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Activity 1: Essay Writing

Land Preparation

Land preparation is a crucial step in agriculture that significantly influences crop yield and
overall productivity. It involves a series of tasks aimed at creating a favorable environment for
plant growth, ensuring optimal nutrient availability, water retention, and effective weed control.
One fundamental aspect of land preparation is soil cultivation. Farmers employ various
techniques such as plowing, harrowing, and tilling to break up compacted soil, improve
aeration, and create a suitable seedbed. These processes not only facilitate root penetration but
also enhance water infiltration, crucial for proper root development and nutrient absorption.
Additionally, soil fertility plays a pivotal role in land preparation. Farmers often conduct soil tests
to assess nutrient levels and make informed decisions about fertilization. Proper nutrient
management is essential to provide crops with the necessary elements for growth, maximizing
yield potential. This can involve the application of organic or synthetic fertilizers based on the
specific needs of the soil and the crop.
Water management is another critical aspect of land preparation. Adequate irrigation is
essential for crop growth, and farmers employ various methods such as drip irrigation,
sprinklers, or furrow systems. Efficient water distribution ensures that crops receive consistent
moisture, promoting healthy development and reducing the risk of water-related stress.
Weed control is a constant challenge in agriculture, as weeds compete with crops for resources.
Land preparation involves methods like pre-planting herbicide application or mechanical
cultivation to suppress weed growth. Effective weed management not only prevents yield losses
but also minimizes the need for costly post-emergence weed control measures.
Furthermore, the choice of land preparation methods can be influenced by environmental
considerations. Conservation tillage practices aim to minimize soil disturbance, retaining crop
residues on the field surface. This helps prevent soil erosion, enhances water conservation, and
promotes long-term soil health.
In conclusion, land preparation is a multifaceted process crucial for successful agriculture. By
addressing soil cultivation, fertility, water management, and weed control, farmers can create
an optimal environment for crop growth. This careful and informed approach is essential for
maximizing yields, ensuring sustainability, and meeting the demands of a growing global
1. What is land preparation? What are the objectives of land preparation? Is land
Preparation necessary for growing crops?
 Land preparation is the essential process of readying soil for crop cultivation.
Its objectives include improving soil aeration, controlling weeds, creating an
optimal seedbed, enhancing nutrient availability, managing water effectively,
and preventing diseases. This crucial step is necessary for successful crop
growth, providing the groundwork for seed germination, root development,
and overall agricultural productivity.
2. Briefly describe the land preparation for annual and perennial crops.
 Land preparation for annual crops involves plowing, harrowing, and tilling,
with a focus on creating a suitable seedbed, controlling weeds, and applying
fertilizers for optimal growth. Water management is crucial, and crop
residues may be incorporated or removed. In contrast, land preparation for
perennial crops is gentler, considering the long-term needs of established
plants. It includes careful soil cultivation, planned fertilization over the plant’s
life cycle, weed control to minimize competition, and sustained water
management for prolonged productivity.
3. When is the best time for tilling the upland soil?
 The optimal time for tilling upland soil is generally in the spring before
planting season. Considerations include avoiding excessively wet or dry
conditions, incorporating residue from the previous crop, and adapting to
specific crop requirements. Local climate and expert recommendations play
crucial roles in determining the best timing for upland soil tillage.
Photos Short Description

In a picturesque rice paddy, a farmer expertly

maneuvers a tractor through the fertile soil,
meticulously preparing the land for the
upcoming rice crop. The rhythmic plowing
creates orderly furrows, symbolizing the careful
groundwork essential for a successful harvest.

Amidst the serenity of a rice paddy, a farmer

guides a carabao with precision, employing the
traditional method of land preparation. The
gentle beast plods through the muddy terrain,
dragging a leveled board, ensuring a smooth
and uniform surface for the forthcoming rice

In a rustic setting, a diligent farmer uses a hoe

to meticulously break and level the soil,
undertaking the crucial process of land
preparation. The rhythmic movements of the
hoe create a canvas of readiness, highlighting
the hands-on approach to ensure the ground is
primed for upcoming cultivation.

Activity 2: Photo Collection


Photos Short Description

In the fields, a farmer and a diligent carabao

team up for precise land preparation, ensuring
the stage is set for a flourishing corn crop.

Devoted farmers focus on meticulous land

preparation for soybeans, employing techniques
like plowing to create an optimal seedbed. Their
expertise ensures a promising foundation for a
successful soybean harvest.
Activity 3: Essay Writing and Problem Solving

