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A tpata an Apts gyal ae Ouray CamScanner + 332 >susall Airplane Stability Stability: 1. Static Stability 2. Dynamic Stability Stability: It is ability of an a/c to maintain a uniform flight condition and recover from various disturbances itself. Static Stability: The initial tendency of a/c to return to equilibrium condition following some disturbance form equilibrium. Dynamic Stability: it deals with the time history of resulting motion of the a/c following some disturbance from equilibrium. Static Stability feng daclmal Seite shy 22 ie Denson arcincs GPS Sis eras Dal wh Prteling anestiat sheeence moment inbwodale og K Cangleof attack) Ave M ae rete uP Ges) Moment Le mindecy by & (Bank arte) ALE L RE wingcloun by A Csrele sn) + ene wend eins Bat Static Longitudinal When the a/c tends to return to trim angle of attack following the temporary disturbance it’s a desired quality. Such an a/c is a longitudinal stable a/c. A longitudinal unstable a/c are an a/e with a CamScanner + Wise &suacll ~ve longitudinal stability would not come back to the original equilibrium after disturbance. In case of neutral longitudinal static stability the a/c will tend to remain at any displacement to which it is disturbed. The longitudinal static stability deals with pitching moment “M” and angle of attack “a” Mis termed as the dependent variable a is termed as the independent variable The effect of a and M would be studied in order to find the stability or un stability of the a/c pitching moment M is represented in the coefficient from following relation M=Cmq5C’ M = Pitching moment (ft.lbf) Cn= Pitching moment coefficient q = Dynamic Pressure (Ibf/ft?) S = Wing area (ft?) C'= Mean aerodynamic chord (ft) 1 The purpose of studying the stability, the total pitching moment _ coefficient contribution by all the various components of the a/c is plotted against @ or C, note that bs C=C % CamScanner 2 is a> gauaall A typical graph is shown below at the trim condition when C= 0 at points A & B the a/c is disturbed from its trim condition at point A qis less than a trim and B a is greater the @ trim eat ae Trim cavtthion cme Point A the disturbance causes a decrease in a and we have nose down attitude * (< a trim) now at point A the a/c has +ve Cn thus +ve C,, would take the nose back up (increase @). That is a restoring moment] , , which would bring the a/c back to trim condition. Point B The disturbance cause an increase Re ae in @ and hence the nose goes up. But at point B we have a—ve C,which would bring the a/c back to trim condition. An a/c with such a behavior would exhibit static longitudinal stability Requirement for static longitudinal stability From above example we can conclude that +ve longitudinal static stability exist whem the slop Cm vs @ is -ve acm en Oa Cm a <0 for static longitudinal stable ale while 5" = Cm a CamScanner + 332 >susall Contribution of a/e components The major contributing component for determination of a/c long. stability are wing, fuselage and horizontal tail and we have to study the c.g effect. we have negligible contribution due to power effect and high lift devices. Wing contribution wing contribution basically depend upon location of aerodynamic center w.r.t. c.g aerodynamic a.c is point on the wing mean aerodynamic chord where the wing pitching moment coefficient does not vary with a or CL Let us consider a case where c.g is head of a.c Disturbance +ve change in a (increase a) would cause +ve change in CL at a.c. An increase in a mean the nose goes up Response ak . Change in lift produces a —ve pitching moment i about the c.g this would take the nose down It generally a restoring moment, which is a