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Final Report
Behavior, Definition, & Goal

The behavior I chose was social media. The operational definition of social media includes

engaging in any of the following social media websites or apps: Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram,

Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, TikTok. I want to use social media 225 minutes

a day from a baseline of 252 minutes daily.


The behavior that I chose was Social media use. Social media use is Engaging in any of

the following social media websites or apps: Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook,

WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, TikTok.

It would be beneficial to change this behavior because excessive social media use could

lead to negative effects. However social media use could have a positive effect on work

preparedness and social connectedness, and for learning purposes in college students. A study

conducted by Mushtaq & Benraghda (2018) examined the effects of social media use and

undergraduate student's academic performance. The study was conducted using a survey-based

questionnaire which 371 students completed and spss was used in this study. The results showed

that The beneficial benefits of social media on undergraduates appeared to outweigh the negative

consequences. In addition, another study conducted by Gao et al. (2023) examined social media

use and academic, social, and career development among college students with disabilities. This

study was conducted using Multivariate multiple-regression models which examined the

relationship between social media use and academic achievement, social connectedness, and

work preparedness. The results prove that learning, work preparedness, and social connectedness

were positively correlated with social media. Each of these findings suggests the benefits of

social media use. In contrast It would be beneficial to change this behavior because excessive

social media use could lead to negative effects. A study conducted by Ramzan et al. (2019)

conducted a study with the usage of Instagram causes depression and anxiety among young

adults. The results suggest Excessive Instagram use among young adults is associated with

higher rates of depression and anxiety. In addition, social media use could lead to procrastination

a study conducted by Rozgonjuk et al. (2018) hypothesized that students who procrastinate tend

to use social media more. The results prove that social media use and procrastination were

correlated. Furthermore. Social media use can lead to issues with mental health. Lee et al. (2023)

conducted a study that examined a correlation between mental health and social media use, this

study used archival data collected the results concluded that social media use is associated with

higher rates of adolescent depression.

In conclusion these findings suggest that social media use can have multiple negative

effects such as mental health, depression, and procrastination. I chose to change my social media

use so that the negative effects of social media could decrease. I wanted to become more

productive and develop healthy boundaries from social media.

Behavior Plan

The baseline average was 252 minutes per day, and the desired end goal was 120 minutes per

day. The initial daily behavioral goal was 225 minutes per day. I will use chocolate as a

reinforcement. I chose this chocolate it is my favorite candy. If I reach my goal each week will

receive a Hershey's kiss. At 10 pm if I meet the goal I will receive a Hershey's kiss. If the goal is

not achieved I will spend more time studying instead of using social media. Each I meet my

behavioral goal, I will reinforce my behavior with a piece of chocolate. I will provide this

reinforcement if I have used social media no more than the allotted number of minutes of social

media use at 12:30 am. I will make sure I do not receive the chocolate because my mom will

withhold it from me unless she sees that I have completed my initial daily goal.

Graphed data

Response prompts:

1. I have seen improvement in my behavior because the results were consistent and I met

my end goal. This was accomplished through operant conditioning, deprivation, and

positive punishment. According to operant conditioning is defined as “The

target behavior is followed by reinforcement or punishment to either strengthen or

weaken it, so that the learner is more likely to exhibit the desired behavior in the

future.’’Operant conditioning was seen in this process because rewards were used to

modify the behavior. For example, every week that I reached my goal I was rewarded

with a Hershey kiss. In this case, chocolate was used to reinforce each of the weak goals

to modify the behavior. In addition according to Malott, R. W., & Kohler, K. T. (2021)

deprivation is defined as “withholding a reinforcer and increases its effectiveness’’. This


was seen throughout this project because the reinforcement was withheld from me each

week unless I met the goals each week. Furthermore, positive punishment was used in

this project because I received a cholate each time decreased the likelihood of the

behavior. This process has benefited me in more ways than one cutting my social media

use has made me more productive, focused, and healthy.

2. My original behavioral plan included The baseline average was 252 minutes per day, and

the desired end goal was 120 minutes per day. The initial daily behavioral goal was 225

minutes per day with a daily reinforcement of chocolate each day that I met each daily

goal. This was the plan however I quickly stumbled across an issue. My mom found it

mundane to remember to reward me with chocolate each day since it was something she

wasn’t used to doing. Therefore I have to make adjustments to the daily reinforcement

and make it a weekly reinforcement. Each week I reached the goal my mom rewarded me

with a hearsay kiss. This change made the process easier to navigate. However, each step

was maintained. Each week I was able to move to each step with minor difficulties. At

the start of this project, it was difficult to give up social media. It was something I was

dependent on - sometimes too dependent on for entertainment, news, and connecting with

friends. Giving social media up felt foreign, however, I was determined to meet my daily

goal and receive the reward so I eventually learned how to give up social media. Since

giving up social media I am more present in the moment and a healthier version of


