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Материалы для ксерокопирования

Контрольная работа № 1
Устная часть

Вариант 1

Student’s Card 1a

Crimean Fairy Tale

A superb camping holiday for teenagers!

Ideal for swimming and sunbathing!

Starting 2 June

Read the advertisement and tell your friend about it. Listen to your friend telling you about
another holiday advertisement. Then discuss the following:
 where you would like to go together;
 when you are leaving and where from;
 how you are going to get there;
 how long you are going to stay.

Student’s Card 1b

Cycling holidays in Denmark!

Accommodation in local youth hostels

Sightseeing tours

English-speaking guide

Starting 15 June

Read the advertisement and tell your friend about it. Listen to your friend telling you about
another holiday advertisement. Then discuss the following:
 where you would like to go together;
 when you are leaving and where from;
 how you are going to get there;
 how long you are going to stay.
Материалы для ксерокопирования

Вариант 2

Student’s Card 2a

Working Holiday In Wales

Work with disabled children

Free accommodation, food and travel

English is the working language

Starting 1 June

Read the advertisement and tell your friend about it. Listen to your friend telling you about
another holiday advertisement. Then discuss the following:

 where you would like to go together;

 when you are leaving and where from;
 how you are going to get there;
 how long you are going to stay.

Student’s Card 2b

Archeological holidays!
Digging a 2,000-year-old Roman villa
in southwest England

Accommodation available

Starting 10 June

Read the advertisement and tell your friend about it. Listen to your friend telling you about
another holiday advertisement. Then discuss the following:

 where you would like to go together;

 when you are leaving and where from;
 how you are going to get there;
 how long you are going to stay.

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