and the significance grey-fuzzy- Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and grey-fuzzy- Com­
of the other twelve criteria used is decided in decreasing order as- lev­ plex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS), are used for evaluation in
elized cost of energy > total module cost per watt > technological three cases (Stewart, 1992) (Shah and Longsheng, 2022). Grey-AHP and
maturity > temperature coefficient of Pmax > energy payback time > fuzzy-AHP are used to determine the criteria weightage that will be used
module lifetime > CO2 emission per kWh produced > shadow tolerance to rank the alternatives, and grey-COPRAS and fuzzy-COPRAS are used
> cumulative energy demand for production > weight > highest to rank the alternatives. AHP and COPRAS are combined here as per the
available module wattage > aesthetics flexibility. characteristics of the decision problem. AHP is suitable in this study as
the problem here involves hierarchal structure and requires pairwise
4. Methodology comparison for relative weight.
On the other hand, the COPRAS method takes the interaction be­
This study used grey and fuzzy MCDM methods to evaluate solar tween criteria and alternatives, considering complexities and in­
technologies based on thirteen critical criteria, as shown in Table 2, to terdependencies. Fig. 2 depicts the research framework. The following
determine the best available solar technology for the location of India. section will describe the grey system theory and grey MCDM
Decision-makers gave the significance or preference of the criteria in the methodology.
assessment study. The seven solar technologies selected for comparison
are- CIGS thin film, CdTe, a-Si + microcrystal silicon, Perc half-cut
monocrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline sili­ 4.1. Grey system theory
con, and heterojunction technology. These seven technologies will be
compared based on thirteen sustainable criteria, and accordingly, a final Julong-Deng first proposed the grey system theory in 1982 to address
assessment will be carried out. The data collected for the assessment is uncertainties and vagueness in decision-making problems (Liu and Lin,
shown in Table 3. The data sources are various solar industries, aca­ 2010). The grey system deals with uncertainties, which means it trades
demic papers, technical reports, and author’s calculations. with varying degrees of information classified as black systems with
Out of the thirteen criteria, the data for total module cost per watt, completely unknown information, white systems with fully known

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

information, and grey systems with partially known systems. As infor­

Initial data matrix collected to assess the solar technologies (A1-A7). The technologies will be compared based on the mentioned sustainable criteria in the table (First Solar Series 6TM 6TM 6TM; Solar and HDT, 2024;
mation is incomplete in real life, all problems can be treated as grey

systems. In contrast to statistics, grey system theory can make decisions
with a small sample size.


The grey number is represented by ⊗x = [x, x] where x represent the
lower bound and x represent the upper bound of the membership
function. The grey value lies between these lower and upper bounds and



their values are known. The Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI)





section S1 presents the basic arithmetic operation for the grey system

theory which will later be utilised in assessment.







11.4 4.2. Grey multi-criteria decision-making methods

One of the most important concepts in grey system theory is grey

energy demand
for production

multi-criteria decision-making (G-MCDM). When combined with fuzzy


sets and grey numbers, decision-making methods produce concrete re­







sults in a wide range of applications. Fuzzy numbers combined with


MCDM are an excellent way to reduce uncertainties in a problem,

whereas grey numbers combined with MCDM methods cover both un­
certainties and vagueness in the data (Tian et al., 2019) (Salameh et al.,

Section 3 describes three different cases that were considered for the

assessment of solar technologies for this study. Grey-MCDM, specifically

CO2 emissions

grey- analytical hierarchy process (G-AHP), will be used for criteria

Kg CO2 eq/

weightage and grey- complex proportional assessment (G-COPRAS) for

per kWh

alternative ranking in all three cases.






