Gyananandamayam Devam - 1 Eng

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more of the evil and negatives.

That too where the individual conscious- GNANANANDAMAYAM DEVAM

ness claimed itself to be the doer, hence to classify such forms as Ghora
only shows bankruptcy of knowledge on our part. In fact it shows the A Tribute to all my Gurus .....
cowardice nature in us which is nothing else but yet another branch of
Ego. Lord is beyond any reasoning. His ways are inscrutable and can- Every time you read my experiences with my Masters, you will
not be subjected to human analysis and justification. Hence be guided get a unique read the same incident the sec-
accordingly. Praise the Lord. The Aghora... ond time it will give you a different experience than the first
one....keep reading it many times... you can read yourself
better...this is the power of the Masters...Lords Grace...
One does not believe in God but possesses righteousness in
...... HH Sri VV Sridhar Guruji
conduct and character. Another is a believer in God but his conduct
or character are not above board. Who has better chances of deliv-
erance? Belief in God helps one to cultivate the righteousness and
Trikarana Suddhi (Unision of Thought, Word and Deed) as well as
the fortitude to take things in their stride. If any one can achieve
such a state of mental balance and contentment without recourse
to Divine Providence, he is welcome to do so and deserves all credit
and commendation. If what we believe in is not reflected in our
conduct, the belief has no credence or validity.

--- Sri V V. Sridhar Guruji

Gurumadhye Sthitam Vishwam Vishwamadhye Sthitho Guru
Problems that have accumulated over a period of time will Gururvishwam Nachanyosthi, Tasmai Sri Guruve Namah.
take some time to get solved. One cannot expect miracles to
happen to solve once own problems. If one gets Gnana it en-
ables him to approach the problem in more practical manner.

--- Sri V V. Sridhar Guruji

Sri Jwala Central Trust

Lakdikapool, Hyderabad - 500004.

Tantra dance. It was so heartening to dance with the Master. Once it
ARAVAAMUDHAN was over, I prostrated him and in turn he hugged me. It was a great
fulfilling occasion with my Master.
Ø The first day of Gurukulam Aravamudhan told me you have to be
like a buffalo to survive with me....thick skinned pachyderm.... I took it as
Master’s grace. I implemented it in my life. Nothing really matters, don’t
bother attitude. After many many years, when for the first time I saw Su
Yen in Himalayas, I was really stunned when he called me at the very Ø Once myself and Rajar dressed up like Rama and Hanuman. We
first instance, ‘hey buffalo’ I really enjoyed. I was thrilled, further he said went on the streets begging for alms. It was Sri Rama Navami day. We
now this buffalo will also give milk and winked at me. I could not under- went to a priest house. We begged for alms. The priest came and yelled
stand. He said I mean you are compassionate too... at us. He said Rama never used to beg for food, today is his birthday,
you guys are spoiling the name of Rama. Pointing towards me he said,
already this boy looks like Hanuman and why he should put make up like
NARAYANAN NAMBOODRI Hanuman. Then he went back in to the house. We were standing there
for some more time. The priest’s wife came and gave hot hot food to us.
Ø When I used to learn the finer aspects of Tantra Sastra with my After taking the food Rajar asked the lady to come with us. She just
Master Narayanan Namboodri, every moment was a God sent opportu- followed us... After going for a long distance the priest came running
nity to learn the inner secrets of Tantra Sastra. In the advanced stage it calling his wife. Rajar now smiled and said to the priest ‘I am Ravana,
teaches as to how one can transpond and evolve to better conscious taking away Seetha’ now. Rajar told his wife, go back with your husband
levels. Once with the Master’s grace I could experience the flight mo- and she went back. We sat below a roadside tree and took the food. He
ment of a butterfly by transforming my inner in to a butterfly. Its a mo- smiled at me and said, Am I Rama disguised as Ravana or Ravana
ment of ecstasy and joy which is not possible to be defined through disguised as Rama. I too smiled back at him and said, Master , am I
words. Satchitanandam... Hanuman disguised as Maricha or Maricha disguised as Hanuman. He
patted at my back and we left the place. Any one can understand this
Ø I had the privilege to dance with my Masters - Su Yen, Maharishi drama of my Master Maharishi Rajar?
Rajar and Didi Chandini. Only once I had an opportunity to dance with
my Master Narayanan Namboodri. He was teaching me some of the Ø Some one asked me how come Rajar lived for 695 years being a
Tantra steps, at that time we were to understand the ‘Mohini Tantra’. So human being? I had to smiling reply to her. Thats the reason God looks
first he danced the Tantra Nritya for 2 hours and then asked me to per- farther to you, for which she stated if I believe this, he will come close to
form it in the same way he had performed. I was a bit reluctant. I said me. The whole crux of my reply went waste. I dont think she understood...
Master, there were totally 296 steps in the two hours of Nritya which you
performed, I don’t think I can perform the same in that sequence. He Ø Myself and Maharishi Rajar were roaming in the forest. Tribals
laughed, He said, when you can remember exactly that I performed 296 used to like him a lot. For their day to day problems they used to consult
steps, you will also remember the sequence. You are a Ekasanthagrahi. him. One day in a year we used to go and stay in their hamlet. That day
You have the capacity to learn by just seeing once. This is my experi- he will be dressed like a tribal king. They used to sing and dance around
ence with you in the past. Come on you can do it. I started performing us. Today though many tribals have migrated still a few are there. The
the Tantra Nritya. With Lord’s/Master’s grace, it was perfect. Once it tradition continues. One day in a year I spend a day with them. They
was over, he said let us both together do it once again. We both did the crown me that day as their tribal king. There will be a lot of fun, eat. sing,

