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Pit Trap Clues Bushcraft Trap Clues

1 Inexpertly concealed by leaves, traces of wood stand out from stone 1 Large shovel-marked mound of damp earth, inexpertly hidden by branches/brush
2 Faint, trickling sounds, as water runs to the lowest point, pooling slightly at the edge 2 Branch arching downward, as if bent is a little out of place
3 Dusty footprints stop abruptly near the flagstone, continue in a few feet 3 Ripe and pungent scents make noses wrinkle: Rotting meat nearby
4 Spiderwebs are thick in this corridor, save for a convenient gap to pass through 4 Leaves thickly carpet the ground here, some forming small mounds and piles
5 Holes where pitons were once driven in the walls at about ankle high 5 Haphazard stacks of branches, sized for smaller saplings, each sliced off crudely
6 Large Bent and Rusty Iron Hook, hangs on the wall nearby (used to pull the trap closed) 6 A frayed cubit of Rope, cut and cast aside, rests in mud
7 Slight sag here has caused most of the gravel and grit to aggregate in this area 7 Driven into damp earth, roughly pruned wooden stakes from still-green wood
8 Torch Sconces are evenly spaced, for the most part, there's a wider gap here 8 Signs of digging here, the impression remaining from where a large stone was moved
9 Motheaten and worn, even the slightest breeze can disturb the painted canvas covering 9 Supple vines, bark peeled back in places and bereft of leaves unlike their fellows
10 Smell of mold and brackish water tickle nostrils here, stronger for the shorter folks 10 Felled unnaturally, thick logs still bear notches from mis-timed Axe bites

Dart Trap Clues Pummeling Trap Clues

1 Almost imperceptible groan/slight crackle of something straining under incredible tension 1 Pulverized to matchsticks, pretty sure that used to be a stool or chair of some kind
2 It narrows a bit here, walls are of a slightly different stone and character than others 2 An out of place "piney" smell, traces of resin and rough scabs of bark
3 Stone/Mortar is noticeably chipped/scratched here, splinters are swept against the wall 3 Ceiling begins sloping up rather dramatically, taking itself out of your torchlight
4 Line of rust bisects the floor here (former twine tripwire, moved a few feet ahead) 4 Bits and traces of hair and bone, embedded in the mortar, long after it set
5 Stirred by wind-currents, an out of place fluff from a Feather floats listlessly in the air 5 Deep circular niche glistens with grease and has ensnared all kinds of small insects
6 Something has bored evenly spaced holes, about chest level high here 6 One side savagely dented, a cast-off Helm is now home to cobwebs
7 Dark stains stipple the ground, some coin sized, and one larger where the liquid puddled 7 Dull scraping sound punctuated by clangorous clicks, stops as soon as it starts
8 At just the right angle something glints in torchlight ahead 8 Repeated Pummeling appears to have worn a depression in the stone here
9 Fletched with oily onyx feathers, the shaft of a small arrow sticks proudly in a wall 9 Broken clay shards, some crushed to powder, swept unceremoniously aside here
10 Slightly askew/raised, the flagstones here have a slight lip that could stub toes 10 Shaped and hewn to about head-size, a few bloody Boulders roll with surprising ease

Crushing Trap Clues Gas Trap Clues

1 Narrow notches from ceiling to floor seem painstakingly smoothed 1 Torchflame suddenly sputters, taking on anemic pallor then vigorously burning
2 There's a discoloring scarlet smear glistening on the ceiling here 2 Astringent, medicinal smell in the air: Almost like strong Spirits gone sour
3 Mistook for a stain on the floor, a flattened Rat, legs splayed in all directions 3 A low haze seems to lethargically pool ankle-high here, can't quite place the smell
4 A scree of stone shards and rough pebbles form a thin, straight mound ahead 4 Scraps of cloth, maybe handkerchiefs, all caked with crusty red stains
5 Abruptly jutting out, why the width isn't as even here is puzzling 5 Some surfaces are lightly encrusted with a sickly chartreuse, salt-like substance
6 Parallel furrows bisect path ahead, slimy with what seems to be some kind of grease 6 Muffled but steady hiss, very slight but strangely even in modulation and volume
7 The haft of what must of have been a very Sturdy Spear, violently broken in half 7 Eyes water, you can see the sclera of your companions start to redden significantly
8 Bent /pitted with Rust, three links of what must have been a massive chain rest here 8 Is something dead within walls here? Smell of rot, like Roses left too long in a vase
9 Overhead, character of the stone seems to change: rougher Stones spackled to blend in 9 Shards of shattered glass seem to be swept into neat piles near corners
10 Alcoves/indentions here seem to line up with corresponding protrusions 10 Almost a score of Lizard/Mice corpses, gruesomely contorted in unnatural positions