G-AHP was chosen for the study because it is one of the oldest and
most well-known methods of decision-making (Al Garni and Awasthi,
2017) (Shahnazari et al., 2020). G-AHP has a wide range of applications


for dealing with complex decision-making problems at various levels






(Mathivathanan et al., 2017). It integrates subjective and objective

evaluations in a comparative scale-based structure and assists analysts in
establishing the fundamental aspects of a problem in a hierarchical


structure (Nguyen et al., 2022). The steps used for the calculation of




criteria weightage by G-AHP are as follows (Thakur, 2022):

Solar, 2024; Miasole, 2024; Powitt Solar, 2024; Thin-Film Silicon Products, 2024; Green et al., 2020).

Step 1: Construct the pairwise comparison matrix using the grey

coef. Of

number and expert’s evaluations. Table 4 shows the linguistic scale



%/◦ C






conversion in grey numbers. Using that, construct the integrated grey

comparison matrix as given in Eq. (3) as follows:

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤



⊗x11 ⋯ ⊗x1n x11 , x11 ⋯ x1n , x1n



⎢ ⋮ ⎥ (3)

D=⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎦=⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⎦
⊗xm1 ⋯ ⊗xmn x ,
m1 m1x ⋯ x mn , xmn

Step 2: Calculate the normalised grey comparison matrix as given in

Eqs. (4–6). The normalized grey comparison matrix is calculated by






dividing each column value by its column sum to obtain the normalized

weight or preference weight.

⎤ ⎡ ⎤
cost (total)

⊗x∗11 ⋯ ⊗x∗1n x∗11 , x∗11 ⋯ x∗1n , x∗1n ⎥


⎢ ⎥ ⎢

⋮ ⎥ (4)


D∗ = ⎢ ⋮ ⎥

⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⎦=⎢ ⋮ ⋱



⎣ ⎦
⊗x∗m1 ⋯ ⊗x∗mn x∗m1 , x∗m1 ⋯ x∗mn , x∗mn

Cost of

xij 2xij
x∗ij = ∑ = ∑ (5)





m ∑
m m ∑m
( xij + xij ) ( xij + xij )
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
Perc half-cut mono c
a-Si + micro-crystal

xij 2xij
x∗ij = ∑ (6)
Hetero Junction


= ∑

m ∑
m m ∑m
CIGS thin film

( xij + xij ) ( xij + xij )

i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1


Where ⊗xij is the pairwise comparison concerning the ith criterion over



the jth criterion.

Step 3: By taking averages of the row, next is to calculate the grey
Table 3

weight for each criterion by using Eq. (7).






S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

Fig. 2. Framework adopted for the solar technology selection using grey fuzzy mcdm.

⎡ ⎤
Table 4 ⊗G11 ⋯ ⊗G1n
Conversion of linguistic scales into grey numbers (Nyaoga et al., 2016). ⊗G = ⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎦ (9)
Level Linguistic scale Symbol Grey number
⊗Gm1 ⋯ ⊗Gmn

1 Equivalent EI (Renewable Energy Industry, 2022; Step 2: Calculate the normalised decision matrix, using Eqs. (10–12).
importance Contributors, 2022) ⎡ ⎤
3 Medium MI (Contributors, 2022;Hussein et al., 1995) ⊗G∗11 ⋯ ⊗G∗1n
Importance ⎢ ⎥
5 Strong importance SI (Hussein et al., 1995;Singh, 2013)
⊗G∗ = ⎢
⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥⎦ (10)
7 Very strong VSI (Singh, 2013; Suarez, 2004)
∗ ∗
⊗Gm1 ⋯ ⊗Gmn
9 Extreme EMI (Suarez, 2004; Tang et al., 2014)
Ghg 2Ghg
G∗hg = ∑m ∑
m = ∑
m ∑m (11)
( Ghg + Gij ) ( Ghg + Ghg )
h=1 h=1 h=1 h=1