1 2
dance. Total celebration. Their innocence makes my heart melt for do the Prayogam. He said he wanted to see whether I can do it to perfec-
them. tion or not. He further said he wanted to find out how I do it in my absence
and whether he is there or not. He hugged me and I enjoyed it. Lords
Ø Once Rajar showed me a picture of the game snake and the lad- Grace...
der. It is called Paramapadam. He said the ladder is the guru and the
snake is the Pitru, dice is chance...but as you role, it is choiceless. By SRI BOGENDRA, YOGENDRA, PRAYOGENDRA,
being choiceless and rolling the dice (doing things in life - Karma) one SARVA TANTRA SWATANTRA, SAARVABHOWMA,
takes the chance of moving from house to house. The ladder the Guru CHAITANYA MAHA PURUSHA,
helps them by avoiding some Karma by circumventing to not go through SRI TANTRAAGNI SWAROOPA ,
a few houses. But the Pitru notices it and when you choicelessly role the SRI PARAMAHAMSA, PRAYOGA RAJA,
dice Pitru keeps noticing whether you come to his house (where the SRI SATCHINANDA SWAROOPA,
head of the snake is) and it sends you back to lower house. The Guru SRI SRI SRI RAJAR MAHARAJ KI JAI...
teaches you to avoid Karma by sending you up the ladder. The dice is
God and he rolls to say your score. The Lord plays the game between Ø Once it so happened my Master was fast asleep. After doing Pada
the Pitrus and the Gurus. This game keeps on going for several janmas Seva, I left started wandering around in the forest. The best past time
and finally, as you roll the dice, Lord gets convinced of your exercise for me is to keep talking to plants, trees and animals. I was just doing
between the Gurus and Pitrus and allows you to escape the final big that. I don’t know when my Master had got up and had come to the
snake at the top to reach Paramapadam... Vaikuntam. Merger of the place where I was sitting and fondling a deer and was talking something
individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. Now when to the plants. Suddenly when I turned back I noticed Rajar showing his
you play the game of snake and ladder will you think of this and play. It back to me. I just went near him and I stood. He did’nt turn back, but
will be more interesting. This is my Master’s way to wisdom. said, finish your conversations and then come. There is nothing urgent.
I am equally busy talking to this owl. He was conversing with the owl. I
Ø Rajar was preparing to do a Prayogam. I was asked to procure all went back and excused myself with the plants and came back to him. At
the items for the Homam. I had gone into the forest and got the Samiths, night he said, when you are talking to near and dear, you should not
through the tribals we had the rest items like milk, ghee, sum raw veg- abruptly cut your conversations, for they will feel insecured about your
act. They will think that some thing more important has come and they
etables, fruits, betel leaves, nuts, herbs, coconuts. All were neatly arranged
will feel inferior. How so ever important any one may be, we should not
in banana leaves. We both went to the river near by, we had bath. Rajar
reduce the importance of one we are already dealing with. While the
told me to go back and he will follow. I was waiting for him and the language of the heart is in conversation, dont allow the language of the
muhurtham for performing the Prayogam was nearing. Normally before mind to take over. I asked him suppose, while being in language of the
the muhurtham we see the Prashna Bhavam as per Shakuna Sastram heart, another one to whom also we involved with language of the heart
based on Pakshi Sastram, Vriksha Sastram, Vana Sastram. We also see appears, then what to do? He smiled and said, then it means your heart
the Kaarna, Adhikara Prashnams. Since my Master was not there and I is too big.
started seeing the Prashnam. Then I had to go ahead with the Prayogam
and it took eight and half hours to complete it. As soon as I completed I just Ø During the days prior to Samadhi, whenever I visited Rajar, we
got up to see some one at a distance peeping from behind a tree. I just used to sit for long hours chatting or sit for long hours in meditation.
went up to the tree and Rajar was just hiding behind the tree. I prostrated While chatting some times, he will lie with his head on my lap. Even
my Master. He laughed and laughed and made me also to laugh. He said some times while meditating, I will be sitting and meditating and he will
you scared me by suddenly coming near the tree. I asked him why didn’t keep his head on my lap and meditate. When we used to go from place
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to place, he will sit on me with both legs down from my shoulders and Ø Sparsha Deeksha of the Master. It was a day as usual in the
catching my head for better grip.. Unique moments.... forest. I was preparing food for myself and the Master. Maharishi Rajar
said he is going out and will be back in a few minutes. I was waiting for
Ø Every moment with my Master was a song and it was from the my master’s return eagerly and slowly turned in to a worry since it was 3
heart. Best moment with the Master can be said provided had I lived a days he left. Then as I decided to go in search of him, he came back
life with him, with my mind as a priority. Only mind can do such grada- and said that he was very hungry. I made him sit and offered hot hot food
tion, not the heart. If some one asks you what was the best moment in in a plantain leaf. He ate the food and said it was very tasty. He wanted
your life with your Master and you reply that such and such a day this to rest, so I made his bed. An old torn mat and a wooden plank for
happened and that was the best moment. Then it shows all other mo- resting his head, sacks neatly hand stitched by me was his bed sheet. I
ments with the Master is unique and every moment is unique. No com- was just massaging his legs and feet. He suddenly asked me whether I
parisons possible.... knew the exact time of his coming back, I said no. I told him just then I
was to go in search of him and before that he came back. Then he
Ø There are areas in the forest where no one dares to venture. Even asked me how is it that you had served hot food immediately on coming
the tribals do not venture. There are some herbs in those areas which back, I said all these three days in batches I have been continuously
gives a rare fragrance. If smelt deeply people go mad and are lost for cooking, on my master coming back he may be hungry. Since i do not
months or years. Maharishi Rajar once took me to such an area. The know when you were coming I was cooking in batches and feeding the
tribals warned us but he just smiled and said everything is Lord’s grace. animals and birds at periodic intervals. He asked me did I take food, I
Even today some times I enjoy wandering in those areas, the trees and said no, he asked me why? I said to him whenever I come to forest to be
plants are as sympathetic as animals. Thats the wonder of creation. with him, I take food after he takes in the same banana leaf which he
Lord is a beauty. He guides you and guards you. When one tribal asked used as plate to eat. To me that I consider as Prasadam of the Lord, he
me how is it that you go in without fear and come out unscathed, I just
immediately got up and hugged me. It was the first time I had Sparsha
smiled and said probably God wants me to be there in this mundane
Deeksha from my Master, I enjoyed bliss.
world for some more time. Its all Lord’s grace.
Ø Venkatadri, myself and Maharishi Rajar were once walking down
Ø Rajar and myself were moving in the forest. There were three
in the forest seriously talking about issues concerning nature ,evolution
tribals whom we came across in the forest said, at a particular point dont
and intelligence. We were stopped by Harsha who also wanted to join in
go that way. That way is more thick in forest and wild animals are more
the discussion. A serious doubt came in to my mind, how intelligent is
and the distance will be more, but Rajar refused and told me that we will
nature. Rajar spotted my doubt, he said it is so intelligent that it makes
go ahead. Before that he requested the tribals to follow the way he
Venkatadri and Harsha to join in discussions with you and me. In my
says, but they refused and went their own way. After travelling around
discussions I totally forgot that Venkatadri is a wise langur (Monkey) and
35 kms in a tribal village, we heard that the three tribals were killed by
Harsha is the banyan tree which always talks to us. Mostly their talks
man eaters the previous night. Rajar said some times with good inten-
are always paranormal and I even today wonder at the way they have
tions even if you want to stop a calamity, its not possible and its choiceless.
evolved. How egoistic are we as human beings to boast that we have a
Its the Lord’s will supreme and the day we become with his will to enter
sixth sense. By my standards Venkatadri and Harsha must be having
the supremedom of the Lord we may know the reasons for such calam-
more than six, since their discussions have always been on paranormailty
and things even a human mind cannot comprehend.
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Maharishi Rajar he said, you are not at all alert, I have to go on licking
Didi Chandini
your hand to make you alert and he smiled. I was shell shocked, this is
the wonder of my Masters. Lords grace.
Ø My Master Didi Chandini took me once to Sanderbuns. We were
treading through one of the marshy patches. I was coming behind her Ø My Master Didi Chandini will be too deeply talking Gita Saaram.
and she was walking ahead of me, she stopped and turned towards me. She will be explaining in great detail the various aspects of yoga or she
She was almost one foot inside the marshy mud and the same was the will be talking about the self nature, some topic very seriously, suddenly
case with me. She asked me to sit and she also sat. Only our heads she will stop, she will stare at me. At times when she stares her eyes will
were popping out of the marshy land. This is where she started teaching become deep red. I used to get scared, she will burst in to laughter next
me a very rare sutra called Mangala Vamshi Kaali. It is on Kalarathri, its split second and say, ok enough of serious subject. come on, we will
a very rare form of Prayoga and the meaning was subsequently dance. She will ask her girls to sing and we used to dance for hours. At
decyphered to me by Maharishi Rajar. As she was teaching me it started last she will say, you are an young, if allowed you may dance for a few
raining profusely, the rainwater dripping from the trees were profusely more hours, but I cant. I just enjoy dancing with you, to dance freely is to
dripping on both of us. The tree is a very rare one and the water as it free the mind from the clutches of stress, mind must be free, dance will
drops went in to the mouth and down the throat giving a very bitter taste, help to relieve the stress. One has to learn to dance alone, dancing for
but the Prayoga while learning needs to be learnt like that. This was the sake of others is different, one has to dance alone for the purity and
also told subsequently by Maharishi Rajar. As she was teaching me a serenity of one’s own self, never miss dancing in life, dance alone and
Black Cobra came from behind Chandini got on to her from the back and you can find a partner dancing always with you and thats God. At times
raised the hood from her head behind. It was such a beautiful scene I she will call me ‘Hey Kaali’. Some times she will tell her girls, I want to
could see the real Kalarathri through her. It took six hours to learn that dance with my Kaali, make the hall ready, I can never forget my dancing
and once it was over it was almost dark. So we both stayed in the forest with her, its always etched in my heart. One day I asked Didi Chandini,
below a huge tree. She told me she was very hungry. I said that I will go Master why do you often call me ‘Kaali’. She smiled and said, right from
in search of some food and get it, I left the place, It was quite dark and I my younger days I have always loved Goddess Kaali. She is everything
couldn’t see any thing, I did‘nt know what to do. I was just sitting on the to me I speak to her, I eat with her, I dance with her,I sleep with her, she
banks of the river hoping that some boat would come and I can ask them is the very source of my existence. For the first time when I saw you, I
for food. After some time I suddenly felt someone licking my right hand some how felt that she has come in your form to me. I started loving you
quite vigorously and then it caught my right hand with its mouth and kept the way I loved her, I didnt want to see any difference. I look at you the
my hand on a large fish. Then I realised it was a tiger. I took the fish way I look at her. I was moved and I was in tears. I just prostrated her
and left back to my Masters place. Lit a small pyre as I was carrying a and she hugged me. Lords grace.
match box in my bag, cooked the fish for my Master Didi Chandini. She
happily took, she looked at me and said, I know you are a vegetarian Barriers of Caste and Creed are outdated and irrelevant. Let us en-
and you dont take fish, so I brought these nuts for you. She had tied deavour the usher in social cohesion overcoming these artificial divides.
some peanuts in her saree and she gave me that. I asked her you could
----Sri V V Sridhar Guruji
have eaten the nuts.why you have to put up with hunger. She said. I
know when I am hungry I can express and you will get food from some- What we think will be reflected in the nature. Our negative thoughts
where in the forest but when you are hungry you may not tell me, so I will result in negative developments. So let us cultivate positive thinking
brought some nuts which I can give you. I told her it was the tiger that got and be blessed with positive results.
the fish and gave it to me. She smiled. Next time when I went to meet ----Sri V V Sridhar Guruji

