5 Tenses - 12328944

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Tense denotes the time of an action that takes place, whether it is sometime in the past, in
the present or will take some time in the future.
Past, Present or Future) Tense.


Tenses are mainly divided into three types. They are

1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
Each tense is further divided into four forms. They are
1. Simple Tense
2. Continuous Tense
3. Perfect Tense
4. Perfect continuous Tense
So, there are totally 12 tenses in English.
  tenses

Present Past Future

Simple/Indefinite Simple/Indefinite Simple/Indefinite

Continuous Continuous Continuous

Perfect Perfect Perfect

Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous

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Affirmative Sentences
EgEx:  We play cricket in the ground on every Sunday.

 She cooks food daily.

 I go to my village every month.
 Rama studies for the exam regularly.
 They sell fruits in the morning.

Negative Sentences
:  We don’t play cricket in the ground on every Sunday.
 She doesn’t cook food daily.
 I don’t go to my village every month.
 Rama doesn’t study for the exam regularly.
 They don’t sell fruits in the morning.

Interrogative Sentences
:  Do we play cricket in the ground on every Sunday?
 Does she cook food daily?
 Do I go to my village every month?
 Does Rama study for the exam regularly?
 Do they sell fruits in the morning?

Negative Interrogative Sentences


:  Don’t we play cricket in the ground on every Sunday?
 Doesn’t she cook food daily?
 Don’t I go to my village every month?
 Doesn’t Rama study for the exam regularly?
 Don’t the-y sell fruits in the morning?

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The Simple Present Tense is used to describe
1. Habitual actions 
Eg :
Ex:  He drinks tea every morning.
 She gets up every morning at 5’o clock.
 He walks in the evening.
 I do exercise every morning.
 I eat a banana every day.
 We celebrate Independence Day on 15th August every year.
 We play cricket on Sundays.
 She reads the newspaper every day.
 He goes to college daily.
2. Universal truths 
Eg :  The sun rises in the east.
 The earth moves around the Sun.
 The stars shine brightly at night.
 The cow gives milk.
 Birds fly in the air.
 Two and two make four.
 Honey is sweet.
 The sun sets in the west.
 Water boils at 100°C.
3. Future planned actions 
Eg :  The school reopens on 12th June.
 The next flight is at 7.00 AM tomorrow morning.
 The CM visits our village tomorrow.
 We celebrate the Republic Day on 26th January.
 The PM leaves for Sri Lanka next week.
 The Shatabdi express departs at 7:45 PM.
 The examination commences next month.
4. In exclamatory sentences beginning with ‘Here’ and ‘There’ to express what is actually
taking place in the present.
‘Here’ and ‘There’ start exclamatory sentences 
  
simple present
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Eg :  There comes the bus!
 There she goes!
 There goes the ball!
 Here comes the bride!

5. Cricket commentary 

Eg :
Ex:  Sachin hits the ball for a six.
 MS Dhoni strikes the ball and off it goes across the boundary line.

6. Historic narrations ()

Eg :
Ravana kidnaps Sita. He takes her to Lanka. He forces her to marry him. Rama
seeks the help of Hanuman. He crosses the sea and reaches Lanka. He searches for Sita
and finally he finds her sitting under a tree. He goes to her and reveals his identity and
shows her a ring given by Rama.

7. Newspaper headlines 

Eg :  The PM resigns.
 Veteran singer SP Balasubrahmanyam passes away.
 Tendulkar breaks another record.
 A terrible cyclone hits Indonesia.

8. Stative verbs 

A stative verb is a verb that describes “a state of being and not an action”.
The following stative verbs are used in simple present form but not in continuous
(state of being)verbsstative verbs stative verbs,
simple present  present continuous 
1. Verbs of perception see, hear, smell, notice, recognize, prefer, taste.
2. Verbs of appearing appear, look, seem.
3. Verbs of feeling want, wish, love, like, hate, feel, desire, hope.
4. Verbs of thinking know, believe, forget, remember, understand, think, imagine,
suppose, agree, consider, trust, imagine.
5. Verbs of possession has, have, had, possess, own, belong.

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Wrong Correct
1. I am hearing a strange noise. 1. I hear a strange noise.
2. He is loving her deeply. 2. He loves her deeply.
3. He is knowing my address. 3. He knows my address
4. He is having a car. 4. He has a car
5. She is looking very sad. 5. She looks very sad
6. These grapes are tasting sour. 6. These grapes taste sour.
7. I am thinking you are wrong. 7. I think you are wrong.
8. I am believing you 8. I believe you.
9. This bungalow is belonging to me. 9. This bungalow belongs to me.
10. I am seeing a man standing there. 10. I see a man standing there.

9. The Simple present tense is used after this expression “It’s time to”. “It’s time to” means
the right time has come to do something.
 “It’s time to” expression   “It’s time to” 
expression simple present tense

Eg :  It’s time to study.
It’s time to get married.
It’s time to + V1

 It’s time to collect our money.

 It’s time to say goodbye to everyone.
 It’s time to eat breakfast.

simple present tense 

 regularly  generally
Key words

 usually  always
 seldom / rarely / at times / sometimes  occasionally
 daily / weekly / monthly / yearly never

 every day / every week / every month / every year frequently / often

Ex: :  Arjun seldom gets angry.
 They often eat outside.
 He drinks occasionally with his friends
 He always stays in hotel.
 I usually get up early in the morning.

