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An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the
computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you
to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.
Without an operating system, a computer is useless. An operating system (OS) is the program
that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other
application programs in a computer. The application programs make use of the operating system
by making requests for services through a defined application program interface (API). In
addition, users can interact directly with the operating system through a user interface, such as a
character user interface (CUI) or a graphical UI (GUI).

A graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface through which a user interacts with electronic
devices such as computers and smartphones through the use of icons, menus and other visual
indicators or representations (graphics). GUIs graphically display information and related user
controls, unlike text-based interfaces, where data and commands are strictly in text. GUI
representations are manipulated by a pointing device such as a mouse, trackball, stylus, or by a
finger on a touch screen. Example: Windows, Android etc.

CUI also known as a character user interface or command-line user interface is a way in which
the user can interact with the computer program. It allows users to issue a command of more than
a line of text, also known as command lines, to the program which can be anything like opening
a file or directory, etc. It provides an easy way to implement scripts in any programming
language by writing a specific command for it.
It acts as a user interface wherein the user interacts with the computer, purely through a
keyboard. For performing any tasks, a command is to be written on the interface which gets
executed and does the necessary operation.
MS-DOS is one of the best examples of a CUI.


MS-DOS (which stands for Microsoft Disc Operating Systems) is a Microsoft developed OS.
This came out initially in 1981 and quickly became the preferred OS over IBM-compatible
desktop computers in the decades that followed.

Microsoft's DOS is a Character User Interface (CUI) OS, which means it lacks the visual user
interface (GUI) found in modern OS like Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. Clients communicate
with the OS instead by entering instructions into an administrative prompt.

MS-DOS was intended to serve as a simple and efficient computer operating system capable of
running on cheap-powered hardware. It included basic features like managing files, disc
presentation, and disc services. Microsoft's DOS transformed over the years to accommodate
advanced functions such as social media, handling memory, and performing multiple tasks.

The MS-DOS eventually got supplanted by Windows from Microsoft, which included a
graphical user interface and enhanced features. MS-DOS, on the other hand, is a significant
component of calculating the past and continues to be utilized in specialized tasks and systems
that are embedded.

Types of DOS Commands:

There are mainly two types of DOS Commands. These are as follows:

1. Internal Commands:
Internal commands are loaded into the system memory during system booting. These internal
commands may not be seen, modified, detected, or deleted because they do not exist in the form
of a file. An internal command is the MS-DOS command stored in system memory and loaded
from or cmd.exe. Internal commands include MD, DATE, COPY, CD, TIME,

2. External Commands
External commands are stored in the system memory after system booting. These external
commands may easily be viewed, changed, deleted, or copied as they are present in the form of a
file. External commands include FORMAT, SYS, EDIT, PROMPT, COPY, PRINT, TREE,
SORT, etc.

Features of DOS:
There are various features of the disk operating system. Some features of the operating system
are as follows:
1. It is a free OS.
2. It doesn't support GUI.
3. It is a single-user OS.
4. It is a 16-bit OS.
5. The mouse could not be used to operate it, i.e., the input is provided via the basic system
6. It aids make file management, e.g., creating, editing, deleting files, etc.
7. It has a text-based interface and relies on text and codes to function.


Microsoft's DOS had multiple benefits over the various operating systems at that point in time,
which include the following −

 Efficient use of system resources − MS-DOS was developed for use on negligible-
powered hardware, making it a perfect match for first-generation desktop machines with
little power for processing and storage.
 Simple and intuitive command-line interface − MS-DOS was developed for use on
negligible-powered hardware, making it a perfect match for first generation desktop
machines with little power for processing and storage
 The wide availability of software − Microsoft's DOS quickly established itself as the
dominant OS for desktop computers, spawning a plethora of applications and programs
for it.
 Compatibility with a wide range of hardware − The MS-DOS may have been utilized
via an extensive variety of combinations of hardware due to the fact that was developed
to be appropriate with the components of IBM compatible desktop machines.
 Stability − The MS-DOS was an efficient and dependable OS that was widespread in
corporate and commercial conditions.