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Su-Yen Ø Tomorrow is Guru Poornima, my prostrations and salutations to
all the Masters, the Sadgurus and Avadhootas have always been a source
of inspiration for us. We can never repay all that they did for us/doing for
Su Yen is a Great Master. When I was with him in the Himalayas,
us, our prayers to them. In my little life which I have lived all those whom
every day his food was loads of ice. Twice a week I used to come down I came in to contact have been a blessing to me. I learnt a lot by observ-
and get some herbs. That too he will just consume two leaves and give ing them, to me you are all my mother nature, my prostrations to each
the rest to the yak on which he travels. He calls him ‘Yo’. I used to one of you for having supported me in a big way. May Lord shower his
wonder at him. He is the last living Master of mine. When he wants he blessings on all of you, a day to rejoice, enjoy, celebrate and dance Guru
comes and sees me. Today also if I want I can see him, when I expect Poornima..
him the least he appears. Last year I had gone to Secunderabad Rail-
way Station to receive a friend of mine. He came in the form of a T.T.E Ø A great day with master Su-Yen, the miracle called master Naropa.
and was talking to me for some time. On one occasion I saw him in Master Su-Yen and myself were aimlessly wandering in the
Monda market like a vegetable seller. A couple of years back when I Himalayas. He had a habit of talking to his Yak in a peculiar language
was confused whether to proceed to Vienna from Amsterdam he came and the Yak used to respond well to his conversations and respond with
there to Schiphol Airport like a business man and guided me to go to different frequencies of sound. One day Su-Yen asked me whether I
Vienna. When I was in luxor in Egypt he came as an Arab tribes man in understood any thing of the conversations between the Yak and himself,
a camel and spent two days with me. Avadhoota of the highest order. I said no master, I knew that you were conversing with the Yak and it was
too responding. He said there was one more master involved in the
Ø One has to dance alone, to really enjoy dance. Some dance for conversations, he said he was talking with Naropa, I quickly gathered
fame, some dance for the art, some dance for exhibition, but one has to courage to ask my master the direction in which master Naropa left,
dance alone to enjoy the dance. One should be closeted with himself/ master Su-Yen was kind enough to point the direction, I offered triple
herself while dancing. My Master Su-Yen taught me to dance alone. In prostrations in the direction in which the great master Naropa had left.
aloneness one dances, its beautiful. Once in the Himalayas I was danc- Su-Yen smiled and patted me on my back.
ing alone. Su-Yen has suddenly come, but I have not noticed, I was
going on dancing. When I was finished and opened my eyes, I saw Su- Ø During my days in Himalayas with my master Su Yen as usual we
Yen dancing, totally engrossed in the dance. After an hour he stopped, were wandering in the snow clad peaks. Once we were staying in a
I said Master it is fabulous. He laughed and said, yes when it is from the cave, I told my master that I would like to do the prayogam called
heart its always fabulous, yours too was from the heart. In dance one ‘Shinkara’ for the welfare of others since I could sight an Akshara called
forgets themselves, once you forget the exterior the inner appears, and ‘Bhadru’. Su-Yen was very glad, he said ‘please do, this is what I like in
thats pure grace. you. when you sight the akshara, you remember what to do, Rajar has
trained you excellently’, then he asked me ‘do you need anything else
Ø Long back I asked Su Yen once if I suddenly stop talking to some for the prayogam?’ I was a little bit hesitant, because how can I order the
one what will you think of me. Su Yen said, you might have decided to master. I was just quiet, Su-Yen insisted that I better tell him what I need,
stop talking to some one not because he didnt care for you, it may be I was still quiet, he laughed and said ok, come with me, I will show you
that you found him happier without you, and that you wanted to maximise where it is... at 14000 feet how can I get flowers? We walked some
his happiness. I asked my Master, how is it you are so sure about me on distance and he showed me a valley full of flowers. For the first time I
this? He smiled and said, does the father not know of his son’s mind? I saw a huge cache of flowers, its called ‘Valley of Flowers’ near Hemkund
was floored. Saheb in Himalayas. Su-Yen smiled at me and I could see a lot of com-
passion in his eyes.
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Ø Those were the days when most of my travel was by train. I was now surrounded by 20 bisons. He said you are a liar, you saw the bison
just going from Chennai to Rameswaram by a train those days famously and came in, thats true, but you came in for a different purpose. Nor-
called ‘Boat Mail’, I was sitting on the window seat enjoying the cool mally when a bison is seen there is an akshara called ‘JOORA’ and you
breeze flowing across my face. I dozed off. The T.T.E came and woke wanted to sight it and you came in. Now you can see ‘JOORAS’ around
me up and asked me the ticket and I searched my pockets and couldnt you. I have now got so many bisons to help you to see many ‘JOORAS’
find the ticket, I had purchased. All eyes in the cabin were looking at at the same time, I was stunned! The look the boy gave was very famil-
me and my reactions. I told the T.T.E I had lost my ticket though I had iar one. I knew this look, I am associated with it for a very long time. As
reserved and booked. Those days the tickets used to be in a small I was looking the boy laughed and said, ‘dont look like that at me, it may
cardboard piece on which the details would have been printed, the name scare my bisons’. I prostrated the boy, it was none other than Su Yen.
is usually written by hand behind the ticket with age seat/berth no. be-
hind. The T.T.E was wild at me and accused me that I am travelling PRAYOGAMS
without a ticket and I deserved to be handed over to the Railway Police
force at the next stop. I didnt worry at all for I knew that the Lord was Ø I was doing a prayogam in the forest called ‘PRERANA’. There
taking me through an experience and I need to face it. The TTE told the were about 8 so called brahmins helping me out. One particular root
fellow passengers to keep an eye on me so that he will go and check the which we offer in the Homam was procured three nights before, on the
tickets of other passengers and come back to hand over me to the RPF night of Sukla Paksha Chathurdasi. It is normally wrapped in a plantain
at the next stopping station. All those near me became James Bond tree leaf and kept. Suddenly when I asked for it, the brahmins started
007. At the next stop the T.T.E handed over me to a R.P.F constable. searching for it. I too searched, it was missing. I asked the brahmins to
The R.P.F constable took me to the main road instead of the R.P.F po-
continue the Homam with ghee, other herbs and samiths. I just saw the
lice station. There was a beautiful Hindustan ‘Concord’ car he asked me
Prashna Bhavam, it pointed towards further south in the forest. I walked
to get in to it. I just got in to it. He drove the car and took me to
may be around another 10 miles. There was a very big banyan tree.
Rameswaram. By the time it was morning, we had some breakfast in a
Near by there was a small rivulet. I just had a bath and came near the
hotel. He took me to the temple, we had a good Darshan of the Lord.
banyan tree. Below the tree was a beautiful rock - on that was a wonder-
Then we sat on the beach and meditated for a few hours. He took me
ful carving of Yoga Nrusimha. I was wonderstruck with his beauty. I
back to the car, he drove me to Madurai, he said, he is getting late and
meditated for about half an hour and then I chanted the Mantra Rajapada
wants to leave. I thanked him and prostrated him. This was a great
experience once with my Master Su Yen. Moola Mantra for about half an hour. A very old man came there and
asked me what is it I am doing. I just told him this Murthy carved is so
Ø Once I was going to Malappuram in North Kerala. I used to drive beautiful, so I got very attached to it and that I was praying. He asked
via Mysore - Bandipur - Mudumalai stretch onwards through the ghats me the purpose of my praying. I said I just enjoy prayers, most likely
down to Malappuram. As I was driving via Mudumalai, I just stopped the there is no purpose. He laughed at me and asked whether I was praying
car road side to just see the scenic beauty of the spot. As I was looking for the root that was kept in the banana leaf. I was dumb founded. He
through the bushes and trees of the forest, I saw a bison at a distance took it out from a small bag which he was carrying. I prostrated him. He
staring at me. I was amused the way it was looking at me. I just went a said will you not hug me? and then I hugged him, he said go fast and
bit inside to have a closer look at it and in no time I was surrounded on all complete the Prayogam. I just walked a few steps and wanted to see
sides by around, may be 20 bisons. From the bush nearby came a boy him once again. He was not there. I took it as the blessings of Lord
and he asked me what I was doing there in the forest. I said I am a Nrusimha and walked back to complete the Prayogam
nature lover and when I saw a bison I just came in to see it and that I am ‘PRERANA’...Lord’s ways are mysterious, wonder him....Praise the Lord.

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Ø The other day due to some Prayogam purpose I was wearing 2 ing on.....deep in my chanting, I could hear the crying of a child. I just
rings on my left fingers and 3 on my right. I was wearing a chain too. stopped the Homam. I just left in the direction of cry. After travelling 5
After a long time I met a good old friend of mine near a bus stop. On miles south I reached a spot where there was a small rivulet. I crossed
seeing the rings and my chain he asked me, on road 5 lacs or 6 lacs? I the rivulet and near the bush of a tree I saw a female baby may be 15
smiled at him. I told him if you come with me I can show you something days old crying. She stopped crying as soon as I took her in my hand. I
more beautiful. I had a cloth and I asked him to hold the cloth. He held crossed the rivulet and came back to the spot where I was doing homam.
it for me. I removed all the rings and the chain and tied the cloth. I had I requested the tribals to feed her with some milk. One of the brahmins
one more cloth in the bag and I made it like a small ball. I said just feel who was assisting me in the homam said, is it not a sacrilege to leave a
it, he said its too heavy. Now see the tamasha I said, just keep walking Prayogam in the middle? I said deep in my chanting with lord’s grace I
with me. We went on the main road, by lanes, I was just searching. He heard the cry of a child, 5 miles away from this spot. I had to shorten the
was puzzled at my behavior. I said we have to walk fast. I saw a woman prayer because the cries of the child incited the passions of a mother
and understood that she is the person I am searching for. She had kept inside me, you dont worry, I will do the necessary prayaschitham for the
some mangoes in a big basket. She was busy calling autos. She had vignam. After completion of the Prayogam, I took the child and left the
also a bundle of some curry leaves on top neatly stacked in a sack. I forest. I gave it to childless couple in Coimbatore to bring her up as their
asked him to purchase two mangoes from her. As he was doing it, i just child. Just now I received a call from her father, that she has attained
slipped the bundle in to her curry leaves sack. We just left the place. He puberty. Now she is 12 years old. Lord’s grace.
asked me where is the bundle? I said where are the mangoes? He took
it out from bag. I said who knows, probably it has gone with the curry Ø I was doing some Prayogam in the forest. Some so called brah-
leaves. He was stunned. I said to my friend, now tell me what is my worth mins were there with me to help me. That day we were doing a Prayogam
on road? He asked whats all this I said this is called Prayogam. I dont called ‘JAMBHAVI’. The Homam is being done by the Brahmins. I sit
think he understood... about 12 feet away. I have to sit in an Yantra Mandala neatly drawn. I
have to eat 16,666 chillies in 72 hours of time without drinking water.
Ø There is a prayogam called ‘BRAHMAKALPA’ which I do in the Real Asura Vidya. One of the brahmins almost fainted on seeing this
forest. The tribals help me in a big way. I need 3 ‘vashas’ of jackals/ since he was new in my group. He asked me how do you do this? I
foxes/hyena’s urine, fresh one. It has to be consumed within 12 hours of smiled at him and said. I am not
taking out. When I need to do ‘BRAHMAKALPA’ I inform the tribals well the doer. Lord is the doer. Lord always takes care of every one. His
in advance. I go to the forest two three days before the Prayogam. they compassion for all is tremendous. Even today that boy whenever he
take a lot of pains to collect it. 3 vashas is almost 21 litres. It has to be sees me is scared of me. Are you not scared?
mixed with the extract of a root called ‘Vamsa Vrithi’. This Prayogam we
do it for the welfare of families for generations. It is an Aapathu Samhara Ø Many many years back to do some Prayogam I had gone to Indo-
Parayogam, to avoid big calamities in the family and world. The mixture nesia One of the big Islands with a very rich forest is Irianjaya, very
is consumed in abot 5 hours time in small doses and the Homam is done beautiful. I was very deep inside the forest doing a meditation. It is
in about 5 hours. After consumption we have to continuously keep bath- called ‘SUKARNADIKARI’. After two days of deep meditation, when I
ing for 48 hours. After that we do the Prayaschitha Raksha Bhairava opened my eyes I was totally in a different place. Some tribals had
Homam. Really with Bhairava’s grace I enjoy doing this Prayogam. shifted me to their hamlet. I do not know their language nor they had
any knowledge of English. Once I opened my eyes they brought three
Ø A telephone call of today, brings back good old memories. I was cobras, quite huge ones and left them at a distance from me. They were
in the forest doing a Prayogam called ‘DHEERA’. The Homam was go- all standing in a circle around me and praying to Lord. The cobras just

