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+ L ¢ Ga gl gucull daolall FS ilo y yo SI! dural! oud eo Department of ElectromechanicallEngineering Lecture -2 Sideslip angle Thrust yawing >t, moment Side force due to sideslip Rudder deflect: Airplane Stability CamScanner 2 92 4>suaall e Te when Son _c, Pe Ss CamScanner + lise &suacll — Contribedin of Ale Component Ner\e «\ Stabilizer MS Primary source of shabby Consider an ase figung SA Aytouny een Wu Vndlergess seme OL hsturberce of AABN at sila SVP ovgie . Be Wenge of obrectan of Ru ete an eugie of emake for us wich proctuce mehanye ch oft on, Ree Sisat. Coc. er henge Poo duce ew awe Sewer moment Aends to otrectin of Riva. ef verhcal stubider 4p stubeé re renal stablty nn a/was about OBES ered teje< the ajc ese beck iat jhe Se the contyi beter STABILIZING ard Us magndude clepand oon Ake change 4 Vis ith Set gwen AB onl ameomend arm. The Sta bility Lan INCrease by 1) Lacrease Ine UAal AVE the area become layer if Ak hawiay tse Vtail Crs) , 2 ey an anfoa sethea cath hygher Cua. 3) Increasing the momert arm. 4 CamScanner + lise &suacll Wing 2. centrale of wing (5 negigihle as component comPared te teil Fuselage +- Ae Primary, source SA cas pebility | Pera ccc over dhe ferdaye dhe Preteens distribution aver the furdga generates aqnet fore which act ia fornt of the c-7 Center of pressure of fatelage i's ahead of the cy: thes force produce a yaumy moment wri further create the eagle B the a fo “y ea ZL effet ss DESTABILIZIMG ic Oorsal Fine vw eee Corse, 1b Nay +e effet =u /7 \) Decrease the Paserge —\ae Beets Qk Gl Shot ke ce Pa oe after whch okecreasre ane Pnorens| orm ane! the the vastabilty fecresses 2) it reduce tne oMfedwess AR of vertcal rau) (AR = 2 where © increases) IF AR olecveases then ARE shall angle of attack of vertical bal mereases then the vertical tail veman af high shp ange Se the dorsal fire not oly inmrease stability bat abo. Preventek From high sicle siiP_age oa iS. CamScanner + lise a> gauaall Combined effect The cantribuhen of all comprnerts are phted on the same pict ‘letecen Ca Ui B. the adldienet these effect woud give os the total effect of ane ale crthWcal conAtion There ave afer Light conolitier under wlnch chemonds on shehe ohvect ronal eco eae ee Ie CN AN. och wmeeortarh ay ewacae A) Hh orgie of attack ar yh mangle of attack the fiw wit! secarade Bee Th tiiberomes fas offe tue . low angle CamScanner + bis 4>suuaall b) Hah Mach jo >4+ y Easier a wade eee Ake vaiue ef! Cig of verlecal fal pal Akus vestuce ake effechwuness of Aol Ley aed Ake sxrersonce Alc have mech coager Veber ee Bp c) Engine Failave on mutdi eae Ale if one engine fale Ahen the Mrugt and momentum arm may Prodluce enough garving moment WhUW in furn wey prodice encuth 2 sy that Ale Becomes unybable CamScanner + lise &suacll het of take into eccoont the yawing moment Predduce by engine faclare ) Adsterce on the left 2 fakersu|) 4 MAME | FAs will aclol the total Sawing \ 5 eee a oe Ch = &, B+ G, Sp» Te & sb dr { ¢ Conti beten Contribehey — edn tribution due id ro Sr yo engine falere Example eae s Find! the Sick skp aagle fy trimmed {tight And Bare ridley keflecdin when on engine faly Soludion Ga = Sy =e B= pane) 4 si Cng Exampre Fede evdcler- olealection Ley Ayimmedk Aight hen engre fails ond Boo Gn = Bro Ce ae aN - 5b Cag CamScanner + lise &suacll Directional Cont vl Repuiremests Ruddey mast have seffecrert control Power Ch Care the to fake cretical Hight contra , Sr Rudder oleflechen yo fhe le/fMalinaeen os ec Boe ME UCMES eau! le guaall ThE erigional equation s Of Cr enor some yudder ded eced vy And Some susall

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