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Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Sample Paper 1.

SECTION - A 20 Marks
1. Read the passage given below. 10 m to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this
with the lights on in your room, you know
(1) Have you ever failed at something so
well he succeeded. When asked why he kept
miserably that the thought of attempting to
going despite his hundreds of failures, he
do it again was the last thing you wanted to
merely stated that what he had were not
failures. They were hundreds of ways not to
(2) If your answer is yes, then you are ‘‘not a create a light bulb. This statement not only
robot.” Unlike robots, we human beings revealed his grit but also his optimism for
have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We looking at the bright side.
are all meant to grow and stretch despite
(4) Grit can be learned to help become more
our circumstances and our limitations.
successful. One of the techniques that helps
Flourishing and trying to make our dreams
is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that
come true when you fail despite all of your
helps the individual stay in the moment by
hard work? Do you stay down and accept bringing awareness of his/her experience
the defeat or do you get up again and without judgment. With this practice of
again until you are satisfied? If you have a mindfulness, individuals have the ability to
tendency to persevere and keep going then stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of
you have what experts call, grit. hopelessness, despair and frustration.
(3) Falling down or failing is one of the most (5) What did you do to overcome the negative
agonising, embarrassing, and scariest and self sabotaging feelings of failure?
human experiences. But, it is also one of Reflect on what you did, and try to use those
the most educational, empowering, and same powerful resources to help you today.
essential parts of living a successful and
Based on your understanding of the passage,
fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance
answer the given questions:
is one of the seven qualities that have been
described as the keys to personal success (A) Which of the following statements best
and betterment in society? The other six are: describes the author's attitude towards
curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control grit?
social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison (a) Believes grit can be learned.
is a model for grit for trying 1000 plus times (b) Feels failure as the end of everything.

Sample Paper 2 1

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(c) Recognizes grit as a quality needed for (G) Choose the option that makes the correct
self sabotaging. use of ‘model’, as used in the passage to
(d) Finds grit to be frustrating. 1 fill in the blank space.
(a) They allowed me to ............... it on stage.
(B) What is the tone of the writer in the given
lines from paragraph (3)? Rationalise your (b) Jane Austen was regarded as the
response in about 40 words. ............... of grit in fiction.
(c) The first woman up was not certainly a
If you are reading this with the lights on in ...............
your room, you know well he succeeded. 2 (d) The business ............... must work
(C) The author's use of example of Thomas because of its novelty. 1
Edison in paragraph (3) greatly affects the
(H) Which of the following quotes best suits
reader because ............................ . 1 the passage?
(D) The passage includes some words that are (a) The only guarantee for failure is to stop
opposites of each other. From the sets (a)-(e) trying.
below, identify two sets of antonyms: (b) If you look for perfection, you'll never
(a) stay down - get up be content.
(b) failed - succeeded (c) Work hard in silence, let your success
(c) successful - failure be your noise.
(d) despair - optimism (d) hard work, have fun, make history. 1
(e) feelings - emotions 1 2. Read the passage given below. 10 m
(E) Complete the given analogy correctly India’s SDG Scores
with a word from the passage.
India has crossed the halfway mark in achieving
Despair : Disdain :: …………. : Positivity 1 the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs)
(F) Based on the reading of the passage, adopted in 2015 and to be achieved by 2030,
according to the SDG India Index released on
examine, in about 40 words, how grit can
Friday by think tank NITI Aayog and the UN.
be learned by mindfulness. 2 Here are the 10 best-performing states and
Union territories according to the index.
India 57











(1) Himachal Pradesh. Kerala and Tamil Nadu (2) According to the SDG India Index, the nation
have emceed as the front runners in the as a whole has a score of 57, showing the
race to achieve key sustainable development country has reached a little beyond the
goals (SDG) like removal of poverty halfway mark in meeting the sustainable
inequality, while Assam, Bihar and Uttar development goals adopted by India and
Pradesh are the laggards in ranking of states. 192 other nations in 2015. The index covers