13 14
came near me stopped, raised their hoods and went past me. Lords Lords grace, I must be able to do it. He said please go 3 miles west of
grace. Then they brought three vipers which are equally poisonous. this place, there is a big banyan tree, please do the prayogam ‘AMRITA
They too came near me and left past me. Finally they brought the big- VARSHINI’ and pray for the welfare of all. After that he vanished in to
gest of all, a King Cobra around 18 to 19 feet in length. Normally King the forest. Lords grace, I had the darshan of the mighty ‘Devendra’ that
Cobras when they raise their hood they stand up one third of their entire day. I continued my journey to the banyan tree and did the Prayogam,, more than 6 feet. The King Cobra almost raised the hood really it was a wonderful experience, purely Lords grace...Praise the Lord.
and was dancing for more than half an hour before that left. Then from
no where one of their own tribes man came and spoke to me in broken Ø I was walking inside the forest, still long way to go, suddenly some
English. He asked some thing like this. Who you? Why here come? one came and said, you cant go this way, I said ok. I deviated the way
what place? I said I am just a traveler. I like forest. I come from India. and went in a slightly different direction. Once again after a few miles
Then the Chief of the tribe told him some thing in his language and the the same person confronted me and said, you cant go this way, I said
man who spoke to me in broken English asked me. You pray God? I ok. Once again I deviated from that route a bit and walked a few miles, the
was stunned. I didnt know what to say. He then asked me, you come for same person confronted me and said, you cant go this way, I said ok. This
prayers? I was wonder struck! how did these people know it? Then I time that person asked me if I go on obstructing you like this, you cant
gathered courage and asked him, how do you know it? He laughed and reach your destination. I just prostrated him and said, oh my Lord Bhairava,
said, our Gods said, our snakes are the God’s messengers. They dont the more the time you obstruct me, I will have more occasions to see you,
harm god people, they know, of all the King Cobra raised its hood and oh merciful Lord, how kind you are to this mean devotee of yours, he
danced half hour before you. It dont dance before our priest for even 2 smiled and vanished, I reached the destination by chanting...
minutes. Then they offered me fruits to eat, they gave me rice porridge. “Suvanathvajaya Vidmahe Shoola Hasthaya Deemahi -
I requested them to allow me to stay for another 4 days and they al- Thanno Bhairava Prachodayaat”.
lowed, they escorted me back from the forest to the shore. I travelled
back in a boat for 7 days to reach Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. Lords Ø It was quite a cold day in the forest, as usual was walking down,
Grace....purely Lords Grace...even today I keep wondering about this. I had already covered around 10 miles, another 10 miles to go. Interest-
ingly that day I found the same place reappearing many times. I thought
Ø It was quite warm day in summer in the forest. I was feeling quite the lord was trying to convey something, so I just stopped near a tree
thirsty. I could not find any rivulet inside nor any water. I was walking and sat down not knowing what to do further. I was a bit tired and started
deep inside searching for some juicy fruit, nothing was available. I thought sleeping, suddenly a gush of hot air was being blown on my face and I
lord must be having some reason for this and that I cant understand. I woke up to find a huge elephant before me. It raised its trunk and gave
saw a sage in the forest. He asked me what I was doing in this part of a loud noise, it just turned and started walking and I thought this is some
the forest. I paid my respects to him and told him, I just come here, roam message from the Lord and I started walking behind it. I was walking
around and spend my time. I also told him, when my ego levels go up, I behind it for more than two hours and it finally stood before a small cave
prefer solitude and hence in forest my ego gets totally dissipated. Once in one of the mountains in the forest. I just entered the cave, there was
dissipated I leave the forest. He laughed...he said I can prove that all a lot of water dripping inside the cave, through some opening on the
that you told is a lie, would you like to challenge me? I said I dont like mountain, there was some light because of the sun since it was just
challenges in life. I just would like to accept out right defeat. He laughed around noon time, it was quite a huge cave, and I went around it in the
very loudly. In that hot summer day within seconds clouds gathered and inside to find out why I was guided to that cave. I spent almost 3 hours
it started raining heavily. He said what you require I have given, drink it to figure it out, at around 3 pm in the afternoon I saw something spec-
to your heart content. I require something from you. I said ‘yes’... by tacular happening right before my eyes. The sun’s rays directly entered

15 16
through the large hole in the mountain and fell on the wall of the cave distance one hound along with its two siblings looking graciously at me.
and the wall became reddish in color and I saw there was a huge beau- Lord Bhairava hadcome with two of his Ganas as Balakrishna Sastry
tiful sculpt work of ‘KAPAALA TANTRIKA GANAPATHY’ with sixteen and two tribals and assisted us in the Prayoga Prayaschitthams, I was
hands and different weapons, with a huge Kapala mala, and sitting on a too glad that Lord not only gave darshan to me but also to the Brahmins
throne made of skulls. I was so moved and wanted to do a prayogam and the tribals along with me, praise the Lord, Lords grace,
Bananas and Bilva patra. In my ecstasy I came running out of the cave KSHAM HUM PHAT SWAHA” ...
and found to my surprise a lot of Bananas and Bilva patra and flowers,
real huge quantities. I was damn surprised and as I looked in the oppo- Ø It was love at first sight, she was really beautiful, her gait walk was
site direction in the opposite hill a herd of elephants were standing and too good, she had a special smell that made my thoughts vanish, the
shouting raising their trunk. I thanked Lord Ganapathy and performed elegance with which she conveyed her thoughts used to arouse my deep-
the prayogam for the welfare of masses by staying there for three days, est sentiments for her, you will be surprised. I am talking about the fe-
Lord’s compassion and grace cannot be estimated at all. He is male boar, I call her ‘BRAHMINI’, many times she will hide herself in the
‘APRAMEYA’, unmeasurable, superb, wonderful, no words. As I think bushes and keep watching as to what I am doing in the forest. After
of this incident now, my eyes are filled with tears, praise the Lord....... some time she will make a peculiar sound, very very soothening, I know
Lords grace... that she is around. Once long back I was in deep sleep in the forest in a
valley, at around midnight she came and licked my face, I opened my
Ø One day myself and Sriman Balakrishna Sastry (who attained Lords eyes, she took her right front leg and repeatedly kept it on my thighs at
feet 2 years back) were walking in the forest, heavy rains started and he intervals, some sort of a signal, I didnt get up, then she started pulling
got drenched like me totally. Suddenly he started having high fever, my Dhothi, I knew she was conveying some thing. It started raining, she
lucky I came across two tribals and sent him to their hamlet for rest and started running and I started running behind her, she was certainly trying
treatment. I went inside the forest just about 7 miles from the road where to convey something. She took me on to top of the next hill, just then
some more Brahmins had come, some tribals were there for assistance. sun was rising from the horizon on the other side, a huge noise, there
I was feeling bad for Sastry, he always loved to sit with me in the was a huge landslide due to rains and the place I was sleeping was full
Prayogams and I was very badly missing him, for 2 days I had to do of rocks and rubles. She looked at it and as usual sounded the way she
some Prayoga Prayaschitthams. After 4 hours Balakrishna Sastry along sounds.I prostrated ‘ Bhooma.
with two tribals from the hamlet joined me and said he was ok and he Ø
would like to assist me, I said ok. With a lot of enthusiasm he did all that Sahana: ‘Why are you taking so much pains to do all this’?
was to be done. After 2 days everything was over and my self and sastry Me: ‘Dear I am not the doer? Lord is the doer and he does’, Sahana
left. The Brahmins were being escorted by the tribals back. I was talking ‘How about the pain which you under go’?
with Sastry and walking back, after about 3 miles Sastry was missing, I Me: ‘I dont feel any pain, If felt Lord also gives strength to
did not know what to do, I thought let me go to the tribals hamlet and with with stand it’.
the help of tribals I wanted to search for him, so I reached the tribals Sahana: ‘What is the big enjoyment you get in doing all this?’
hamlet. I found Sastry in the hamlet, I was surprised, he asked me how Me: ‘When I see people joyous, I feel joyous, this is the enjoy
my program went on these two days, I was stunned. Then the tribals ment I get’.
told me that for the past two days he was being taken care with some Sahana: ‘All these years I have been watching you, your dediction
food and medication and that only on that day he could get up. As I towards the prayogam has only increased despite ad
looked for a clue as to who could havecome in his form I found at a vancing age, how is it?’

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Me: ‘Since I always feel I am not the doer in any action of mine needs of the society do perform this practice. I know of some Aghoris
and Lord is the doer, there is no stress in execution and comple who do this practice in the interest of humanity. Parakayam neccessarily
tion of prayogams’. doest mean entering another human form, it can be entering any me-
Sahana: ‘Some times I am very jealous of you, your reaction to dium of creation by preserving the origin of existence intact. It is done
this?’ for various reasons which cannot be comprehended by normal human
Me: ‘You are not the doer?’ beings, attributing motives to such practices shows the poor quality of
Sahana: ‘Some times I feel as to why I was not blessed with such understanding of the subject. It is done at the level of highest aware-
masters, reaction to this?’ ness of consciousness, its purely only Lords grace. Once myself and
Me: ‘The feelings are not yours, ts the Lord’s Leela, he is the Rajar had to jointly perfrom a prayogam called ‘VEERA MEGHANAM’.
creator of such feelings?’ He had to enter the body of a monkey and, I had to enter the medium of
Sahana: ‘Though I do some work for you, many times my work is a banyan tree. Then he will sit on me. Monkey sitting on the banyan tree
not dedicated like yours, any advice for me?’ and both will meditate jointly to do the Prayogam. Like this jointly we do
Me: ‘I am fully satisfied with what you do, I have no complaints have experienced many out of body experiences by the pure grace of
against you’, Lord. Parakayam is a wonderful experience and one of the true prayers
Sahana: ‘You were never angry with me at any point of time during our towards Lord....Its Lords grace that makes the Sadhaka to perform
association of all these 40 years, right from the day Maharishi Sadhana. Absolutely Lords grace...Praise the Lord.
Rajar introduced me to you?’
Me: ’Absolutely I was not angry with you since I know that you too Ø This happened some years ago. In the forest one day on a
are a form of Lord and you have been kind enough to assist ‘Aashada Poornima’ day when I was busy doing a Prayogam some
me in doing my prayogams. I have always seen the Lord in samithas were missing, next some herbs were missing, next some ghee
you and your actions’ was missing, next some provisions were missing, some vessels were
Sahana: ‘Will I regain my human form at some point of time?’ missing, some implements were missing. Six months later, one day at
Me: ‘Yes, you will regain but that will take another 545 years, in the night in the forest some one woke me up. I got up to find a dwarf, very
mean time we would have been associated on other 6 occa very old in age. It asked me to follow it. I just followed, after a journey of
sions’. around 3 hours, we reached a place where there was one more dwarf,
Sahana: ‘My faith with you always remains the same and my love to they both spoke to each other for some time, then they asked the follow-
you’... ing questions and I answered...
Me: ‘Love you always, let us start doing the prayogam
BRINGI...come and stand right next to me on my leftside’. Ø
Sahana: ‘Ok dear’. Q: Why is it that ‘Dharma’ is objecting to our reaching ‘Purandara’?
A: May be you offended ‘Vatsala’ the keeper of gates.
What do you think is the above conversation? It is the conversation Q: How should we please ‘Vatsala’ and win over her?
between me and Yakshini by name ‘Sahana’ in the forest during my A: You must get the great ‘Vishada’ to talk to her.
recent visit last month.... Q: How can we make ‘Vishada’ to talk to her?
A: ’Vishada’ always listens to ‘Amba’
Ø Parakaya Pravesham... Its one of the finest arts of Siddhis prac- Q. How can we influence ‘Amba’?
ticed by all Siddha Purushas. The best part is even a gyani who is A. If she can get the Amruta from ‘Mriganayani’.
beyond these aspects which form a part of kaivalya depending on the Q. How to get the Amruta from Mriganayani?