stabilizing effect if the c.g is behind the a.c. CamScanner + 332 >susall Similarly, considerable change in the wing contribution acures when a/e goes from subsonic flight tp supersonic flight or vice- Versa at subsonic flight the a.c of the wing is at 25% MAC where at supersonic speed it becomes 50% MAC the shifting of a.c increase or decrease the moment arm depending on the location of the c.g make it more or less stable Fuselage contribution Lets us study a body of revolution placed in an ideal fluid A body of revolution place inside of a fluid flow when undergoes a disturbance of +ve CamScanner + 332 >susall Horizental Tail Contribution It Provides the greatest stability contribution A disturbance in the form of @ causes change in the lift at horizontal tail for +ve @ these is increase in the tail lift (AL, is + ve). Now the tail is located far behind the c.g therefore because of the long moment arm would produce a strong —ve pitching moment this moment is a restoring moment so the tail has a stabilizing effect. That is why the horizontal tail is called “Horizontal Stabilizer”. A canard has a destabilizing effect Center of Gravity Effect For fixed configuration of a/c many variation in c.g can cause large change in static longitudinal stability. For Typical a/c where a.c is at 40% MAC, the c.g effect are below CamScanner ~ L392 dsuacll Total Effect of Component eect Ue =SSaN wy ne Cj ct Scnmac oy x R te eu ne \orizenAa) The contribution of the horizontal tail highly stabilizing because of which the complete configuration exhibit +ve static long. stability . Hence the c.g is at 30% MAC because of which using contribution is destabilizing fuselage further adds to unstable . But the tail contribution not only compensates for this unstablility but also provides a +ve longitudinal static stability. the tail contribution should be such that it provide +ve ststic long. stability to a/c at all c.g locations. CamScanner + 332 a>susall Mua tic i itudinal stabili For level uncelebrated flight with small a L=W & D=T Lw+Lt=W &Dw+Dt=T +ve pitching moment is the nose up moment pitching moment about c.g of the a/c is: m= Mac, + LwX + DwZ) + (1mq¢)¢ — Ltlt— DtZt) + TZe Assumptions: i) All Z’s are negligible. ii) (Mac)e * 0 m= Mac, + LwX -Ltlt Nm dimensional qualities: CamScanner + 332 >susall (cele 4 x + Cly = - C,,¢ 30) mMacw c Cm = C, Now we define x Xes C + Sel : Fi Vie SS (horizontal tail volume coefficient) m= © (tail Efficiency factor) Then Cm = Cmaew + CiwX' — nV'Cre Now Cmacw ¥* Cac Cm = Cag + ClwX’ — nV 'Cie Where C,,, & C;¢ are variables and the rest of the quantities are almost constant. An attempt would be made to express these variables in term of a aCLw Cw = Craw where Craw = ara And ais the a/c absolute a.0.a C;,, tail lift coefficient depends on \ two quantities i.e tail angle of attack a; and elevator defle detherefor the total tail lift coefficient is given by: Cap = Ft ae + Fee be for all moving CamScanner 2 Lise a> sauaall 8g ye? wo oe oto Cm=6,,,+ Chay X’@ +1eV' (Cra @e + Cise6e) Next step would be to relate @; to the aircraft a. The fallowing diagram gives the angular orientation of the horizontal stabilizer Where i; is the incidental angle of the tail with respect to the zero lift of WB on which it may be mounted. € is the downwash angle of leaving (the amount by which the air is deflected downwash after passing over the wing) the tail angle of attack is given by @, =ati,—€ Downwash angle Cis oa of the wing CamScanner + Lise a>susall Cm = [Cac — MeV "bee Cle — €0)) + [Chay X" — meV" (1-8) ]a + [meV oe] 5e or..Cm = Cm, + Cmga + Cms,5e Where Cm = [cma - 1,V%(i, - «)] Cmya = [coax = Vee (: - *)| Cmgebe = [-n,V'“e] This equation is very important one and would