2 English Language and Literature Class X

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13 of the 17 sustainable development goals, (C) Complete the given analogy correctly
including healthcare, gender equality, clean with a word from the passage.
energy, infrastructure, education, peace and emcee : master :: …………. : laggard 1
building strong, accountable institutions.
(D) Infer two reasons for Chandigarh to
(3) Goals, including climate action and achieve a good score in index. 2
sustainable use of marine resources, were
left out because of lack of data at the (E) What do 100 points mean as per SDG
state level. Kerala’s overall top rank (69)
is attributed to its strong performance in (a) It means the index has covered 13
providing good health, reducing hunger, goals including healthcare, gender
equality clean energy, infrastructure,
achieving gender equality and providing
education, peace and building strong,
quality education. The rank shows the accountable institutions.
distance each state has to cover to reach
(b) It means the point at which it fully
100 - the point at which it fully meets the meets the sustainable development
sustainable development goal. goal.
(4) Himachal Pradesh ranks high with a similar (c) It means the removal of poverty and
overall score in providing clean water equality.
and sanitation, reducing inequalities and (d) It means India has reached a little
preserving the mountain ecosystem. Tamil beyond the halfway mark to meet
Nadu has a score of 66. Among Union sustainable development goals. 1
territories, Chandigarh takes the lead with (F) Select the option that correctly displays
a score of 68 on account of its track record what ‘gender equality’ signifies. (Reference
in providing clean water and sanitation. - Paragraph 2)
Performance in providing quality education
has also helped Chandigarh achieve high
(5) Tamil Nadu topped the states in poverty
reduction, while Kerala topped in providing
quality education, closely followed by
Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh. (i) (ii)
(6) Kerala and Tamil Nadu also topped in
facilitating good health and well-being.
Gender equality, however, is an area all
states and the nation as a whole need
to improve upon. The toppers in gender
equality, Sikkim and Union territories
(iii) (iv)
.Andaman and Nicobar Islands and
Chandigarh, have crossed the hallway mark
in reaching the goals.
(7) The scores represent the current status of
achievement in meeting the goals.
Based on your understanding of the passage, (a) (iv) and (v) (b) (ii)
answer the given questions:
(c) (iii) (d) (i) 1
(A) The other remaining goals are left out
from SDG India Index because: (G) Select the option that is true for the two
statements given below.
(a) of lack of data at the state level
(1) Tamil Nadu topped the states in
(b) they have already crossed halfway poverty reduction.
mark in reaching the goals. (2) Kerala topped the states in providing
(c) countries have not taken care of the amenities.
remaining goals (a) (1) is the result of (2).
(d) those goals have not yet been officially (b) (1) is true and (2) is false.
accepted by the countries 1 (c) (1) is independent of (2).
(B) Justify the following, in about 40 words. (d) (1) contradicts (2). 1
While the index results suggest the given (H) Based on the results, which SDG needs to
states and UT as front runners, further be improved even in top ranking states and
data at the state level is necessary to state one reason how it can be improved.
know the overall top rank. 2 1