3. I was consistent with my behavioral plan. My behavioral plan included the desired end

goal would be a baseline average amount of SM usage = 252 minutes/day. End goal = no

more than 120 minutes/day. Initial goal = 225 minutes/day. The shaping procedure

included 6 steps which were met by the end of this project. Step one includes steps use

social media for 225 minutes each day, step two use social media for 200 minutes each

day, step three Use social media for 175 minutes each day, step four use social media for

150 minutes each day, step five use social media for 125 minutes, and finally use social

media for 120 minutes per day. I think the goal was very attainable which is why I was

able to progress to each step. Each week my social media use was decreased by 25

minutes. At first, it was a bit challenging to remember to decrease my social media usage.

For example, someday my social media use went over the goal, however, when I realized

this it made me want to decrease my social media use to meet the goal. I earned my

reinforcement of chocolate each time I met my goal. To make sure of this my mom set a

reminder on her phone to check in with me to make sure that I have reached each week

before she rewarded me with the chocolate. I only received each reinforcement only after

I had met each of the goals. In my opinion, this was a great way to keep me motivated in

reaching my goal. It was ingrained in my mind that if I moved on to each step I would be

rewarded. Each week I was looking forward to the piece of chocolate which kept me

motivated. In addition, I did not receive reinforcement if I did not meet the goal.

4. The social accountability check impacted the behavior change project in many ways. This

social accountability check took place on February 18 and my dad held me accountable

each night. My dad holding me accountable was very beneficial because everyone in my

family was a part of this project. My sister is also also completing this project and my

mom was providing me with the reinforcer each week. The first couple of days I did not

meet my requirement, however towards the end of the week I was consistent. Throughout

this project, I noticed a common pattern which was the increase of social media use in the

beginning of the week and a decrease in social media use towards the end of the week. I

think this occurred because seeing the number so high motivated me to meet my goal.

5. This course has taught me many things that I will always remember. Through this

process, I have learned how to modify behavior, and with hard work, you can achieve

your desired end goal. According to Malott, R. W., & Kohler, K. T. (2021) extinction is

defined as Stopping the positive or negative reinforcement contingency. To prevent this

from happening I monitored my screen time using the app to keep track of my time. This

made me more aware of my social media use. In some moments when I realized that my

social media use was higher than the goal it made me want to stop using social media and

do something more productive such as reading or studying.

6. Completing this project helped me learn about myself and human behavior. For instance.

Before completing this project I realized that I don't need social media for entertainment.

I also didn’t realize how simple it is to replace social media with other activities such as

walking doing homework, cleaning, reading, and hanging out with friends. In addition,

using social media less can positively affect human behavior. For example, It allows

people to become more present and focus on real-life interactions. To continue using

social media reduces the feelings of comparison and pressure. For me this was something

that I struggled with, it is easy for me to compare my life to others that I saw on social

media. After reducing my time on social media I was a more healthier person. In

conclusion, this project was very beneficial, I learned that I use social media a lot of time

however this can be fixed with hard work and dedication.



Gao, N., Eissenstat, S. J., & Oh, T. L. (2023). Social media use and academic, social, and

career development among college students with disabilities. Journal of American

College Health, 71(6), 1790–1796.

6.3 Operant Conditioning - Psychology 2e | OpenStax. (n.d.).

Malott, R. W., & Kohler, K. T. (2021). Principles of Behavior (8th ed.). Taylor & Francis.

Mushtaq, A. J., & Benraghda, A. (2018). The Effects of Social Media on the

Undergraduate Students’ Academic Performances. Library Philosophy & Practice, 1–15.

Ramzan, M., Arshad, J., Adeeb, H., & Asif, M. (2019). Excessive Use of Instagram

Causing Anxiety and Depression among Young Adults. Pakistan Library & Information

Science Journal, 50(3), 45–48.

Rozgonjuk, D., Kattago, M., & Täht, K. (2018). Social media use in lectures mediates the

relationship between procrastination and problematic smartphone use. Computers in

Human Behavior, 89, 191–198.

Data Sheets

Self-Management Behavior Change Project Baseline Tracking Sheet

*Please copy and follow exactly the behavior and operational definition that was given above for
as many days as required for your project.