Ghg 2Ghg
(7) (12)
j=1 ∗
⊗wi = Ghg = ∑ = ∑
n 1
m ∑
m m ∑m
( Ghg + Ghg ) ( Ghg + Ghg )
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
Where n = {1,2,……,N} is the criterion set.
Step 4: Next is to calculate the whitenization of the grey weight by Where Ghg is the pairwise comparison concerning the hth alternative in
using Eq. (8). The whitened value is a crisp number whose value is be­ the gth criterion.
tween the grey weight’s upper and lower bound. Step 3: Calculate the weighted normalised grey decision matrix using
Mi = (1 − λ)wi + λwi (8) Eq. (13).
⎡ ⎤
⊗X11 ⋯ ⊗X1n
Where λ is the whitening coefficient and λ ϵ [0,1]. ⊗X = ⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎦where ⊗ Xhg = ⊗G∗hg × ⊗wg (13)
After determining the criteria weight, the G-COPRAS method will be ⊗Xm1 ⋯ ⊗Xmn
used to calculate the ranking for all cases. The G-COPRAS method is used
in a variable system to maximize and minimize values. It also compares Where ⊗ wg is the grey weight of each criterion from the G-AHP.
and verifies the results. The method’s typical feature is to evaluate Step 4: To calculate the relative significance of the criteria, first, we
variables describing hierarchically structured complex magnitudes and will find the sum Ph values using Eq. (14) where larger values are
placing them on the same hierarchical level (Kraujalienė, 2019; Singh preferable and the sums Rh using Eq. (15) where smaller values are
et al., 2022b). The steps used for G-COPRAS are as follows (Nguyen preferable.
et al., 2022; Mehta et al., 2022): 1∑ o

Step 1: After determining the weight (in this study weights are esti­ Ph = (X + X hg ), h = 1, 2, …., m; g = 1, 2, ……, o (14)
2 g=1 hg
mated with G-AHP), identify the decision matrix. Suppose that A = {A1 ,
A2 , …, Am } is a discrete set of m alternatives, which are ranked by
discrete set C = {C1 ,C2 ,…,Cn }of n criteria. Convert the linguistic values 1 ∑ n
Rh = (X + X hg ), h = 1, 2, …., m; g = o + 1, o + 2, ……, n (15)
into grey numbers using Table 4 to construct the grey decision matrix 2 g=o+1 hg
using Eq. (9).
After that the relative significance will be computed using Eq. (16) as

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

h=1 Rh
higher level, respectively.
Qh = Ph + ∑ , h = 1, 2, ….., m (16)
Rh mh=1 R1h Step 3: Next step is the calculation of element weight. The Normal­
ization of the Geometric Mean (NGM) method is applied to compute
Step 5: Calculate the utility degree of each alternative. local weights and given by,
First, the optimality criterion ‘K′ is calculated using Eq. (17). Next,
the utility degree of each alternative ‘U′ is determined by comparing the w i = ∑n (20)
i=1 gi
alternatives under consideration with the best alternative (i.e., 100% for
the best alternative), Eq. (18), as follows: Where,
K = Maxh Qh , h = 1, 2, ….., m (17) ∏n 1
gi = ( j=1 rij )
U= × 100%, h = 1, 2, ….., m (18) In the above equations, gi is geometric mean of criterion i. rij is the
comparison value of criterion i to criterion j. wi is the ith criterion’s

