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They are generally exercised by the

1 legislature.
5. They contemplate an equivalent
compensation or benefit.

Fundamental Principles
TAXATION - is the process or means. by
which the sovereign (independent State),
through its law-making body (the
legislature), imposes burdens upon subjects
and objects within its jurisdiction for the
purpose of raising: revenues to carry out
the legitimate‘ objects of government. In
simple terms, it is the act of — levying a
tax to apportion the cost of government
among those who, in some measure, are
privileged to enjoy its benefits and must
therefore bear its burdens.
1. P O L I C E P O W E R - It is the
power of the State for promoting
public welfare by restraining and
regulating the use of liberty and PURPOSES OF TAXATION
2. E M I N E N T D O M A I N - It is the 1. Primary: Revenue or Fiscal Purpose -
power of the State to acquire private to provide funds or property with
property for public purpose upon which to promote the general welfare
payment of just compensation. and the protection of its citizens and
3. T AXA T I O N - It is the power by to enable it to finance its multifarious
which the State raises revenue to - activities.
defray the necessary expenses of the 2. Secondary: Regulatory Purpose (or
government. Sumptuary/Compensatory)
a. Promotion of General
POWERS b. Reduction of Social
1. They are indispensable to c. Economic Growth
government existence.
2. They can exist independent of the THEORIES AND BASIS OF TAXATION
3. They are means by which the state 1. Theory (Authority): LIFEBLOOD
interferes with private rights and THEORY and/or NECESSITY
properties. THEORY - The power of taxation is
essential because the government can
neither exist nor endure without services. Consequently, it is
taxation. “Taxes are the lifeblood of necessary that the sources of
the government and their prompt and revenues must be adequate to meet
certain availability is an imperious government expenditures and sustain
need’ (Lifeblood Doctrine). the level of public services demanded
2. BENEFITS PROTECTION by citizens and. | policymakers.
THEORY (SYMBIOTIC 2. Theoretical Justice or Equity (ability
RELATIONSHIP) / BASIS of to pay principle”) - Taxpayer's ability
Taxation: BENEFITS RECEIVED to pay must be taken into
or RECIPROCITY THEORY - The consideration. The tax burden should
State collects taxes from the subjects be proportionate to the taxpayer's
of taxation in order that it may be ability to pay.
able to perform the functions of 3. Administrative Feasibility - The tax
government. The citizens, on the system should be as simple as
other hand, pay taxes in order that possible, and should minimize
they may be secured in the enjoyment gratuitous complexity.
of the benefits of organized society.
This theory spawned the Doctrine of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF TAX
Symbiotic Relationship which
1. Enforced Contribution - Payment of
means, taxes are what we pay for a
tax is not voluntary payment or
civilized society.
donation, but an enforced
SCOPE OF TAXATION (CUPS) contribution, exacted pursuant to
legislative authority.
Comprehensive — as. it covers. persons, 2. Generally payable in money – It is a
businesses, activities, professions, rights pecuniary burden payable in money
and privileges. which must be in legal tender.
3. Proportionate in character or
Unlimited - In the absence of limitations uniform. - Payment of taxes should
prescribed by law or the constitution, the be based on the ability to pay theory
power to tax is unlimited and or theoretical justice. The use of a
comprehensive. Its force is so searching graduated tax rates is in consonance
to the extent that the courts scarcely with this rule.
venture to declare that it is subject to
Plenary —as it is complete; the BIR may
avail of certain remedies to - ensure
collection of taxes.
Supreme - in so far as the selection of the
subject of taxation.
1. Fiscal Adequacy - The fundamental
purpose of taxation is to raise the 4. Exacted pursuant to legislative
revenue necessary to fund public authority. The power of “imposing” a
tax, being purely legislative function. community tax certificate and
Congress cannot delegate such non Payment of other taxes.
5. For raising revenue for public 3. Prohibition against infringement of
purpose and needs. religious.
No law shall be made
ASPECT OF TAXATION (LAC) respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the
1. Levying or imposition of the tax free exercise thereof. The free
which is a legislative act or function. exercise and enjoyment. of
(Legislative in nature) religious profession and
2. Assessment or determination of the worship, without
correct amount of applicable tax. discrimination or preference,
(Administrative/Executive in nature) shall forever be allowed. No
3. Collection of the tax levied which is religious test shall be.
essentially administrative in required for the exercise of
character. The national agency civil or political rights.
charged with the function. of 4. Prohibition against taxation of
collecting internal revenue taxes is religious, charitable and educational
