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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan


(Types of Technical Definition)

Prepared by:
Jan Angel DG. Malicdem
Teaching Intern

Prepared for:
Loreli L. Benitez, EdD
MT1, Cooperating Teacher
Learning Competency
EN10V-II-a-13.9: Give technical and operational definitions

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the students should be able to achieve
the following:
a) define parenthetical, sentence, and extended definition;
b) distinguish the type of technical definition based on the given
statements; and
c) construct a parenthetical, sentence, and extended definitions of a
given term.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic
 Types of Technical Definition
B. References
 Almonte, Liza, et al. Celebrating Diversity through World
Literature: English G10 Learner’s Material. Pasay City.
Department of Education, 2016.
 English 10 Quarter IV Module 1: Technical and Operational
 Types of Definitions Used in Technical Writing. Retrieved from
C. Materials
 laptop
 Multimodal Presentation
 chalk

III. Procedures
Learning Activities
A. Class Routine

1) Opening Prayer
“Before we begin our lesson,
let us ask for the guidance of
the Lord. Let us all stand and
pray.” (a student leads the prayer)

2) Greetings
“Good morning, class! How are
you today?” “Good morning, Ma’am! We are
doing great!”

“That’s good to hear.”

3) Checking of the Attendance

“Class secretary, kindly list
down the names of the
absentees on a one fourth
sheet of paper and give it to
me after the class. Thank you.”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
4) Review and Reminders
“Throughout the class, all I want
you to do is FLY. Focus on the
discussion, listen attentively,
and you must participate in
order for you to learn. Is that
clear?” “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Now, what was your previous

lesson?” “Our lesson yesterday was
technical definition, ma’am.”

“Thank you, ___. What is

technical definition?” “Technical definition is definition of
terms that are found in the

“Thank you, ____. It seems

that you really paid attention to
our discussion yesterday. Are
you ready to FLY and learn? “Yes, ma’am.”
B. Pre-Writing Activity

1. Statement of Objectives
“Today, you are going to
define parenthetical,
sentence, and extended
definition; distinguish the type
of technical definition based
on the given statements; and
construct a parenthetical,
sentence, and extended
definitions of a given term.
2. Motivation
“Arrange the jumbled letters to
form a meaningful word.”

5. EEDNETDX The students’ answers:
C. While Writing Activities

1. Presentation of the Lesson

“Our lesson for today is
different types of technical

2. Development of the Lesson

“There are three types of
technical definition. The first
one is called parenthetical
definition. These definitions
are short and are usually a
synonym or an alternative
phrase that is placed after the
term being defined. These
may be enclosed in
parentheses or set off by


1. The company is developing

a new STO (surface-to-orbit)
system for NASA's new
exploration programs.

2. The cops (police officers)

reprimanded the bystanders
not wearing masks.
3. RAM (random access
memory) is a form of computer
data storage which stores
frequently used program

4. He was suffering from

hypertension, or high blood

5. He was suffering from

hypertension (a chronic
medical condition)

“Is parenthetical definition

“Yes, ma’am.”
“Let’s now move on to the
second type of technical
definition which is sentence
definition. Sentence definitions
usually appear in a glossary,
within the text, or in margin
notes. Most sentence
definitions introduce the term,
give its category, and cite its
distinguishing features.”


1. A comparator is a digital
circuit used to compare two

2. “A Bunsen burner is a small

laboratory burner consisting
of a vertical metal tube
connected to a gas source”

3. An electron microscope is a
microscope that uses
electrons rather than visible
light to produce magnified

4. A neodymium magnet is a
permanent magnet made of a
neodymium, boron, iron alloy.

“Do you have questions

regarding sentence definition?”

“If none, let’s move on to the (The students’ answers may vary.)
last type of technical

“The last type of technical

definition is extended
definition. This is used when a
term has
to be explained in great detail.
This kind of definition may be
a few sentences but can also
several pages long. Extended
definitions are usually used in
textbooks, encyclopedias, and
wiki sites.”


