Role Play - First Impressions

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Role A

You are the Sales Manager and you are attending an important meeting between
your company and that of a prospective client. This client is from Russia.

The meeting is between your company CEO and the Russian CEO and the directors of
both companies.

You have the job of making the introductions and you are very worried as you can not
pronounce the name of the Russian CEO’s name which is Vyacheslav
But it gets worse as you have to also make the introductions between the various
directors all of which have names which are unpronounceable.

If you make a bad impression this could not only lose the account with the Russian
company .. but your job could be in serous danger too.

What do you do?
Role B

You are the Russian CEO of a very big new Russian company and you are looking for a
new supplier for the new offices you are in the process of building. The deal is worth a
great deal of money running into the millions, and therefore you have decided to be
in the negotiations yourself.

You have been told that there is a reception meeting in which everyone on both sides
will meet.

You hope to be impressed and you have asked for someone to make the introductions
for you as you have a problem with Italian names especially that of the Italian CEO Sig.
Alberto Pasquadibisceglie .. which you assistant had no idea of how to pronounce.

This company needs to show you that they are proficient and able to work
professionally. This meeting will make or break this deal .. after this meeting you will
decide whether to use this company or another you have already visited.

The company you will eventually use needs to be able to understand Russian terms
and pronunciations or there could be confusion in communication.

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