the Bureau of Internal Revenue. entities.
(Administrative/Executive in nature)
All lands, buildings and
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS improvements actually and
exclusively used for religious,
1. No person shall be deprived of life,
charitable or educational
liberty or property without.
purposes shall be exempt from
a. Due Process of law
b. Equal Protection of Law
5. No law impairing the obligation of
Rule of Uniformity and equity in taxation
contracts shall be passed.
a. Uniformity The obligation of a contract is
b. Equality impaired when its terms or
conditions are changed by
“The rule of taxation shall be uniform law or by a party without the
and equitable.” {t requires the consent of the other, thereby
uniform application and operation, weakening the position or
without discrimination, of the tax in rights of the latter.
every place where the subject of the Tax law: prospective
tax is found. I application. not retrospective
application: future oriented,
2. No person shall be imprisoned for not affected the previous
debt or non-payment of poll tax. years. In taxation it is
The non-imprisonment rule generally prospective but it
applies to non-payment of poll can have retrospective
tax which is punishable only by a application.
surcharge, but not to other
Violations like falsification of
6. Prohibition against taxation of non subject to such guideline and
stock, non profit educational limitations.
institutions. 5. International Comity - As a rule
Philippine Government cannot tax
As long as it is actually, directly foreign ambassadors nor impose real
and exclusively for educational property taxes upon foreign
purposes shall be exempt from embassies.
taxes and duties. 6. Double Taxation - There is no
constitutional prohibition against
double taxation though it is not
1. Territorial Limits - Tax laws cannot favored.
operate beyond a State's territorial a. Same Subject is taxed twice.
limits. Property outside one’s b. Same taxing authority.
jurisdiction does not receive any c. Within same jurisdiction.
protection from the State. d. During the same taxing
2. Public Purpose - A tax must always period.
be imposed for a public purpose, e. Covering the same kind or
otherwise, it will be declared as character of tax.
invalid. No tax law may be enacted
for the purpose of raising revenue for
private purposes. It has been ‘said 1. According to scope or exercising
that the best test of rightful taxation is authority.
that the proceeds of the tax must be a. National Tax - imposed by
used: the National Government (e.g.
a. For the support of the income tax, estate tax,
government; or donor’s tax, VAT other
b. For some of the recognized percentage taxes,
objects of government: or documentary stamp tax)
c. To promote the welfare of the b. Municipal or Local Tax -
community. imposed by local government
3. Exemption of government, political units such as municipal
subdivisions or agencies performing corporations (e.g. real estate
PURELY governmental functions. tax and professional tax
4. Non-Delegation Doctrine – Taxing receipts).
power of the legislature may not 2. According to who bears the burden of
delegated except: the tax.
a. The President can fix tariff a. Direct — tax which is
rates, imports and export demanded from the person
quotas, tonnage and wharfage who also shoulders the
dues and other duties and burden of tax or tax which the
imports. taxpayer cannot shift to
b. The Local government shall another.
have the power to create its b. Indirect — tax which is
own sources of revenues and demanded from one person in
to levy taxes, fees and charges the expectation an’ intention
that he shall indemnify
himself at the expense of on whom the tax was assessed or
another. imposed to someone else, transferred
3. According to the rate applied. is not the payment of the tax but the
a. Proportional — tax based on burden of the tax. Only indirect taxes
a fixed percentages of amount maybe shifted.
of the property, receipts, or 2. Capitalization - not selling a property
other basis to be taxed. to increased its value.
b. Progressive or graduated — 3. Tax Evasion - the use by the taxpayer
tax the rate of which increases of illegal or fraudulent means to
as the tax base or bracket defeat or lessen the payment of a tax.
increases. It is also known as ‘tax dodging’.
c. Regressive — tax the rate of Illegal way usually involves fraud to
which decreases as the tax lessen or defeat tax
base or bracket increases. 4. Tax Avoidance - is the exploitation
by. the taxpayer. of legally
CONSTRUCTION OF TAX LAWS permissible alternative tax rates or
methods of assessing taxable
1. Tax laws are prospective generally,
property or income in order to avoid
but can have retrospective
application. or reduce tax liability. Legal way to
2. Rule in case of doubt in Tax law. minimize taxes
a. In case of doubt, statutes 5. Tax Exemption - freedom from
imposing a tax are construed burden of paying tax. In other words
most strongly against the it is immunity from paying certain
government and liberally in tax. like PWD and senior exempt
favor of the citizen because from vat.
burdens are not to be imposed
beyond what the statutes

