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MODULE 8: Analysis of Dance Steps, Arms, Feet and Body Movements/ Positions in All Time Signatures

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identifies the steps in all time signatures.
b. executes the steps with proper counting; and
c. appreciates the importance of time signatures in the execution of the steps.

II. Overview:

This module will talk about the basic steps in all time signatures. In here, we will be more familiarized with
the steps, and we will know how to execute them with proper counting.

III. Learning Content:


Dance Step Step Pattern

A.Ct. 1 2 = 1M

1. Touch step Point, close

2. Bleking step Heel, place, close

3. Close step Step, close

4. Hop step Step, hop

5. Slide step Slide, close

6. Cross step Step, cross or Cross, step

B.Ct. 1 and 2 =1M

1. Change step Step, close, step

2. Cross and change step Cross-step, close, step

3. Contraganza Leap, cross-step, step

C. Ct. 1 2 and = 1M

1. Habanera step Step, close, step

D.Ct. and 1 and 2= 1M

1. plain polka Raise-step, close, step

2. Hop polka Hop-step, close, step

E. Ct. 1 2 1 and 2 = 2M

1. Heel and toe change Heel-place, toe-point, raise-step, close, step

G. Ct. 1 and 2 (do as many times as desired)

1. Mincing step With heels raise, take as many steps as desired

2. Shuffling step With both feet flat on the floor, take tiny slide steps

3. Chasing steps With one foot leading, take successive close steps to any


Dance Steps Step Pattern

A. ct. 1-2 3 = 1M

1. Touch step Point, close

2. Bleking step Heel, place, close

3. Close step Step, close

4. Hop step Step, hop

5. Slide step Slide, close

6. Cross step Step, cross or Cross, step

7. Step-swing Step, swing

8. Step-swing hop Step-swing, hop

9. Step-brush-swing-hop Step, brush-swing, hop

B. Ct. 1 2 3= 1M

1. Native waltz Step, close, step

2. Cross waltz Cross-step, close, close

3. Mazurka Step, close-heels raise, heels-down

4. Redoba Slide, cut, hop

C. ct. 1-2 3 1 2-3

1. Sway balance with a point Step, cross-step, step, point

2. Sway balance with a raise Step, cross-step, step, raise

3. Sway balance with a brush Step, cross-step, step, brush

4. Sway balance with a hop Step, cross-step, step, brush

5. Sway balance with a close Step, cross-step, step, close

6. Engano step with a close Step, cross step, step, close


Dance Step Step pattern

a. Ct. 1 2 3 4 = 1M

1. Schottiche Step, close, step, hop (raise foot in front)

2. Escotis Step, close, step, hop (raise foot in rear)

B. Ct. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 =2M

1. Chotis Brush, raise, brush, raise, step, step, step. Close or pause

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