weight, where wi > 0 and ni = 1wi = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
4.3. Fuzzy set theory
Step 4: Last step is to calculate the fuzzy weight by dividing the
corresponding fuzzy geometric mean value by the inverse calculated.
Fuzzy set theory is a unique research approach that can solve prob­
After finding the criteria weight by fuzzy AHP, next step is to find the
lems relating to subjective, ambiguous, and imprecise judgments. Zadeh
ranking results of all the three cases using fuzzy COPRAS method.
initiated it in the early 1960 and Menger first coined term fuzzy set in
Zavadskas invented the COPRAS method in 1994 (Ganesan et al., 2022).
1951 (Introduction, 1980). The structure of Fuzzy Logic systems is
The method easily allows to check and compare the results, but is should
simple and justifiable. It can manage vulnerabilities in decision-making
be in same hierarchical level. The disadvantage of this method is that it
and can be programmed into circumstances. On the other hand, setting
is less stable in comparison to others, and the results can be very sen­
accurate, fuzzy guidelines and enrollment capacities can be a chal­
sitive to the variable changes (Yeo et al., 2022). The steps of F-COPRAS
lenging task.
are as follows:
Step 1: Gather the data as per the study and construct the initial data
4.4. Fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methods matrix.
Step 2: Construct the fuzzy decision matrix as per the scale shown in
After the implication of grey-AHP for criteria weightage and grey- Table 5.
COPRAS for ranking of technologies, the fuzzy-analytical hierarchy Step 3: Normalize the fuzzy decision matrix (fij ). It is formed by
process (fuzzy-AHP) for weightage of criteria and fuzzy complex pro­ dividing each entry by the sum of all the entries in each column to
portional assessment (fuzzy-COPRAS) for the ranking will be applied to remove anomalies with different measurement units to form dimen­
adopt the methodologies given further for the validation of the results sionless criteria.
generated. Cross verifying the results generated by grey-MCDM with
Step 4: Calculate the weighted normalized decision matrix (̃ xij ) as
fuzzy-MCDM will add to the robustness of the results and cover uncer­
per Eq. (22). It is calculated by multiplying the weight of evaluation
tainty, vagueness, and ambiguity in the results at the first time. The
indicators (wj ) with normalized decision matrices.
selection of the fuzzy AHP in the methodology is because of its wide
range of applications in decision-making. The method has a unique ̃
xij = fij ∗ wj (22)
ability to consider the relative priorities of alternatives. It is relatively
simple and the most flexible method. Either objective or subjective Step 5: Pi and Ri values calculations.
factors or either quantitative or qualitative information enact a signifi­ Sums Pi (refer Eq. (23)) of criteria values are the one whose larger
cant role during the decision process. The main disadvantage is that values are required (maximise the optimization) for the computation of
sometimes there is no solution for the linear equations and only allow each alternative (line of the decision-making matrix) and Sums Ri of
triangular fuzzy numbers to be used (Tripathi et al., 2022). Following criteria values are whose smaller values are desirable (minimize the
are the steps to be utilised for determining the criteria weightage by optimization) computation for (refer Eq. (23)) each alternative (line of
fuzzy AHP: the decision-making matrix).
Step 1: The first step is to decompose the problem into a hierarchy ∑
k ∑
with a goal at the top, criteria, and sub-criteria at levels and sublevels, Pi = ̃xij and Ri = ̃
xij (23)
and decision alternatives at the bottom of the hierarchy. j=1 j=k+1

Step 2: The comparison matrix involves the comparison in pairs of Step 6: Decide the minimal value of Ri as per Eq. (24).
the elements of the constructed hierarchy. The aim is to set their relative
priorities with respect to each of the elements at the next higher level. Rmin = minRi ; i = 1, …., n. (24)
Accordingly, a fuzzy comparison matrix using triangular fuzzy scale
(Table 5) can be defined as follows: Step 7: Estimate the relative weight of each alternative Qi using Eq.
= [x11 ⋯x1n ⋮⋱⋮xn1 ⋯xnn ] (19)

Rmin Ri
For instance, (x11=x11,L,x11,M, x11,U) shows the lower, middle, and
Q i = Pi + i=1
upper value of the 1st element compared with the 2nd element at the ∑
Ri Ri

Table 5
Step 8: Determine the optimality criterion K as per Eq. (26).
Conversion scale from linguistic to triangular fuzzy (Gumus et al., 2013).
Saaty Scale Definition Triangular fuzzy scale K = minQi ; i = 1, n. (26)
1 Equally important (1,1,1)
3 Weakly important (2,3,4)
Step 9: Allocate the priority of the alternatives.
5 Fairly important (4,5,6) The greater is the relative weight of alternative Qi , the higher is the
7 Strongly important (6,7,8) priority or rank of the alternatives. In the case of Qmax , the satisfaction
9 Absolutely important (9,9,9) degree is the highest.