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A. We need the blessings of goddess Bagalamukhi, for which we knew there was something near me but I couldnt guess what it was.
have to go the Prayogam ‘Brahma Vaageeswari’. I said ‘I am prepared Now it tickled me on the hips. I started laughing. I now knew who it was.
to do it, but I need materials, samithas, ghee, vessels, herbs, provisions, I call her Mrinalini. She dances very beautifully and is very fond of rains.
implements that too stolen on the Ashada Poornima day. Then this miracle Many many years back when she was very young seperated from her
happened. From no where a saint came to the spot. He said ‘dont you parents, myself and Rajar spotted her and brought her to our place. She
remember that last Aashada Poornima day when you were doing literally grew with us. She dances very well. We both have danced a lot
Prayogam in the forest some items and articles were missing. I know together. Some of the Prayogams some times need something called
where they are. I can take you to that place and you can do the Prayogam ‘Tantra Nrutyam’ where I need a partner to dance. Most of the times she
for these dwarfs’. So we all went with him. He took us to a far off place is my partner in the forest for most of the Nrutyam. I always feel Krishna
still deeper in the forest. He just took a conch and blew it. All the mate- has sent his Jambhavathi in that form. Mrinalini...the Holy Bear.
rials stolen were tied in sacks and were hanging on the backs of six
bisons and two leopards. The saint also sat with me and we started Ø Some time back, a very elderly gentleman was quite curious to
doing the Prayogam - ‘Brahma Vageeswari’. The two dwarfs assisted know about the Prayoga Sastra. I was just avoiding him for I felt there
us in performing. The Agni Lakshanam was too good because of Lords was no need for him to know all that at that age. He knew that I was
Grace. It means due to the blessings of goddess Bagalamukhi, avoiding him. So one day in a place where a few people meet/gather
Mriganayani has blessed the Kumbham with Amruta. We handed over when I was present he aired a comment saying ’some people are more
the Kumbham to dwarfs. When I closed my eyes and meditated, I could devils in the name of knowledge’, I just laughed and said ‘yes, when
see the dwarfs handing it over to Amba, Amba putting a word to Vishada, Lord builts his home , he does allot a room to the devil’.
Vishada talking to Vatsala, Vatsala pardoning the dwarfs and the dwarfs
change in to Bhootha Ganas and prostrate Dharma and gates of the Ø Once during Navaratri , I was in the forest. Its was around 10 am
Celestial world ‘Purandhara’ opens. I find the saint also prostrating in the morning. Bright sunshine, but still cool. I heard the sounds of
Dharma and the wonder is the saint is none other than Chitragupta. I ‘Kolusu’ and ‘Bangles’. I just started looking around, I found one pair
opened my eyes full of tears of emotion to find the saint smiling at me. I hanging on a tree. After some time I heard once more and I found one
prostrated as he vanished. Lords grace. more pair hanging on another tree. The trees are also unique, they were
two trees conjoined near the base. After some time I saw an old lady
Ø It was pitch dark - Amavasya day, I was just observing the beauty walking in the forest with much difficulty. She was very tired. I had some
of nature. Just the occasional sounds of the beetles, crickets and in- fruits ,biscuits, in my bag and some water. I just gave her to eat. She
sects, no other sound. There was a lot of wind that day. Cool breeze was quite happy. I just pointed out to the kolusus hanging down from the
across signified. It was raining some where far. Occasional thunder and trees and asked her what it is? She said some one might have prayed to
lightning, just showing me some times the beauty of the forest on the the trees and tied it and gone. I said ‘I heard the sound of it as though
dark night. With Lords immense grace, to look in to the darkness had some one was wearing and running around’. She said ‘may be the
become a regular practice. Slowly it started drizzling. I enjoyed getting trees were shaking due to wind and they were making sounds’. As she
drenched in the rain. It was not a heavy downpour. But was just enough left that place I too left. After walking for around 5 hours, I reached a
to get drenched. As though a bath in the shower, now I thought some small rivulet. I just thought of taking bath. I enjoyed the bath. I came
one tapped me on my back and turned back. No one was to be seen. back and as I was wearing my clothes, I heard the kolusu/paayal sound
Once again I started enjoying dancing in the rain. Once again a gentle once again. I was shell shocked! The same trees on which they were
tap on my back. I was sure it was some one playing with me. I stopped tied was just there and I was literally standing below it. The same old
the dancing and started observing in the dark. Nothing visible at all. I lady came there. She smiled and asked me. How lucky she is to meet