Planting Material Selection and Preparation

The success of any agricultural endeavor hinges on the careful consideration of planting
material selection and preparation. These two crucial steps form the foundation upon which the
entire cultivation process rests, influencing crop yield, quality, and overall sustainability.
Selecting the right planting material is akin to choosing the seeds for a promising future.
Farmers must assess various factors such as climate, soil conditions, and local pests to
determine the most suitable crop varieties. The goal is to align the chosen planting material
with the specific ecological nuances of the region, ensuring optimal adaptation and resilience
against potential challenges.
In addition to environmental considerations, the genetic characteristics of the planting material
play a pivotal role. Traits such as disease resistance, growth rate, and yield potential must be
carefully evaluated to maximize productivity. Modern agricultural practices often involve the use
of genetically improved varieties, emphasizing the importance of scientific advancements in
shaping the selection process.
Once the ideal planting material is identified, meticulous preparation becomes paramount.
Proper handling, storage, and treatment are essential to enhance germination rates and overall
crop vigor. Farmers must adhere to recommended pre-planting procedures, which may include
seed priming, disinfection, and ensuring optimal moisture levels. These measures not only
boost seedling emergence but also contribute to the establishment of healthy, robust crops.
The adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly practices in planting material preparation is
gaining prominence. Organic methods of seed treatment and conditioning are increasingly
favored, aligning with the global shift towards environmentally conscious agriculture. This
approach not only safeguards the ecosystem but also promotes the production of crops with
minimal chemical residues, addressing concerns related to food safety and consumer health.
In conclusion, the meticulous selection and preparation of planting material are indispensable
facets of successful agriculture. As the world faces mounting challenges related to climate
change and food security, the importance of making informed choices at the outset of the
cultivation process cannot be overstated. By embracing scientific advancements, environmental
considerations, and sustainable practices, farmers can lay the groundwork for a bountiful
harvest and a resilient agricultural future.
1. What is seed testing? What are the objectives of seed testing? What are the methods in
seed testing?
 Seed testing is a vital agricultural practice that assesses seed quality before
planting, ensuring optimal crop performance. The objectives include
evaluating viability, purity, germination rate, moisture content, and seed
health. Various testing methods, such as germination tests, purity tests,
moisture content analysis, and viability testing, contribute to a
comprehensive assessment. By implementing seed testing, farmers can make
informed decisions, planting high-quality seeds for sustainable and
productive agriculture.
2. Explain why we need to use a high-quality planting material in crop production? Briefly
describe a quality planting material.
 Employing high-quality planting material in crop production is crucial for
optimizing yield, managing resources efficiently, and mitigating risks
associated with pests and diseases. A quality planting material exhibits
genetic purity, high germination rates, disease resistance, vigor, and
adaptability, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of crop
3. What are the recommended materials needed in soil media preparation for seed
sowing? What is the corresponding ratio of each materials?
 Creating an optimal soil media for seed sowing involves a balanced mix of
materials. Recommended components include peat moss or coir fiber (50-
70%), perlite or vermiculite (20-30%), compost (10-20%), and sterilized
garden soil or topsoil (10-20%). Sand (10-20%) can be added for improved
drainage. Adjust ratios based on specific seed and environmental
requirements. The aim is to provide a well-aerated, nutrient-rich medium for
successful seed germination and seedling development.
4. Define soil sterilization and give its purpose? Give the different methods in soil
 Soil sterilization is the process of reducing or eliminating microbial life in the
soil, aiming to create a clean environment for plant propagation. Its primary
purpose is to control pathogens, pests, and weed seeds. Methods include
heat sterilization through steam or solarization, chemical sterilization via
fumigation, microwave sterilization, autoclaving, and radiation sterilization.
Each method serves to create a sterile or nearly sterile soil environment,
crucial for disease prevention in agriculture and horticulture. Careful
consideration is necessary to balance the benefits of soil sterilization with its
potential environmental impact.
5. A rice seed sample was found to contain the following:
a. pure seeds- 43 grams
b. other crop seeds- 4 grams
c. weed seeds- 1 grams
d. foreign matter- 2 grams.
Determine the percentage purity of the seed sample
PURITY OF THE SEEDS = (Weight of Pure Seeds ÷ Total Weight of Sample) 100
PURITY OF THE SEEDS = ( 43 grams ÷ 50 grams ) 100
PURITY OF THE SEEDS = ( 0.86 ) 100

6. A germination test on hybrid corn seed was conducted and recorded 93 seeds germinated on
100 seed sample. Compute the % germination and give the amount of seed needed in two
hectare land based on the recommended seed requirement per ha (15kg/ha) and the resulted %
germination of seeds to be used.

Percentage Germination = ( Number of Germinated Seeds ÷ Total Number of Seeds ) 100

Percentage Germination = ( 93 ÷ 100 ) 100
Percentage Germination= 93%
Now, to determine the amount of seed needed for two hectares based on the recommended
seed requirement per hectare (15 kg/ha) and the percentage germination, use the following
Amount of seed needed =
( Recommended Seed Requirement × Land Area ÷ Percentage Germination)
Amount of seed needed = ( 15 kg/ha × 2 ha ÷ 93% )
Amount of seed needed = ( 30 kg ÷ .93 )
Amount of seed needed = 32.26 kg
Activity 5: Essay Writing, Enumeration and Problem Solving

