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‭My perspective on creativity and problem-solving has been greatly expanded by general‬

‭education electives, going beyond purely technical areas. For instance, taking classes like‬

‭"Managing Organizations" has forced me to consider moral considerations while making‬

‭decisions and face ethical conundrums—qualities that are essential for any professional engineer.‬

‭I have learned from these seminars how important it is to tackle engineering challenges from‬

‭both a technical and moral/ethical angle. Using a holistic approach improves my ability to assess‬

‭problems and provide solutions that account for ethical issues and societal effects. They also‬

‭develop critical thinking skills and a thorough approach to problem-solving, which better‬

‭prepares me to handle complex engineering difficulties with responsibility and integrity.‬

‭Likewise, general education courses such as "Leadership and Diversity" have emphasized‬

‭the value of variety and inclusivity in creativity and problem-solving. To create creative solutions‬

‭that meet the various requirements of society, it is crucial to comprehend different points of view‬

‭and promote an inclusive atmosphere. Furthermore, philosophy classes have challenged me to‬

‭think outside of traditional engineering frameworks by encouraging me to investigate abstract‬

‭ideas and a range of philosophical perspectives. These aspects, which include societal, global,‬

‭and economic factors, support an innovative and multifaceted approach to problem-solving.‬

‭They stress the connection between engineering solutions and larger social settings, giving me an‬

‭interdisciplinary viewpoint to tackle engineering problems all at once. In the end, this viewpoint‬

‭encourages creativity that benefits society as a whole.‬

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