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me once more. It was quite amusing to me. A lady who could not walk the forest. Though I am quite familiar with some, there are some new
at all properly, how is it that she could have travelled here. I once again recruits who do not know me. I just said I come here for some prayers.
pointed towards the tree and asked her. How is it that the tree has come He said ‘do you know that there are a lot of tigers in this area’? I said ‘is
here. She just smiled and disappeared. Then it flashed to me. She is that so’? As we were talking, he suddenly started gasping, I asked him
none other than ‘Chettykulamkarai Bhagawathy. The trees are an em- whether he was not well. He was perspiring. I didnt know the reason for
bodiment of ‘Vriksha Bhavani’ and ‘Vana Durga’. Even today many of his perspiration. He made some signs which I could not understand.
my Prayogams, I do it below these trees. Lords grace. Just then I felt a tiger was rubbing its body on me and started licking my
right fingers. I knew who it is. Just saw her. Its a tigress. I affectionately
Ø Lord is beautiful and merciful too. In one of the deep jungles call her Durga. She has a bindi like mark on her face exactly in the
where that part, I visit atleast 3 to 4 times a year. There is a small centre between the eye brows. She is old but very majestic and beauti-
waterfall. Behind the waterfall is a beautiful cave. There is a carving on ful. Almost we know each other for 30 years. Some times she used to
the wall of the cave at the end a beautiful Bhairava and a Bhairavi. Water push me down and lick my face. After she left I was searching for the
down at any point is only hip deep. But it takes half an hour to wade ranger. He was not to be seen. Subsequently one day when I was
through in that water to reach the point where the water falls from a having some tea in Vandiperiyaar suddenly some one fell on my feet. I
height of just around 40 to 50 feet. As you just enter through the falls you just got a little bit embarrassed as many were watching. He asked who
can see the cave. I just enter there...walk around 15-20 feet the cave are you? I said smilingly. I do hope that I am human just like you. Just
ends and on the wall the beautiful Bhairava and Bhairavi. Just sit there gave him one Maharishi dollar and left the place before any one else
through the night, meditate for some time, some chanting, some prayers, could notice all this.
the cave slightly illuminates in the pitch darkness and you can clearly
see the God with his consort. As it illuminates a pleasant fragrance Ø As usual a good gratifying trip, was inside the forest for a few
reaches the nose and it transponds us to a totally different world. Lord is days. As I was going in the deep forest it started raining cats and dogs,
so beautiful, he is so merciful and he is so graceful. Praise the Lord - so found a nice cave in the mountains about 25 feet width and around 30
Raise to the Lord. Fill your mind with Lord and dance with the feet depth. So entered the cave. Had friends inside, two grown tigers
Lord....Satchitanandam. and a leopard. Lord’s grace could spend 8 hours with them, quite beau-
tiful moments. All the four of us were in perfect harmony. The two tigers
Ø There are areas in the forest where no one dares to venture. Even were more playing, my self and the leopard were observers watching
the tribals do not venture. There are some herbs in those areas which the show. After 8 hours since the drizzle had come down I had to leave
gives a rare fragrance. If smelt deeply people go mad and are lost for reluctantly. I thank the Lord for those beautiful moments with him.
months or years. Maharishi Rajar once took me to such an area. The
tribals warned us, but he just smiled and said everything is Lord’s grace. Ø Some times while doing Prayogams we use different types of Malas
Even today some times I enjoy wandering in those areas. The trees and in different styles. One particular Prayogam is called ‘Chintarnawar’.
plants are as sympathetic as animals. Thats the wonder of creation. While doing this kind of Prayogam we use the Rudrakasha Mala like
Lord is a beauty. He guides you and guards you. When one tribal asked Janjam (Yagnopavitha rupam), when Chintarnawar is done towards the
me how is it that you go in without fear and come out unscathed, I just Pitrus we wear it the opposite, Pracheena Veetam. This par-
smiled and said probably God wants me to be there in this mundane ticular Prayogam is done for Loka Kalyanam. Some times this Prayogam
world for some more time. Its all Lord’s grace. is also done to benefit persons who suffer due to Dementia, Parkinson’s
disease. If Kravit Akshara Prayogam is done with it, it cures paralysis. If
Ø When I was just roaming deep inside the forest, suddenly a forest Serka Akshara is added it helps people to recover from Schizophrenia,
ranger came from no where and was enquiring as to what I was doing in Mental retardation. Hope you guys are satisfied with this explanation.
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system of evaluation or judgments. We always see the Lord in all acts
GADYAMS and nothing looks odd or ugly; to us Lord is always beautiful and his acts
are beyond questioning. Though we do give some explanations when
Ø Gadyams are based on Shabda Brahmana. From Shabda asked, we always know and feel that the answer has got nothing to do
Brahmana arises the Nada Brahmana which is the remedy. Some with us and that Lord answered at the spur of moment. When you live a
Shabdas originate from Muladhara, some from Swadishtana, some from life moment to moment there is absolutely no planning, no scheming, no
Manipura, some from Vishudda, some from Anahata, some from Aagya goals, no ambitions. We just live, and thats Lord’s grace. Its always
and some others from Sahasrara. The Prayogi watches for signals from beautiful to keep wondering at the ways of Lord and reasoning spoils
the nature and sings the Gadyams in response. He has to see whether wonder. But we can understand that the Lord only has made us to won-
it is day or night, whether there is light or darkness or twilight, whether it der and reason out at times. He has been very kind to us to see that
is windy, whether it is lull, whether it is stromy, whether it is raining or dry, reasoning doesn’t spoil the wonder. Through Tantra, Lord is teaching us
whether it is hot or cold, whether it is forest or a normal place etc., at any the balance between the art of wonder and the art of reasoning. We
point of time he observes atleast 1008 aspects before singing any really love him for what he keeps doing for all of us. Lets totally surren-
Gadyam. He has to be alert and should keep watching for the Sakunam. der to him.
So it is not the same all the time. According to the emergence of Aksharas
he has to sing the Gadyam. Some times the need may run in to hours or Ø Anything that can be taught has an organised platform which is
it may be for a few minutes. If he is in a crowd, he has to see the faces more mechanical by nature, what cannot be taught doesnt ahe an
of people around him. From the faces he will be able to analyse the organised structure which is more organic by nature. How to teach
problems of the concerned person, their lineage, their manes, their Pitrus seeing to a person? how to teach hearing to a person? how to teach
and the Astrological sequences... So he must be patient to gather all the feeling to a person. So how to teach Tantra? Tantra is in born.
Akshara Bhavas of people around him, the environmental circumastances
around him, the sakunam aspect and then does an analysis to find out Ø Tantra is wonderful. Unfortunately it has been grossly misunder-
the gadyam applicable at that point of time. The analysis normally of the stood these days. It is distorted. Its meaning and essence grossly mis-
entire situation is done in just around 180 seconds ie., 3 minutes. He trusted. Over ages you have been tutored by many to go on ego trips.
has to be fast and accurate, and then flows the Gadyam. Never any one was given an exercise to progressively get out of this
ego. Ego fantasises mind, Tantra is against this ego. Tantra is pure
TANTRA love. When love is at peak its a challenge to the mind. It reaches a
stage of no mind. The Rishis and Sages were able to retain it perma-
Ø Normally persons who have been initiated in to Tantra practice, nently which resulted in Eternal Joy. Tantra made this possible for them.
have experienced Lord as they live this life. They see the Lord in every Over ages it was a deliberate act on part of many of us to condemn love
micro aspect of life howsoever mundane it may look. To them Lord and making and it was projected as a sin. The real reason is it will be anti
life are inseperable. There is nothing like good or bad, right or wrong, ego. When mind is filled with love there will be no place for ego and this
perfect or imperfect, for Lord is the doer and they always know that Lord was feared as a threat to materially progressive society. So love making
is beyond all this. Never it comes to the mind that they are the doers. was condemned and eventually Tantra was condemned because its roots
Most of us think we are the doers. So we start reasoning out the good lay in love. Instead Yoga was given importance, that too not the Yogas
and bad, right and wrong, perfect and imperfect, in that process we take which really wake up an unconscious slumber mind to reality but Hatha
credit for good things and feel guilty for the negative ones. But in the Yoga was given importance, because it gives good health and longevity.
world of Tantra we never take credit for anything nor we go in to the Further some could also demonstrate their ego of being a Hatha Yogi.
25 26
Infact Yoga and Ego are opposites. What Patanjali insisted was more a message for us. Now a days as a Master I find my sishyas very
internal through external means. Unfortunately people tuned up their sensitive...even if a fact is stated they are not able to withstand. They
exterior and forgot the interior. Tantra approached ego with love and are so weak minded and expect the Guru to come to them and placate
ego got dissipated. Tantra is far beyond the normal acts of recreation them. They share their feelings of sensitivity with other sishyas but dont
and procreation. It goes in to the center of existence of one’s self and have the guts to share it with the guru. Very shameful indeed. Try to
results in realisation of one’s true self through the process of pure replace your sensitivity with sensibility. A Guru is choiceless in his be-
love. Tantra is the ultimate orgasmic experience of truth and dance with havior and dont take him for granted just because he comes down to
the Lord....Satchitananda. your level. Its not his weakness but his generosity in making himself
more amenable to the sishya. When Adi Shankara was asked the
GURUJI ABOUT MASTERS question...’Ko Visham’...he says ‘Avadeerana Gurushu’ means, what
Ø “Religion is authenticity. Masters are authentic. They guide you is poison? Poison is when Guru is disrespected. Dont be childish in
to live an authentic life. Masters can only guide you, implementation is your behavior. Drop your self pity and see the reality. Otherwise you are
yours. If you keep saying its only possible for the Master, or keep saying not fit to be in Gurukulam.
you are a normal human being, then you will remain where you are. An
authentic person lives a very care free life but very responsible in his Ø Masters do not teach you to simply keep shaking your head. Mas-
own way. The first and foremost responsibility is your own self. Without ters really shake your head to make you alert. They just take you around
self there is nothing called selfless, dont live with pretensions. If you live and show you the realities of life and make to accept it and live an au-
with pretensions then tension will mount on you. You want to see some- thentic life based on the realities experienced. To live such a life is au-
thing, be total with it and finish it off. Live an authentic life not an authori- thenticity, one needs to be rebellious to accept one truthfully as they are.
tative life. You may be an authority in a field but dont be authoritative. Change is more internal and is not noticed on the exterior. As you live
Being an authority and being authoritative is different. An authentic per- life with authenticity, you realise internally the need for the change to
son will be an authority but not authoritative. His life will be a life of adapt yourself to the changing environment and situation. Change is in
fulfillment, his life will be total, his life will be one of contentment, he will built in the authentic life you lead. Not just going like a sheep in a herd,
be very joyous, he will spread the joy like wild fire, he will be a source of but consciously allowing the change to be adapted and ingrained as you
inspiration to be looked upon. Be authentic” live the authentic life. Yes, some may find you rebellious, but that’s what
the sheep in the herd thinks. Not a person who lives a conscious life.
Ø The teacher is more from the mind. So he says this is right, this is You dont need any certificates or praises or encomiums from others. Its
wrong, do this, do that, dont stand there, go there, dont go there - all your life. Nobody dares to talk about it. Noone else needs to think about
sorts of conditioning is from the teacher. Whereas the Master is from
it. There are jackals among us, alertness makes you to spot them and
the heart. He just smiles at you. When you ask him can I do this he says
handle them. The authentic life you lead gives the guidance and cour-
enjoy doing it. When you say I cant do this he says enjoy not doing that.
age to handle such elements. Be rebellious... Be authentic.
He doesnt tamper with your experience. He wants you to transcend to
better levels not through avoidance but through innate experience.
If your relationship with your Master is true, you will never get hurt
Ø Our days with Masters - by any of his words. If you feel hurt it means he is not your Master.
When I was a disciple with my Master, we not only loved them, out Ø In old China there lived a Monk who was basically a carpenter. He
of that love came a lot of respect and regard. Every word of my Masters used to go to the forest, he will talk to the trees and ask their permission
was duly respected and regarded. Whether they hug me or scold me I to cut and become furnitures. He will only cut trees which permitted him
use to take it as a blessing. Every word every sentence, every act was to be cut and made furnitures. Even today in Bejing in one of the Muse-
27 28
ums it is said those furnitures are there the way they were made several celebrate. Our prostrations and salutations to all the Gurus on this Holy
centuries back by the Monk. Though the Monk is long dead he is still Day”.
alive through those furnitures. Masters really rock!!!...
Ø Seeing a Sadguru, what it means? By seeing him, you under-
Ø I have heard a story. stand many things. His body language will convey some thing which
A saint used to move rocks. He was lean and fragile. Some one probably words may not convey. So keep attentively seeing him. He is
asked him is it some form of trick? He used to smile and say, I commu- always trying to convey something. Dont miss it. There is a message for
nicate with rocks. I just talk to them, I tell them people are finding it the sishya in every action of his. So dont miss to see him.
difficult, kindly cooperate. I just keep my hand on the rock and wait for a
signal. Once I get the signal I dont move against the rock. I move with Chanting his name... By chanting his name it sets a lot of positive vibra-
the rock.... tions in our mind. It gives us a great degree of faith and confidence in
our own self. It descends a lot of tranquility in our mind. It fills mind with
We are not able to communicate with humans itself, leave alone peace.
rocks. Masters really rock!!!....
Listening to his words .... He is conveying something to us which is of
Ø With parents you can discuss certain things but not everything. great importance. He is interested in our welfare and wants us to be
With kin and kith you can discuss certain things but not everything. With very loving and joyous. He wants us to transcend to better levels of
friends you can discuss certain things but not everything. With a Master consciousness. The language and power of those words will make us to
you can discuss anything and everything since he will be the only person cross the ocean of samsara with ease.
to understand you for what you are and accept you for what you are.
Whether you can understand what he says or means depends on the By meditating on the Sadguru one experiences the Lord Dakshinamurthy,
power of the receiver inside you. You may understand something today, the very Lord of wisdom who guides us ultimately to the path of freedom
may be you may understand something later, but thats not a big issue. and liberation, moksha. He teaches the realities of this beautiful life and
He can always understand you for what you are. In case you fear him makes one to look at all the subjects with an impartial mind, with a lot of
then he cant be your Master and you have to go in search of a Master serenity in thinking and thereby enjoy the celestial dance of the Lord...
with whom you can confide anything and everything. Confide in your Satchitananda...
Master and be confident for life...this is the aspect of true surrender and
that is the basis of any enduring eternal faithful relationship... Ø I have heard of a story your reasoning vs Master.
A rich American suddenly in the evening of life wanted to know
Ø Our prayers to Lord and good wishes to all of you to enjoy this truth of life. He started going to various Gurus. He was not at all satis-
holy day of Guru Poornima. Maharishi Rajar once said, who is a Mas- fied with any of them. All were suggesting some techniques which was
ter? I would like to share that with you all. “Certain things you can share only an ego trip, one more ego trip. He understood this game, finally
with parents, certain things you can share with friends, certain things some one suggested him to go to a Himalayan Master. He came to
you can share with relatives but, Master is the only person with whom India and travelled many places and finally located the Master. The
the disciple can share anything and everything. If you cannot share some Master was quite a simple man. Before he could ask him anything the
thing in your life with the Master then it means he is not your Master. Master asked, have you got any American cigarettes? the american was
The relationship with the Master stems from the soul and it is the purest shell shocked! He handed over a packet. The Master took one and
form of relationship among all the other relationships. Enjoy, dance and started smoking. The Master continued, go back to America, get a big