Planting Methods
Planting methods, vital for cultivating crops and sustaining ecosystems, include traditional
approaches like direct seeding and transplanting, with the former placing seeds directly into the
soil, requiring precision, and the latter involving growing seedlings in controlled environments
before transplanting for better control over germination.
Modern techniques such as precision agriculture utilize technology like GPS and data analytics
to optimize planting, tailoring practices to specific soil conditions, enhancing efficiency, reducing
waste, and maximizing yields, while hydroponics and aeroponics, growing plants without soil
and utilizing mist for nutrient delivery, conserve water, space, and allow for year-round
Conservation methods like agroforestry integrate trees into traditional agricultural landscapes,
providing benefits like improved soil fertility and biodiversity, and cover cropping involves
planting specific crops during non-growing periods to prevent erosion and enhance soil fertility,
fostering resilient agro ecosystems.
Ecosystem restoration methods, crucial for mitigating environmental degradation, include
afforestation and reforestation, planting trees in areas devoid of forest cover or replanting in
deforested areas, and ecological restoration, which revives entire ecosystems, considering
interactions between plant species and other organisms for a balanced and sustainable
In navigating challenges posed by a growing population and climate change, the judicious choice
and implementation of planting methods become paramount, shaping a resilient and
sustainable future.
In conclusion, planting methods encompass a spectrum of techniques ranging from traditional
practices to cutting-edge technologies, each contributing to the delicate balance between
human needs and environmental preservation. As we navigate the challenges of a growing
population and climate change, the judicious choice and implementation of planting methods
become paramount in shaping a resilient and sustainable future.
1. When is the best time to plant fruit trees?
 In the Philippines, the best time to plant fruit trees is generally during the dry
season, which typically runs from November to April. Planting during this
period helps the trees establish roots before the onset of the rainy season.
However, local climate variations may influence the specific timing, so it’s
recommended to consider regional weather patterns and seek advice from
local horticulturists or agricultural extension offices.
2. What are the factors that would determine the distance of planting fruit trees?
 When planting fruit trees, consider factors like tree size, variety, soil type,
rootstock, pollination needs, growing conditions, and management practices.
Spacing should accommodate mature tree size, ensure proper airflow, and
meet specific requirements for optimal growth. Local guidelines and
recommendations for each fruit tree species should be consulted.
3. Give the following:
 Two general Methods of Planting Annual Crops
 Direct Seeding
 Transplanting
 Three Methods of Direct Seeding
1. Broadcasting Method
2. Drill Method
3. Dibble ( Hill Method )
 Four Planting Patterns in an Orchard or Plantation
 Square System
 Triangular System
 Quincunx System
 Modified Triangular System
4. Corn spaced at 60 cm between rows and 40 cm between hills and maintained 2 Plants
per hill. Compute the total plant population in 5 hectare farm.
 Plant Population = ( Area ÷ Row Spacing × Hill Spacing ) no. Of plants per hill
Plant Population = ( 50,000 m² ÷ .60 cm × .40 cm ) 2
Plant Population = 208,333 plants
5. Given the following below, compute the population density of papaya using the
Square, triangular and quincunx planting system: (7pts)
o planting distance = 4 m
o length of the area = 225 m
o width of the area = 175m

 Square Planting System

Population Density (square) = Area of farm (m²) ÷ S² (m²)

Solve for the area of farm

Area of the farm = length × width
Area of the farm = 225 m × 175 m
Area of the farm = 39,375 m²

Population Density (square) = 39,375 m² ÷ (4m)²

Population Density (square) = 39,375 m² ÷ 16m²
Population Density (square) = 2460.93

 Quincunx Planting System

Population Density (quincunx) =

Area of farm (m²) ÷ S² (m²) + (L ÷ S – 1) (W ÷ S – 1)

Population Density (quincunx) =

39,375 m² ÷ (4m)² + (225 m ÷ 4 m – 1)(175 m ÷ 4 m -1)
39,375 m² ÷ 16 m² + (225 m ÷ 4 m – 1)(175 m ÷ 4 m -1)
Population Density (quincunx) =
39,375 m² ÷ 16 m² + (56.25 – 1)(43.75 -1)
Population Density (quincunx) =
39,375 m² ÷ 16 m² + (55.25 )(42.75)
Population Density (quincunx) = 2460.9375 + 2363.1875
Population Density (quincunx) = 4824.125

 Triangular Planting System

Population Density (triangular) = Area of farm (m²) ÷ [ S² (m²) × 0.866 ]

Population Density (triangular) = 39,375 m² ÷ [ (4m)² × 0.866 ]
Population Density (triangular) = 39,375 m² ÷ [ 16 m² × 0.866 ]
Population Density (triangular) = 39,375 m² ÷ [13.856 ]
Population Density (triangular) = 2842.12
Activity 6: Essay Writing

