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To estimate the amount of chloride present in the given water sample, a standard solution of sodium
chloride of strength 0.01N is given.


Generally water contains chloride ions in the form of NaCl, KCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2. The
concentration of chloride ions more than 250 ppm is not desirable for drinking purpose. The total chloride
ions can be determined by argentometric method.

In this method Cl- ion solution is directly titrated against AgNO3 using potassium chromate
(K2CrO4) as the indicator.

AgNO3 + Cl- AgCl + NO3-

At the end point, when all the Cl- ions are removed, the yellow colour of chromate changes into
reddish brown due to the following reaction.

2AgNO3 + K2CrO4 AgCrO4 + 2KNO3


TITRATION – I Standardisation of AgNO3

The burette is washed well with distilled water and rinsed with the small amount of standard NaCl
solution. 20 ml of this solution is pipetted out into a clean conical flask. 1 ml of 2% K 2CrO4 indicator
solution is added and titrated against AgNO3 solution taken in the burette. The end point is the change of
colour from yellow to reddish brown. The titration is repeated for concordant values.

TITRATION – II Estimation of chloride ion

20 ml of the given water sample is pipetted out into a clean conical flask and 1 ml of 2% K2CrO4
indicator solution is added. It titrated against standardized AgNO3 solution taken in the burette. The end
point is the change of colour from yellow to reddish brown. The titration is repeated for concordant values.


i) Strength of chloride ion =

ii) Amount of chloride ion present in the 1000 ml of the given water sample =
iii) Amount of chloride ion present in the 100 ml of the given water sample =

Titration – I Standardisation of AgNO3

Std. NaCl solutionVs. AgNO3

Volume of Burette reading Volume of

Std. NaCl (ml) AgNO3 (V2)
S.No. soln. (V1) ml
Initial Final


Calculation of strength of Silver nitrate solution

Volume of std. sodium chloride solution V1 = 20 ml

Strength of std. sodium chloride solution N1 = ----------------- N

Volume of Silver Nitrate solution V2 = ---------------- ml

Strength of Silver Nitrate solution N2 =?

V1N1 = V2N2

N 2 = V1 x N1


N2 = 20 x ---------------N


Strength of Silver Nitrate solution N2 = ------------------- N

Titration – II Estimation of Chloride

Water sample Vs. std. AgNO3

Volume of Burette reading Volume of

water sample (ml) AgNO3 (V2) Indicator
S.No. (V1) (ml) ml
Initial Final


Calculation of strength of Water sample solution

Volume of Water sample V1 = 20 ml

Strength of Water sample N1 = ?

Volume of Silver Nitrate solution V2 = ----------------ml

Strength of Silver Nitrate solution N2 = ----------------N

V1N1 = V2N2

N1 = V2 x N2


N1 = --------------- x ---------------N


Strength of Water sample solution N1 = ----------------------- N

Calculation of Amount of Chloride:-

Amount of chloride ion present in 1000 ml of the water sample = Equivalent weight of chloride ion ×

strength of chloride ion

= 35.45 x ----------------- N

= -----------------g.
−−−−−−−−−−− g
Amount of chloride ion present in 100 ml of the water sample =
= ------------------ g.

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