Behavior = Social media use

Operational Definition = Minutes spent using any of the following social media websites
or apps: Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit,
Tumblr, TikTok (you may add any other social media platforms you use. This can be self-
reported OR as per the app usage tracker on your phone, please just be clear about which one
you are reporting
Day of the week Date Tracking (use the unit of measurement given in your operational
Monday 1/15/24 300 minutes

Tuesday 320 minutes

Wednesday 1/17/24 400 minutes

1/18/24 290 minutes


600 minutes

1/20/24 650 minutes


1/21/24 547 minutes


Total =3107 Average = 443.86


Basic What was What is the Why do you think you What happened after
Info: happening just behavior? (Behavior) engaged in the the behavior occurred?
before the behavior? behavior? (Perceived (Consequence) (Can be more
Date:1/ (Antecedent) Function) than 1)

● Low Attention ● Studying ● Self-Stimulatory (Feels ● Avoided

Time ● Task/Demand/Activity ● Drinking Water Good) Painful/Uncomfortable
● Access Restricted ● Sleeping ● Escape/Avoid/Delay Sensation
● Transition/ Down ● Meditating Task/Person/Activity ● Increased
9:00a Time ● Reading ● Obtain Attention Comfortable/Preferable
m ● Nail Biting ● Obtain Tangible/Item Sensation
● Social Media Use ● Escape/Avoid/Delay
3hr ● Electronic Use Task/Person/Activity
Time ● Cursing ● Attention Provided
● Playing Video Games ● Access Provided to
Ended: tangible/item

Basic What was What is the Why do you think you What happened after
Info: happening just behavior? (Behavior) engaged in the the behavior
1/17/2 before the behavior? behavior? (Perceived occurred?
4 (Antecedent) Function) (Consequence)


● Low Attention ● Studying ● Self-Stimulatory (Feels ● Avoided

Time ● Task/Demand/Activity ● Drinking Water Good) Painful/Uncomfortable
● Access Restricted ● Sleeping ● Escape/Avoid/Delay Sensation
● Transition/ Down ● Meditating Task/Person/Activity ● Increased
Time ● Reading ● Obtain Attention Comfortable/Preferabl
10:00a ● Nail Biting ● Obtain Tangible/Item e Sensation
m ● Social Media Use Escape/Avoid/Delay
3hr 30 ● Electronic Use Task/Person/Activity
Time ● Cursing ● Attention Provided
● Playing Video Games ● Access Provided to
Ended: tangible/item

Basic What was happening What is the Why do you think you What happened
Info: just before the behavior? (Behavior) engaged in the after the behavior
behavior? (Antecedent) behavior? (Perceived occurred?
Date: Function) (Consequence)


● Low Attention ● Studying ● Self-Stimulatory (Feels ● (Automatic)

Time ● Task/Demand/Activity ● Drinking Water Good) Avoided
Began: ● Access Restricted ● Sleeping ● Escape/Avoid/Delay Painful/Uncomfortab
● Transition/ Down Time ● Meditating Task/Person/Activity le Sensation
1:00p ● Reading ● Obtain Attention ● (Automatic)
m ● Nail Biting ● Obtain Tangible/Item Increased
4hr ● Social Media Use Comfortable/Prefera
● Electronic Use ble Sensation
Time ● Cursing ● Escape/Avoid/Delay
● Playing Video Games Task/Person/Activity
Ended: ● Attention Provided
5:00p ● Access Provided to
m tangible/item

Basic What was What is the Why do you think you What happened
Info: happening just behavior? (Behavior) engaged in the after the behavior
before the behavior? behavior? (Perceived occurred?
Date:1/ (Antecedent) Function) (Consequence)

● Low Attention ● Studying ● Self-Stimulatory (Feels ● Avoided

Time ● Task/Demand/Activity ● Drinking Water Good) Painful/Uncomforta
● Access Restricted ● Sleeping ● Escape/Avoid/Delay ble Sensation
● Transition/ Down ● Meditating Task/Person/Activity ● Increased
9:30am Time ● Reading ● Obtain Attention Comfortable/Prefer
● Nail Biting ● Obtain Tangible/Item able Sensation
7rh ● Social Media Use ●
Time ● Electronic Use Escape/Avoid/Dela
Ended: ● Cursing y
● Playing Video Games Task/Person/Activit
4:30pm y
● Attention Provided
● Access Provided
to tangible/item

Basic What was What is the Why do you think you What happened
Info: happening just behavior? (Behavior) engaged in the after the behavior
before the behavior? (Perceived occurred?
Date:1/ behavior? Function) (Consequence)
21/24 (Antecedent)

● Low Attention ● Studying ● Self-Stimulatory (Feels ● Avoided

Time ● Task/Demand/Activity ● Drinking Water Good) Painful/Uncomforta
Began: ● Access Restricted ● Sleeping ● Escape/Avoid/Delay ble Sensation
● Transition/ Down ● Meditating Task/Person/Activity ● Increased
Time ● Reading ● Obtain Attention Comfortable/Prefer
1:00pm ● Nail Biting ● Obtain Tangible/Item able Sensation
3 hr 30 ● Social Media Use ●
Time ● Electronic Use Escape/Avoid/Dela
Ended: ● Cursing y
● Playing Video Games Task/Person/Activit
4:30pm y
● Attention Provided
● Access Provided
to tangible/item

