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Measuring chlorine levels
in water supplies
As the quality of water can be seriously affected by a disaster
or an emergency, it is best practice to disinfect all emergency
water supplies. The most common way of disinfecting is with
chlorine. This technical note explains why disinfection is
important, why chlorine is used, how it works, how to test for
its presence and where and when to test.

Why should emergency What is disinfection? due in part to their thick outer wall.
The process only works, however,
water supplies be Many of the diseases that affect
if the chlorine comes into direct
disinfected? traumatized communities are caused
contact with the organisms. If the
by micro-organisms carried in
When disaster strikes a stable water contains silt, the bacteria that
drinking-water. Hence the reference
community with access to reside within it may not be reached
to water-borne diseases. Disinfection
drinking-water of a certain quality, by the chlorine. Chlorine disinfects
is the process of destroying these
their situation changes: water but does not purify it: there
organisms to prevent infection.
are some contaminants it cannot
• Disasters often damage There are a number of methods of
remove (see Box 11.1 overleaf).
existing water supplies leading disinfecting water, but chlorination
to contamination or further is by far the most common. Table Chlorine takes time to kill
contamination of the supply. 11.1 lists the advantages and organisms. At temperatures of 18OC
disadvantages of using chlorine for and above, the chlorine should be in
• People sometimes have to disinfection. contact with the water for at least 30
move to new locations and minutes. If the water is colder then
are forced to drink water from How does chlorine work? the contact time must be increased.
new sources for which they When chlorine is added to water, It is normal, therefore, to add
have no natural immunity to its it destroys the membrane of many chlorine to water as it enters a
contamination. microorganisms and kills them. storage tank or a long delivery
However, it is ineffective against some pipeline to give the chemical time to
• Disasters frequently affect
cysts, such as cryptosporidium, which perform its disinfecting action before
people’s physical and
are resistant to chlorine disinfection it reaches the consumer.
psychological health, making
them more susceptible to Table 11.1. Advantages and disadvantages of using chlorine as a disinfectant
infection and disease.
Advantages Disadvantages
It is important, therefore, that all It comes in several forms: powder, It is a powerful oxidizing agent which must be handled
people affected by a disaster granules, tablets, liquid and gas. with care and breathing chlorine fumes must be avoided.
are provided with access to safe It is usually readily available in one form It does not effectively penetrate silt and organic particles
drinking-water. There is a wide or another and relatively inexpensive. suspended in the water.
variety of methods for improving It dissolves easily in water. It can give an unpleasant taste if slightly overdosed,
the quality of drinking-water, which can dissuade people from using the supply.
It provides residual disinfection (see Box
many of which are discussed in 11.2).
Its effectiveness against some organisms requires higher
Technical Notes 4 and 5. Most of concentrations of chlorine and longer contact times.
It is effective against a wide
these treatment processes are Is ineffective in removing cryptosporidium and where this
range of disease- causing micro- pathogen is a concern other methods should be used in
designed to prepare the water organisms. combination with chlorine (i.e. filtration).
for disinfection, which is the final
stage in the treatment process. Source: Adapted from Davis and Lambert (2002)

Measuring chlorine levels in water supplies

So if water is tested and found to When and where to

Box 11.1. Chlorine is not a contain some free chlorine, it proves
test water
perfect solution that the most dangerous organisms
in the water have been removed Continuous chlorination is most
Although chlorine does not commonly used in piped water
and it is likely to be safe to drink.
destroy all micro-organisms, supplies. Regular chlorination of
This process is called measuring the
it is still considered to be the other water supplies is difficult and
chlorine residual (see Figure 11.2).
most effective emergency usually reserved for disinfection
disinfectant available because after repair and maintenance. It is
the vast majority of organisms Testing for chlorine common to test for chlorine residual
are destroyed. Chlorine will not
remove chemical contaminants
residual at the following points:

from the water. Chemical The quickest and simplest method • Just after the chlorine has been
contamination is more difficult to for testing for chlorine residual is added to the water to check
remove and requires specialist the dpd (diethyl paraphenylene that the chlorination process is
knowledge and equipment. diamine) indicator test, using a working.
comparator. A tablet of dpd is added
• At the outlet of the consumer
to a sample of water, colouring
nearest to the chlorination point
it red. The strength of colour is
to check that residual chlorine
Box 11.2. Residual protection measured against standard colours
levels are within acceptable
on a chart to determine the chlorine
Most disinfection methods kill levels.
concentration. The stronger the
micro-organisms effectively but
colour, the higher the concentration • At the furthest points in the
do not provide any protection
of chlorine in the water. network where residual chlorine
against recontamination further
along the supply system. levels are likely to be at their
Several kits for analysing the lowest. If chlorine levels are
chlorine residual in water, such as found to be below minimum
Chlorine has the advantage
the one illustrated in Figure 11.2, are levels (see Box 11.3) it might be
of being both an effective
available commercially. The kits are necessary to add more chlorine
disinfectant and its residual can
small and portable. at an intermediate point in the
protect the supply downstream
from the disinfection point. network.