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

Step 10: Determine the utility degree of each alternative using Eq. Table 7
(27). Grey weights by G-AHP (Case II: Considering twelve criteria and freezing the
LCOE criterion).
Ni = 100% (27) Criteria Grey weights Crisp weight
Module cost (total) /W 0.174 0.271 0.223
where Qi and Qmax are the weight of the projects. Technological maturity 0.111 0.188 0.149
Efficiency 0.089 0.152 0.121
Temp coef. Of Pmax 0.089 0.148 0.119
5. Results, discussions, and validation Energy Payback Time 0.080 0.132 0.106
Module Lifetime 0.058 0.101 0.079
In this paper, three case studies are chosen and analyzed before being CO2 emissions per kWh produced 0.040 0.071 0.055
Shadow tolerance 0.033 0.056 0.045
ranked using the integrated grey and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-
Cumulative energy demand for production 0.029 0.047 0.038
making methods. G-AHP and F-AHP are used to calculate grey and fuzzy Module weight 0.026 0.040 0.033
weights, respectively, while G-COPRAS and F-COPRAS rank alterna­ Highest available module wattage 0.017 0.026 0.021
tives. Grey set theory and fuzzy set methods are used to validate the Aesthetics flexibility 0.010 0.012 0.011
ranking results. Three different cases for seven different technologies
have been considered to knowhow the significance of it in different
scenarios. A group of decision-makers decides on the criteria and their Table 8
significance. Table 2 lists the criteria in decreasing order of significance, Grey weights by G-AHP (Case III: Considering twelve criteria and freezing the
with LCOE being the most significant and module cost to aesthetics efficiency criterion).
flexibility being the least significant. Criteria Grey weights Crisp weight

Levelized Cost of Energy 0.194 0.282 0.238

Module cost (total) /W 0.152 0.234 0.193
5.1. Grey weight calculation by G-AHP and F-AHP method
Technological maturity 0.098 0.164 0.131
Temp coef. Of Pmax 0.078 0.129 0.104
In all three cases, G-AHP and F-AHP are used to determine criteria Energy Payback Time 0.069 0.111 0.090
weightage. A total of thirteen criteria are chosen for Case I (shown in Module Lifetime 0.050 0.084 0.067
CO2 emissions per kWh produced 0.032 0.056 0.044
Table 2), and twelve each for case II (freezing LCOE while maintaining
Shadow tolerance 0.029 0.048 0.039
the significance of all other criteria as in Case I) and case III (freezing Cumulative energy demand for production 0.026 0.040 0.033
efficiency and keeping the significance of all other criteria as it is as in Module weight 0.024 0.036 0.030
Case I). Highest available module wattage 0.016 0.024 0.020
G-AHP calculations for all three cases are given in ESI. The initial Aesthetics flexibility 0.010 0.012 0.011