Day of the Date Tracking (use the unit of measurement given in your operational Did you meet the current Did you
week definition)\ requirement to earn
reinforcement? (Yes or No)
goal 225 minutes reinforc
1/29 300 minutes ● Yes ●
Monday ● No ●
1/30 252 minutes ● Yes ●
tuesday ● No ●
1/31 180 minutes ● Yes ●
Wednesda ● No ●

2/1 252 minutes ● Yes ●

Thursday ● No ●
2/2 180 minutes ● Yes ●
Friday ● No ●
Saturday 2/3 300 minutes ● Yes ●
● No ●
Sunday 2/4 251 minutes ● Yes ●
● No ●

Self-Monitoring Implementation phase tracking sheet Week of

February 2
Behavior = Social media use
Operational Definition = engaging in any of the following social media websites or apps:
Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, TikTok youtube
Reinforcer = chocolate
Current requirement for earning reinforcement= 200 minutes

Day of Date Tracking (use the unit of measurement given in Did you meet the Did you
the your operational definition)\ current provide
week requirement to yourself
goal 200 minutes earn with the
reinforcement? reinforce
(Yes or No) r? (Yes
or No)
2/5 852 minutes ● Yes ● Yes
Mond ● No ● No

2/6 4c00 minutes ● Yes ● Yes

tuesda ● No ● No

2/7 380 minutes ● Yes ● Yes

Wedn ● No ● No

2/8 215 minutes ● Yes ● Yes

Thurs ● No ● No

2/9 155 minutes ● Yes ● Yes

Friday ● No ● No

Saturd 2/1 195 minutes ● Yes ● Yes

ay 0 ● No ● No

Sunda 2/11 196 minutes ● Yes ● Yes

y ● No ● No
Self-Monitoring Implementation phase tracking sheet for Week of Feb 11
Behavior = Social media use
Operational Definition = Engaging in any of the following social media websites or apps: Twitter, Snapchat,
Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, TikTok youtube
Reinforcer = chocolate
Current requirement for earning reinforcement= 175 minutes

Day Date Tracking (use the unit of Did you meet Did X meet the Did you provide
of measurement given in your the current current yourself with the
the operational definition) requirement to requirement to reinforcer?
week earn earn (Preferred, Less
reinforcement? reinforcement? Preferred or No)
(Yes or No) (Family/Friend)
(Yes or No)
2/12 195 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred
Mon ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
day ● No

Tues 2/13 180 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No
wedn 2/14 195 ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred
esday ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

thurs 2/15 183 ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

day ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

2/16 170 ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

frida ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
y ● No

2/17 175 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

satur ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
day ● No

2/18 175 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

sunda ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
y ● No
elf-Monitoring Implementation phase tracking sheet for Week of Feb 18
Behavior = social media
Operational Definition =
Reinforcer = chocolate
Current requirement for earning reinforcement= 150 minutes

Day Dat Tracking (use the unit of Did you meet Did X meet the Did you provide
of e measurement given in your the current current yourself with the
the operational definition) requirement to requirement to reinforcer?
wee earn earn (Preferred, Less
k reinforcement? reinforcement? Preferred or No)
(Yes or No) (Family/Friend)
(Yes or No)
2/19 180 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred
Mon ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
day ● No

2/12 163 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

tues 0 ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
day ● No

wed 2/21 167 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

nesd ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
ay ● No

2/22 155 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
Thur ● No
Frid 2/23 140 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred
ay ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

2/24 150 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

Satu ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
rday ● No

2/25 145 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

sund ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
ay ● No
Self-Monitoring Implementation phase tracking sheet for Week of Feb 26
Behavior = Social Media use
Operational Definition =
Reinforcer = Chocolate
Current requirement for earning reinforcement= 125 minutes

Day Dat Tracking (use the unit of Did you meet Did X meet the Did you provide
of e measurement given in your the current current yourself with the
the operational definition) requirement to requirement to reinforcer?
wee earn earn (Preferred, Less
k reinforcement? reinforcement? Preferred or No)
(Yes or No) (Family/Friend)
(Yes or No)
2/26 155 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred
● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
mon ● No
tues 2/27 168 minuts ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred
day ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

2/28 130 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

wed ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
nesd ● No

2/29 126 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

thur ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
sday ● No

frida 3/1 120 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

y ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

satu 3/2 122 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

rday ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

sund 3/3 124 minutes ● Yes ● Yes ● Preferred

ay ● No ● No ● Lesser Preferred
● No

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