Microsoft's DOS has multiple drawbacks over the various operating systems at that point in time,
which include the following −

 Limited multitasking support − Microsoft DOS served as a focusing-on one- task
computer operating system that was capable of running one program at a time. As a
result, it was far less effective compared to contemporary OSes, which allow for
numerous programs concurrently.
 No graphical user interface(GUI) − Microsoft's DOS lacked a graphical user interface,
making it a bit harder for users unfamiliar with the command line interface to get
acquainted with the OS.
 Lack of built-in networking support − The MS-DOS lacks socializing assistance,
making it more challenging to communicate with machines to exchange materials.
 Lack of plug-and-play support − Microsoft's DOS wasn't compatible with plug-and-
play equipment, so individuals had to customize and construct hardware devices
 Vulnerabilities to security threats − Microsoft's DOS was a prompt operating system
that didn't have numerous of the safety includes now found in contemporary operating

To summarize, Microsoft's DOS proved to be a revolutionary OS that aided in the

establishment of personal the field of computing. While it experienced many benefits,
which included effective utilization of the system's assets, a simple and intuitive control-
line interface, widespread software availability, connectivity with an extensive variety of
equipment, and equilibrium, it additionally came with several drawbacks, including
limited juggling of several tasks support, a lack of a GUI, a lack of embedded
collaboration support, a do not have of plug-and-play encouragement, and weaknesses to
security threats.
Regardless of its shortcomings, the MS-DOS established the path for the invention of
contemporary operating systems and performed a significant role in information
technology over the course of time. It continues to be employed in some specialized
programs and embedded machines today, and its history lives on in interfaces for the
command line as well as other contemporary Linux operati

1. To gain practical experience with the operating system.
2. To implement different commands used in DOS.
3. To increase knowledge about MS-DOS.

MS-DOS commands are essential for navigating and managing the operating system
through the command-line interface. Here is a list of common MS-DOS commands,
along with their functions and examples:

1. DIR (Directory):
Function: Lists the files and directories in the current directory.
Syntax: DIR [options] [directory]
Example: DIR /W C:\Users
Example: DIR or DIR /W for a wide format listing.

2. CD (Change Directory):
Function: Changes the current directory.
Syntax: CD [drive] [path]
Example: CD C:\Windows
Example: CD C:\Windows changes to the "Windows" directory on the C: drive.

3. COPY:
Function: Copies files from one location to another.
Syntax: COPY source destination [/options]
Example: COPY file.txt C:\Backup
Example: COPY file.txt C:\Backup copies "file.txt" to the "Backup" directory.

4. DEL (Delete):
Function: Deletes one or more files.
Syntax: DEL files [/options]
Example: DEL file.txt
Example: DEL file.txt deletes the file named "file.txt."

Function: Formats a disk, erasing all data on it.
Syntax: FORMAT drive: [/options]
Example: FORMAT A: /S
Example: FORMAT A: formats a floppy disk in drive A.

6. CHKDSK (Check Disk):
Function: Checks a disk for errors and fixes them.
Syntax: CHKDSK [drive:] [/F] [/R]
Example: CHKDSK C: /F
Example: CHKDSK C: checks the C: drive for errors.

7. REN (Rename):
Function: Renames a file or directory.
Syntax: REN [drive:][path]oldname newname
Example: REN C:\Documents\oldfile.txt newfile.txt
Example: REN oldfile.txt newfile.txt renames "oldfile.txt" to "newfile.txt."

8. TYPE:
Function: Displays the contents of a text file.
Syntax: TYPE [drive:][path]filename
Example: TYPE C:\Documents\document.txt
Example: TYPE document.txt displays the contents of "document.txt."

9. MD (Make Directory):
Function: Creates a new directory.
Syntax: MD [drive:][path]dirname
Example: MD C:\Projects\NewFolder
Example: MD NewFolder creates a new directory named "NewFolder."

10.RD (Remove Directory):

Function: Removes (deletes) an empty directory.
Syntax: RD [drive:][path]dirname
Example: RD OldFolder deletes the empty directory named "OldFolder."

Function: Copies files and directories with advanced options.
Syntax: XCOPY source destination [/options]
Example: XCOPY C:\Source D:\Destination /E /H /C
Example: XCOPY C:\Source D:\Destination /E /H /C copies files and subdirectories from
C:\Source to D:\Destination, including hidden and system files.

12.VER (Version):
Function: Displays the MS-DOS version.
Example: VER displays the MS-DOS version installed.

13.MEM (Memory):
Function: Displays information about memory usage.
Example: MEM displays information about available memory.


1. Creating three directories named BIM, CSIT and BCA.

2. Changing Directory to BIM and creating another directory named FIT within and
creating a .txt file on FIT.

3. Copying the .txt file to the BCA directory.

4. Deleting the .txt files from both BCA and FIT and also deleting all the three
directories that were created.


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