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Identify and correct the modification error in the following sentences:

1. The students could see the shuttle launch from the school.
From the school , the students could see the ahuttle launch.
2. Swinging from a giant tire, the tourists were delighted by the gorilla.
The tourists were delighted by the gorilla that was swinging from a giant
tire .

3. Holding hands, the pelicans walked around the preschool children.

Holding hands, the preschool children walked around the pelicans .
4. She found a spider cleaning the bathroom
She found a spider while cleaning the bathroom .
5. She thanked the usher wearing a badge in the theatre.
In the theatre, she thanked the usher wearing a badge .
6. On her way to the bank, the missing dog was seen by Sarah.
The missing dog was seen by Sarah on her way to the bank.
7. He got a Mustang for his birthday from his father with a custom interior.
He got a Mustang with a cudtom interior for his birthday from his
father .
8. The clerk asked for the money with a frown.
The clerk asked with a frown , for the money .
9. Hanging on the wall, I read his diploma.
I read his diploma that was hanging on the wall.
10.She bought a cake from the bakery with chocolate icing.
She bought a cake with chocolate icing from the bakery.
11.The student was punished by the teacher who cheated on the test.
The student who cheated on the test was punished by the teacher.
12.Anna often suggested that the children should play outside.
Anna suggested that the children should often play outside.
13.A friend Barnett had lunch with suggested occasionally that Barnett
compete on a reality show.
A friend barnett occasionally had lunch with , suggested that barnett
compete on a reality show.
14.With leaking pipes and a broken air conditioner, the tenants rightfully
withheld the month’s rent on the property.
The tenants rightfully withheld the month’s rent on the property as it had
leaking pipes and a broken air conditioner.
15.The pilot wore a uniform to fly the plane that was covered in gold
The pilot wore a uniform that was covered in gold buttons to fly the
plane .
16.After reading the original study, the article remains unconvincing.
After I read the original study , the article remains unconvincing to me.
17.The winner of the pie-eating contest almost ate five pies in ten minutes.
The winner of the pie-eating contest ate almost five pies invten minutes.
18.The man picked up the box of books with arthritis.
The man with arthritis picked up the box of books.
19.She watched her brothers play baseball in her new outfit.
In her new outfit , she watched her brothers play baseball.
20.I only want one sandwich for lunch. (Misplaced adverb qualifier)
I want only one sandwich for lunch.
21.After drilling my tooth, my cavity stopped aching.
After the dentist drilled my tooth , my cavity stopped aching.
22.To become a good photographer, the camera must be used carefully.
If one wants to become a good photographer, the camera must be used
23.Riding in a swiftly moving vehicle, the landscape becomes blurred.
As I am riding in a swiftly moving vehicle , the landscape becomes
24.The students watched the bears looking through binoculars. (Squinting as
we are correcting by placing the modifier before the verb)
Looking through binoculars, the students watched the bears.
25.Tickets have gone on sale for the concert in the bookstore.
Tickets for concert have gone on sale in the bookstore.

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