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A few months ago, I felt bad.

I was dizzy and weak. I had nausea, and once, I vomited. I also had chest pain and found it hard to
breathe; it sounded like a whistle. I thought maybe I had the flu, but my symptoms didn't get better.

Even though I felt bad, I didn't go to the doctor. I tried to handle it myself. I took some pills for pain
and medicine to help me breathe. I also took allergy medicine just in case.

After a few days, my condition didn't get better. I decided to go to the doctor. They checked me,
took an X-ray of my chest, and did a heart test called an electrocardiogram (EKG).

The results showed I had a breathing infection. The doctor gave me medicine to help, and I got a
shot for pain. I worried about side effects, but nothing happened.

After doing what the doctor said, I felt better. I learned it's important to go to the doctor when I'm
not well and not try to fix everything by myself.

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