grey comparison matrix and the normalized grey comparison matrix are
provided in Tables S1 and S2 for Case I, for case II in Tables S3 and S4,
and for case III in Tables S5 and S6, respectively. G-AHP combines grey Table 9
theory and the AHP method to reduce subjective judgement in decision- Fuzzy weight by F-AHP (for all the three cases).
making. Grey weights can be described using linguistic variables Weights by fuzzy-AHP
expressed in grey numbers, which include pessimistic and optimistic
Levelised Cost of Energy 0.154 0.238 0.373
values. The grey weights and crisp weights for Case I are shown in Module cost (total) /W 0.122 0.208 0.318
Table 6, case II in Table 7, and case III in Table 8. Table 6 shows that the Technological maturity 0.074 0.133 0.236
grey weight for the criterion ‘Levelized cost of energy’ has the lowest or Efficiency 0.061 0.107 0.187
Temp coef. Of Pmax 0.050 0.088 0.158
pessimistic value of 0.176 and the highest weight, or optimistic value, of
Energy Payback Time 0.037 0.065 0.121
0.264. Other criteria in all cases are explained in the same way. Grey Module Lifetime 0.024 0.045 0.085
weights can be converted to crisp values by averaging their lower and CO2 emissions per kWh produced 0.021 0.037 0.070
upper bound values. Shadow tolerance 0.017 0.029 0.051
After calculating the weight by grey set theory combined with AHP Cumulative energy demand for production 0.015 0.024 0.043
Module weight 0.011 0.017 0.028
MCDM method. Next is to calculate the fuzzy weight using F-AHP in
Highest available module wattage 0.007 0.009 0.014
fuzzy triangular set. For fuzzy weight, the initial comparison matrix for Aesthetics flexibility 0.007 0.009 0.014
all the three cases is given in ESI section S3 Table S7. Further calculation
for geometric mean value and final weights by F-AHP is given in Table 9
for all the three cases. 5.2. Ranking the technologies by G-COPRAS and F-COPRAS methods

Table 6
Grey numbers are used in the G-COPRAS method, and fuzzy numbers
Grey weights by G-AHP (Case I: Considering all the thirteen criteria). are used in F-COPRAS to define the performance rating of seven
different solar PV technologies, including CIGS thin film, CdTe, a-Si+
Criteria Grey weights Crisp weight
microcrystalline silicon, perc half-cut monocrystalline silicon, mono­
Levelized Cost of Energy 0.176 0.264 0.220 crystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and heterojunction
Module cost (total) /W 0.134 0.210 0.172
Technological maturity 0.089 0.151 0.120
Efficiency 0.069 0.118 0.093 G-AHP obtains the grey weight for each criterion when calculating
Temp coef. Of Pmax 0.069 0.115 0.092 ranking by G-COPRAS. As defined in Section 4.2, the initial grey deci­
Energy Payback Time 0.062 0.100 0.081 sion matrix is first converted into a normalized grey decision matrix and
Module Lifetime 0.045 0.077 0.061
then into a weighted normalized decision grey matrix.
CO2 emissions per kWh produced 0.031 0.054 0.042
Shadow tolerance 0.026 0.044 0.035
The initial grey decision matrix, normalized grey decision matrix,
Cumulative energy demand for production 0.023 0.037 0.030 and weighted normalized decision matrix for Case I can be found in ESI
Module weight 0.021 0.032 0.026 Tables S8-S10, case II in Tables S11-S13, and case III in Tables S14-S16.
Highest available module wattage 0.014 0.021 0.018 The values of sums, relative significance, and utility degree are then
Aesthetics flexibility 0.009 0.011 0.010
calculated using the steps outlined in Section 4.2. Table 10 shows the

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

Table 10 Table 12
Ranking of alternatives by G-COPRAS (Case I: Considering all the thirteen Ranking of alternatives by G-COPRAS (Case III: Considering twelve criteria and
criteria). freezing the efficiency criterion).
Technologies Sums Sums Relative Utility Rank by G- Technologies Sums Sums Relative Utility Rank by G-
(P) (R) Significance degree COPRAS (P) (R) Significance degree COPRAS
(Q) (U) (Q) (U)

CIGS thin film 0.0668 0.216 0.094 40.775 7 CIGS thin film 0.059 0.237 0.089 37.897 7
CdTe 0.1055 0.047 0.230 100 1 CdTe 0.098 0.052 0.235 100.000 1
a-Si + micro 0.0650 0.056 0.170 73.805 2 a-Si + micro 0.068 0.062 0.183 78.107 2
crystal Si crystal Si
Perc half cut mono 0.0550 0.064 0.147 63.861 4 Perc half cut mono 0.042 0.070 0.143 60.968 4
crystalline Si crystalline Si
Mono crystalline Si 0.0491 0.078 0.124 53.790 6 Mono crystalline Si 0.036 0.086 0.118 50.169 6
Poly crystalline Si 0.0359 0.065 0.126 54.647 5 Poly crystalline Si 0.025 0.071 0.124 52.871 5
HeteroJunction 0.0723 0.070 0.156 67.607 3 HeteroJunction 0.062 0.077 0.154 65.499 3
Technology Technology

