FORWARD - 8 к.р. №1 письм. для ученика

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Материалы для ксерокопирования

Контрольная работа № 1
Письменная часть
Your name

1 Listen to five people talking about their holiday plans. Match each speaker to the correct heading. There
are two extra headings. You will hear the speakers twice. Fill in your answers in the table below. (5 points

A A fascinating tour
B On the beach
C Better things to do
D How long to wait?
E Different from my friends
F Out in the cold
G Ready to eat

Speaker1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5

(Woman 1) (Girl) (Man 1) (Woman 2) (Man 2)

2 Complete the text. Use the verbs in brackets in the right form. In one sentence 2 variants are possible.
(5 points max.)
Hi! My name is Paul and I 1_____________ (to come from) Germany, but at the moment I
_____________ (to live) in London because I 3_____________ (to want) to learn English. I
_____________ (to arrive) in London a week ago and I like it so much! There’s so much
interesting to see and do here! Next week my new friends and I 5_____________ (to visit) the
Tower of London. I’m sure I’ll love it!

3 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. (6 points max.)

1. I like walking holidays. I put everything in my _____________ and carry it on my back.

2. I love _____________ . I put cream on, lie on the beach and relax.

3. My favourite place is by the Red Sea in Egypt. We often go _____________ . I love looking
at the fish under the water.

4. We’re going to drive to Dover, then get the _____________ to France. I love looking back
and watching England slowly disappear behind us.

5. Oh, no! Our flight is _____________ for five hours. What are we going to do in this airport?

6. We’re not going to have lunch or dinner at the hotel. It’s just _____________
_____________ _____________ .
Материалы для ксерокопирования

4 Paraphrase the sentences so that they have the same meaning. (4 points max.)
0. When I was in primary school, I often had spelling problems.
_When I was in primary school, I used to have spelling problems.______ ____________
1. My father usually spent his holidays with his friends before he got married.
2. My sister often played volleyball when she was at school.
3. I watched TV a lot on weekends, but I no longer do it.
4. I never visited museums when I was a teenager and now I’m keen on it.

5 Read the mini-dialogues. Transform direct questions into indirect. Complete the gaps in the answers
with suitable words. (10 points max.)
0. – Where does your family usually stay on holiday?
– Could you tell me where your family usually stays on holiday?_ __________________
– It depends. It can be a hotel or a room to rent. It can be hard to find _accommodation_ when
you are on holiday.
1. How do you prefer to travel?
– ____________________________________________________________________________
– By train. It’s comfortable and doesn’t take too much time. For example, my _______________
from Moscow to St. Petersburg takes just 4 hours.
2. – Why are you smiling?
– ____________________________________________________________________________
– I’m always in a good mood – I’m a very _______________ person.
3. What kind of music do you like?
– ____________________________________________________________________________
- As for me, I’m absolutely _______________ about jazz and pop.
4. Why do you enjoy historical novels?
– ____________________________________________________________________________
– There’s usually a love story there and I’m so _______________ .
5. What does your brother do about the house?
– ____________________________________________________________________________
– He washes up and cleans his room. That’s how he earns his _____________ _____________ .

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