Confining Trap Clues Slashing Trap Clues

1 Worn smooth by rope burns, sturdy metal rings are bolted to the ground here 1 Femur, split by a very smooth and flat break, long since robbed of marrow by vermin
2 Oddly symmetrical rectangular arrangement of flaky rust stains the stone 2 A very thin layer of soot lines a narrow notch graven through the floor here
3 Deep and dark divots drilled into the floor ahead, each about a handspan apart 3 Wall covering has seen better days given those very large moth holes
4 Something repeatedly scraped away the surface of the walls here, carving grooves 4 A trio of Whetstones, polished and worn smooth from use was discarded here
5 Small and sharp, a few crude metal barbs attached to fluffs and bits of twine 5 Deep and violently scored gouge mars surfaces here, neck high to an Elf
6 Dollops of greasy black pitch have dried into nuggets and globs here 6 Hastily rinsed, what look like bloodstains merely driven to the edges of now dry pools
7 Archways received more attention in this area, more reinforced/robust 7 Plaster has been re-applied here recently, it's slightly darker than the older layer
8 Hardened flakes of paint, seen on the ceiling in patches elsewhere, lie on the floor here 8 Standing out from usual ambience, a low murmur and snap of something straining
9 Tarnished metal runners glower at each other from either side here, slick with tallow 9 Heavily nicked and nearly rusted through, the remains of a Poleaxe blade
10 Sturdy Rivets, size of an Ogre's thumb, jut out of a twisted and sheared Iron Band 10 An oxidized and gap-toothed gear, size of a buckler, rests sanguinely against a wall

Navigation Trap Clues Magical Trap Clues

1 Every fourth stone step here is slightly askew, dipping downward or a little proud 1 Ears pop suddenly, you didn't even realize they were stopped up
2 Faltering and fragile breeze seems to ooze through cracks, smelling stale & lonesome 2 Scurrying by: a Rat with a twitching Toad's leg erupting from it's back
3 Smeared in a semi-circle, dust smoothed in front of a wall with narrow round buttress 3 Unmistakable fragrance of burning hair seems to alternate with that of lavender
4 Rattle of chains, followed by a metallic whine that ceases with a shudder 4 An eye decoration stares blankly, did you just see it blink out of your periphery?
5 Crude arrow, carved by Dagger-tip, then crossed-out: Points from whence you came 5 Startling but harmless "shocks" as you adjust your gear, the air doesn't seem that dry
6 Even those without Dwarfsense can detect a slope here, thanks to water trickling 6 Light briefly bends, like gazing above a campfire, before shuddering back into place
7 An otherwise nondescript ceiling is interrupted by straight courses of mortared stone 7 Very brief tension in your Skull, like the onset of a Migraine thankfully passes
8 Extremely substantial, hinges on the doors here have been painstakingly reinforced 8 Motes of light, akin to cinders but in a panoply of colors flit to-and-fro
9 Lower Iron Rungs hang listlessly from an embedded ladder, fallen out of their perches 9 Gooseflesh races up and down your arms, with hairs standing at attention
10 Savaged by Mattock, hand-sized hole reveals a hollow brimming with rusty workings 10 A distinctive "Pop" like the uncorking of a bottle followed by tinkling chimes

Draft Version 03.23.22 |

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