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1. My brother ____ too much chocolate.
a) eat b) is eating c) eats d) ate
2. My son usually ____ his grandpa on the weekends.
a) visits b) will visit c) visit d) visited
3. The plane ____ at 6.30 PM.
a) arrives b) arrive c) arrived d) is arriving
4. She ____ to the mall very often.
a) goes b) went c) go d) have gone
5. My brother ____ his favorite TV program every evening.
a) watched b) watching c) watches d) have watched
6. She ____ three languages: English, French and Spanish.
a) spoke b) is speaking c) have spoken d) speaks
7. I usually ____ very early in the mornings.
a) get up b) got up c) gets up d) am getting up
8. My friend ____ too much.
a) will talks b) talked c) talks d) taking
9. Sushant ____ a lot of time surfing the net every day.
a) spend b) spends c) will spend d) will have spend
10. Many strange incidents ____ place in this city daily.
a) takes b) take c) took d) taken

1. c 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. b

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  He met me yesterday.
 I received his letter four days ago.
 We went to picnic last week.
 She completed graduation in 2014.
 They wrote a test day before yesterday.

Negative Sentences


Eg :  He didn’t meet me yesterday.

 I didn’t receive his letter four days ago.

 We didn’t go to picnic last week.
 She didn’t complete graduation in 2014.
 They didn’t write a test day before yesterday.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Did he meet me yesterday?
 Did I receive his letter four days ago?
 Did we go to picnic last week?
 Did she complete graduation in 2014?
 Did they write a test day before yesterday?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Didn’t he meet me yesterday?
 Didn’t I receive his letter four days ago?
 Didn’t we go to picnic last week?
 Didn’t she complete graduation in 2014?
 Didn’t they write a test day before yesterday?

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1. The simple past tense is used to describe an action completed at a certain time in
the past.
 simple past tense 
Ex::  She met me last year.
 I visited to Taj Mahal three months ago.
 She died in 1990.
 He applied for a lecturer’s post yesterday.
 You gave me this book last week.
 Once there lived a king named Sri Krishna Devarayulu.
 I visited temple day before yesterday.
2. The simple past tense is used after these expressions “It’s time, It’s high time, It’s
about time.” ‘It’s time’ means time is already is over.
start  “It’s time, It’s high time, It’s about time”
expressions   expressions  simple past tense

} + V2
Ex::  It’s time you started speaking English. It’s time
 It’s high time we bought a new car. It’s high time
It’s about time

Wrong Correct
1. It’s time you study. 1. It’s time you studied
2. It’s about time we go to the market 2. It’s about time we went to the market.
3. It’s high time we leave. 3. It’s high time we left.
4. It’s time we take our dog for a walk. 4. It is time we took our dog for a walk.
5. It’s high time you take some responsibility. 5. It’s high time you took some

simple past tense 

yesterday day before yesterday
Key words

 

 ago / long ago  last week / month / year

 once upon a time  2003  in those days

Eg :  He wrote an exam yesterday.
 I completed my graduation in 2015.
 She bought a new house six months ago.
 They went to picnic last month.

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1. I ___ to picnic last month.

a) go b) goes c) went d) am going

2. My father ___ my bicycle Yesterday.

a) repairs b) repair c) have repaired d) repaired

3. My mother ___ these cloths last week.

a) buys b) bought c) have bought d) has bought

4. Ramu and Somu ___ snake and ladder yesterday.

a) played b) plays c) play d) have played

5. My friend ___ me a present two days ago.

a) gave b) gives c) have given d) will have given

6. Mr. Karthik ___ those documents in the previous meeting.

a) explain b) explained c) explains d)will have explained

7. My father ___ very busy yesterday.

a) is b) was c) are d) were

8. Smitha ___ me the story about a cruel king of Arabia last week.

a) told b) have told c) tells d) telling

9. My aunt ___ my family last month.

a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit.

10. The students ___ flag ceremony yesterday.

a) have b) had c) has d) will have

1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  I shall go to school tomorrow.
 We shall play cricket next week.
 They will write UPSC next year.
 The pattern of exam will change next year.
 It will rain tomorrow.

Negative Sentences



Eg :  I shall not go to school tomorrow.

 We shall not play cricket next week.
 They will not write UPSC next year.
 The pattern of exam will not change next year.
 It will not rain tomorrow.

Interrogative Sentences


Eg :  Shall I go to school tomorrow?
 Shall we play cricket next week?
 Will they write UPSC next year?
 Will the pattern of exam change next year?
 Will it rain tomorrow?

Negative Interrogative Sentences


Eg :  Shall I not go to school tomorrow?
 Shall we not play cricket next week?
 Will they not write UPSC next year?
 Will the pattern of exam not change next year?
 Will it not rain tomorrow?

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The simple future tense is used to describe an action which takes place in the future.
  simple future tense 
 I, We shall 
 You, He, She, It, They  will 
simple future tense
Key words

 tomorrow  day after tomorrow

 next week / month /year  soon
 shortly  in the future
Eg :  She will come here tomorrow.
 I shall write SSC next year.
 He will go to his grand mother’s house next week.
 We shall play cricket day after tomorrow.

1. He ___ tomorrow.
a) will come b) comes c) come d) came
2. I ___ my friends next week.
a) meet b) met c) shall meet d) will have met
3. My mom ___ some cookies for us later.
a) might make b) has made c) maked d) will make
4. He ___ his report day after tomorrow.
a) will submit b) submit c) submitted d) was submitting
5. My cousin ___ an engineer in future.
a) shall become b) became c) will become d) becomes
6. I ___ SSC next year.
a) shall write b) writes c) would write d) wrote
7. What time ___ the sun (set) tomorrow?
a) will the sun set b) would the sun set c) is the sun setting d) will the sun sets
8. I ___ my friend’s house next month.
a) visited b) shall visit c) would visit d) visit
9. It ___ in the mountains tomorrow.
a) will snows b) snow c) will snow d) snowing
10. I ___ him next week.
a) will call b) would call c) called d) have called

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  He is reading a poem.
They are playing football.

 Someone is knocking the door.

 She is singing a song.
 I am preparing for the exam.

Negative Sentences

Eg :  He is not reading a poem.

 They are not playing football.
 Someone is not knocking the door.
 She is not singing a song.
 I am not preparing for the exam.