29 30
trunk full of these cigarettes and sit with me. We dont get any cigarettes Ø Sudharshana Dyaanam.
here leave alone American ones. while going leave your wrist watch and
go. I dont have one. I am not able to know the time. Dont forget to get
the cigarettes when you come next time. The American asked any dis-
cipline I have to follow Master? Master said I have already said what you Su - Darshana, the Sudharshana Chakra blesses us with good
are supposed to do. Go and get back a trunk full of cigarettes. This is sight, good insight, anything we see with his blessings is always beauti-
the discipline as of now. ful. It gives a lot of pleasantness to the mind. The radiance of Sudarshana
Chakra is so powerful and equal to Koti Surya. The tejas is to such an
Ø Reasoning/logic/calculations/mind games/questioning, doesnt extent, it means it is infinitesimal beauty. The beauty of radiance cannot
work with Masters. These may work with teachers but certainly not Mas- be compared to any other medium. This radiance should blind the igno-
ters. rance in our minds. This radiance should guide us towards better Cos-
Ø A teacher teaches lesson and keeps exam. A Master keeps exam mic existence to see the Lord everywhere, in any thing and every thing.
and then you learn the lesson. The padam Vishnu means, Sarva Vyapi. Lord is both at micro level and
Ø The sishya went to his Guru - Master every day in my dreams the macro level. So the radiance of Sudarshana should blind the ignorance
good keeps fighting with the evil. Whom do you think will win this battle. and bestow wisdom to see the Lord in anything and everything.
The master said, ‘the one you feed more will win’.
Ø Matru Hasthena Bhojanam...
GOLDEN WORDS OF GURUJI Baarya Hasthena Thamboolam...
Mother is an embodiment of motherliness. The mother is sakshaat
Ø Some one asked me what sort of a Guru you are? I said I am Annapoorni. She takes utmost care of the child. A child needs to fed by
called a Guru by some. I dont claim to be one. Then he asked what you the mother. When the mother feeds the child with her hand it protects
do to that some who call you a Guru. I travel with them by taking their the child in many ways. Even from drishti dosham etc., further food from
hand on to my hand and arouse them to go in search of their own true the hand of the mother soothens the child’s mind to grow in to a better
self. People say in the pursuit of knowleddge every day something is person. So Matru Hasthena Bhojanam.
added, but I feel when you are with a Master every day you are tempted
to drop many things. This is the way we learnt with our Masters. The boy grows gets married. He takes food everywhere. At home,
Most of our knowledge is from books and not from a Master. at office, in hotel, in friend’s place. When he takes food at home the
mother or the wife cooks and offers him. But when he takes food out-
Ø Chanakya’s words of wisdom on this topic.. side, there is chance that it might not have been cooked properly. The
person who gave the food might have fed with some negativity in mind
Pustakpratayayaadhitam naadhitam Guru Sannidhau.. which might have found way in to the food on to the husband’s stomach,
Sabhamadhye naa sobhante jaargarbhaaeva striyah. drishti dosham etc., It will affect the man. So his wife with all love gives
Those who have acquired knowledge only through books and not under the betel leaf with betel nut and lime, a paan which will remove the ill
the guidance of a competent Master, cannot shine in an assembly as a effects of the food.
woman with illegal pregnancy is not honoured in the society.
So Baarya Hasthena Thamboolam.

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Ø Pitrubya Swadavibya Swada Namaha Atma Gyana ... Settlement of disputes in the family, cleanliness, and
Pitamahebhya Swadavibya Swada Namaha many more. Sun generally tries to control venus. When Sun talks of the
Prapithamahebya Swadavibya Swada Namaha language of mind, Venus starts talking the language of heart. On one
side people will demand justice the other side people will talk of mercy.
Akshan Pitharaha...
Issues concerning the mind and heart will be in conflict during this tran-
Akshan Mathuhu Pitharaha... sit. And many more things happen.
Gyathagyatha Pithrun Swada Namas Tharpayami
Gyathagyatha Mathru Pithrun Swada Namas Tharpayami Ø Attitude of a Prayogi....with lord’s grace....
Gyathagyatha Pithru Patni Swada Namas Tharpayami If there is a way he finds it
Gyathagyatha Mathru Pithru Patni Swada Namas Tharpayami. If there is no way he makes it.....

Salutations to father, grand father, great grandfather. They are the my Ø Kumbakonam a town 300 kms south of Chennai is full of temples.
lineage of forefathers. Salutations to all my forefathers. My forefathers There are hundreds of them. It is a very good kshetram. There is a
themselves were born as their forefathers. So eventually I was also in saying about kumbakonam...
the lineage of these forefathers. I am myself born in several janmas as
myself. The true self the Lord is responsible for this cycle of births. So Anya Kshetrasya Krutam Papam Punya Kshetrasya Vinashyathi.
I am myself born across in the Cosmos in different ways and combina- Punya Kshetrasya Krutam Papam Varanaasyaam Vinashyathi.
tions. I go back in to fire, I go back in to water, I go back in to earth, I go Varanaasyam Krutam Papam Kumbakone Vinashyathi.
back in to Air, I go back into space and I am back in many forms. I am Kumbakone Krutam Papam Kumbakone Vinashyathi.
my own father, I am my own grand father, I am my own great grand
father. I am my own mother. I am my own grand mother and I am my The sins commited at a place gets dissipated by visiting a holy
own great grand mother. I am my own fathers side relatives and moth-
place. The sins committed at a holy place gets dissipated on visiting
ers side relatives. I am my own fathers side male and their wife’s rela-
Varanasi (Kashi). The sins committed at Varanasi gets dissipated on
tives. I am my own mother side male and their wife’s realtives. It is
visiting Kumbakonam. The sins committed at Kumbakonam gets dissi-
ultimately the Lords grace that I am born ever as myself every where as
‘Aham’....Pitru Dyanam.... pated at Kumbakonam itself.

Ø Venus transiting Sun is a very beautiful phenomenon. Sun is con- Hence when you find time do visit Kumbakonam and enjoy the
sidered to be the Master in our Zodiac system. All others are considered beauty of the temples. You will find a lot of peace in those temples which
as disciples. Venus is the disciple concerned with love feelings emo- houses the Archavatara Murthis of the Lord. The sculpt works in the
tions . Interestingly wealth pomp and splendor. Venus also has a cranky temples is awesome. Please do visit Kumbakonam once and you will be
side, possessiveness, jealousy, rudeness in behavior. Some of the other tempted to visit many more times.
qualities include governance , dominance, occult practices sorcery. I
am not going in to depth here. Sun is balanced. He takes care of every- Ø Pragyanam Brahma - Rig Veda... Superior consciousness is God.
thing right from health government jobs, decisions in the government Aham Brahmasmi - Yajur Veda...The pure inner is God.
high places, office, home. Sun is the paternal forefather. Sun is called
Tatvamasi - Sama Veda... What is outside is inside.
Sajiva Pitru. Sun is radiance grace, upbringing of life forms, changes in
life style, supervision, control. Ayamatha Brahma - Atharva Veda...As you live life you realise god.

