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1.1 Overview of the Project:

The ultrasonic radar project aims to develop a system that uses ultrasonic
waves for object detection and ranging. Key components include ultrasonic
sensors to emit and receive signals, a microcontroller for processing data, and a
display/interface for user interaction. The system calculates distances based on the
time delay between emitted and received signals, enabling real-time mapping of
the surrounding environment.

1.2 Objectives of the Project:

 To detect objects using Ultrasonic sensor.

 To measure the distance and angle of the detected objects.
 To display the distance and angle of the detected objects within the potentially
dangerous range on the screen.
 To create a safety environment.

1.3 The Need for the Project:

 Object Detection: Implement a reliable system for detecting objects in the
environment using ultrasonic sensors.
 Distance Measurement: Develop accurate distance measurement capabilities
using the time-of-flight principle with ultrasonic waves.
 Real-time Mapping: Enable the creation of a real-time map or representation
of the surroundings based on the detected objects and their distances.
 Obstacle Avoidance: Integrate the system with robotics or other applications
to facilitate obstacle avoidance through timely detection and response.

1.4 Overview of Existing Systems and Technologies:

 There are already ways to radar using ultrasonic sensor.

 If an object is detected within certain distance, a warning is generated and
appear on the radar.
 It is commonly employed in various applications, such as navigation, distance
measurement, and obstacle avoidance.

1.5 Scope of the Project:

The radar system utilize ultrasonic waves to detect objects, measure distances,
and create spatial maps, offering advantages in environments where other sensing
technologies like optical or infrared may be limited.

1.6 Deliverable:
The deliverables of an ultrasonic radar system typically include:

 Hardware Components: This includes the radar antenna, transceiver, control

unit, display unit, and power supply.
 Software: Radar systems come with software for data processing, display
control, and user interface.
 Technical Support: Provision of technical support for troubleshooting and
 Compliance Documentation: Documentation ensuring compliance with
relevant regulations and standards.
 Performance Specifications: Specifications outlining the radar system's
performance metrics such as range, resolution, and detection capabilities.

2. Feasibility Study

2.1 Financial Feasibility:

To assess the financial feasibility of a ship's ultrasonic radar system, you'd
need to consider several factors:

 Initial Investment: This includes the cost of purchasing the radar system itself,
installation costs, and any additional equipment needed for integration.
 Operating Costs: These include maintenance, repair, and energy costs
associated with operating the radar system.
 Comparison with Alternatives: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the
ultrasonic radar system compared to alternative technologies or manual
methods currently in use.

2.2 Technical Feasibility:


 We are using so many devices. So we have to use at least 2-4 wires on one
device. There will be problem with Ground and VCC port. Couse of multiple
wire, have to use breadboard.
 We have to build the design of all the component to fit into the ship.
 We also have to make sure to cover the sensor and ensure they have
appropriate field of view or rotation angle.
 We use laptop to supply power for this project.
 We cannot use other power supply devices such as power bank and battery
because we connected both Arduino code and processing code only using port
and we do not use mini radar to display outside, so we use laptop for
supplying power and also display radar.


 Using Arduino’s IDE software and Processing 4 software.

 We need to write code to control each device servo, ultrasonic sensor, buzzer,
and LED.
 We write code for Processing 4 is to display radar signal from the computer

2.3 Operational Feasibility:

 Ultrasonic sensor can emit wave signal.
 We use short-range application while ultrasonic can offer more distance.
 Buzzer emits sound signal to the environment, the sound will be made until
the distance is below 40cm.
 When that time, red LED will open.
 When other object is on the distance more than 40 cm, green LED will open.
 When sensor catches the object, the signal will be reflected back to the sensor.
 Through sensor, arduino board can receive reflected signals and measure the
time it takes for the signal to return.
 Based on time and speed of the signal, the distance to the object is calculated.
 After processing the signals, the arduino converts the distance into usable
 This could be displaying the distance on computer screen, or to another

2.4 Resources and Time Feasibility:


 Main Components: Arduino Board, ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor, LED,

Buzzer, wire cables, resistors, Breadboard, and Power Supply. We build the
radar system with all of these components.
 Use Arduino IDE to write, compile, and upload code to the microprocessor of
the Arduino Board.
 Use Processing software to compute complex calculations of object’s range,
direction, and angle.

