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Western International School

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Health Lesson Plan #5

Teacher: GARCIA Jesusa M. Observer: n/a Date: September 16-17 2022
Total number of students: ……….. Grade: 2 A,B,C,D
Unit Review
Unit 1: The Major Internal Body Organs
Lesson 1: Major Internal Body Organs
Learning resources Teaching resources:
 Smart board √ Picture illustrations
√ PowerPoint slide √ Whiteboard
Workbook page:
Textbook page:  Video/ Songs  Flashcards
√ Flipchart Internet website link:
 Box
Learning objectives: At the end of the lesson, Teacher’s aim:
the students should be able to:  Relates the new material to SS previous knowledge
 Answer all possible questions during the and experience.
entire review.  Check SS comprehension and
 Evaluates and reflects current progress  Models examples of the tasks that will be expected
concerning about the lesson. of the SS during the practise phase of the lesson.
 Set-up realistic plan to further this
progress and complete their goals.

Key Vocabulary:
See previous lessons – Week 1 and 2 – Unit 1 (The Major Internal Body Organs

Lesson Activities
Procedures Phase Timing Interaction
Review about Unit 1 – Lesson 1: The major Engage- Warm up – 15 mins
internal body organs. review lesson
1. The T may ask SS the following questions: T- S
 Give at least two examples on how to
take care of the heart?
 What is the function of the brain? T- S
 What is the function of the kidneys?
 How does stomach work in our body?
 Why do we need to keep our body
 What are the good habits that keep our
body healthy?
Note: The T can add more questions depending
on how SS interpret / understand the concept.
2. Game – Pass the box
 The T will instruct SS to pass the box


Western International School
Start your future Today!
with words inside (internal organs) to
their seatmate and play the music.
 The T will turn-off the music and look for
the S who is holding the box.
 The T will ask the S to open the box and
pick a word, ask to read and spell it.
 The T will ask a question related to the
word or the S can make a question using
the same word. Optional – if the S can
create a question The S can ask another
S to answer. S-S
 SS who weren’t able to answer will be
receiving a penalty of standing while
playing and can only sit down if they are
able to answer another question
provided by the T.

3. Labeling – The major internal body organs

 The teacher draws or sticks pictures of
internal body organs on the WB.
 The T will also write word bank separate to T- S
the pictures or organs being drawn.
 The T will instruct SS to get their notebook
Review 20 mins
and have them draw and color the different
internal body organs. S- S
 As soon as the SS finished the drawing, they
have to label each organ by choosing the
correct answer on the WB.

Health and Social Studies Teacher’s Guide

Western International School
Start your future Today!

Teacher: GARCIA Jesusa Observer: Date: September 16-17 2022

Total number of students: Grade: 2 A,B,C,D
Quiz # 1
Unit 1 – The Major Internal Body Organs
Learning resources Teaching resources:
 Smart board
 Picture illustrations
√ PowerPoint slide
√ Whiteboard
 Video/ Songs
Textbook page: Workbook page:  Flashcards
 Flipchart
 Internet website link:
√ Questionnaires
Learning objectives: At the end of the lesson,
the students should be able to:
 Measure the ability of the lesson being Teacher’s aim:
taught.  SS at each step helps make sure they have
 Acknowledge the importance of the major mastered understanding of one part before moving
internal body organs. on to the next part of the lesson.
 Apply knowledge on how to take care of
the major internal body organs.
Key Vocabulary:

Lesson Activities
Procedures Phase Timing Interaction
1. The T will give standards and instructions while Giving standards and 50 mins
preparing the class to take Quiz #1. instructions.
Before giving the questionnaires – The T should tell
SS to:
 Put all your things inside your bag; leave
only your pencil(s) and eraser on the table.
 Be quiet and pay attention to the T when
giving instruction(s).
 Raise your hand if you want to go out
(when going to the bathroom). During the
quiz, SS are not allowed to go out once it
started (unless for those SS with UTI
After giving the questionnaires – the T should tell
SS to:
 Read the instructions carefully before
answering the quiz.
 Avoid looking or talking with your seatmate
during the quiz.


Western International School
Start your future Today!
 Read only with your mind not with your
mouth to avoid unnecessary noise.
 SS caught cheating, scores’ will be
 Raise your hand and ask your T if you have a
question. Do not ask your classmate.
 Review or double check your answers
before passing your quiz.
 Once done, flip-over your quiz paper or
place it under your table or raise your hand
so that the T can check your quiz paper.
2. The T should gather all the questionnaires to
record the scores and return to the SS.
Note: See attached document below for Quiz #1



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