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GRAMMAR 10 Marks
3. Attempt ANY TEN of the given questions. Paper was first made by the Egyptians for
the plant named ‘papyrus’
(A) Choose the correct option to fill in the
blank to complete the note about the Use the given format for your response.
Wangala Festival of Meghalaya.
Error Correction
The Wangala is an important festival
for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam
and Nagaland. It is a post-harvest
festival...............(celebrate) to mark the end 1
of the agricultural year. It is popularly (G) Select the option that identifies the error
known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. 1 and supplies the correction for the closing
line, from an analytical report.
(B) Read the given sentence from a
description. Identify the error and supply Hence, considering the well-being to
the correction in the sentence. the students, the tour proposal for the
educational trip;, should be rejected.
The students are fighting for the flowers
or fruits that they plucked. Use the given Option No. Error Correction
format for your response.
(a) considering consider
Error Correction
(b) to of
(c) for of
(d) rejected reject
(C) Raj complained to his maid about her
behaviour. Report Raj's question.
Why are you so lazy today? 1 (H) Complete the given narrative, by filling
the blank with correct option. Conversely,
(D) Read the dialogue between Rohit and his some pieces resonate with the reader's
friend, Shruti, regarding their surprised soul, ......................... feelings of warmth,
meet. happiness and connection to the world.
Rohit : I am surprised to see you in Delhi.
(a) stir (b) will stir
When did you come?
Shruti : I came here yesterday. I have (c) stirring (d) stirred 1
been offered a job here. (I) Report the dialogue between two friends,
Select the correct option to complete the by completing the sentence:
reporting of the above dialogue. Alia : Why did you choose to
Rohit told Shruti that ................. . Shruti participate in this internship
replied that she had come there the programme.
previous day and added that been offered Shivani : Ah! I am convinced this
a job. programme has the potential to
(a) he was surprised to see her in Delhi enhance my abilities.
and asked when she had come. Alia asked Shivani why she had chosen to
(b) I am surprised to see you in Delhi and participate in that internship programme.
when did you come. Shivani sighed and exclaimed that
(c) he was surprised to see Shruti in Delhi ..................... . 1
and told when she had come. (J) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct
(d) I was surprised to see you in Delhi and option to complete the notice at a poolside.
The swimming pool opens at 9 o'clock and
when did she come. 1
........................ at 6:30 p.m. everyday.
(E) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct (a) closes (b) will close
option, to complete the concluding line of
an issued circular by an Organisation, to (c) had been closed (d) has closed 1
its Managers. (K) Complete the line from a poem, by filling
Please follow up with ........................ (the the blank with the correct option.
/ that / this) fianance team at your Pretty woman wonder where my secret
convenience. 1 lies.
(F) Identify the error and supply the correction I'm not cute or ........................ to suit a
for the given sentence from an article. fashion model's size,

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But when I start to tell them, A holistic approach in higher education
They think I'm telling lies. based of knowledge, skill and value is
required for our nation to become a global
(a) built (b) build
talent leader.
(c) builds (d) had built 1
Error Correction
(L) Identify the error and supply correction
for the following article in World Economic
4. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 OR
Write a letter in 100-120 words to M/s Riddhi
You are the manager of Hotel Green View,
Chennai. You had ordered 50 kilograms of Publishing House, Rewari, complaining that
cheese for the hotel. You are not happy with the the books sent by them were not the ones
quality of the cheese that was sent. In about you had ordered and ask for a replacement.
100-120 words, write a letter to the manager
of Amaltas Dairy, Chennai complaining about You are Shalini Arora/Samar Arora, of Kamla
the poor quality of the product. Nagar, New Delhi. 5

5. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.

With the help of the given flowchart, write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words on ‘Rising Prices’.

You may begin like this: Write a paragraph in 120 words on your
Life of a poor man .................. interpretation of the data and what steps
You may end like this: must be taken to help change India’s
economic growth and make it a developed
There needs to be .......................
OR country.

World Economic Forum carried out a Use of Talent in India

survey to identify the cause for the poor
economic growth of our country. 1.4% enrolment rate in vocation training
Read the following excerpt taken from an 8.7% gap in mean years of schooling
article published by them online: between rich and poor
“A holistic approach in higher education
based on knowledge, skill and value is 3.3% share of GDP invested in education
required for our nation to become a global 36% female labour force participation
talent leader.”

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You may begin like this: You may end like this:
The world Economic Forum conducted a It is time that ....................... 5
survey ..................

6. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given: (a) F - (1), (2), (3) and O - (4)
The following Sunday Lencho came a bit (b) F - (1), (3), (4) and O - (2)
earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter (c) F - (1), (2) and O - (3), (4)
for him. It was the postman himself who
handed the letter to him while the postmaster, (d) F - (1), (2) and O - (1), (3) 1
experiencing the contentment of a man who (D) Which phrase would correctly substitute
has performed a good deed, looked on from his ‘contentment’, in the given sentence from
office. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise the extract.
on seeing the money; such was his confidence
— but he became angry when he counted the While the postmaster experiencing the
money. God could not have made a mistake, contentment of a man who has performed
nor could he have denied Lencho what he had a good deed, looked on from his office. 1
requested. Immediately, Lencho went up to the OR
window to ask for paper and ink. On the public
writing-table, he started to write, with much When the train had gone, I found myself
wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he standing alone on the deserted platform. I
had to make to express his ideas. had no idea where to spend the night. I had
(A) State one inference about the postmaster no friends, believing that friends were more
from the given context: ‘The postmaster trouble than help. And I did not want to make
experiencing the contentment of a man anyone curious by staying at one of the small
who has performed a good deed, looked hotels near the station. The only person I
on from his office. 1 knew really well was the man I had robbed.
Leaving the station, I walked slowly through
(B) Lencho had immense faith in God. the bazaar. In my short career as a thief, I had
Elaborate in about 40 words, with made a study of men’s faces when they had
reference to the extract. 2 lost their goods. The greedy man showed fear;
(C) Pick the option that correctly classifies the rich man showed anger; the poor man
fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the showed acceptance. But I knew that Anil’s face,
statements below: when he discovered the theft, would show
(1) Lencho firmly believed that God would only a touch of sadness. Not for the loss of
help him. money, but for the loss of trust. I found myself
(2) Lencho was not a wise farmer. in the maidan and sat down on a bench. The
(3) Lencho wrote a letter to God, night was chilly — it was early November —
requesting him to send him seventy and a light drizzle added to my discomfort.
peso. Soon it was raining quite heavily. My shirt and
pyjamas stuck to my skin, and a cold wind
(4) Post master was a mature and kind
hearted person as he could understand blew the rain across my face.
the problems of Lencho. (A) Choose the incorrect option that does not
align with the thoughts of the writer.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

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(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) (A) Complete the analogy by slecting the
suitable word from the text:
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4) 1
happiness : joy : : caged : ...................... 1
(B) Why is it fair to say that speaker's tone,
when he says “Not for the loss of money, (B) What is the poetic device used in the given
but for the loss of trust”, is guilt? Answer lines? 1
in about 40 words. 2 (C) What is the significance of the use of
(C) Complete the analogy by selecting the words “behind bars” to describe the
the suitable word from the text: situation of the tiger in the poem and how
excess : dearth : : denial : ...................... 1 does the words choice contribute to the
overall message of the poem? Answer in
(D) The extract uses the phrase “but for the
loss of trust”. Which of the following
about 40 words. 2
expressions is incorrect with respect to (D) “Ignoring visitors”, what does the poet
“Loss” of: mean by this? 1
8. Answer ANY FOUR questions in 40-50 words
each. 4 × 3 = 12
(A) Validate the given statement with
reference to baby seagull's fear. “Fear
doesn't exist anywhere else other than
one's mind.” 3
(B) Comment on the tone of Kisa Gotami
when she said, “Pray tell me, sir; who is