Interrogative Sentences


Eg :  Is he reading a poem?
 Are they playing football?
 Is someone knocking the door?
 Is she singing a song?
 Am I preparing for the exam?

Negative Interrogative Sentences


Eg :  Isn’t he reading a poem?
 Aren’t they playing football?
 Isn’t someone knocking the door?
 Isn’t she singing a song?
 Amn’t I preparing for the exam?

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The Present Continuous Tense is used to describe
1. An action which is going on at the time of speaking.
   present continuous tense 
Eg :  He is reading a book now.
 The boys are playing hockey now.
 She is studying now-a-days.
 Don’t disturb me, I am doing my homework.
 I am reading a novel at present.

2. A temporary action which may not be actually happening at the time of speaking.
     present continuous tense 
Eg :  He is doing research in English now-a-days.
 He is doing MBA at present
 I am writing a novel these days.

3. Planned future actions

 present continuous tense  
  
Eg :  I am going to Mumbai tomorrow.
 I am going to the theatre tonight.
 They are coming from Australia next month.
 He is buying a car next week.

present continuous tense 

 Don’t disturb  Now
K ey words

 Don’t make a noise  Listen

 See  At present
 Look  Now - a - days
 These days  Day by day
Eg :  He is teaching mathematics now.
 These days I am preparing for SSC.
 Look! somebody is coming here.
 Listen! someone is singing a song.

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1. I ___ an apple right now.
a) eat b) am eating c) eats d) eating
2. I ___ at this moment.
a) am studying b) studied c) have studied d) studies
3. Don’t disturb him, he ___
a) Sleeps b) is sleeping c) sleep d) have slept
4. Listen! somebody ___ the door.
a) knocks b) have knocked c) is knocking d) has knocked
5. Some men ___ outside for you now.
a) are waiting b) waits c) is waiting d) have waited
6. Manisha ___ in front of the window at the moment.
a) stands b) stood c) is standing d) are standing
7. They ___ Dubai this month.
a) is visiting b) are visiting c) am visiting d) visited.
8. He ___ these days.
a) is exercising b) exercised c) exercises d) will exercise
9. My mother ___ the dishes right now.
a) washes b) have washed c) washed d) is washing
10. Vinay ___ a novel now-a-days.
a) read b) reads c) is reading d) have read

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. b 8.a 9. d 10. c

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Affirmative Sentences

Eg :  He was playing cricket.

They were talking about me.

 A dog was barking in the street.

 It was raining a lot.
 I was searching for a job.

Negative Sentences
Eg :  He was not playing cricket.
 They were not talking about me.
 A dog was not barking in the street.
 It was not raining a lot.
 I was not searching for a job.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Was he playing cricket?
 Were they talking about me?
 Was a dog barking in the street?
 Was it raining a lot?
 Was I searching for a job?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Wasn’t he playing cricket?
 Weren’t they talking about me?
 Wasn’t a dog barking in the street?
 Wasn’t it raining a lot?
 Wasn’t I searching for a job?

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1. The Past Continuous Tense is used to describe an action which was going on at some
time in the past.
 past continuous tense  
Eg :
 I was studying degree final year at this time last year.
 They were playing football at 10 PM last night.
 Yesterday at this time, I was sitting in the room.

2. We often use the past continuous tense with the simple past tense. We use the past
continuous tense to express a long action. And we use the simple past tense to express
a short action that happens in the middle of the long action. We can join the two ideas
with when or while.
 past continuous tensesimple past tense
   
  simple past tense 
  tense   when  while   when  short action 
while long action 

 When + simple past, past continuous

 
(short action) (long action)
 Simple past, while + past continuous
 
(short action) (long action)

Ex::  While he was crossing the road, he met with an accident.
 A burglar broke into my house while I was sleeping.
 My computer crashed while I was working
 I was watching TV when he called.
 When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
 While I was studying, she called me.
 The computer suddenly went off, while I was writing the email.
 While Harish was sleeping Last night, someone stole his car.
 when the principal came, we were sleeping in the class room.
 While we were playing cricket, it started raining.

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past continuous tense 

At that time Last week / month / year

Key words
 

 While  Ago
 Those days  Yesterday
 Then  previous day / week / month

Eg :
 Last year he was looking for a job these days.
 Yesterday I was playing football at this time.
 I was watching the TV at 7pm last night.

1. My brother and sister ___ tennis at 11 am Yesterday.
a) plays b) were playing c) was playing d) have played
2. When the police came, we ___ .
a) were sleeping b) slept c) was sleeping d) have slept
3. Somebody threw a stone at him ___ he was speaking.
a) after b) while c) when d) before.
4. They ___ TV When I arrived.
a) were watching b) watched c) were watched d) have watched.
5. Yesterday, at six I ___ dinner.
a) was preparing b) was prepared c) prepared d) have prepared.
6. My father ___ me while I ___ TV.
a) was calling, watched b) called, watched
c) has called, watching d) called, was watching
7. We ___ about him when he came in.
a) talked b) were talked c) were talking d) have talked
8. The kids ___ in the garden when it suddenly started to rain.
a) played b) are playing c) were playing d) play
9. While I ___ in my room, My sister left home.
a) was studying b) studied c) study d) have studied.

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10. The teacher was angry because some students ___ football in the class when he came
a) are playing b) were playing c) played d) have played
11. While Satya ___ a documentary, he ___ asleep.
a) was watched, fell b) was watching, fell c) was watching, felt d) watched, was falling
12. We ___ home when the accident ___ .
a) drove, was happening b) drove, happened
c) was driving, happened d) were driving, happened.
13. Mrs. Sharma ___ dinner at 6 o’ clock yesterday morning.
a) was having b) having c) had d) have
14. ___ Geeta was doing homework, she got a text message from her friend.
a) when b) while c) however d) if
15. My teacher ___ a lesson, when I ___ the class room.
a) was teaching, entered b) teach, entered
c) taught, was entering d) has taught, was entering.