Water Supply and Management

Water, a fundamental resource for life and development, faces escalating challenges amid
global population growth. The surge in demand intensifies issues of water scarcity, leading to
heightened risks of droughts and strained water sources, particularly in regions grappling with
limited resources. Rapid urbanization compounds the strain on existing infrastructure,
necessitating a comprehensive approach to water management to address these pressing issues
Effective water supply management commences with the implementation of conservation
strategies aimed at reducing wasteful consumption and promoting sustainable water use. This
involves the integration of water-efficient technologies, fostering public awareness, and
introducing incentives to encourage responsible consumption. Such measures are crucial in
mitigating the increasing demand for water and ensuring the judicious utilization of this
precious resource.
To bolster water supply infrastructure, investments in modern water treatment plants,
distribution networks, and storage facilities become imperative. The upgrading of aging
infrastructure and the integration of smart technologies can significantly enhance the efficiency
of water supply systems, ensuring their resilience in the face of evolving demands and
Engaging local communities in water management initiatives is a critical aspect of fostering
sustainability. Empowering communities to actively participate in water conservation programs,
manage local water resources, and adopt sustainable practices creates a sense of responsibility
and ownership. This community involvement contributes significantly to the success of broader
water management strategies.
Innovation plays a pivotal role in addressing water challenges. Advanced technologies, such as
monitoring systems, real-time data analytics, and artificial intelligence, offer opportunities to
optimize water distribution, detect leaks, and predict potential issues. Additionally, ongoing
research and development in desalination technologies hold promise for regions grappling with
water scarcity, especially those situated along coastlines.
Governments play a central role in shaping the landscape of water management through the
establishment and enforcement of policies regulating water usage. A robust policy framework
involves comprehensive water laws, efficient permitting systems, and transparent governance
structures. Effective policy implementation requires collaboration between governments, the
private sector, and non-governmental organizations.
International cooperation is indispensable in tackling water challenges that transcend borders.
The sharing of best practices, technology transfer, and collaborative efforts in transboundary
water management are vital components of a global strategy to ensure equitable access to
water resources and mitigate the impact of water-related crises.
In conclusion, securing a sustainable water supply and implementing effective management
practices are imperative for the well-being of current and future generations. The multifaceted
approach, encompassing conservation, infrastructure development, community involvement,
innovation, and robust policies, collectively addresses the complexities of water supply and
management, ensuring the availability of this precious resource for years to come.
1. Is water Important to plants? On what particular stage of the plant water needed?
 Water is essential at every stage of a plant’s life cycle. It is required for
germination, establishment of seedlings, vegetative growth, flowering,
fruiting, maturation, and even during the senescence of the plant. A
consistent and adequate water supply is crucial for maintaining the overall
health, growth, and reproductive success of plants.
2. Describe the different methods of irrigation.
 Various irrigation methods cater to the diverse needs of agriculture. Surface
irrigation, including furrow and basin methods, directs water along rows or
into depressions. Drip irrigation delivers water directly to plant bases with
high precision, while sprinkler systems mimic rainfall. Subsurface irrigation
applies water below the soil surface, reducing evaporation.
Mechanized options include center pivot and lateral move systems for
circular and rectangular fields, respectively. Fertigation combines irrigation
with fertilizer application for enhanced nutrient uptake. Manual methods, like
hand watering, suit smaller scales. Check basin irrigation localizes water
application, and soaker hoses seep water directly into the soil.
Gravity flow uses natural slopes, and diverse methods accommodate
different terrains and crop types. Choosing the right method is crucial for
water efficiency and crop health, considering factors like soil, climate, and
3. How can you possibly control the damage of excess water to plants in the field?
 To control damage from excess water in the field, focus on managing
waterlogged conditions. Improve drainage through systems like ditches and
subsurface drains. Create raised beds or mounds to elevate plant roots.
Choose well-drained sites and implement practices like contour plowing and
aeration. Use cover crops and mulching to regulate soil moisture. Ensure
adequate spacing and select crop varieties resistant to waterlogging. Monitor
soil moisture levels, avoid over-irrigation, and take timely action. These
measures collectively promote optimal plant growth and mitigate the
negative impacts of excess water.
Activity 7: Essay Writing and Problem Solving

Soil Nutrients Management: Nurturing Earth’s Lifeline

Soil nutrients play a pivotal role in sustaining life on Earth, serving as the foundation for robust
plant growth and agricultural productivity. Effective management of these essential elements is
imperative to ensure the health of ecosystems, support food production, and mitigate
environmental degradation.
The three primary soil nutrients—nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)—are often
referred to as macronutrients due to their significance in large quantities. However, a plethora
of micronutrients, including iron, zinc, and manganese, are equally crucial for plant
development, though required in smaller amounts.
To manage soil nutrients effectively, farmers employ various strategies. Crop rotation is a time-
tested method that helps prevent nutrient depletion by alternating crops with distinct nutrient
needs. This practice not only preserves soil fertility but also minimizes the risk of pest and
disease outbreaks.
Fertilization is another cornerstone of soil nutrient management. Balanced fertilizers, containing
the essential macronutrients in appropriate ratios, provide crops with the necessary elements
for optimal growth. Precision agriculture technologies, such as soil testing and satellite imaging,
enable farmers to tailor fertilization practices based on the specific nutrient needs of different
areas within a field.
Cover cropping serves as a natural and sustainable approach to nutrient management. Cover
crops, like legumes, fix atmospheric nitrogen, enriching the soil with this vital element.
Additionally, they protect the soil from erosion, improve its structure, and enhance water
In recent years, sustainable agricultural practices have gained prominence. Practices such as
organic farming prioritize soil health and nutrient cycling. Composting, for instance, transforms
organic matter into nutrient-rich humus, promoting soil fertility without relying heavily on
synthetic inputs.
Beyond agriculture, urban areas also face challenges related to soil nutrient management.
Urban gardening, green roofs, and community composting initiatives contribute to nutrient
recycling and sustainable urban agriculture. These practices not only enhance local food
production but also reduce the environmental footprint associated with conventional farming.
However, challenges persist in soil nutrient management. Over-reliance on synthetic fertilizers
can lead to nutrient imbalances, soil acidification, and environmental pollution. Sustainable
alternatives, such as organic fertilizers and bio-based soil amendments, offer viable solutions to
mitigate these issues.
In conclusion, soil nutrient management is a critical aspect of sustainable agriculture and
environmental stewardship. By adopting diverse strategies like crop rotation, balanced
fertilization, cover cropping, and sustainable practices, we can preserve soil fertility, safeguard
ecosystems, and ensure a resilient foundation for future generations. As custodians of the Earth,
it is our responsibility to cultivate a harmonious relationship with the soil, recognizing it as a
finite and precious resource that sustains life itself.
1, Why do we apply fertilizers to plants? What are the types of fertilizers? Name Specific
fertilizer and give their corresponding nutrient composition.