33 34
Ø ‘Drishti Dosham : Brahmin - Gyana, Pragyana, Manas, Ahankar, Buddhi, Mahat, Head.
Kshatriya - Courage, Valor, Dexterity in work, Chest, Shoulders Limbs,
No one could face Vaali. Even Lord Rama the all powerful God
Vysya - Stomach, day to day living, business.
had to hide to kill him. Every one possess this unique power, either with
Sudra - abdomen, Private Parts, Legs, disposal of waste, procreation,
our sight we may transfer positive energy or negative energy. It all de-
work, movement.
pends on one’s state of mind at that point of time. In fact Maharishi Rajar
used to warn me not to keep staring at others but to keep seeing others
Hence whether one is a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysyas or Sudra, as
for a few seconds and shift my sight else where. In fact we dont sit
he prostrates he only touches the Sudra part (feet) of the other person.
straight. We prefer an angle or a twist even while sitting facing others.
Can we keep this always in mind before talking about classification of
When this is the case just imagine posting pictures of kids on the net
castes? (Higher/Lower/Brahmin/Sudra)
that too with fancy dress. We dont say all of us may carry a positive or a
negative thought at all times. Will we not be exposing our kids to exces-
Ø Lord gave us a vast piece of land and water called earth. He wanted
sive publicity? Please also note that our faith is that this energy can be
us to enjoy the fruits there of sharing all the resources available. Lord
passed on personally or by even looking at the photo or even the elec-
did not bless us with just the heart. He created the mind too. We used
tronic media. Infact for spiritual healing we do ask for the photograph of
the mind and divided the earth in to fragments. Now we say we have
the person who needs it when we cannot meet them or keep sitting with
built a house, starting to dwell in it we called it home. Then divided it in
them for hours together. We leave it to you all to decide what to do or
to rooms - Master bed room, Study room, Living room, Children’s room,
what not to do in this regard. Some how our thoughts on this subject is
Guest room, Kitchen, Toilet etc., We stacked the rooms with a lot of
a bit conservative.
stuff. No doubt for our own convenience. Once settled comfortably we
start thinking on expansion. A trick the mind plays, not expansion of the
Ø Lord’s ways are mysterious. No logic or science can explain him.
heart but expansion of the mind. Ultimately even in the rooms we live
He is wonderful and he has to be wondered. Infact there is no gender
only in the empty space available. The emptiness of space is created by
for him. He is beyond all time. He is beyond senses. He is beyond the
useful walls. But the useless space is actually used and not the useful
gunas. He is the doer, and we were trained to see him in anything and
walls to live. Then invite guests relatives in the name of Gruhapravesham.
everything. Its his grace we enjoy Him thoroughly. You call it nature,
Just to boast how big the house is? How convenient it is? We expose
you call it God, you call it consciousness, you call it awareness, you call
ourself to all the tragedies it brings along with it. Then the business flops
it human, you call it animals, plants, trees, seas, you call it life. Its all Him
or you are chucked out of employment or you are transferred else where,
and Him alone. We see Him, we eat him, we smell him, we taste him,
you cannot live in the house you built. I join with the Lord to laugh at
we feel him, we kiss him, we hug Him, we sleep with Him, He is inscru-
you? Can you laugh at yourself?
table, He is beyond questioning, he is beyond reasoning, anything He
does is out of pure love and compassion. Praise the Lord.
Ø Insane world vs Sanity....
Ø Castes...(Higher / Lower / Brahmin / Sudra)... A Saint went to a place. He was thirsty and went house by house and
begged water. None came forward to give. He went to the palace and
It is said that the head of a human being is the Brahmin. The asked the king. The king provided water, now the saint cursed let the
chest is the Kshatriya. The stomach portion Vysya and the hip to feet the ponds in the city become poison other than the pond in the palace. If
Sudra. In order to subdue one’s ego or superiority complex, those days any one drinks water from these ponds other than king’s pond they will
the practice was to put the head (Brahmin) at the feet (Sudra) of the go mad. The king got worried. If every one comes to drink water from
elders and Sadgurus etc., this was the basic concept of surrender... the king’s pond the pond may go dry. He vacated every one from the
35 36
palace but kept the Minister alone with him. Palace gates were locked. Ø Nirvana Suka Dayini Yai Namaha.
People slowly could not bear the thirst and started drinking water from
the ponds in the city. They all became mad, they removed their dresses The goddess Lalitha Parameshwari helps you to attain ‘Nirvana’.
and started dancing naked. They came outside the palace and were The pleasure what you get to attain ‘Nirvana’ is her desire to bless you
dancing. They were trying to gate crash to go inside the Palace. The with it. ‘Nirvana’ is ‘Dhigambara’. Both internally and externally, an as-
King asked the Minister...O Minister can you give some valuable sug- pect of Bhairava. ‘Nirvanam’ to make you unwind and make you inno-
gestion? the Minister said. My lord its better we go from the back of the cent. Remove the garbage of knowledge from you. The so called knowl-
palace straight to the nearby pond and drink that water and become edge has spoiled your golden innocence. To bring the child back in you,
mad. In an insane world just two of us with sanity is of no use. to strip you off your knowledge is ‘Nirvanam’. That ‘Nirmalam’, the stage
of no mind, the stage of innocence, is in a way wisdom since it gives
Ø Life is effortless....But we want to make it an effortful task. Other- eternal happiness. That ‘Sukham’ is given by Lalitha. ‘Dhigambara’ is
wise our ego trip will not get materialised. We will try to make it as Datta...embodiment of wisdom. Lalitha is more in the form of Datta, who
complicated as possible and then keep running for solutions. Once a is responsible for blessing the ‘Nirvanam’. So She is the Master. She is
father of a young girl invited Leopold Godowsky home. The girl was the Datta Maharaj. Nirvanadhikari.
asked to play her Piano. After playing some numbers the father asked
the composer Leopold...O Godowsky she played wonderful na? Ø Avadhootas are wonderful. Their ways are mysterious. It is the
Godowsky is reported to have told, she has an amazing technique. I firm faith that whatever they do, they do it for Loka Kalyanam. There is
have never heard any one playing such simple pieces with such great never a thought of self though only the self does it. They dont conform
difficulty. This is what we do to our life. Life is beautiful, keep it simple to any so called policies and principles. They can never ever be
and effortless. Dont make it a tool for your ego trip. decyphered. Their actions are unquestionable. Total faith is the key to
be with them.
Ø I had to take a Namboodri Brahmin once with me in the forest. He
was coming for the first time with me. I stopped the car on the main road Ø Lord in the form of Rudra is divided into three major
and got down to walk inside. He asked me ‘you want me to get down forms....Bhoga...Yoga and Veega.
and come with you inside? I thought you are joking when you said forest. Somaskandar, Kalyana Sundarar etc.,
I can’t come. There will be dangerous animals inside’ I smiled and said Dakshina Murthy, Vrishabha Aruda Murthy, Gyana Desikar etc.,
to him ‘a person who is not disciplined cannot be cautioned’. He could Bhairava, Veerabhadra, Sarabha etc.,
not understand. Can you?
Ø Thelivu Guru Tirumeni Kaandal There is a wrong view that Rudra has aghora form. Rudra is al-
Thelivu Guru Tirunamam Cheppal ways an aghora. Whether He is in Bhoga, Yoga or Veega. Every form
Thelivu Guru Tiruvarthai Kettal has its own beauty. Thats why he is called Aghora Murthy. Infact the
Thelivu Guru uru Sindhitthal Thane...Tirumoolar. most beautiful Aghora Murthy can be seen at Tiruvenkadu (on the route
between Sirkazhi and Poompuhar) some 300 kms South of Tamilnadu.
Tirumoolar says... what is expected of a true sishya? When you are The forms of Lord is only Aghora. Infact in Vedas there is only mention
blessed with a Sadguru keep seeing him. When you are blessed with a of Aghora and no mention Ghora. In Vedas, Rudra is classified as Pancha
Sadguru keep chanting his name. When you are blessed with a Sadguru Rudra, Vamadeva, Aghora, Triambaka, Tatpurusha and Eeshana. There
keep listening to his words. When he is not around physically, keep is no mention of Ghora any where. Lord has his own ways. He is every-
meditating on him. thing and his beauty can be visualised in every form. Destruction was

37 38
gêq ¯ é¯è þ ™§æ þ Ðè þ Äè ÿ ™ §ó þ Ðè þ ™ Chaitanya Agni Jyothi - Sri Guruji
(¯é VæüÆæÿÐèþ‘Ë™§æþÇMìü ¯é °Ðéã.....)
Sri Sri Sri V.V. SrIdhar Guruji - the Head of Sri Jwala Central Trust
GNANANANDAMAYAM DEVAM (Regd), Hyderabad and Sri Jwala Trust, Chennai is an ardent upaasaka
(A Tribut to all my Gurus.....) of Lord Nrisimhaswamy and is an authority on Chaaya Atharvana Veda
and Krishna Mohana Vidya. Sri Guruji has evolved Nrisimha Dhanwantari
Açßø¼Ë™ & 100 Ðèþ ÐèþàÄèÿfq™ Yagnas to promote peace and prosperity, cleansing the environment of
ÐèþÉ§æþ}ý : 19-- -12& 2012 & 26&12&2012 Akshara Pollution (Aksharas are sort of spiritually charged energy bod-
ies). Nrisimha Dhanwantari combination enchances the curative forces
Ahobilam - 100th Maha Yagnam in the environment and helps in combating with several diseases like Can-
cer, Asthma, Cardiac troubles, Cirrohsis of Liver, Psychological disor-
Published on : 19-12-2012 - 26-12-2012
ders. Sri guruji has performed 99 Yagnas so far and countless number of
ÐðþË : D ³ç ‘çÜM¢ üæ ™ AÐèþÃMé°Mìü Mé§æþ. ÉÖ VæüÆæÿ’i ¿èýN¢ËN E_€èþ™Vé ³ç ™^èþrN Yantra Pujas. The present Yajnam at Ahobilam is the 100th Yagnam by
Sri Guruji.
Ðèþ’É€èþÐóþ. D ³ç ‘çÜM¢ üæ ™ ÐèþÉ§æþ}ý QÆæÿa Ææÿ’ 30,000/- AÆÿ™¨. CrÐèþ™sìü
ÐèþÇ°² 糑çÜ¢Méː ÐèþÉ§æþ}ýMðü” E§éÆæÿË €èþÐèþ ÑÆéâê˯èþ §æþÄèÿ€ø The special feature of the Yajnas conducted by Sri. V.V.Sridhar
Gurujis is that eveybody (irrespective of Caste, Creed, Religion etc.) will
CÐèþәyìþ. have the opportunity to participate personally in offering Aahutis in the
Price : This publication is intended for free distribution by Sri Yagna Kundam free of charge.
Guruji. NOT FOR SALE. Those desirous of participat- Sri Guruji believes in the Vedic connotation “Maatru Devo Bhava,
ing in publication of similar devotional books may send Pitru Devo Bhava ....”. Salutations to Mother and her forefathers, Saluta-
their contribution through crossed DD payable at tion to Father and his forefathers. According to Sri Guruji - ”If the bless-
Hyderabad to Sri Jwala Central Trust, Hyderabad. ings of the pitrus are available, any problem can be solved. If they are not
Acknowledgments : available, nobody can do anything. So one should respect their parents
and prostrate them regularly because father and mother are representa-
We heartily thank the following : tives of the Pitrus. One should also do Pitru Karma with sincerity and
devotion when One’s parents pass away to invoke the blessings from the
1) Smt. Padmini Bhavaraju 5) Sri. Bh.S. Krishna Sharma pitrus.”
2) Smt. R. Shyamala 6) Sri. D.S. Siva Prasad Pitru sapam affects not only an individual but percolates to the
3) Smt. A. Ramalakshmi 7) Sri. V.S. Murthy future generations of the individual also causing delayed marriage, lack of
4) Sri. Srinivas Nemani children, sick children, lack of peace of mind, premature death in the fam-
For their valuable contributions and support towards the publication of ily, strain in family relationship, delay in justice (Court matters) etc., Sri
this book. Let Pujya Guruji’s blessings be showered on them ever. Guruji performs Sarpa Aaraadhana in the Yagnas reciting various Sarpa
Gadyams for the benefit of the devotees.
Sri Jwala Central Trust (Regd)
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Lakdikapul, Hyderabad - 500 004. ( : 040 - 23231656

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