1 it?”. 3
(C) Justify the poet’s allusion to Rapunzel in
7. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given.
the poem ‘Amanda’. 3
But if it had to perish twice (D) Prince Siddhartha left the luxury of his
I think I know enough of hate
palace and became a beggar. Justify. 3
To say that for destruction ice (E) Give one reason why ‘The Tale of Custard
.Is also great and would suffiice the Dragon' is more a fable than a ballad.
(A) What is the synonym for the word ‘perish’ 3
in the given line “But if it had to perish
twice.” 9. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words
(a) decay (b) die each. 2×3=6
(A) Griffin's brilliance as a man of science
(c) cold (d) putrid 1
fades before his darker traits. Comment. 3
(B) What is the rhyme scheme of the given
(B) Dr. Herriot knew his patients as well as
stanza? 1
their owners neally well. Discuss. 3
(C) Which of the following best describes the
speaker's attitude towards destruction (C) State one likely reason the writer of The
caused by ice? Midnight Visitor chose to characterise
(a) Respectful (b) Fearful Ausable as short and fat. 3
(c) Indifferent (d) Dismissive 1 10. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120
(D) What causes of destruction does the poet words.
cite? Not every air hostess is as kind as the one the
(i) ................................... author met. In the light of this statement,
develop a conversation between Maxwell and
(ii) ................................... 2
another air hostess.
OR You may begin as:
But he’s locked in a concrete cell, Air hostess : Oh no. I can’t allow you to keep
His strength behind bars, the pet open.
Stalking the length of his cage, Maxwell : Please help me. This is my first
Ignoring visitors. time………………….

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OR You may begin this way:
Read the extracts given below and comment One acknowledges that both the stories
on the difference in the nature of help both .... 6
the characters, of these two stories, received.
(A) Suddenly I came out of the clouds and 11. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120
saw two straight lines of lights in front
of me. It was a runway! An airport! I was words.
safe! I turned to look for my friend in the
“A good education can change anyone. A good
black aeroplane but the sky was empty.
[The Black Aeroplane] teacher can change everything.” Discuss this
with reference to Bholi.
(B) All through the night Lencho thought
only of his one hope: the help of God… OR
The following Sunday, at daybreak he
Imagine that M. Loisel from The Necklace
began to write a letter…It was nothing
less than a letter to God...The following by Guy de Maupassant writes a diary entry,
Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than exploring the theme of class and social status,
usual to ask if there was a letter for him…. and the nature of social mobility, in the context
Lencho showed not the slightest surprise of his own experience.
on seeing the money, such was his
Write this diary entry as M. Loisel, in about
[A Letter to God]
120 words. 6

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1. (A) (a) Believes grit can be learned. 2. (A) (a) of lack of data at the state level
(B) The tone of the author is motivating and (B) Goals, including climate action and
optimistic. The author wants to motivate sustainable use of marine resources were
the readers to never give up and always
left out because of lack of data at the state
strive to do their best as one day they will
succeed. By giving example of Thomas level. The points achieved by the states
Edison, the author shows the bright side of a in these goals may or may not alter the
situation. overall rank of the states. Thus, complete
(C) it motivates them and makes them data is necessary to check the rank for all
optimistic towards an unfavorable situation. the SDGs.
(D) (a) stay down - get up (C) lagger
(d) despair - optimism (D) Chandigarh scored 68 points in the index
(E) optimism and is among the toppers in the list. Clean
(F) Mindfulness is a practice that helps water, proper sanitation, quality education
the individual stay in the moment by are the reasons due to which Chandigarh
bringing awareness of his/her experience achieved high score in the SDG India Index.
without judgement. With this practice of (E) (b) It means the point at which it fully meets
mindfulness, individuals have the ability to
the sustainable development goal.
stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of
hopelessness, despair and frustration. (F) (d) (i)
(G) (b) Jane Austen was regarded as the model (G) (b) (1) is true and (2) is false.
of grit in fiction Explanation: It is clearly given in paragraph
Explanation: The term ‘model’ is used as an 5 of the passage that Tamil Nadu topped
‘example’ in the passage. Hence, (b) is the the states in poverty reduction while Kerala
right answer.
topped the states in providing quality
(H) (a) The only guarantee for failure is to stop education. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
(H) Gender equality is the SDG in which all
Explanation: The passage talks about grit
as a way of success. Perseverance and not states and the nation needs to improve
giving up lead to success. and it can be improved by banning and
criminalising female foeticide.