 Fertilizers are applied to plants to provide essential nutrients that may be

deficient in the soil, promoting healthy growth and enhancing overall
productivity. The primary nutrients found in fertilizers are nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), commonly referred to as NPK. These
nutrients play crucial roles in various aspects of plant development, from
structural integrity to metabolic processes.

There are several types of fertilizers, broadly categorized into synthetic

(chemical) and organic fertilizers:

1. Synthetic Fertilizers:
o Urea (46-0-0): Urea is a nitrogen-based fertilizer with a high
nitrogen content, making it particularly effective for promoting
vegetative growth.
o Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) (18-46-0): DAP is rich in
phosphorus, supporting root development, flowering, and fruiting
in plants.
o Potassium Chloride (KCl) (0-0-60): This fertilizer is a concentrated
source of potassium, essential for overall plant health, stress
resistance, and fruit quality.
2. Organic Fertilizers:
o Compost: Compost is a natural fertilizer rich in organic matter,
providing a slow-release of nutrients and improving soil structure.
o Manure: Animal manure, such as cow or poultry manure, is a
valuable organic fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and
o Bone Meal (3-15-0):Derived from ground animal bones, bone
meal is high in phosphorus, promoting root development and

Understanding the nutrient composition of fertilizers is crucial for targeted

application based on specific plant needs and soil conditions. The three-
number notation on fertilizer packaging represents the percentage by weight
of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively.
For example, a bag labeled 10-20-10 contains 10% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus,
and 10% potassium. These ratios guide farmers and gardeners in choosing
the right fertilizer for different growth stages and crops.
2. Briefly explain how and when to apply fertilizer.
 Apply fertilizer based on soil test results, choosing the right type and
following recommended application rates. Timing matters, with pre-planting
and side-dressing during the growing season. Distribute fertilizer evenly,
water after application, and avoid over-fertilization to prevent burn. Adjust
frequency based on fertilizer type for sustained nutrient supply, promoting
optimal plant growth while minimizing environmental impact.
3. Describe the general methods in applying fertilizer.
 Fertilizer application involves methods such as broadcasting, band placement,
top-dressing, foliar feeding, injection, seed treatment, soil incorporation, and
fertigation. Selection depends on factors like crop type, growth stage, and soil
conditions. Each method aims to efficiently deliver nutrients to plants,
supporting their health and productivity.
4. How are nutrients lost in the soil? Explain.
 Nutrient loss in soil occurs through leaching, erosion, volatilization,
denitrification, crop uptake, runoff, microbial decomposition, and fixation.
These processes can deplete essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium. Sustainable practices, including cover cropping and careful
fertilizer application, help mitigate nutrient losses and preserve soil fertility.

5. The result of Mr. Talana’s soil analysis shows that his farm requires 120-90-60 kg Of N, P2O5,
and K2O; respectively. If one bag contains 50 kg, how many bags of the following fertilizers will
be needed in order to satisfy the recommendation?
a. 14-14-14
b. 16-20-0
c. 46-0-0

Amount of fertilizer = recommended rate/ha

% nutrient

(14-14-14) = 60
= 428 kg ÷ 50
= 8 bags

Amount of N = 428kg× .14 = 60 kgN

Amount of P = 428 kg×.14 = 60 kgP
Amount of K = 428 kg×.14 = 60 kg K

(16-20-0) = 30
= 150 kg ÷ 3 bags

Amount of N = 150 kg × .16 = 24kgN

Amount of P = 150 kg × .20 = 30kgP

(46-0-0) = 36
= 78.26 kg ÷ 50
= 1 bag

Amount of N = 78. 26 kg × .46 = 36


6. Fertilizer recommendation calls for an application of 10 bags of 46-0-0. If 21-0-0 is

Used, how much is needed? If a bag of 21-0-0 costs P850.00 and a bag of 46-0-0
Costs P1, 350.00, then which is a cheaper source of N?

Wt. of Urea = Amount of N

% nutrient of Urea
500 kg = x
X= 500 (.46)
= 230 kgN

Wt of Ammosol = 230 kg/ha

= 1.095. 24 kg or 21 bags
- It needs 21 bags of Ammonium Sulfate

(Urea) 10 bags × 1350 = 13, 500

(Ammosol) 21 bags × 850 = 17, 850

- The cheapest source of N is the Urea

7, If a farmer applied 8 bags of 14-14-14, 3 bags of 16-20-0 and 3 bags of 20-0-0 to
His one hectare farm. What was the fertilizer recommendation that he followed?

Wt of materials× % nutrient.
8 bags = 400 kg
(14-14-14) = 400 kg× .14= 56kgN
= 400 kg×. 14= 56kgP
= 400 kg× .14= 56Kgk

