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Ongoing threats throughout the world clarify the military’s Our core competency is enabling
need for clear, continuous situational awareness. persistent global surveillance.
The Future Force’s vision is a seamless, net-centric environment where warfighters Lockheed Martin offers a level of expertise
have real-time access to decision-quality intelligence. Lockheed Martin responds in ground, airborne and space ISR systems
to this need by developing truly interoperable, open architecture intelligence, unmatched in the industry. For decades,
surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) solutions. By embracing a more software- we have provided transformational ISR
centric approach to technology, we develop next generation technologies that solutions for all U.S. military services
support warfighters today, and ease the transition into the transformational, as well as the governments of many
net-centric warfare world of tomorrow. nations. We have consistently advanced
ISR technologies in key areas by providing
Core ISR Competencies the requisite leadership and experience
• Net-Centric Tactical ISR • Large Scale Intelligence Systems to assimilate large information exchanges
Transformational ISR capabilities focused Core systems expertise include system across multi-tiered ISR systems. This
on open architectures that improve architecture for intelligence systems includes developing truly integrated
interoperability and decrease total life and application interoperability, as well
multi-intelligence (signals, imagery,
cycle cost. as technical standards and common
infrastructure elements, such as operating measurement, communications) open
• Capabilities-Based Tactical ISR and training systems that support architecture systems that improve
Integrated, multi-intelligence solutions to interoperability. predictive battlespace awareness to
improve capabilities to sense, evaluate & designing international turnkey ISR
respond to the operational environment. • Secure, Trusted Messaging Management
Dissemination systems that provide systems that enhance air, surface, and
• Tactical ISR for Time-Sensitive communications links between collection subsurface capabilities at all echelons. We
Targeting Tested and proven tactical ISR systems, processors, and users. These have provided some of the world’s most
capabilities that dynamically integrate include physical communications channels, technologically advanced ISR solutions by
multiple sensors across numerous as networks, protocols and software, and tailoring technology to meet specific needs
platforms to improve the geographic database and servers for the staging of
location accuracy and tracking of high products for dissemination. of our customers. Such a broad base of
priority targets. expertise keeps us in a leadership position
• Tactical Information Collection with customers around the world.
• Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Integrated collection systems froma variety
Processing Advanced signals intelligence of organizations, echelons, services, and
sensor processing and exploitation intelligence disciplines; including tactical
applications that provide warfighters ground-based electronic warfare systems, Lockheed Martin C4ISR
with continuous improve- ments to unmanned aerial vehicles, and space Business Development
rapidly respond to threats. systems. 817.307.5817
• Ground System Support & • Information Fusion 719.439.3594
Development Multi-sensor task Extensive expertise fusing disparate
processing, mission planning, intelligence products at the algorithm level. LOCKHEED MARTIN, LOCKHEED and the STAR DESIGN
exploitation and dissemination for Our cognitive fusion products elevate the [and any other marks used in the body of this document]
are either registered marks in the U.S. Patent and
deployable ground stations. quality and confidence of collections to Trademark Office and/or countries throughout the world,
deliver knowledge dominance. or are trademarks and service marks of Lockheed Martin
Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
• Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
LOCKHEED MARTIN is an equal Opportunity Employer.
Sophisticated SAR sensor that
All Rights Reserved.
incorporate changing technologies
including foliage penetration and sensor

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