values for case I, Table 11 shows the values for case II, and Table 12
Table 13
shows the values for case III. The utility degree (U) value is used to rank
Ranking of alternatives by F-COPRAS (Case I: Considering all the thirteen
the alternatives.
Next is to find the ranking results by F-COPRAS utilizing criteria
weightage given by F-AHP (refer Table 9). For this, the methodology Alternatives Sums Sums Relative Utility Rank by F-
(Pi) (Ri) weight (Qi) degree COPRAS
given in section 4.5 should be followed and initial decision matrix, (Ni)
normalised decision matrix and weighted normalised matrix has been
CIGS thin film 1.767 6.640 2.142 30.471 7
formed (refer Table S17-S19 for case I, Table S120-S22 for case II and
CdTe 3.500 0.705 7.029 100.000 1
Table S23-S25 for case III for initial decision matrix, normalised matrix, a-Si + micro crystal 1.317 0.888 4.118 58.590 2
and weighted normalised matrix respectively). The values of sums, Si
relative weight, and utility degree for case I, case II and case III are given Perc half cut mono 1.453 1.154 3.609 51.336 4
in Table 13, Table 14, and Table 15 respectively. crystalline Si
Mono crystalline Si 1.267 1.832 2.625 37.346 6
For a better comparison of results generated by G-COPRAS and F- Poly crystalline Si 0.876 1.229 2.901 41.266 5
COPRAS methods, Table 16 shows the ranking results obtained by these HeteroJunction 2.233 1.478 3.916 55.708 3
methods together for all the three cases considered. As seen in Table 16, Technology
the top four technologies for India are CdTe, a-Si + microcrystal silicon,
heterojunction, and perc half-cut monocrystalline silicon as calculated
by both G-COPRAS and F-COPRAS. For the individual cases, G-COPRAS Table 14
and F-COPRAS gives the same results for case I. For case II and case III, Ranking of alternatives by F-COPRAS (Case II: Considering twelve criteria and
the position of only the last ranker technologies (rank 6 and rank 7) freezing the LCOE criterion).
interchanged. CIGS, monocrystalline and polycrystalline technologies Alternatives Sums Sums Relative Utility Rank by F-
are among the last positions. In all cases, when ranked with G-COPRAS, (Pi) (Ri) weight (Qi) degree COPRAS
monocrystalline silicon is positioned in sixth place. When comparing (Ni)
cases I, II and III, the fifth and seventh positions are interchanged for CIGS thin film 2.379 3.889 2.851 35.761 5
case II. The reason could be that case I and case III have the highest CdTe 4.785 0.577 7.973 100.000 1
significance given to the LCOE criterion, while for case II, LCOE is a-Si + micro crystal 1.808 0.811 4.076 51.126 2
considered as insignificant criterion. Fig. 3 depicts the alternative
Perc half cut mono 1.918 1.137 3.535 44.338 4
ranking graphically. The results support ‘Cadmium Telluride’ technol­ crystalline Si
ogy to be developed for India region because of the high influential Mono crystalline Si 1.654 1.995 2.576 32.304 7
criteria such as levelized cost of energy and module cost, both are having Poly crystalline Si 1.129 1.217 2.639 33.102 6
less value for CdTe in comparison with other. Also, the technological HeteroJunction 2.782 1.545 3.972 49.816 3
maturity in India for CdTe is very high. Similar results have been
identified by Basol et al., where CdTe is referred to as the most successful
commercially available thin film technology, especially starting in the
Table 15
Ranking of alternatives by F-COPRAS (Case III: Considering twelve criteria and
Table 11 freezing the efficiency criterion).
Ranking of alternatives by G-COPRAS (Case II: Considering twelve criteria and
freezing the LCOE criterion). Alternatives Sums Sums Relative Utility Rank by F-
(Pi) (Ri) weight (Qi) degree COPRAS
Technologies Sums Sums Relative Utility Rank by G- (Ni)
(P) (R) Significance degree COPRAS
(Q) (U) CIGS thin film 1.625 6.757 2.094 30.153 6
CdTe 2.949 0.794 6.945 100.000 1
CIGS thin film 0.085 0.135 0.114 46.622 5 a-Si + micro crystal 1.613 1.027 4.700 67.676 2
CdTe 0.133 0.035 0.245 100.000 1 Si
a-Si + micro 0.083 0.047 0.167 68.253 2 Perc half cut mono 0.810 1.354 3.152 45.389 4
crystal Si crystalline Si
Perc half cut mono 0.070 0.057 0.139 56.811 4 Mono crystalline Si 0.546 2.212 1.980 28.505 7
crystalline Si Poly crystalline Si 0.375 1.434 2.586 37.241 5
Mono crystalline Si 0.062 0.076 0.114 46.565 6 HeteroJunction 1.732 1.762 3.532 50.857 3
Poly crystalline Si 0.046 0.059 0.113 46.011 7 Technology
HeteroJunction 0.093 0.066 0.153 62.268 3

