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How to choose the right Amazon keywords ?

Choosing the right keywords is crucial for success in online marketing when selling products on

Are your SEO keywords still limited to the recommendations of the Amazon Keyword Tool ?
Meanwhile, your competitors may be using manual SERP evaluations, long-tail research, head terms,
potential audience targeting, search traffic analysis, and other techniques, while you remain unaware.

So, how can you effectively conduct Amazon keyword research using professional knowledge and
available resources ?

What is Amazon keyword research ?

In simple terms, Amazon keyword research is an SEO process used to identify search terms that
sellers can use to achieve high rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Choosing keywords is not just about using specific terms to drive traffic to your product listing.
Intelligent research can also provide sellers with insights into competitors, ideas for content
marketing, understanding consumer trends, and knowledge of audience needs.

How to choose the right keywords ?

Don’t forget about manual research

Try referring to the dropdown suggestions when doing manual searches on Amazon or Google by
entering 1-3 letters in the search bar. This will give you some inspiration and ideas. While using
keyword research tools can save time, you should not overlook manual research.

Use a consistent keyword strategy throughout the sales process

Many sellers see listing optimization and Amazon advertising as two separate things, but buyers
don’t ! Shoppers search for products and expect the description to meet their needs. Improving
consistency between ads and product details will lead to higher conversions.

Monitor your performance

The Amazon marketplace is constantly changing. It is recommended to review keyword and ad

campaign performance 3-4 times per quarter. Failing to do so may cause you to miss opportunities to
increase revenue and get caught in analysis paralysis. Make performance monitoring easy by setting
up dashboards that display results over a period of time.

How to achieve higher rankings on Amazon ?

Three types of keywords

To achieve the desired results, you should use the following three types of keywords : product,
competitor, and audience.

Product keywords

For example, potential buyers looking for an automatic inflatable basketball would be interested in
product keywords. These keywords generate traffic that can ultimately convert into brand awareness
because buyers tend to compare options and look for more interesting products. These may also
include specific brand terms that may not generate a lot of page views but definitely increase
conversion potential.

Competitor keywords

Primarily used for PPC campaigns, but they can also provide valuable intelligence as they show you
how competitors are ranking at the top of search results. Alternative and complementary terms can
be found within competitor keywords.

Audience keywords

Audience-related keywords are similar to product terms but involve a broader scope and attract
potential shoppers.

Let’s say you are a hotel supplier, and Tom is planning a vacation in Bali. His research about the area
covers attractions, restaurants, hotels, and flight options. You would then know which seemingly
unrelated terms align well with short trips to Bali.

Using Google for Amazon keyword selection

Potential customers are more likely to find your Amazon store through search queries on Google than
through any other method. To illustrate why you should not choose Amazon keywords without
looking at Google, consider the following statistics from Google in 2022 :

There are over 300 million searches conducted on Google every day. Over 68% of desktop internet
search queries are done on Google, and it holds nearly 95% of the mobile search market share.

Use free tools like Google Analytics and Google Trends : Start by installing Google Analytics on your e-
commerce website. Gain a deep understanding of Google Webmaster and take note of the search
terms that bring visitors to your store. These terms may be similar to the keywords your customers
use on Amazon. If you don’t have your own online store, Google Trends is a great option. You can
view the historical performance of keywords without needing a Google account and utilize
parameters such as categories and time ranges.

Utilize tools like Moz : SEO professionals often use tools like Moz, which can save you a lot of time.
Make use of all the available parameters so you can set them based on the insights you’ve gathered
from your audience. If you prefer to stick with a single solution, ensure it includes a long-tail keyword
research tool.

Choose keyword targeting : If you’re selecting keywords for PPC campaigns, focus on low-competition
keywords as they tend to be cheaper. If you’re primarily focusing on organic SEO, you can broaden
your scope. Some of your best keywords may be more valuable than your entire listing. Intelligent
keyword research can reveal hundreds of audience keywords that you may not have considered
optimizing for.

For example, « baby bathtub » is a highly searched product on Amazon, but it is dominated by well-
established brands. To avoid direct competition with these brands, you can take a niche approach by
targeting a specific customer segment with a custom product like a « bathing system » that combines
a showerhead and bathtub. This way, you can avoid being overshadowed by major brands.

🎯 Smart Ways to Bid on Amazon PPC Ads 🚀

Are you an Amazon seller looking to boost your product visibility and drive more sales ? 📈

Well, it’s time to sharpen your bidding strategies for Amazon PPC ads !

Here are some smart tactics to maximize your advertising ROI :

1️⃣ Start with Manual Bidding : Gain control over your campaigns by setting manual bids. Monitor
your performance closely and tweak bids based on keyword performance and conversion rates.

2️⃣ Leverage Dynamic Bidding : Embrace Amazon’s dynamic bidding options, such as « Down Only »
or « Up and Down, » to automatically adjust your bids based on the likelihood of converting.

3️⃣ Focus on ACoS : Keep a close eye on your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS). Optimize bids to strike
a balance between maximizing sales and maintaining profitability.

4️⃣ Harness Negative Keywords : Weed out irrelevant searches by using negative keywords. This
helps ensure that your ads are displayed to a more targeted audience, improving your click-through
and conversion rates.

5️⃣ Don’t Neglect Long-Tail Keywords : Targeting specific, long-tail keywords can help you reach a
more engaged audience and reduce competition, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

Additional READ – Amazon Bid : The Ultimate Guide to Dynamic Bidding Strategies :

Remember, bidding on Amazon PPC ads is both an art and a science.

Stay vigilant, analyze data regularly, and experiment with different bidding strategies to discover what
works best for your unique business goals.

Happy bidding and may your campaigns soar to new heights ! ✨💼

#AmazonSeller #PPCAds #BiddingStrategies

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