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. b
11. c 12. a 13. a 14. b 15. c

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  I will be waiting for you at this time tomorrow.
 She will be studying for her exam.
 The doctor will be treating his patients.
 They will be celebrating your birthday.
 He will be writing an essay.

Negative Sentences

Eg :  I will not be waiting for you at this time tomorrow.

 She will not be studying for her exam.
 The doctor will not be treating his patients.
 They will not be celebrating your birthday.
 He will not be writing an essay.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Will I be waiting for you at this time tomorrow?
 Will she be studying for her exam?
 Will the doctor be treating his patients?
 Will they be celebrating your birthday?
 Will he be writing an essay?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Shan’t I be waiting for you at this time tomorrow?
 Won’t she be studying for her exam?
 Won’t the doctor be treating his patients?
 Won’t they be celebrating your birthday?
 Won’t he be writing an essay?

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The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an action which will be going on at
some time in the future.
  future continuous tense  
Eg :  At this time tomorrow, I will be sitting on the beach in Vizag.
 She will be performing the Kuchipudi here at 6pm tomorrow.
 Sunitha will be singing at the Ravindra Bharathi at 7 pm tomorrow.
 We shall be celebrating her birthday at this time day after tomorrow.
 You will be doing MBA at this time next year.
 Our students will be writing a test at 11 am tomorrow.

future continuous tense 

K ey words

 At this time  Tomorrow

 At present  Next week / month / year
 At the moment

Eg :
Ex:  I shall be waiting for you at the station at 6 pm tomorrow.
 They will be playing cricket at this time next Sunday.

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1. At noon tomorrow, I ___ on a beach somewhere.
a) shall be relaxing b) will have relaxed c) will relax d) will being relax
2. At this time next week, we ___ New Year’s Eve with our friends.
a) will celebrate b) celebrate c) celebrated d) will be celebrating
3. I ___ in my office at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
a) work b) shall be working c) worked d) will work.
4. You ___ breakfast tomorrow morning.
a) will have b) have c) will eat d) will be having
5. Tomorrow at this time, I ___ my English language exam.
a) will take b) shall be taking c) took d) have taken
6. Kavya and her friends ___ a movie at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening.
a) will watch b) will be watching c) watched d) will have watched.
7. I ___ whole day tomorrow.
a) will study b) studied c) will have studied d) shall be studying
8. She ___ for us at the appointed hour tomorrow.
a) will wait b) waits c) waited d) will be waiting
9. This time on Monday, he ___ to the airport.
a) will drive b) drove c) will be driving d) drives.
10. We ___ to New York during our holidays.
a) shall be going b) went c) shall go d) go

1. a 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. b 6. b 7. d 8. d 9. c 10. a

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  They have bought a new car.
 You have given a wonderful speech.
 I have improved my English.
 The guests have taken dinner.
 She has given me assurance.

Negative Sentences

Eg :  They have not bought a new car.

 You have not given a wonderful speech.
 I have not improved my English.
 The guests have not taken dinner.
 She has not given me assurance.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Have they bought a new car?
 Have you given a wonderful speech?
 Have you improved your English?
 Have the guests taken dinner?
 Has she given me assurance?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Have they not bought a new car?
 Have you not given a wonderful speech?
 Have you not improved your English?
 Have the guests not taken dinner?
 Has she not given me assurance?

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1. The Present Perfect Tense is used to describe an action that has completed just now.
  present perfect tense  
Eg :  I have taken my dinner just now.
 He has built three houses so far.
 He has posted the letter just now.
 They have sold the house recently.
 He has slept till now.

2. The Present Perfect Tense is also used to describe past actions whose time is not
present perfect tense  
Eg :  I have passed my SSC.
 I have visited the Eiffel Tower.
 My purse has been stolen.
 I have posted this letter.
 I have seen this movie.


 If since is used in the middle of the sentence, the formation of the sentence is as follows.
Since 
  sentence  sentence formation 
 If since is used at the beginning of the sentence, the formation of the sentence will be as
Since 
  sentence   sentence formation  
 Since is always followed by simple past.
 since  simple past  
Eg :  I haven’t seen him since he left India.
 Since he joined the army, he has not taken any leave.

Since ,
Simple past Present perfect

, since
Present perfect Simple past

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persent perfect tense 
K ey words  just never yet today

since ever by now this day

 already  lately recently this week

so far till now this month

 She has never travelled by train alone.

 Vicky has not finished his homework yet.
 My friends haven’t ever gone to France.
Yet is used in negative sentences.

1. I _____________ my homework yet.
a) have finish b) has finish c) did finished d) haven’t finished
2. My father is on the way. He ____________ home yet.
a) haven’t arrived b) hasn’t arrived c) didn’t arrived d) arrived
3. I am still working. I haven’t finished my work ________.
a) already b) yet c) still d) never
4. Since the holocaust took place, many innocent people _______their lives.
a) have lost b) has lost c) lost d) are losing
5. I _______ him since he left India.
a) did not seen b) haven’t seen c) hadn’t seen d) saw
6. You _________ my money yet.
a) have not returned b) have returned c) had returned d) returned
7. They _______ three letters already.
a) has written b) have written c) wrote d) have been written
8. They ______her uncle recently.
a) visited b) have visited c) had visited d) had been visited
9. I ______my dinner just now.
a) has eaten b) am eating c) have taken d) ate
10. John _________ on Fridays since he joined the company.
a) hasn’t worked b) hadn’t worked c) has been working d)had been working

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  I had studied hard for exams.
 She had received my letter.
 He had prepared his speech.
 They had opened the gate.
 We had sold our house.

Negative Sentences
Eg :  I had not studied hard for exams.

 She had not received my letter.

 He had not prepared his speech.
 They had not opened the gate.
 We had not sold our house.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Had I studied hard for exams?
 Had she gone to the school?
 Had he prepared his speech?
 Had they opened the gate?
 Had we sold our house?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Had I not studied hard for exams ?
 Had she not gone to school ?
 Had he not prepared his speech ?
 Had they not opened the gate ?
 Had we not sold our house ?

