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The Projector's Breath - Richard Rudd (2004).

Like the Reflector, the Projector's breathing is hidden in the people around them.
Unlike the Reflector, who merges with everyone and anyone without choice, the true
Projector breath is only to be found in certain people. If you are a Projector, so much of your
breathing is about waiting. Projector: you are the only type that has 2 breath patterns in
your life: you have the waiting breath and you have the breath of recognition.
Come now into your first breath pattern- the waiting breath. This breath pattern is the
backdrop to your life. It is how you breathe as you move about the world. It is tied uniquely
to whatever is undefined in your design. Picture now your own definition. You don't have to
remember it perfectly - just the essence will suffice... looking at the definition now... Looking
at the coloured centres in your design, become aware of the centres, channels and gates
that lie undefined... that are still left there in the white. Allow the colours to fall into the
background for a moment and look into the white in your design -look into your undefined
world. This is where the waiting breath lies. Although it is not who you are, this white area in
your design is where you reflect the breathing of anyone in your life, all the time. It is here
that you measure the people around you - it is here that the great gift of your design lies-
your incredible ability to know who is right for you and who is not - to know who belongs in
your aura and who clearly does not. Feel the quality of this waiting breath... feel its coolness,
its patience, its openness - feel how your waiting breath adapts to all beings, humans,
animals, plants and places. This breath, this waiting breath is in fact your anchor in the
world. Whenever you are nervous, afraid or feeling out of control, know that your waiting
breath is trying to tell you something about whoever or wherever you are, - spend a few
minutes now to feel the quality of your waiting breath - even though it can be so
changeable, feel how reliable it is in telling you about who you are with and where you
within yourself- try to find the hidden rhythm within the ever-changing dips and curves
of your waiting breath.
Projectors: you have another breath: the recognition breath. This breath is unmistakeable
for you. It is far more than just a physical breath - it is a frequency that only engages within
you at specific times in your life, and it can only be activated by specific auras of certain
other people. Projectors - consider your definition now - consider what is coloured in your
design - concentrate on the definition in your design. Think about what that really is - it’s like
a signal code hidden in the chemical circuitry of your body. Your definition Is so incredibly
specific- it was imprinted when you were born by the movement of planets and star systems
so far away they can barely be conceived - the fact that a certain planet activated a certain
gate in your design is only the surface - if you were born a split second later, or a metre to
the left from where you were, you would have been imprinted differently and your
definition would have a totally different frequency despite the fact that it would remain the
same on the surface.
Feel into your definition - feel the frequency behind the definition-feel how specific and
refined it is - try to understand that only a few people in the world can ever truly resonate
with this frequency. Spend a minute or so to consider your frequency in the light of all the
people you know. This is an exercise you can always do with yourself – it can be an
enormous key for you in your life. See if anyone you know resonates totally to the frequency
of your definition ...if you cannot find anyone, perhaps you recall someone from your past
who did resonate to you totally – maybe someone you only met even for the briefest of
moments, or it could be someone you live with or know extremely well. As you recall this
someone who totally meets you, who sees you utterly for who you truly are, know that you
are now experiencing your recognition breath - notice how different it is from your waiting
breath. See how it spreads throughout your body - how it literally fills you from head to toe -
feel it now - this is the recognition breath - whenever you feel this you know that something
wonderful is about to happen in your life - and feel how these two breaths live together
within you - the waiting breath and the recognition breath - one an anchor, the other only to
be sparked by the presence of another specific aura. Projector- see how helpless you are in
trying to create your own life - see how surrendered you must be in the waiting breath -
powerless to hurry life along – relax now into your waiting breath and smile inwardly to
yourself knowing that everything comes to you in its own time.

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