The turbidity and the acidity (pH) of Chlorine added

the water have a significant effect Initial chlorine concentration
on the efficiency of chlorine as a added to water Chlorine demand
disinfectant. The turbidity should be Reactions with
< 5NTU and the pH level between organic
7.2 and 6.8. See Technical Note 1 material, metals,
for advice on how to change the pH other
level of water and measure turbidity. compounds
present in water
Consult the references given under Total chlorine prior to disinfection
“Further information” page 11.4 on Remaining chlorine
how to add chlorine to water. concentration after chlorine
demand of water
Chlorine residual
When chlorine is added to water,
it will attack organic matter and
attempt to destroy it. If enough Free chlorine Combined chlorine
chlorine is added, some will remain Concentration of chlorine Concentration of chlorine
in the water after all possible available for disinfection combined with nitrogen in the
organisms have been destroyed. water and unavailable for
What is left is called free chlorine disinfection
(Figure 11.1). Free chlorine will
remain in the water until it too
Figure 11.1. Chlorine addition
dissipates or is used to destroy
new contamination. Source: Adapted from Chlorine Residual Testing Fact Sheet, CDC SWS Project.


Measuring chlorine levels in water supplies

Step 1. Step 2.
Place one tablet in the Crush the tablet, then
test chamber (a) and fill chamber (a) with the
add a few drops of chlorinated water
the chlorinated water supply under test.
supply under test.


Step 3. Step 4.
Place more of the chlorinated The level of residual chlorine (R) in mg of chlorine per litre
water supply under test (mg/l) is determined by comparing the colour of the water
(without a tablet) in the supply under test in chamber (a) with the tablet added
second chamber (b). This with the standard colours on the vessel (chamber (b)).
is the blank control for Note that chamber (c) would be used if a higher chlorine
colour comparison. residual is to be used. b
a b c

Figure 11.2. Steps in determining the chlorine residual in water using a comparator

The amount of chlorine residual contaminated which reduces

changes during the day and night. the residual chlorine through
Assuming the pipe network is under disinfection of the contaminants.
pressure all the time (see Box 11.4)
there will tend to be more residual Chlorine residual should be checked
chlorine in the system during the regularly. If the system is new or
day than at night. This is because has been rehabilitated then check
the water stays in the system for daily until you are sure that the
longer at night (when demand chlorination process is working
is lower) and so there is more properly. After that, check at least
opportunity for the water to become once a week.


Measuring chlorine levels in water supplies

Box 11.3. Recommended Box 11.4. Chlorination and intermittent supplies

residual chlorine levels There is no point in chlorinating pipe networks if the water supply
The higher the residual chlorine is intermittent. All pipe systems leak and when the water supply is
levels in the supply, the better switched off, the pressure will drop and contaminated water will enter the
and longer the chemical will be system through the breaks in the pipe wall. No level of residual chlorine
able to protect the system from acceptable to consumers will be able to deal with such high levels of
contamination. However, high contamination. All intermittent water supplies should be assumed to be
levels of chlorine make the water contaminated and measures taken to disinfect water at the point of use.
smell and give it a bad taste,
which will discourage people
from drinking it.
A chorination checklist
For normal domestic use, • Chlorine needs at least 30 minutes contact time with water to disinfect
residual chlorine levels at the it. The best time to apply chlorine is after any other treatment process,
point where the consumer and before storage and use.
collects water should be
between 0.2 and 0.5 mg/l. The • Never apply chlorine before slow sand filtration or any other biological
higher level will be close to the process, as the chlorine will kill off the bacteria which assist treatment,
disinfection point and the lower making the treatment ineffective.
level at the far extremities of the • Never add any solid form of chlorine directly to a water supply, as it
supply network. will not mix and dissolve. Always make up as a paste first, mixing the
chlorine compound with a little water.
• Disinfection is only one defence against disease. Every effort should
be made to protect water sources from contamination, and to prevent
subsequent contamination during collection and storage.
• The correct procedure for applying a disinfectant to water should be
strictly adhered to, and water supplies should be monitored regularly
to ensure that they are free from bacteria. Otherwise, people may
be misled to believe that the water is safe to drink when, in fact, it is
hazardous to do so.
• The optimum chlorine residual in a small, communal water supply is in
the range of 0.2 to 0.5mg/l.

Further information
WHO (2011) Guidelines for drinking water quality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Chlorine
4th ed., WHO, Geneva. residual testing fact sheet. CDC SWS Project
sanitation_health/publications/2011/dwq_guidelines/ (Undated).
en/ pages/chlorineresidual.pdf
Davis J, Lambert R. (2002) Engineering in Emergencies Action Contre La Faim (2005) Water sanitation and hygiene
2nd edition, chapter 13. ITDG UK. for populations at risk, chapter 11. Hermann Editeurs
Des Sciences et des Arts, Paris ISBN 2 7056 6499 8

Water, Sanitation, Telephone: + 41 22 791 2111

Hygiene and Health Unit Telephone (direct): + 41 22 791 3555/3590
Avenue Appia 20 Fax (direct): + 41 22 791 4159
1211 Geneva 27 URL:

Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed.
Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw
Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton.
Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK
T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: W:

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11.4 this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and
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