Guide For Filling Up The Data Inventory Form

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To all Department Heads, Unit Heads, and Office In Charge,

The research and publications office is currently conducting data inventory and data
mapping in the institution (See attached Communication for more information).

In filling up the data Inventory Form, please refer to the following guide

 For TYPE OF DATA IN THE OFFICE- outline the kinds of data being generated, process, and
stored in the office. For e.g student records, staff information, grades, anecdotal, financial data,
etc. Make the Information in this column as comprehensive as possible.

 For DATA FORMAT- describe whether the data is either in PAPER, ELECTRONIC, or both.

 For DATA SOURCE- identify who is the primary source of data being stored and processed in
the office. For example, it can be students, parents, teachers, school offices, government offices,
etc. Make the information on this column as particular as possible.

 For DATA CATEGORIES- identify the general nature of the data being processed. Example for
this is students’ records, student report, faculty records, staff information, reports, etc.

 For DATA STORAGE- identify the manner in which the data is stored in the office. It can be
Physical or digital. If Physical indicate specifically the place it is stored. It can be filing cabinet,
filer, and storage bin. etc. If Digital indicated whether is in a storage device, in the computers, in
a system or a data base, or cloud service. If both, indicate the same.

 For DATA ACCESS- please use the following indicator:

 OPEN ACCESS- this means that anyone can access the data without any form of
procedural restrictions. Furthermore, the data can be found public forums such as the
school website and school social media.

 ACCESSIBLE- this means the data can be accessed with a written permission from the
information owner. Access to this data is limited to the office alone and is not found in
any public forums.

 RESTRICTED- Access to the data needs a written permission from both the data owner
and the head of the department to which the data owner belongs. Furthermore, access to
this data needs to be cleared from the Data Privacy Officer of the Institution. Access to
the data maybe be limited to the office space.

 HIGHLY RESTRICTED- access to the data needs to be cleared by the data owner and
the Data Privacy Officer and must be duly approved by the School president.

 CONFIDENTIAL- Access to the such data can only be granted by the school president
and/or a request by regulatory body of the institution or a lawful court order.

 DATA Organization- identify whether the data is organized or not organized.

 Not organized data are those that are still in their basic form and has not
undergone any form of arrangement such as encoding and filing.

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 Organized data on the other means that the data has undergone treatment such as
encoding and filing.

 DATA UPDATE- Please indicate the nature of how the data is updated. Indicate whether it is
updated on the following basis:
o Regular- the data is updated at least on a quarter basis.

o Periodic – the data is updated on a yearly basis.

o As the Need Arises- data is updated when a need to update the data arises

o Fixed- data is not updated

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