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1. The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that was successfully completed
before another action in the past. In this case the first action will be in past perfect
tense and the second action will be in simple past tense.
 past perfect simple past
Eg :  The patient had died before the doctor reached the hospital.
 We had lived in Italy before we moved to Spain.
 He had left the school before the principal came.
Two actions in past one after the other :
1st action- past perfect
2nd action- simple past

Wrong Correct
1. I saw him before he stopped his car. 1. I had seen him before he stopped
his car.
2. Before he understood anything the robber 2. Before he understood anything the
fled. robber had fled.
3. I met him after I finished my work. 3. I met him after I had finished my
4. I washed the floor when the painter went. 4. I washed the floor when the painter
had gone.
5. When Anand reached his village, he found 5. When Anand reached his village, he
that the news about him preceded him. found that the news about him had
preceded him.

By the time ,
Simple past Past perfect

Eg :  By the time I reached the station, the train had left.

 The plane had left by the time I got to the airport.
 She had published her first poem by the time she was eight.
 By the time he left work, he had finished all his emails.
 By the time he arrived at school, the lesson had finished.

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past perfect tense 

} + had } + had
K ey words
after  before

already  by the time

until when

 After, already, untilclause had 
 Before, by the time, when clause had 
   

1. I ______ my work before he arrived
a) finished b) had finished c) have finished d) will have finished
2. The Police arrived after the thief _______ from here.
a) have escaped b) has escaped c) had escaped d) is being escaped
3. I ______ the songs before the program started.
a) will practise b) practised c) has practised d) had practised
4. I married her after I_____ in Banjara Hills.
a) have lived b) has lived c) had lived d) is living
5. I ______ my teeth before I took breakfast.
a) brush b) brushed c) had brushed d) is brushed
6. She had locked the door before she ____ to the market.
a) went b) gone c) go d) going
7. The thieves______ before the Police came.
a) have escaped b) has escaped c) had escaped d) was escaped
8. I got a job after I______ the exam.
a) wrote b) write c) had written d) writing
9. By the time I returned home, he _____ already ____.
a) will, leave b) had, left c) have, left d) would, leave
10. By the time we came, she ______ the project.
a) had finished b) will finish c) have finished d) will have finished

1. b 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. a

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  He will have completed this work by this time next week.
 I shall have attended the meeting.
 They will have discussed the issue.
 She will have appreciated your performance.
 He will have won the competition.

Negative Sentences
Eg : He will not have completed this work by this time next week.

 I shall not have attended the meeting.

 They will not have discussed the issue.
 She will not have appreciated your performance.
 He will not have won the competition.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Will he have completed this work by this time next week?
 Shall I have attended the meeting?
 Will they have discussed the issue?
 Will she have appreciated your performance?
 Will he have won the competition?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Will he not have completed this workby this time next week?
 Shall I not have attended the meeting?
 Will they not have discussed the issue?
 Will she not have appreciated your performance?
 Will he not have won the competition?

A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 28

The future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will be completed at some
point of time in the future.
  future perfect tense  
Eg :
 I shall have finished this work by tomorrow.
 They will have reached home by the evening.
 She will have selected for IAS by 2025.
 By next year, I shall have completed my MBA.
 You will have finished your syllabus by the end of next month.

By the time ,
Simple present Future perfect

Eg :  By the time I reach the station, the train will have left.
 By the time I am sixty, I will have retired.

future perfect tense 

By this time tomorrow  By this time next week
K ey words  By this time next month  By this time next year
 By 2 p.m. tomorrow, etc.

1. My brother ____ his military service by the time I graduate.
a) will have completed b) will have complete
c) will have been completing d) will have completing
2. By the time the president arrives, you ____ the reception.
a) will have preparing b) will preparing
c) will have prepared d) will prepare
3. My professor ____ grading our papers by Monday.
a) will be finishing b) will have finished
c) will finished d) will have finishing

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4. Monal ____ her Ph.D by December this year.

a) will completing b) will have been completing
c) will have completing d) will have completed
5. How far ____ by the time he completes the cross - country race ?
a) will your brother have running b) will your brother running
c) will your brother have run d) will your brother have runned
6. My father ____ a new house by the time I return to Syria.
a) will be bought b) will have bought c) will have buying d) will be buying
7. You _____your assignment by Friday.
a) will have completing b) will be completing
c) will have completed d) will completed
8. My dog ____ all of his food by the time I get home.
a) will have eat b) will have ate
c) will have eaten d) will eating
9. Monika ____ with her boyfriend by the time we meet again.
a) will have break up b) will breaking up c) will have broke up d) will have broken up
10. I ____ that book by the time you get here.
a) will not have read b) won’t have reading
c) won’t have reading d) will not have reading.

1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 6. 0 7. 0 8. 0 9. 0 10. 0


Since denotes point of time.
Point of time includes anything like last Tuesday, 2018, 8 pm, etc.
Since  point of time     
  since 
Ex :  Since Monday  Since 2008

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 Since 7 pm  Since last year
 Sincethe beginning
For denotes period of time.
Period of time includes seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc.
For  period of time 
 for  
 For two hours
 For five years
 For 10 years
 For 2 years
 For a long time

Fill in the blanks with since / for
1. I have been waiting for the guests ______ (since/for) morning.
2. It has been raining heavily ______ (since/for) last night.
3. My father has been serving in the army ______ (since/for) 20 years.
4. He has been suffering from fever ______ (since/for) Monday.
5. I have been teaching in this college ______ (since/for) 10 years.
6. The masons have been building this house ______ (since/for) last March.
7. Man has been struggling against the forces of nature ______ (since/for) times immemorial.
8. A cold breeze has been blowing______ (since/for) yesterday. I have been waiting ______
(since/for) twenty minutes.
9. That lady has been waiting for the bus ______ (since/for) noon.
10. He has been living here ______ (since/for) 2005.

