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Dear Parents,

I am about to retire. With my short span of time left with living, I am planning to
travel the world with the little savings I had when I was teaching. Before I left, I wrote you
this letter together with some things and trinkets in a box. Give it to them and teach them the
essence of those things.
First, I left you with a kite for you to remind them of freedom. They are still children,
allow them to freely do their own swift in the wind. Be the string though, steering them in the
right direction while maintaining the altitude. Be also ready to catch them if they can’t stand
the wind, hold a grip if the wind is too strong, and take an act of courage when it is time to let
Second, I gave you a pencil. Can you still remember the first time you held it? Teach
them that they are the lead inside. Though easily broken, empower them to write their own stories,
compose versions of songs, draw the brows of the Mona Lisa, design a world bridge, solve
mathematical mysteries, and compute for the teleportation equation. They can do anything in
this world. Then, be the wood that encloses the lead. Shelter them, protect them and nurture them
as they do the impossible. Be also the ferrule that holds the eraser so they may be able to correct
their own mistakes. They make a hard push to erase things that hurt them but continue to be
that metal, be steadfast.
The third was a pocket dictionary. As they search for their meaning in this world, they
need something that can give them answers, ready answers. Be in their pockets anytime. They
gave you meaning to exist, likewise, be there as they exist. When unfortunate things happen that
they cannot comprehend, let them understand. When they became silent and out of words, read
their silence and give them words. Pocket dictionaries aren’t heavy but don’t take them lightly.
Lastly, there is the cane. Slowly and steadily, their fragile bones grow. They need a cane
to support them as they thrive and go. And if their bones weaken be that cane too, support them
as they badly need you. May it be fight or in defense, a cane protects, a cane defends.
I may have been tired all these years of acting as their second parent. Now that it is time
for me to go, I have no better hands but to leave them to you. Be the parent that they need you
to be. It may take a village to educate a child, but it doesn’t take time to love one.

Miss A

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