b. Tax Exemptions are to be

construed strictly against the Income Taxation
taxpayer – The one who
claims exemption must be INCOME - all wealth which flows into the
able to justify his claims. taxpayer other than a mere return of capital.
3. Revenue laws are not political in
nature. Classification of Income According to
4. Legislative intention must be source:
1. Income from sources within the
5. Tax laws are special laws and prevail
over general laws. Special laws are
2. Income from sources without the
created separately from constitution.
MEANS OF AVOIDING OR ESCAPE 3. Income from sources partly within
FROM TAX and partly without the Philippines.

1. Shifting - transfer of the burden of a Situs of Income - literally, situs means place
tax by the original payer or the one of taxation of the income or the country
which has jurisdiction to impose tax. Income accordance with law.
may be taxed in one or more or all of the
following places or countries. 2. NON-RESIDENT CITIZEN
a. Citizen who establishes the
A. Place where taxpayer is a citizen. fact of his physical presence
B. Place where the taxpayer is resident. abroad with a definite
C. Place where the income is earned or intention to reside therein.
derived. b. Citizen working or deriving
Types of Taxable Income income from abroad which
requires him to be physically
present abroad most of the
time (183 days or more)
during the year.
c. Citizen who leaves for abroad
either as an immigrant or for
employment on a permanent
a. His purpose in coming to the
Philippines requires an
extended stay in the country
and makes his home
temporarily in the
INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS - natural b. Not a mere transient or
persons with income derived from within the sojourner as determined by
territorial jurisdiction of a taxing authority. his intention regarding the
nature and length of stay.
TAXPAYERS a. Engage in Trade or Business
1. RESIDENT CITIZEN (ETB) – If stay in the
a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines for more than 180
Philippines at the time of the days during the year.
adoption of the 1987 b. Not Engage in Trade or
Philippine Constitution; Business (NETB) – If stay in
b. Those whose fathers or the Philippines is for 180 days
mothers are citizens of the or less.
c. Those born before January 17, TAXPAYER
1973, of Filipino mothers,
who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the
age of
d. Those who are
naturalized in
(1) Vat – registered taxpayers
(A) Taxable Compensation Income = (2) Taxpayers subject to OPT other than the
Gross Compensation Income – Non 3% OPT under section 116
Taxable/Exempt Income*
*Non-Taxable/Exempt (3) Partners of general professional
Income includes : partnership (GPP)
(1) SMW,Holiday
(4) Individuals enjoying income tax
pay,Overtime pay,night shift
exemption (ex.BMBE’s)
differential and hazard pay of
an MWE (5) Taxpayers who fail to signify their
(2) First P 90,000 of 13th intertion to avail of the 8% income tax rate in
month pay and other benefits the 1st Quarter Income tax return or in the
(3) De Minimis Fringe Benefit first 1st Quarter Percentage Tax Return, or in
(4) Employee’s share of SSS, the initial quarterly return of the taxable year
GSIS, Philhealth and PAG- upon commencement of a new business or
IBIG contributions practice of profession
(5) Union Dues
(D)Net of P 250,000 if individual taxpayer is a
(B) self employed
individual earning
income purely from
self employment or
practice of
profession. Mixed
Income earners are
not allowed this P
250,000 deduction.
(E)In the case of
NRAs not engaged in
trade or business (NRA-NETB)
1.The 25% tax on gross income is FINAL
TAX to be deducted and withheld by payor
(C) Purely SELF-EMPLOYED individuals of the income and remitted to the BIR.
or MIXED EARNERS can avail of the 8%
income tax rate if the gross sales/receipts 2.The payor of the income is constituted by
from their business/profession plus non- law as a withholding agent
operating income does not exceed the VAT 3.The NRA-NETB does not have to file a
threshold of P 3,000,000 Philippine income tax return because the tax
The 8% tax is in lieu of (1) the on the income received is considered paid,
graduated rates and (2) the OPT under section said having been deducted by the payor of
116 of the tax code. the income

However, this options is not available to the (A) MWE shall be exempt from the payment
following individual taxpayers of income tax on their statutory minimum
wage. Holiday pay, overtime pay, night
differential pay, and hazard pay received by
such minimum wage earner shall likewise be
exempted from income tax.
The Following Income payments to MWEs
are taxable and subject to withholding:
1.Additional compensation received from his
employer, other than the SMW, holiday pay,
overtime pay, hazard pay and night shift
differential pay, such as (a) commissions, (b)
honoraria, (c) fringe benefits, (d) benefits in
excess of the allowable statutory amount of
“13th month pay and other benefits” of P
90,000, € taxable allowances and (f) other
taxable income
2.Income from the conduct of trade, business
or practice of profession (except income
subject to final tax) in addition to his
compensation income.

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