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Department of Microbiology

Mycology Lab
CR No : 989262400634309 Lab/Study No. :1 Acceptance Date : 12-Mar-2024 15:40
Patient Name : Maina Devi Jain Age/Sex : 65 Yr/F Coll./Study Date : 11-Mar-2024 16:11
Sample Type/No : Pus/0311MY0023 Ward/OPD : OPD Reporting Date : 12-Mar-2024 15:42
Dept/Unit : Orthopaedics
Investigation Result Unit Ref. Range

No fungal elements seen.

Abscess KOH mount

********** END OF THE REPORT **********

All reports need clinical correlation. Kindly discuss if necessary. No part of the report can be reproduced without written
permission of the department.
Validated By: Dr Vidhi Jain
This is computer generated report. Signature not required
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