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5 Plaintiff,


7 Defendant's Name ,

9 Now comes the Defendant, Jessica Johanan, moving the court to comprehend & understand truth
and facts pertaining to the cause referenced above. The cause (case) already entered a default judgement where
defendant prevailed on the claim/case as a few very important affidavits have gone unrebutted (reference case
11 documents previously filed). Defendant never agreed to any of the forgoing unconstitutional court proceedings.
12 Defendant was never made aware of any payment hearing on 9/3/2021 as defendant was instructed to visit The
Clerk’s Counter where no documents were ready for review at that time. Defendant has not truly been served
regarding the court date for 9/21/2021. No response was provided to defendant when she asked of the court, “Who
14 Sought to bring a Claim and for what reason as no victims were harmed. In fact, the defendant is a victim in the
15 matter as she has been extremely damaged due to the negligence of The City of University Heights, Ohio (The
Defendant was deprived of her rights of due process while her rights were violated under the
17 color of state and municipal law. This is in direct violation of U.S. Code Title 18 section 242. Defendant has
18 experienced a conspiracy against her rights under title 18 section 241. Prosecution suppressed evidence. No oath of
office was presented to defendant as was requested of the reassigned judge that heard the case on 9/2 and again on
9/3. No law license was presented as also was requested. There was also no bond information provided of the judge
20 as the defendant perceived that she could potentially be harmed. Johanan was then threatened by the court to no
21 longer use her amendment right to exercise the right to freedom of press. Six armed officers surrounded her person
to attempt to relinquish her private property.
Prosecutor never provided oath/bond/law license either. Defendant filed a document already for
23 the court to validate the debt, no debt validation was presented to defendant. From defendant’s understanding of
24 actual law, a corporation can not be a government. The City of University Heights, Ohio has a D-U-N-S account
number. Defendant’s rights have been violated regarding her seventh amendment rights, Right of Trial by Jury RE:
Victimless Crime. The jury that appeared was not the jury that the defendant appointed. The defendant is permitted
26 to have a Trial By Jury of Peers, whether the court wanted to honor that fact or not. The defendant never consented
27 to enter into any agreement with plaintiff (contract). Please reference the Signature Fiduciary Act, UCC

notice: re: payment hearing 9/21/2021 -1
1 1-308/signature. In addition to the oath and bond, defendant would also like to request the Foreign Agent
Registration Statement.
According to the uncertified notice mailed to Johanan’s legal document address it appears as
though the corporation was threatening aspects of her life to state, “failure to appear for this hearing could result
4 in a warrant issued for arrest, your case being sent to collections, and a block with the BMV”. That
communication that was sent out via the U.S. Postage Office (paid through Pitney Bowes) was a threat to the
The City Officials of University Heights, Ohio are a public hazard to the community. Instead of
7 solving prospective kerfuffle’s, they create them for profit. Furthermore, no foreign jurisdiction (officer…etc.) may
bring a case against the American People, please see the 11th amendment to reference that fact. Please also
understand that this court is an Article 1 court with no jurisdiction.

10 Defendant never entered a plea but remained innocent to any claims. Defendant already filed jurisdiction
paperwork earlier in the case which the court also ignored and proceeded to move fourth with the unconstitutional
hearing violating many of defendant’s rights, gladly. Defendant would like to also like to request the anti-bribery
13 Defendant is aware of her right to subrogation and will be exercising that law doctrine in this case. For those
that do not know, SUBROGATION: The substitution of one thing for another, or of one person into the place of
another with respect to rights, claims and securities. Subrogation denotes the putting a third person who has paid a
debt in the place of the creditor to whom she has paid it, so as that s/he may exercise against the debtor all
16 SUBROGATION 1117 SUBSTATINAL DAMAGES the rights which the creditor, if unpaid, might have done.

The equity by which a person who is said to be liable but not truly liable for a case (as this case/cause) may
choose to pay it and will be put in the place of the creditor, to entitle to make use of all the securities and remedies
19 possessed by the creditor, to enforce the right of exoneration as against the principal debtor. Ultimately, this is a
commercial issue not a criminal issue as defendant is not a criminal. The prosecutor created a bond in defendant’s
name at the conception of this case. That bond will be used to settle the matter as was mentioned by the defendant
on 9/3/2021 before court was adjourned.
22 Johanan is the beneficiary of that bond that was created by prosecution, and that bond will be used to settle the
matter. Currently that bond is for $5,000.00. Johanan is the claimant here and will be substituted in as to take right to
the securities to exercise this which will set off the charges. This did not need to be in writing as it was already
24 expressed and implied in court on 9/3/2021. Johanan is issuing the credit as the Subrogee. Prior to leaving the court
25 that day, defendant verbalized to the “Judge” that the funds being requested are to be drawn from the bond that
initiated the case, he consented to this. The defendant moves the Court & Prosecution To Certify Her Right to
27 Best, __________________________________________
notice: re: payment hearing 9/21/2021 -2

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