3 bags = 150 kg
(16-20-0) = 150kg× .16= 24kgN
= 150kg× .20= 30kgP

3 bags = 150 kg
(20-0-0) = 150kg× . 20 = 30kg N

N = 56+24+30
P = 56+30
K = 56

RR= 110- 86- 56

Activity 8: Essay Writing and Problem Solving

Pest Management

Pest management serves as a critical component in achieving a delicate equilibrium between

agricultural productivity and ecological sustainability. In addressing the increasing global
demand for food production, the challenges posed by pest-related issues are multifaceted.
These challenges encompass environmental impact, the development of pesticide-resistant
pests, and unintended consequences on non-target organisms.
The extensive use of chemical pesticides has raised significant environmental concerns.
Pesticides, when applied, can contaminate soil, water, and air. Runoff from fields may lead to
the pollution of water bodies, adversely affecting aquatic ecosystems and wildlife. This
environmental impact underscores the need for a more sustainable and ecologically mindful
approach to pest management. A recurring challenge in conventional pest control methods is
the emergence of pesticide resistance in target pests. The overuse of chemical pesticides
contributes to the evolution of resistant strains, necessitating the continuous development of
new and often more potent pesticides. This cycle of escalating chemical use not only poses
economic challenges for farmers but also exacerbates environmental and health risks.
Non-target effects further compound the complexity of pest management. Chemical pesticides,
designed to eliminate specific pests, often harm beneficial organisms, including pollinators,
natural predators, and soil microorganisms. Such unintended consequences disrupt the delicate
balance of ecosystems, raising questions about the overall sustainability of prevalent pest
control practices. In response to these challenges, sustainable pest management emphasizes a
holistic approach. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a prominent strategy that integrates
biological, cultural, physical, and chemical control methods. By combining various techniques,
IPM seeks to minimize the reliance on chemical pesticides while effectively managing pest
populations. Biological control is another key component of sustainable pest management. This
approach involves the introduction or enhancement of natural predators and beneficial
organisms to control pest populations. Ladybugs, parasitic wasps, and predatory insects play
crucial roles in maintaining a balanced ecosystem within agricultural settings.
Crop rotation and diversification represent cultural practices within sustainable pest
management. Alternating crops in specific areas disrupts the life cycles of pests and diseases,
reducing the likelihood of infestations. Diversifying crops enhances the resilience of agricultural
systems, making them less susceptible to widespread pest outbreaks.
Embracing agroecology is a broader paradigm shift in sustainable agriculture. Agroecological
practices seek to mimic natural ecosystems, emphasizing biodiversity, soil health, and reduced
reliance on external inputs, including synthetic pesticides. By aligning agriculture with ecological
principles, agroecology aims to create resilient and sustainable farming systems.
In conclusion, the challenges posed by pests in agriculture require a nuanced and ecologically
conscious approach to pest management. Adopting sustainable practices, such as Integrated
Pest Management, biological control, and agroecology, is not merely a choice but a necessity for
ensuring the long-term viability of agricultural systems while preserving the health of our
1, What is pesticide? What are the different kinds pesticides?
 Pesticides are substances or mixtures of substances designed to prevent,
destroy, repel, or mitigate pests. Pests can include insects, rodents, weeds,
fungi, and microorganisms that threaten crops, human health, or the
environment. Pesticides play a crucial role in agriculture, public health, and
pest control. There are several types of pesticides, categorized based on their
target pests and chemical composition:

1. Insecticides
- Target: Insects and arthropods.
- Examples: Pyrethroids, organophosphates, neonicotinoids.

2. Herbicides
- Target: Weeds and unwanted plants.
- Examples: Glyphosate, atrazine, 2,4-D.

3. Fungicides
- Target: Fungi and fungal spores.
- Examples: Mancozeb, captan, tebuconazole.

4. Rodenticides
- Target: Rodents, such as mice and rats.
- Examples: Warfarin, bromadiolone, diphacinone.

5. Bactericides
- Target: Bacteria.
- Examples: Streptomycin, copper-based compounds.

6. Virucides
- Target: Viruses.
- Examples: Formaldehyde, chlorine-based compounds.

7. Nematicides
- Target: Nematodes (microscopic worms).
- Examples: Fenamiphos, oxamyl.

8. Molluscicides
- Target: Snails and slugs.
- Examples: Metaldehyde, iron phosphate.

9. Repellents
- Target: Insects, animals, or birds.
- Examples: DEET (used in insect repellents), capsaicin
(used to deter mammals).
It’s essential to note that while pesticides can be effective in pest control,
their use raises environmental and health concerns. Overreliance on certain
pesticides can lead to issues like pesticide resistance, environmental
contamination, and harm to non-target organisms. Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) is an approach that encourages the judicious use of
pesticides alongside other sustainable practices to minimize these negative

2, What are the different ways in controlling pest aside from chemical control?
Several non-chemical methods are employed in pest control, promoting
sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Here are various approaches:

1. Biological Control
- Introduction or enhancement of natural predators, parasites, or pathogens to
control pest populations. Ladybugs, predatory insects, and certain bacteria or
viruses are examples.
2. Cultural Practices
- Crop rotation: Alternating crops in a specific area to disrupt pest life cycles
and reduce the buildup of specific pests.
- Polyculture: Growing different crops together to minimize the risk of pest
- Trap crops: Planting attractive crops to lure pests away from main crops.
3. Mechanical and Physical Controls
- Handpicking: Manual removal of pests from plants.
- Traps: Devices designed to capture or monitor pest populations.
- Barriers: Physical barriers like nets or screens to prevent pests from reaching
4. Genetic Control
- Breeding or using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with resistance to
specific pests.
- Sterile insect technique: Releasing sterile insects to disrupt pest reproduction.
5. Behavioral Control
- Pheromones: Using chemicals to disrupt the mating behavior of pests.
- Repellents: Substances that deter pests from approaching crops or areas.
6. Environmental Manipulation
- Temperature and humidity control: Adjusting environmental conditions to
make them less favorable for pests.
- Habitat modification: Altering the environment to reduce pest habitats or
breeding sites.
7. Natural Predators
- Encouraging or releasing natural enemies, such as predatory insects or birds,
to control pest populations.
8. Traps and Barriers
- Sticky traps: Attracting and trapping insects with adhesive surfaces.
- Mulches and cover crops: Using organic materials to cover soil, suppress
weeds, and deter certain pests.
9. Educational and Preventive Measures
- Farmer education: Providing knowledge on pest identification, monitoring,
and implementing preventive measures.
- Early detection and monitoring: Regularly checking for signs of pest infestation
to take timely action.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines multiple approaches to create a
comprehensive and sustainable pest control strategy. By minimizing reliance on
chemical pesticides and incorporating these alternative methods, agriculture can
better balance the need for pest control with environmental and human health
3, Herbadox 330E is applied at the rate of 1.5 kg a.i./ha to effectively kill R. exaltata. How many
liters of Herbadox 330E do you need/ha?