1. since 2. since 3. for 4. since 5. for

6. since 7. since 8. since, for 9. since 10. since

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  Kavya has been going to music class for 2 months.
 He has been practising English since 2020.
 It has been raining since last Friday.
 I have been going to office for a week.
 They have been living here since July.

Negative Sentences
Eg :  Kavya has not been going to music class for 2 months.
 He has not been practising English since 2020.
 It has not been raining since last Friday.
 I have not been going to office for a week.
 They have not been living here since July.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Has Kavya been going to music class for 2 months?
 Has he been practising English since 2020?
 Has it been raining since last Friday?
 Have I been going to office for a week?
 Have they been living here since July?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Has Kavya not been going to music class for 2 months ?
 Has he not been practising English since 2020 ?
 Has it not been raining since last Friday ?
 Have I not been going to office for a week ?
 Have they not been living here since July ?

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The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that began in the
past and is still continuing.
     present perfect continuous tense 
Eg :  He has been playing football for a long time.
 I have been reading for 2 hours.
 She has been working at that company for three years.
 He has been living in Mumbai since 2008.
 The child has been studying since morning.
present perfect continuous tense 

K ey words  Since + point of time  During  For + period of time How long

1. She ___ here for five years.
a) is working b) has working c) has been working d) works
2. Her son ____ computer games since child hood.
a) has been playing b) has played c) have been played d) played
3. I _____ this letter for 5 minutes.
a) have been writing b) have written c) wrote d) has been written
4. She _________ Hebrew since l-ast spring.
a) studied b) has studied c) is studying d) has been studying
5. I ______ this show for 2 hours.
a) have watched b) watched c) have been watching d) am watching
6. We ____ in this city for 10 years.
a) have lived b) lived c) are living d) have been living
7. I ________ this business for 30 years.
a) managed b) being managed c) am managing d) have been managing
8. Rama ____ in the university since January.
a) has been teaching b) taught c) is teaching d) teaches
9. Ravi _____ this novel since morning.
a) read b) is reading c) has been reading d) has read
10. He __________ for a year now.
a) exercises b) was exercising c) has been exercising d) have been exercising

1. c 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. c

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Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  I had been waiting for you from 2 to 3.
 Ramesh had been teaching in the university for 2 years.
 I had been suffering from fever for 4 days.
 They had been talking for an hour.
 He had been writing novels from 2014 to 2018.

Negative Sentences


Eg :  I had not been waiting for you from 2 to 3.
 Ramesh had not been teaching in the university for 2 years.
 I had not been suffering from fever for 4 days.
 They had not been talking for an hour.
 He had not been writing novels from 2014 to 2018.

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Had I been waiting for you from 2 to 3?
 Had Ramesh been teaching in the university for 2 years?
 Had I been suffering from fever for 4 days?
 Had they been talking for an hour?
 Had he been writing novels from 2014 to 2018?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Had I not been waiting for you from 2 to 3?
 Had Ramesh not been teaching in the university for 2 years?
 Had I not been suffering from fever for 4 days?
 Had they not been talking for an hour?
 Had he not been writing novels from 2014 to 2018?

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The past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that began in the past
and continued up to certain point of time in the past.
       past perfect continuous
tense   
Eg :  I had been working at the company for five years when I got the promotion.
 The program that was terminated had been working well since 1945.
 They had been playing football in that field before it started to rain.
 I had been taking a nap when the earthquake rocked my house.
 The dogs had been barking constantly until their owner fed them.
past perfect continuous tense 
K ey words Since For From - to

1. I _________ for her for hours before she came.
a) had been waiting b) has been waiting c) had been waited d) had waited
2. When I first met Rahul, he ____ in Samsung for 15 years.
a) has been working b) worked c) had been working d) had worked
3. Kavya was distressed. She ______for the all night.
a) has been crying b) cried c) had been crying d) had cried
4. She was very tired. She _____ letters since morning.
a) typed b) had typed c) was typing d) had been typing
5. Ramu _____ for two hours before he arrived.
a) was driving b) had been driving c) has been driving d) drives
6. The house was perfect for him. It was exactly what he _____ for since last year.
a) had been looking b) has been looking c) looked d) is looking for
7. When Karthik saw me, I _____ for 3 hours.
a) had gardened b) gardened c) was gardening d) had been gardening
8. I _____ for hours, so I did not want to go out.
a) had been working b) has been working c) was working d) had working
9. I was really tired because I _______ since morning.
a) was studying b) studied c) had studied d) had been studying
10. We ______ out for 3 years when we got married.
a) have been going b) have gone c) had been going d) went

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1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. a


Affirmative Sentences
Eg :  I will have been working in the company for 4 years by the end
of this year.
 I shall have been singing for 2 months by the end of next

 He will have been playing football for 2 months by the end of

this year.
 It will have been raining for a month by the end of next
 Rama will have been teaching for 4 years by the end of this year.

Negative Sentences
Eg :  I will not have been working in the company for 4 years by the
end of this year.
 I shall not have been singing for 2 months by the end of next
 He will not have been playing football for 2 months by the end
of this year.
 It will not have been raining for a month by the end of next
 Rama will not have been teaching for 4 years by the end of this

Interrogative Sentences
Eg :  Will I have been working in the company for 4 years by
the end of this year ?

A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 36

 Shall I have been singing for 2 months by the end of next Monday ?
 Will he have been playing football for 2 months by the end
of this year ?
 Will it have been raining for a month by the end of next month ?
 Will Rama have been teaching for 4 years by the end of this year ?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

Eg :  Will I not have been working in the company for 4 years by the end
of this year?
 Shall I not have been singing for 2 months by the end of next Monday?
 Will he not have been playing football for 2 months by the end of
this year?
 Will It not have been raining for a month by the end of next month?
 will Rama not have been teaching for 4 years by the end of this year?