1. Science fiction is a type of

speculative fiction
characterized by its use of
science, not fantasy or
supernatural elements, to tell a
story. While science fiction is
generally thought to
encompass anything having to
do with space, this is an
extremely narrow definition.
Science fiction may be set on
Earth, in the present day, and
have nothing more than a
single fictional item or conceit.
For example, the film Time
Lapse is set on modern-day
Earth and features a machine
that takes pictures of the
future. On the other hand, the
novel The Handmaid's Tale
has no fantastic technology
but is set in a future setting.

2. Sickle cell anemia is a

congenital hemolytic anemia
that occurs primarily but not
exclusively in Blacks. The
condition results from a
defective hemoglobin molecule
(hemoglobin S) which causes
red blood cells (RBCs) to
roughen and become sickle-
shaped. Such cells impair
circulation, resulting in chronic
ill health (fatigue, dyspnea on
exertion, and swollen joints),
periodic crises, long-term
complications, and premature
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Did you understand, class?”

“Again, what are the three “The three types of technical

types of technical definition?” definitions are parenthetical,
sentence, and extended

“Very good. Now, let’s have an

D. Post-Writing Activity
1. Enrichment of the lesson.

Directions: Give the

parenthetical definition,
sentence definition, and
extended definition of the
given terms. Write your
answers on a one-half sheet of
paper. You are given ten
minutes to accomplish the

Group 1:
1. DepEd

Group 2:
1. book
2. computer

Group 3:
1. education

“I have grouped you into three.

Group one, you will give a
parenthetical definition of the
given term, group two will give
the sentence definition of the
given term, and group three
will give the extended
definition of the given term. Do
you have any question
regarding the instructions?” (The students’ answers may vary.)

“Your ten minutes starts now.”

2. Generalization

“Class, again, what are the

three types of technical
definition?” “The three types of technical
definitions are parenthetical,
sentence, and extended

“What is parenthetical
definition?” “Parenthetical definitions are words
that quickly explain a term and are
included within the same sentence
as the word being defined. These
informal definitions can be a
synonym or a short phrase.

“Very good, _____. Now,

where will the definitions be
placed?” “They will be placed in
parentheses, ma’am.”

“Good job, ____. How about

sentence definition? Can
someone explain what a
sentence definition is? “Sentence definitions usually
appear in a glossary, within the text,
or in margin notes. Most sentence
definitions introduce the term, give
its category, and cite its
distinguishing features.”

“Very good, ____. Lastly, what “Extended definition is used when a

is extended definition?” term has to be explained in great
detail. Extended definitions are
usually used in textbooks,
encyclopedias, and wiki sites.”

“Exactly! An extended
definition is a definition that
requires more than just a
single sentence. Is that clear,
class? Do you have any
clarification regarding our (The students’ answers may vary.)

IV. Assessment

Directions: Write PD if the statement
is a parenthetical definition, write SD
if the statement is a sentence
definition, and write ED if the
statement is an extended definition.

__1. A master's degree is a

certification of advanced academic
study following a bachelor's degree
and focuses on a more specific area
of a field.
__2. The food truck serves pozole (a
Mexican stew) every Sunday
__3. French omelets are a type of
egg dish made simply with two eggs,
butter, and salt and no additional
__4. Voltaire was imprisoned twice in
the Bastille (French fortress),
once in 1717 and a second time in
__5. H. P. Lovecraft was a writer in
the early 20th century who is highly
influential in modern speculative
fiction. He was not the first to write in
the genre of cosmic horror, but he
was one of the major contributors to
the genre. While relatively unknown
in his time, his works have inspired
generations of writers and artists, and
today he is considered one of the
masters of horror.
The students’ answer:
1. SD
2. PD
3. SD
4. PD
5. ED
V. Assignment

Instruction: Construct sentences using

the terms below. Write your answers on
a one-half sheet of paper.

1. curtain
(Sentence Definition)
(Parenthetical Definition)
(Extended Definition)
4. music
(Sentence Definition)
5. diabetes
(Extended Definition)

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