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

Table 16
Ranking of solar technologies by G-COPRAS and F-COPRAS for the three cases considered in this study.
Alternatives Case I: Considering all the thirteen criteria Case II: Considering twelve criteria and freezing the Case III: Considering twelve criteria and freezing the
LCOE criterion efficiency criterion

Rank by G-COPRAS Rank by F-COPRAS Rank by G-COPRAS Rank by F-COPRAS Rank by G-COPRAS Rank by F-COPRAS

CIGS thin film 7 7 5 5 7 6

CdTe 1 1 1 1 1 1
a-Si + micro crystal Si 2 2 2 2 2 2
Perc half cut mono crystalline Si 4 4 4 4 4 4
Mono crystalline Si 6 6 6 7 6 7
Poly crystalline Si 5 5 7 6 5 5
HeteroJunction Technology 3 3 3 3 3 3

Fig. 3. Utility degree value showing the ranking of each alternative (seven solar technologies) for (a) Case I, (b) case II, and (c) case III.

early 2000s where one can see drastic increase in efficiency. The considers all other criteria in the same significance order as in Case I.
restricted life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases and heavy metals, The different scenarios are considered based on the solar market growth
tiny carbon footprint, and fast energy payback periods of CdTe tech­ with varying LCOE and changes in efficiency due to technological
nology make it appeal (Basol and McCandless, 2014). As per Mir­ advancement.
anda-Jiménez et al., the result for solar irradiance also supports CdTe Seven different commercially available technologies in India that
technology for Mexico region to advance this technology further (Mir­ belong to the first and second-generation solar have been selected for the
anda-Jiménez et al., 2023). purpose. The evaluation was made using thirteen criteria identified
through proper interviews with industry experts, existing literature, and
6. Conclusions and future studies discussions with research experts in institutes. Criteria were chosen
based on their relative importance and impact on the performance of
This study creates a framework for selecting the most effective solar selected technologies. The grey set theory, fuzzy set theory, and multi-
technology in three case scenarios. Case I considered thirteen criteria criteria decision-making methods are used for the evaluation.
and prioritized the alternatives. Case II freezes the ‘Levelized cost of For all three cases studied, the results concluded that cadmium
energy’ criteria and considers all other criteria in the same significance Telluride’ is the optimum technology. The results are based on the
order as in Case I, and Case III freezes the efficiency criterion and criteria preferences when the Levelized cost of energy is selected as the

S. Singh et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 2023–2034

most important, followed by module cost, technological maturity, and Appendix A. Supporting information
efficiency in decreasing order of importance, and aesthetic flexibility as
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