be used to develop a) Requirements for static stability el oie b) Elevator angle for trim condition ee pace Requirement for static longitudinal stability for static longitudinal stability Fem <0 Cng <0 . i.e a +ve change in a must produce a —ve cee Cn , a y Cra = CheyX' — (1 - meV w Cma depends on the a/c configuration and lift curve slop (Cray + Ciqp)also from the above equation for normal and It are +ve the tail contribution should be more contribution in order to: CamScanner + 332 a>susall $0, Gry Xn = (1 = 3) MeCine[[Coaw + (2 ~ Fe) Me Cie ()] nC + Ge) Mba . ” St While V'ac = a (total volume coefficient based on lac) de f G Si ‘ [Caw * (1 - aa)" $ ¥ de C a $5) nV ee Le ay 2X, =— Pein] we can increase the value X’n i.e shift SFNP more towards by increasing V’a,c. decrease in the V‘q.¢ can be achiey increase in the horizontal stabilizer area or i t tail further back and Jevel increasing la, CamScanner + Lise a> susall ae de. Sel, Crna = Coy" = (1 — $Me Cig SBE — Also the value of the distance X’ is also very important which is the non-dimensional distance between a. and c.g if becomes too great, might make Cmg > 0 the a/c becomes unstable. Note: Because of the reason the c.g location or the distribution for the a/c becomes very critical also the location of the disposable loads like fuel and ammo and theirs consumption becomes critical. The concept of stick- fix eebhoutnad. ROivis Js used to determine the allowable locations of the c.2"™™">"=* Stick Fixed Neutral Points The c.g location for value Cmg = 0 Let X’n represent the value of X’ for stick fixed neutral points Cig = Cigy — (1-) neV'Cige = 0 Note from the original definition of It &X’ that depend on X therefore in the above equation V’ is also a function of X’n and we can find X’n directly. Consider sr ginsran | pelo CamScanner 2 ise a> sauaall a ig ~ 9g) et Se x" [1 +( (1-S)n, ne gist] xm at) | Cae S; =[1+( (1-2) nae Sar - X'n) Lely +p = Cy VS + Cr, ae Sp powers q a s, CL = 5 = Cow + Cap EE = Coy + Game acy _ aCry , ACh, Mug dere 2s da da "da da Where a, = i day de r + = M4 _ ES OS re = = de St Ca = Clay + Chae — Ge)" G Cing = Cig (X’ — X'n) This equation indicates that Cm a measfiethatibility, depen upon dno ca BNP ae CamScanner + 332 >susall Note: A +ve value of S.M indicates that the a/c is stable and the numerical value of S.M show a measure of degree of stability. my - cor => Te, = 5M Yang plot by eS aw Hepes slopes S24 = Ges cusve would be 9 + z SAMs — ACu q é mM hee Cin t Question (1 a) Cme, = —S.M = —(X'n-X' = X'-X'n c.g at 20% C’ then Cm¢,= -0.3 X’=0.2 > Cme, = —0.3 -0.3 = 0.2-X’n >X’n = 0.5 SFNP is at 50% MAC b) S.M = X’n- X’ = 0.5 - 0.28 = 0,22 C’ 15 CamScanner 3 95 4>guaall c) False Longitudinal Control Effect of elevator deflection on Cm: the pitching moment equation is given by Cm = Cm, + Cmqa + Cmsede here Cm is the dependent variable and a & Se are the independent variables, whereas coefficient like Cmq & Cmg¢ are almost constant . for seeing the effect of Se on Cm we would keep one variable constant and vary the other (@ & 5e) so family of curves is established. Note: (1) The upward deflection of elevation is -ve and the downward deflection is +ve (2) There plets are for a fixed location of c.g. for different location of c.g the slop of the curves will change, similarly these curves are for a partial Mas H. of M& H changed then we will have different curves (3) Increase or decrease in elevator deflection does not alter the Cm slop curve and hence the a/c stability . 