Literature Asynchronous Work #3

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NAME: __________________________________ DATE: ___________

SECTION: ________________________

General Instructions:
2. You may contact me for questions and clarifications through my messenger from 8:00 am to 5:00
3. File name should be: SECTION-SURNAME-Asynchronous Activity #3

Have a nice day everyone!

I. Review your submitted literary critique a few days ago. Then using the same topic that you chose,
make an evaluation of it using the “lenses” (critical approach) that you liked the most. Ex:
Biographical, Historical, Marxist, etc.

Answer the following questions as well:

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1. Upon re-reading/viewing your chosen topic, did the meaning that you arrived at change or remain
the same? Why? Elaborate your answer. (5 points)

2. Compare and contrast your original work and re-written work, note write any similarities and
differences that you found between the two. (5 points)

3. Describe your chosen literary approach, explain what made it appealing to you and the other
elements that contributed to its inclusion in your new critique. (5 points)

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