3. (A) celebrated (F)
Error Correction
Error Correction for from
are were Explanation: When we describe the
amount of a language spoken by a person,
(C) Raj asked his maid why she was lazy that
day. (G)
Option no. Error Correction
(D) (a) He was surprised to see her in Delhi (b) to of
and asked when she had come.
(E) the (H) (c) stirring

Sample Paper 2 9

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(I) she was convinced that programme had the (K) (a) built
potential to enhance her abilities. (L)
Error Correction
(J) (a) closes of on


Hotel Green View Subject: Replacement of books
Chennai Dear sir/madam
26 May 20XX On 20th February, 2020, I bought a book set
The Manager (Order no. 00036) to be delivered to Kamala
Amaltas Dairy
To my disappointment, I received the wrong
set of books. I am extremely worried as the
Subject: Complaint regarding poor quality books are needed urgently.
I hope you resolve the problem at the earliest.
Dear sir/madam I would appreciate it if you deliver the correct
This is with reference to our order of 50 set and take the wrong set back. Please let
kilograms of cheese placed with your dairy me know as soon as possible, the action
and unfortunately, we are not happy with the you propose for my redressal. I am sure my
quality. problem can be addressed within 10 days of
We had clearly stated that the cheese should this letter.
be fresh. We also wanted different kinds of I look forward to a prompt action from your
cheese packed and labelled separately. Upon
opening the consignment, there were no labels
and to our shock, two packets of cheddar Enclosed are the relevant documents: copies of
cheese had fungus. the transaction document and the receipt.
Most of the packets were received open and Yours sincerely
the cheese was giving off pungent odour. We
pride ourselves in serving the best quality Shalini / Samar Arora
delicacies and the cheese sent by you did not
meet the basic standard. 5.
Rising Prices - Out of Reach
We wish to return it. Kindly send a fresh Life of a poor man is never easy but the past
consignment within next ten days. If we are few years have been even more difficult. The
not satisfied again, we will have to return the prices of staple food items have been rising
consignment and cancel the order. Moreover
steeply. The table shows a comparative study
we will be forced to rethink continuing business
with you. We hope the fresh consignment will of prices over three years.
be as per our specifications. The rising prices mean that most of the food
Yours truly is beyond the common man’s reach. Since the
table shows wholesale prices, their market
rate must be more than double. When basic
Manager necessities cost so much, how is the common
Hotel Green View man supposed to feed his family? When
parents cannot feed their children, they are
malnourished and their growth is adversely
394, Main Road affected.
Kamala Nagar In a country where rice, dal and chapati are
New Delhi staple foods, the skyrocketing prices mean that
the poor cannot afford even one square meal.
1st March 20XX
The Manager, There needs to be a system where the
prices are regulated and those who sell
M/s Ridhi Publishing House, them at inflated prices should be dealt with
Rewari severely.

10 English Language and Literature Class X

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OR the education between the rich and the poor
is also a deterrent in cultivating talent which
India - The Reason of Lagging Behind
can be used to boost the economy. With only
The World Economic Forum conducted a 3.3% of the share of GDP being invested in
survey to analyse the reasons behind India education, India also does not invest enough
being a developing nation. The results reveal its in developing means to harness talent. Gender
reason and also of the inability to tap available bias too comes into play with only 36% of the
talent. female participation in the labour force.

The leading cause could be the very low It is time that the education policy is refined
enrolment rate i.e., 1.4% of the students in and reforms are introduced to ensure that
vocational courses, possibly due to dismal talent is identified and honed to elevate India’s
interest in this area. The burgeoning gap in position as a developed country.