16 CamScanner + Lis 4>suuaall (4) Increase or decrease in elevator deflection, increase or decrease in the trim a.o.a (5) Cmp is the value of Cm for a = Se =0 Changing in the @ trim: suppose an a/c is flying at Se = 0 and trimmed flight (Cm = 0). Now suppose the pilot moves the elevator up 10 degrees. Now tr a/c has a +ve Cm which would take the nose up (increase a) the increase in a would produce a—ve Cm which would keep increasing a increases in the +ve direction. The @ will stop increasing when the —ve Cm due to the +ve a balance s on the +ve Cm by the elevator deflection that is the new trimmed condition or de = 10 degrees likeygise the pilot can control a.o.a by the deflection of elevatore: a CamScanner 2 ise a> sauaall Cros check for 5e = —4 curve for a = 1-7 =-6 Cm, = la > ae 7 70.02 deg now find Cmge For de =-4 & a=7 >Cm=-0.05 Cm = Cm, + Cmga + Cms.d5e -0.05=0.005-(0.02(7)}+ Cmge(—4) Cmse = —0.024/deg Then the pitching moment equation for T-38 a/c at M=1.25 & H=50000 susall Cm = Cm, + Cmga + Cms.e = 0 Can be used to find defor trim aoa Or for trimmed lift coefficient replace a with C, pa 4 C= Ca aa ro L 5 ar Cmg Cmq Cr, ie 2 be = —-— 2 - st go Cmge Cmse' Cig es G Smeg = =-S. But 22 = ng, = ~S.M be = — SMe 4 Stim (5. y) Cmge CL se Used for finding Se for a given C, trim CamScanner + 332 >susall Curves de vs C, trim for different values of S.M all shown in the figure below: "eS Chm Uv uu \ 4» MAAC pete belens A SCPE egal ee iS : 64 af 208 -Ve Eq akgofoMre table al-40), MAC Deen aR P (so =O, chor Te SEN? (5 » Moho ospac? a8 (i) for fixed location of c.g each elevator deflection corresponds to a pitching trimmed lift coefficient. (ii) at C, = 0 a constant deflection of elevator for all c.g location 5 Cmo._ , this value of de = ras independent of S.M or C, trim, (iii) As the c.g moves after the stability decrease because,S.M al 19 3 lecreases. Sal ix benBathe sensitive (iv) As the c.g moves after the elevator vesstinaeifore sensitive i.e small elevator deflection produces large, cl e in C, trim. The a/c becomes more responsive or controllable. (v) If the c.g is at SFNP the S.M = 0 and and C, are independent of ois ' 05% each other. Any variation in de does not vary C, trim or a at the SFNP. CamScanner + Wise &suacll Trimmed 1-g flight St & level For such flight L = W = ¢, 1 py2¢ n flight L = W=¢, 3 pv’s 2w, C=— LS pes Substitute in Se equation cm, M , Sete 4 SM twit Cmge Cmge pS v2 This equation can be used to plot de vs v for trimmed condition oe. 2 ena Ba For a stable a/c the downward +ve deflection of the elevator increase the trimmed velocity. It would be happened for unstable a/c. elevator down nose down-decrase a decrease in C,, >vshould increase to balance lift in weight. The above equation or corresponding graphical represent is only valid for very low velocities where compressibility effect is negligible and Cm, Cm & Cmge all taken to be constant. effect of M No. becomes very pronounced fpr high M No. for supersonic ale. 21 CamScanner 3 95 4>guaall Compressibility effect on Se: cme SM 23 be = — om at for 1-g trimmed flight, Cmge | Cmse pS v? Where v? = m?a? = (yRT)M? =Cmp | SM 2; 6e=—-— yp Cmsge Cmge ySPM? So far we had assumed —Cm,,S.M &Cmg¢ to be constant but it is only for low M. No. at high M. No. these quantities become function of M. No. Effect of M. No. on Various Parameters: (i) For M < 1 to M > 1 flight the aerodynamics shifts from ©/, to C/, causing a substantial decrease in X’. these would also be a slight change on X’n. the net result would be a large inggease in S.M (S.M = X’n — X’) the a/c becomes more staples less maneuverable (controllable). (ii) The lift curve slops of wing and tail C,,,, & C,,, decrease as the M. No. becomes supersonic this would vary the value of Cm, Cmg & CMe. (iii) €p and = would decrease due to loss of downwash at M > 1 flight. (iv) A loss of elevator effectiveness. Cmge, coupled with the fist- point loss of controllability in other