The future perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that began in past,
present or future is ongoing and will complete in the future.
      future
perfect continuous tense  
 By the end of this November, I will have been working at my company for
three years.
 By the end of next month, I will have been learning French for 2 years.
 By 2025 I will have been living in London for sixteen years.
 I won’t have been travelling to New York for 2 years by the end of October.
 We will have been living in this house for 10 years by next month.

future perfect continuous tense 

K ey words  By the end of this week
 By the end of this month
 By the end of this year
 By the end of next week
 For

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1. The teachers _____ for a month by the time the deal is made.
a) will strike b) will have been striking
c) will be striking d) strikes
2. By next month we _____ in this city for ten years.
a) will be living b) will live
c) will have been living d) have lived
3. By the end of next month, I ______ here for 10 years.
a) will have been working b) will work
c) will have worked d) have worked
4. Next month, I ________ French for a year.
a) will have been learning b) will have learning
c) will have be learning d) will be learning
5. Tomorrow at 5 pm, I _____ to Italy for 2 hours.
a) will have flying b) will been flying
c) will be flying d) will have been flying
6. Rahul _____ our classes for two years by 2025.
a) will have been attending b) will have attended
c) will be attending d) will have learned
7. I _______ for 20 years by the end of next July.
a) will teach b) will have taught
c) will have been teaching d) have taught
8. By midnight, we _____ this computer game for 48 hours.
a) will have been playing b) will have played
c) will be playing d) have played
9. He _______ for 2 hours.
a) will play b) have played
c) played d) will have been playing
10. By tonight, I ______ since morning.
a) studies b) will have been studying
c) will study d) have studied

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. b

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1. Children _______ sweets.

a) likes b) like c) are liking d) liked
2. Don’t disturb him. He _______ his homework.
a) is doing b) has done c) was doing d) will do
3. Don’t disturb me, I _______ my homework.
a) have done b) am doing c) was doing d) will do
4. He _______ the work before he reached the garage.
a) finished b) had finished c) will finish d) finishes
5. He _______ just now.
a) is gone b) has gone c) had gone d) was gone
6. Listen! somebody _______ you.
a) calls b) is calling c) has called d) was called
7. Rahul usually _______ up at 6’o clock in the morning.
a) get b) got c) gets d) getting
8. Ravi usually _______ at the back of the class.
a) sit b) sits c) is sitting d) sat
9. She _______ the novel since 9’o clock.
a) has been reading b) reads
c) read d) is reading
10. She _______ a big bungalow.
a) have b) has c) having d) had
11. She _______ the film recently.
a) saw b) has seen c) was seen d) had seen
12. She _______ a letter at present.
a) writes b) is writing c) was writing d) has written
13. She _______ from fever for a week.
a) has been suffering b) suffered
c) was suffering d) is suffering
14. She _______ to college yesterday.
a) goes b) went c) going d) gone
15. She usually _______ in the front row.

A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 39


a) sits b) sit c) sat d) sitting

16. Srikanth _______ a book now.
a) is reading b) read c) reads d) was reading
17. Sunil _______ a letter to me last week.
a) write b) wrote c) written d) writes
18. The boy met with an accident while he _______ to the college.
a) go b) goes c) was going d) went
19. The boy _______ the novel since 8’0 clock.
a) was reading b) has been reading c) read d) reads
20. The earth _______ around the sun.
a) move b) moves c) moving d) moved
21. The girl fell asleep while she _______ T.V.
a) was watching b) watched c) watching d) has watched
22. The maid broke the cup while she _______ it.
a) washed b) washing c) was washing d) has washed
23. The president of the novel _______ our culture.
a) reflect b) reflects c) reflected d) is reflect
24. The train _______ the platform an hour ago.
a) left b) leave c) leaves d) will leave
25. The train _______ the station, before I reached there.
a) had left b) has left c) was left d) left
26. The World War II _______ in 1945.
a) ends b) end c) ending d) ended
27. They _______ the old bridge now.
a) repairing b) repaired c) have repairing d) are repairing
28. He _______ for a long time.
a) was waited b) has been waiting c) had been waiting d) will have waiting
29. They _______ here for a decade.
a) had lived b) have been living c) have lived d) are living
30. The train _______ before he reached the station.
a) had left b) has left c) did leave d) left
31. I _______ the telephone bill yesterday.
a) paid b) have paid c) have not paid d) pay
32. I _______ my homework when Mohan came to see me.

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a) did b) have done c) was doing d) do
33. When I entered the room, he _______ television.
a) was watching b) had watched c) has been watched d) was watched.
34. We _______ to Hyderabad next Monday.
a) will have go b) would do c) shall go d) would be going
35. My son _______ his homework yet.
a) finished b) has not finished c) have to finish d) has been finishing
36. The project _______ by next February.
a) will complete b) will have complete
c) will have been completed d) will be completing
37. I generally _______ traffic rules.
a) follow b) am following c) has followed d) shall followed
38. Birds _______ every year.
a) has migrate b) migrate c) had migrate d) are migrate
39. The sun _______ in the West.
a) has set b) had set c) is setting d) sets
40. He _______ the letter yesterday.
a) has been writing b) wrote c) has written d) has write
41. She _______ out five minutes ago.
a) has been gone b) wrote c) Went d) has gone
42. He _______ here for the last five years.
a) worked b) is working c) has been working d) has been worked
43. He thanked me for what I _______ .
a) have done b) had done c) have been done d) had been done
44. Again, they _______ with one another now.
a) quarrels b) are quarrelling c) were quarrelling d) had been quarrelling
45. At 4 pm yesterday, she _______ the plants.
a) waters b) is watering c) was watering d) will waters
46. Every Sunday, he _______ to temple.
a) goes b) went c) go d) has gone.
47. He _______ his work just now.
a) has completed b) completes c) complete d) completed
A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 41
48. We _______ since 8 o’ clock.
a) are sleeping b) were sleeping c) have been sleeping d) had been sleeping
49. Sita _______ the letter before he arrived.
a) wrote b) writes c) had written d) will write
50. It _______ since 8 o’ clock.
a) is raining b) rains c) has been raining d) had been raining
51. The thief _______ before I opened the door.
a) escaped b) escapes c) has escaped d) had escaped
52. I _______ a student now.
a) am b) was c) is d) have been
53. She _______ her education by 2020.
a) completes b) completed c) will complete d) will have completed
54. By the time we reached, the train _______.
a) left b) leaves c) had left d) has left
55. Next week I _______ the novel.
a) shall complete b) completes c) have completed d) had completed
56. I _______ the job last year.
a) leaves b) leave c) left d) would leave
57. A moment ago, I _______ the news.
a) hear b) heard c) hears d) will hear
58. We _______ our breakfast half an hour ago.
a) finish b) finished c) will finish d) can finished
59. India _______ Independence in 1947.
a) won b) wins c) will win d) has won.
60. Listen! Somebody _______ the door.
a) knocked b) knocks c) is knocking d) was knocking
61. He _______ the telephone number in his pocket.
a) has b) had c) has been d) had been
62. We _______ in Mumbai for three months.
a) are staying b) were staying c) have been staying d) had been staying
63. It is time you _______ doing things.
a) begin b) began c) begins d) will begin
A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 42