Time Feasibility:

Week 1: Discussing and Planning

 Discussing as group decide what to do.

 Browsing some information and related system on internet.
 Consider to modify the system that have been done mini project.

Week 2: Checking on each component

 Testing each device if it work or not in case, it need to be change new one.
 After checking, deciding to add additional device to the system.

Week 3-4: Building whole system and coding

 Building whole internal circuit for radar using Arduino board, servo motor,
ultrasonic sensor, etc.
 Coding in Arduino IDE for each device to operate.
 Analysis and referencing some code about calculation for radar system
interface on internet.

Week 5: Fixing error and Designing final structure

 Finding errors and risks that happen in testing and building stage.
 Design and take action on building ship to perform using cupboard, paper,
glue and wooden stick.

2.5 Risk Feasibility:

Identifying and addressing potential risks is a crucial step in project
management. In the context of your radar system using ultrasonic sensor, here are
some risks to consider a long with possible mitigation strategies.

Mechanical Risks

 Range Limitation: Ultrasonic sensors have shorter range capabilities compared

to other radar technologies.
 Mitigation: Design the radar system for applications where short to medium-
range detection is sufficient.
 Area Limitation: Tests will only be as good as the reach of the probe . While
it is checking on one side, it cannot do the other side at the same time.
 Mitigation: Place enough ultrasonic sensors around the area.
 Environmental Sensitivity: Ultrasonic sensors are susceptible to environmental
factors such as humidity, temperature, and air turbulence.
 Mitigation: Enclose ultrasonic sensors in weatherproof housings to shield
them from adverse weather conditions.

Time and Resource Risks

 Development Time: Developing and integrating the radar system may take
longer than anticipated, leading to project delay.
 Mitigation: Allocate sufficient time for research, development, and testing

 Resource Allocation: Insufficient allocation of resources (such as manpower,
budget, and equipment) can hinder progress and quality.
 Mitigation: Conduct a thorough resource assessment at the project outset to
ensure adequate allocation.

2.6 Social / Legal Feasibility:

Considering the social and legal feasibility of implementing a radar system
using ultrasonic sensors hinges on several key factors. Socially, awareness and
trust are paramount and this system can achieve acceptance while adhering to legal
requirements and ethical standards. Here are some social and legal considerations
to keep in mind.

3. Considerations

The performance of the radar system can be judged the maximum range at
which it can see a target specified size, and measure its location in the range and
angle. Its ability is can display the detected object on the screen.

Security for radar system using ultrasonic sensor involves deploying them
strategically to detect unauthorized physical access or tampering. Ultrasonic sensors
can detect movement, distance, making them suitable for perimeter security. By
placing them around the radar system, any tampering can be detected promptly,
triggering alarms or alerting security personnel.

User authentication:
User authentication in this project is like people can see the distance and the
angle of the detected object and it will alert when the object approaches and reaches
the distance defined as dangerous.

Usability and ease of use:

Easily use this radar system to see things nearby without wasting time and
effort. Also, because of the radar system can avoid sudden danger. This radar
system shown to be easy for people to understand how this system works in a short

Capacity and case of use:

The radar system can avoid dangerous things and creates a safety environment
for people.

Radar systems are available today, and are becoming more and more common.
It can reduce accidents at the sea, road and on the sky.

By incorporating an LCD into this radar project, its range and angles can
easily be displayed externally rather than on a computer screen.

4. Conclusion
This radar system was designed with the help of Arduino, servo motor and
ultrasonic sensor which can detect the position, distance of obstacle which come in
its way and converts it into visually representable form. This system can be used
for object detection and avoidance system or can also be used for intrusion
detection for location sizes. Range of the system depend upon type of ultrasonic
sensor used. We used HC-SR04 sensor which range from 2 to 40cm.

5. References

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