Amount of Herbadox = recommended rate(a.i /ha)

a.i in the formulation
= 1.5 kg. a.i/ha
= 4.54 kg or L

9, Furadan 3G is applied at the rate of 1.0 kg a.i./ha to control corn borer. How many Kilograms
of Furadan 3G do you need for 1 hectare?
Amount of Furadan = recommended rate (a.i/ha)
a.i in the formulation
= 1.0 kg. a.i/ha x 1 ha
= 3.3 kg
Activity 9: Essay Writing

Integrated Pest Management: A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Agriculture

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) serves as a comprehensive and sustainable approach to pest
control in agriculture. It harmoniously integrates various methods, including biological, cultural,
mechanical, and chemical controls, to strike a balance in managing pest populations. Biological
control harnesses the power of natural enemies, such as predators, parasites, and pathogens, to
keep pests in check. Cultural practices, such as crop rotation and proper sanitation, disrupt the
life cycles of pests, contributing to a more resilient agroecosystem.
Mechanical controls, such as traps and barriers, are employed to physically impede the spread
of pests, minimizing the reliance on chemical interventions. Chemical controls, while a
component of IPM, are used judiciously, focusing on targeted and specific applications. The goal
is to reduce the environmental impact and prevent the development of resistance in pest
Regular monitoring of pest populations is a cornerstone of IPM, facilitated by technological
advancements like remote sensing and data analytics. This allows for informed decision-making,
enabling farmers to apply interventions precisely where and when they are needed. The
proactive approach to monitoring enhances the efficacy of pest management strategies.
Community engagement and education play a pivotal role in the success of IPM. Collaboration
among farmers, researchers, and local communities fosters a shared responsibility for
sustainable agriculture. Educational programs raise awareness about the importance of
biodiversity and sustainable farming practices, contributing to a collective commitment to IPM
In summary, Integrated Pest Management provides a holistic and balanced framework for pest
control in agriculture. By embracing a variety of control methods and promoting community
engagement, IPM offers a sustainable path forward, safeguarding crop yields while minimizing
environmental impact.

1, How can we control the potential damage of strong winds to plants?

 Protect plants from strong winds by installing windbreaks, such as fences or

hedgerows, to reduce wind speed and deflect its force.
2, Describe the growing condition for sciophytes?
 Sciophytes thrive in low light conditions, requiring shade or partial shade.
These plants prefer indirect sunlight and are well-suited for environments
with limited direct sunlight exposure.

3, What are the special management practices before seedlings are transplanted?

 Special management practices before transplanting seedlings include proper

hardening off, ensuring adequate water and nutrient supply, and protecting
seedlings from adverse weather conditions to promote successful
4, How can be minimized the spread of diseases in a particular field?

 Minimize disease spread by practicing crop rotation, using disease-resistant

varieties, maintaining proper plant spacing for air circulation, and timely
removal and disposal of infected plant material.

5, What practice is needed to control soil erosion and growth of weeds?

 Control soil erosion and weed growth by implementing cover cropping,

mulching, and contour plowing. These practices help retain soil structure and
reduce water runoff, preventing both erosion and weed proliferation.
6, What is the importance of pruning?

 Pruning is essential for shaping plant growth, improving air circulation, and
enhancing light penetration. It also aids in removing diseased or dead
branches, promoting overall plant health and productivity.

7, What is the management practice for viny crops to prevent the contact of fruits to

 Manage viny crops by using trellises or stakes to lift fruits off the soil,
reducing the risk of diseases and improving fruit quality.
8, It is the practice of providing support to bunches or stalk which tend to bend the
Heavy load of fruits?

 Providing support to bunches or stalks prone to bending under the weight of

fruits is known as staking. Staking helps prevent breakage and ensures the
proper development of fruits.
9, How can we control the damage of insects and other pest and abiotic factors to

 Control damage from insects and pests by employing integrated pest

management (IPM) practices, including biological controls, cultural practices,
and judicious use of pesticides.
10, What are the ways to induce fruit production?