word means less effectiveness of elevator comparatively greater elevator deflection Cmge, is required to bring about the required change in @ trim. For this loss 2 CamScanner + lise &suaell generally all moving horizontal tail is used to increase the effectiveness (more elevator area). In a nutshell the compressibility effects are: (a) Reduce in elevator effectiveness, reduction in controllability. (b) Increase in the static margin, increase in stability. (b) For stability the downward deflection (+ve de) of elevator should reduce C, & a (increase vy) so +ve de — increae in Ly — -ve M, — Nose down decrease in C, > creation of ee restoring moment due to increase in @ ~ alc is stabilized or 5— <0 for . stability, so this particular a/c is unstable. CamScanner ~ L392 dsuacll Tn o3 Bice Hey 4 (Keg) “Oaenol¥s “Soy, Pepeog Me ume ONFFE — 0.043 < as K, = 0.3776 A: Foe Xeq = 0/47 : cS Varies from 0.4 BOE dlitu 666 = 2.4— =S2=2 4% a2 ss ate 0° Foe Xeg = 0.259 var Shes) - anpee > Geo. ab fy 4 20267 AE Ye Ht tuporiie Tico Maneuvering Flight: we have discussed the elevator defection for 1-g flight. Similarly elevator deflection for trimmed flight other than 1-g can be obtained. Elevator is also used for pulling more or less than 1-g. In general for trimmed flight of ng: Lenw=C,5 £ py?S=> Gn trim C, for ng manuever _ _Gmo , SM__2w. Now 6€)1g = ~Cimge + Cmse pves CamScanner 3 95 4>guaall Similarly 6e),, = — LMo 4. SM 2nw Cmse ' Cmge pv2g this Sewould be the required elevator deflection for trim C, of this ng flight ee, i. amping in Pitch: (obo During a pull up maneuver an a/c undergoes an angular rotation about the lateral axis because of this rotation additional lift us generated in the tail producing a restoring pitching moment. So a/c pitching moment produces a restoring pitching moment due to the pitching motion. The effect is known as “damping-in-pitch” other a/c components contribute to the pitch-damping but the tail contribution is greatest. Contribution of other components is negligible for this damping effect a slight extra amount of elevator deflection is required to produce a moment equal and opposite to that of the damping moment. — werd 2 Concider an a/c with +ve pitching moment this prggattes'a pitvh rate of ge rad/sec The a/c tail moves with a velocity Vp, because of the pitch rate q, we have a down ward component of velocity I,ge these two components of velocity produce a result and velocity V.,. The relative wind of the tail is exactly equal and opposite of this 25 CamScanner + Lise a>gusall resultant velocity. The relative wind strike the tail at greater a0a this additional a; is due to pitch rate qe. The Vp, has move a.0.a as unpassed to V,,so well is a in lift at the tail 1 \ tan(A a,) = at = for small angles Aa, ~ a ‘et This A a, produces A L, on the tail = . — be gee Dr.Eng 7 AC, = Cla, Aa= Cla, Mohommed.A.R.Y° Aaruspace 4 Aly =ACi. 4 St = Cig, se Get St l The resulting pitching moment M = —AL, |, = Cig ee At leSe de Ge le Lae sc qv deme On == Cre, Vine — — Note that q= free stream dynamic pressure & is used in ¢ While ge is the pitch rate = a° rad/sec CamScanner + 332 >susall SoCm=—2 ¢,,,V'n (£) (Multiply and divided by C’/2) Therefore Cmge= —2C1 at Vine st After correcting: Cmge = -28 eC ig & Where € = 1.1 ie added 10% Now the additional pitching moment has to be balances by the additional deflection of the elevator ec’ Crge (=) + Cngehde = 0 — _ Sige gee! Ade = aa TD This equation gives the additional elevator deflection in order to maintain a stable pitch rate 5 Home assignment: problem 9,10,11 Longitudinal control requirement: Stability and controllability are oppogiae a CamScanner + 332 >susall

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