6. (A) The postmaster acted as the messenger he knew and who trusted him. Anil was
of God by helping Lencho and was proud a kind man who would not get angry of
of his deed. He was a good and kind being robbed of money but would get sad
human who found happiness in helping a for the loss of trust by Hari. This realisation
man who asked for 100 pesos from God. made Hari guilty.
(B) Lencho was a simple and hardworking (C) acceptance
farmer who had immense faith in God.
(D) (d) Intelligence
When his harvest was destroyed by the
hailstorm, he did not lose hope instead he Explanation: We loose happiness (a),
had faith in God that he would not let his money (b), funds (c) but we never at a
family and him die of hunger. So, he wrote loss of intelligence (d). So this is the right
a letter to God asking for 100 pesos and answer.
he was very sure of receiving that amount 7. (A) (b) die
from God.
Explanation: Perish here doesn’t mean
(C) (b) F - (1), (3), (4) and O - (2) decay (a) as it refers to the world and its
Explanation: From the reading of the people. It also doesn’t mean putrid (d)
story we get to know that Lencho had a as it refers to the decay of something
firm belief in God and that he had written unpleasant. It also doesn’t refer to cold (c).
a letter to God requesting him money. We The word perish here does refer to (b) die as
also know that the postmaster collected the poet is writing about the reasons how
money for Lencho and gave it to him the earth may end and all people will die.
pretending as if God had sent the money. (B) a b a b a
So 1, 3 & 4 are proven facts. Only 2 can be (C) (a) respectful
considered as an opinion about Lencho as
we do not have any evidence for it in the Explanation: The speaker acknowledges
the destructive power of ice in the lines “To
story. Hence the answer here is (b).
say that for destruction ice is also great”.
(D) Satisfaction The use of the word “great” implies a sense
Explanation: Satisfaction is a synonym for of awe or respect for the power of ice to
contentment. Hence, it can be used. cause destruction.
OR (D) (i) desire; (ii) hate
(A) (c) Option (3) Explanation: The poet has compared fire to
Explanation: Option (1) shows a greedy our desires and says it can be the primary
person, which the author was, as he robbed reason for the end of the world. And second
reason can be hate, which he compares
his friend. He had enough money to live
with ice.
like a rich person (b). As he had robbed his
friend, so he was a thief (d). He wasn’t poor OR
now. So (c) is the correct answer. (A) locked
(B) The speaker Hari is guilty of robbing Anil. (B) The poet had made use of alliteration by
Anil was the only person in the city whom using words like concrete cell together.

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(C) The words “behind bars” used to describe that has narrative of animals and gives the
the situation of the tiger in a cage. The message that everyone has unique talents
word “behind bars” evokes a feeling that and abilities and should be encouraged to
captivity is the worst kind of punishment pursue their passions and strengths at their
given to animals living in their natural pace. Hence, it fits better as a fable rather
habitat and environment. This contributes than a ballad.
to the overall message of the poem that
freedom is necessary and wild animals
9. (A) Griffin was a brilliant scientist who made
a drug to become invisible. He was also
should remain in their natural habitat and
a lawless person, his landlord disliked
not caged in zoos and cell or behind bars.
him and tried to eject him in revenge
(D) By this, the poet means that it doesn’t Griffin burnt his house. He also robbed a
matter to the tiger who his visitors are and shopkeeper and attacked him to escape
what they are doing or saying to him. without being seen. He was quick tempered
Explanation: The tiger is captivated and too and misbehaved with people. These
he feels helpless. He just strolls in his cage, negative traits of him eclipsed his brilliance.
thinking about his freedom and the days (B) Dr. Herriot was a wise man who knew his
he spent in the jungle. The tiger thinks patients and their owners well. He knew
only about his freedom and hence he sees Tricki, his patient, and could understand his
nothing except the vast blue sky above him. problems just by observing him. Just by
8. (A) The baby seagull was too scared to even seeing him in the market, he understood
try his first flight. He was scared that his that Tricki needs help. Dr. Herriot also
wings would not support his body weight understood Mrs. Pumphrey, the owner
during flying and he might fall. Although, of Tricki. Although he know that she was
he saw his family flying, the fear of falling responsible for the miserable condition of
down gripped his mind. The fear in his mind the Tricki, he never spoke any harsh words
overpowered so much that any assurance to her but advised her on the seriously
or example could not convince him for his obese dog.
first flight. (C) Ausable was characterised as short and fat
(B) Kisa Gotami was in great shock and disbelief as the writer wanted to draw the attention
that her only son was dead. She was not towards his wits and emphasize his mental
ready to admit the fact of his death. She ability to handle any grave situation. Being
goes to different people desperately asking short and fat he was able to fool the agile
for medicine for her son. When a man tells and smart Max by planting a story of a
her that he knows a physician who can help non-existent balcony. He didn't require an
her, she feels hopeful and asks who it is. attractive physique to do this. Perhaps, the
(C) The poet in the poem ‘Amanda’, uses writer wanted to give a strong message
allusion to depict that Amanda knows that that brain power is far more effective than
as Rapunzel let her hair down, she was freed any other power.
from the confines of the castle. However,
10. Air hostess: Oh no. I can’t allow you to keep the
Amanda wishes to live alone without any
pet open.
disturbance so unlike Rapunzel, she doesn’t
want to escape. Maxwell: Please help me. This is my first
time carrying an otter as a pet in
(D) Once Prince Siddhartha was on out in the the flight.
forest hunting. There he chanced upon a sick Air hostess: Sorry sir. I can’t help you in this.
man, a weak old-aged man and a funeral You are not allowed to keep an
of a person. Later, he saw a monk begging animal in the flight, except packed
for alms. Those sufferings of the common inside a box.
man made him realise that the world is full
Maxwell: Try to understand miss. I promise it
of sorrow and disdain. Hence, he left the
won’t create any mess here.
palace in the search of enlightenment and
freedom from the worldly pleasure. Air hostess: Sir please follow the flight rules.
(E) A fable is a fictitious narrative usually OR
with animals, birds, etc. as characters and (A) One acknowledges that both the stories
shares a message whereas a ballad is bring out the symbiotic relation between
narrative verse that can be silly or heroic. man and nature and how help can come in
The Tale of Custard the Dragon is a poem mysterious ways.