 Inducing fruit production involves proper pollination, fertilization, and

ensuring optimal growing conditions. Techniques like hand pollination,
hormonal applications, and providing the right nutrients contribute to
increased fruit yields.
Activity 10: Essay Writing

Harvesting and Post-Harvest Production Practices

Harvesting and post-harvest production practices constitute critical phases in the agricultural
cycle, exerting substantial influence on crop yield, quality, and the overall functionality of food
supply chains. The intricacies of these processes underscore their significance in ensuring food
security, economic stability, and environmental sustainability. The commencement of this
agricultural journey lies in the judicious determination of harvest timing. The timing of harvest
profoundly impacts not only the quantity of the yield but also its nutritional composition.
Farmers must strike a delicate balance, considering factors such as crop maturity, weather
conditions, and market demand to optimize the harvest window. Efficient harvesting techniques
are pivotal to the success of agricultural endeavors. Whether employing traditional manual
labor or leveraging modern mechanized methods, the chosen approach profoundly affects
productivity and resource utilization. Mechanization, for instance, not only expedites the
harvesting process but can also alleviate labor shortages and enhance overall efficiency. Post-
harvest handling, encompassing activities from transportation to storage and processing, is
equally critical. Immediate measures such as cooling or drying of crops contribute significantly
to preserving freshness and preventing spoilage. Technologies like controlled atmosphere
storage and cold chains play a crucial role in maintaining optimal conditions for diverse produce,
extending shelf life and minimizing losses. Quality control measures are imperative in ensuring
consumer satisfaction and market viability. Sorting and grading processes help differentiate
produce based on size, color, and other quality parameters. Attention to detail in this phase not
only meets consumer expectations but also enhances market competitiveness. Yet, challenges
persist, notably in the realm of post-harvest losses. These losses, often attributed to inadequate
handling, transportation, or storage facilities, underscore the pressing need for improved
infrastructure and updated practices. Addressing these challenges can significantly contribute to
minimizing waste and maximizing the economic benefits of agricultural endeavors. Moreover,
the integration of eco-friendly and sustainable practices within post-harvest processing is
gaining prominence. The adoption of renewable energy sources, reduced packaging waste, and
environmentally conscious disposal methods align with the global shift toward more sustainable
agriculture. As consumers increasingly prioritize environmentally friendly practices, these
initiatives contribute not only to the economic viability of agriculture but also to its long-term
environmental stewardship.
In conclusion, the intricate interplay of harvesting and post-harvest production practices is
paramount in shaping the dynamics of the agricultural sector. Implementing efficient
techniques, embracing technological innovations, and fostering sustainability can collectively
enhance agricultural productivity, reduce post-harvest losses, and contribute to the creation of
a resilient and environmentally friendly food system.
1. Why one should harvest the crop at the right maturity?
 Harvesting crops at the right maturity is crucial to optimize yield and quality.
At the right maturity, crops have reached their peak nutritional content,
flavor, and overall quality. Harvesting too early or too late can result in
reduced yield, lower nutritional value, and compromised taste.

2. Differentiate physiological maturity from commercial maturity?

 Physiological maturity refers to the point at which the crop has developed its
maximum dry matter and is capable of reproduction. Commercial maturity,
on the other hand, is the stage at which the crop is suitable for sale based on
factors like size, color, and texture. While physiological maturity is more
about the plant’s internal development, commercial maturity considers
external attributes relevant to market readiness.

3. Give and describe the methods in determining the maturity of crops?

 Methods for determining the maturity of crops include visual inspection,
touch and feel, color changes, and technological tools. Visual inspection
involves assessing characteristics like seed color or pod development. Touch
and feel involve physical examination to check for firmness or softness. Color
changes, such as the transition from green to yellow in some fruits, indicate
maturity. Technological tools like refractometers can measure sugar content,
providing an objective measure of maturity.

4. What is post-harvest technology? Give some specific post-harvest activities for the
following major crops in the Philippines:
a. Rice: Drying and milling are crucial post-harvest activities. Proper drying
reduces moisture content, preventing mold growth, while milling
removes husk and bran.
b. Corn: Drying and shelling are essential. Efficient drying ensures storage
stability, and shelling removes kernels from cobs for further processing.
c. Banana: Post-harvest activities include washing, sorting, and packaging.
Controlled ripening may also be applied for optimal market readiness.
d. Pineapple: Harvested pineapples undergo cleaning, sorting, and
packing. Cold storage may be used to extend shelf life.
e. Abaca: Retting, stripping, and drying are critical post-harvest steps for
abaca fiber. Retting involves soaking the harvested fibers to facilitate
the separation of the outer sheath.

Adopting proper post-harvest practices is essential to minimize losses, maintain product quality,
and enhance the market value of agricultural produce.
Activity 11: Photo Collection on Farming System
Different Types of Farming System Description

Agri-Silvicultural systems, or agroforestry,

involve integrating trees with agricultural crops
to enhance overall land productivity. This
approach brings benefits such as diversification,
nutrient cycling, microclimate modification,
erosion control, economic gains, biodiversity
enhancement, and risk reduction. The synergy
between trees and crops in Agri-Silvicultural
contributes to sustainable and multifunctional
land use.

Silvi-pastoral systems are agroforestry

practices that integrate trees or shrubs with
pastureland for livestock grazing. These systems
enhance forage production, provide shade for
livestock, contribute to biodiversity, prevent soil
erosion, and offer additional benefits such as
timber or non-timber products. The holistic
approach of Silvi-pastoral systems aims to
optimize land use by combining the advantages
of forestry, agriculture, and livestock

Multi-storey farming involves cultivating crops

on stacked layers within a single structure,
maximizing vertical space. This method,
suitable for urban environments, employs
controlled environments, diverse crop
selection, and resource efficiency, enabling
year-round production in small spaces. It
addresses challenges of urban agriculture by
utilizing technology for optimal crop growth.

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