64. See! how the parrot _______ in the sky.

a) flies b) is flying c) are flying d) has been flying
65. This paper _______ twice weekly.
a) appear b) appears c) appeared d) will appear
66. By next June, I _______ my B.Ed training.
a) shall have completed b) would have completed
c) have completed d) will complete
67. When I saw Sarala, She _______ the plants.
a) watered b) had been watering
c) was watering d) has been watering
68. The workers _______ on strike since March.
a) are b) were c) have been d) had been
69. He _______ regularly.
a) do not come b) does not come c) did not come d) has not come
70. He _______ by this time next Sunday.
a) comes b) will come c) will have come d) would have come
71. Don’t disturb me, I _______ for the exam.
a) am reading b) was reading c) have been reading d) had been reading
72. By next March, my father _______ sixty years.
a) completes b) completed c) will complete d) will have completed
73. I _______ the novel for ten days now.
a) am writing b) was writing c) have been writing d) had been writing
74. Water _______ at 100°C.
a) boil b) boils c) boiled d) will boil
75. It _______ when I met him.
a) rain b) was raining c) rained d) will rain
76. The lawyer _______ when the court rose.
a) argued b) is arguing c) was arguing d) has been arguing
77. I _______ him last week.
a) meet b) met c) meets d) will meet

A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 43

78. I _______ for the bus for two hours.
a) am waiting b) was waiting c) have been waiting d) had been waiting
79. When I first met him, he _______ painting.
a) was studying b) is studying c) has been studying d) have been studying
80. I _______ him only one letter up to now.
a) send b) sent c) have sent d) had sent
81. I _______ since yesterday.
a) do not eat b) did not eat c) have not eaten d) had not eat.
82. Calcutta _______ the capital of India.
a) is b) was c) has been d) had been
83. I _______ born in 1970.
a) am b) was c) have been d) had been
84. He had a bad fall while he _______ his roof.
a) is repairing b) repaired c) repairs d) was repairing
85. Look! he _______ now.
a) is talking b) was talking c) has been talking d) had been talking
86. The dog _______ her on the ankle while she was catching it.
a) bite b) bit c) has bitten d) had bitten
87. I _______ in the concert tomorrow.
a) sing b) sang c) sings d) will sing
88. It _______ hot last month.
a) is b) was c) has been d) had been
89. Their syllabus _______ by the end of March.
a) will complete b) completed
c) will have been completed d) would complete
90. He_______ at this time tomorrow.
a) is sleeping b) was sleeping c) will be sleeping d) would be sleeping
91. I _______ since last Sunday.
a) do not meet b) did not meet c) have not met d) had not met
92. They _______ a new house by next November.
a) will build b) will have built c) would built d) would have built

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93. She _______ some fish at this moment.
a) is frying b) was frying c) are frying d) has been frying
94. They _______ since this morning.
a) are quarrelling b) were quarrelling
c) have been quarrelling d) had been quarrelling
95. By the time he gets back I _______ home work.
a) will do b) will be doing c) will have done d) would have done
96. Tomorrow at ten o’ clock I _______ the exam.
a) will write b) would write c) will be writing d) would be writing
97. She _______ three songs so far.
a) sing b) sang c) sings d) has sung
98. She _______ her finger while she was sharpening her pencil.
a) cut b) cuts c) was cutting d) has been cutting
99. He knocked the door while I _______.
a) sleep b) was sleeping c) has been sleeping d) had been sleeping
100. It is time you _______ doing things.
a) begin b) began c) begun d) begins

A.N.REDDY IAS ACADEMY 82972 11199 45


1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. b

11. b 12. b 13. a 14. b 15. a 16. a 17. b 18. c 19. b 20. b

21. a 22. c 23. b 24. a 25. a 26. d 27. d 28. b 29. b 30. a

31. a 32. c 33. a 34. c 35. b 36. c 37. a 38. b 39. d 40. b

41. b 42. c 43. b 44. b 45. c 46. a 47. a 48. c 49. c 50. c

51. d 52. a 53. d 54. c 55. a 56. c 57. b 58. b 59. a 60. c

61. a 62. c 63. b 64. b 65. b 66. a 67. c 68. c 69. b 70. c

71. a 72. d 73. c 74. b 75. b 76. c 77. b 78. c 79. a 80. c

81. c 82. b 83. b 84. d 85. a 86. b 87. d 88. b 89. c 90. c

91. c 92. b 93. a 94. c 95. c 96. c 97. d 98. a 99. b 100. b

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