12 English Language and Literature Class X

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When the narrator’s plane is caught in speak properly. She gradually got rid of her
the storm and he is unable to see in the stammering. She strives really hard to overcome
dark cloud. The black airplane appears her inferiority complex and weaknesses. She
miraculously to guide him to safety. The transformed Bholi into a confident girl, who
pilot guides him and helps him land safely. could read, write and speak properly which
The narrator finds out later that there was eventually led to her having self-respect and
no other plane. He is grateful for the help dignity and enabled her to fight the social evils.
given by the mysterious stranger. He thinks OR
that some mysterious force of nature guided

8 November 1986, 5 p.m.
him to safety and he feels indebted.
(B) Lencho a poor farmer receives help from
unexpected quarters. When the fury of The last few years have been difficult, for
nature destroys his crops and he seeks help my wife, Matilda and me. As I reflect on our
from God. The post-office employees under experience, I can't help but think about the
the guidance of the postmaster collect broader societal issues that have contributed to
money in order to help Lencho. our predicament.
While the pilot is helped in landing safely, It's clear to me now that our society is structured
Lencho is provided material help in the form in a way that makes upward mobility difficult, if
of seventy pesos. not impossible. The rich get richer, while the rest
of us struggle to make ends meet. We live in a
11. Bholi was a simple and innocent girl. She world where social status is determined by the
stammered while speaking. That's why she amount of wealth one possesses, rather than by
spoke little and was an introvert. Education one's character. This narrow view of success has
changed Bholi's personality drastically and led many people, including Matilada, to pursue
for good. After years of gaining education and material possessions at the expense of their
with the help of her teacher, Bholi turned into own happiness.
a confident girl. Boli's teacher provided her the
The loss of borrowed necklace was a painful
much needed sympathy, kindness, attention and
lesson for us. It reminded us that the pursuit of
love. She encouraged and supported Bholi. She
social status can be a trap, leading people to
had full trust in Bholi's capabilities. her faith in
sacrifice their happiness and well-being.
Bholi helped her to become confident. She asked
Bholi to put aside her fear of not being able to M. Hoisel

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