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Lesson 1

1. Read pages 95-104 and answer

2. Interview: Who is a Glocal Teacher? (page 105) Use the interview questions on page

Who is a Glocal Teacher?

Interview Protocol for Face to Face or On-line Interview

Personal Profile: EMILY ANOL


No. of Years in Teaching: 5 YEARS

Place of Teaching


Other Country: N/A

A. Key questions:

(You may start with preliminary questions to establish rapport before you ask key questions for
your interviewee or informant.)

1. How do you consider yourself as a Teacher? Please explain.

a. Beginning

b. Developing

c. Proficient

Interviewee: I would consider myself as a developing teacher because of my experience in

teaching, I am already in the field for 5 years and with my possession as a teacher I am also
assess technically by my master teacher.

2. Which of the following have you given much consideration in your teaching? Why?

a. Local setting, values, tradition and culture.

Interviewee: When it comes in teaching locally of course we have to localized our set up and
then in our country the Philippines we need much values when it comes to values and character
formation so I give much attention on values and the our tradition and culture we have also
emphasize so that our learners would be able to develop nationalism and patriotism but when it
comes to teaching abroad or globally so of course we also consider local set up, values will it
depends on the countries sometimes when they have or sometimes countries would have like
giving much values on character and values formation.

3. Where you are teaching what do you like most? (local or abroad) Why?

a. The learners

Interviewee: In teaching locally of course because I choose to be a teacher, so one reason is that
I would like or I have this passion with the learners I would like to impart my knowledge to the
learners to develop holistically and of course its because of the pay as well but the things is it
that I love to teach and share my knowledge and skills to the people who is willing to learn for
the sake of their future.

4. How do you consider yourself as a teacher? Please explain.

a. Local

Interviewee: Since I am teaching here in our country, the Philippines and I am connected to
DEPED so I would consider myself as a local teacher equipped with the knowledge and skills to
teach in our country to cater the needs of the learners.

Make a Reflection

Note: Use the result of your interview to answer some of the questions for your reflection.

1. Who is a glocal teacher? What are the attributes of the glocal teacher?

— Glocal teacher is a teacher who is blend with global and local perspectives and someone who
thinks and acts both locally and globally. A glocal teacher is someone who creates environments
with a diverse learners and viewed as a role model of students. The attributes of a glocal teacher
is a globally competent and has knowledge with modern technologies in education, has the
ability to know,to be, to live together,to be patient, to adopt new things, patient and
approachable,enthusiastic, productive, and flexible.

2. Can the teacher whom you have interviewed be classified as a glocal teacher? Why? Why not?

— Yes, the teacher whom I interviewed can be classified as a glocal teacher because he
possessed the teachers quality for glocal teacher. She is someone who thinks and acts both
locally and globally with worldwide perspectives but is teaching in the communities , localities,
towns, provinces and regions where she is situated.

3. Can one be a global teacher, without teaching abroad? Write your insight.
— Yes, a teacher can be a glocal teacher without teaching abroad because glocal teacher not only
defined the teacher who work or teach abroad but also if they were good and performing well
teachers and has the quality of a teachers abroad.

4. Reflect on the stamen, “As a glocal teacher, act locally but think globally.”

— “As a glocal teacher, act locally but think globally” this means that the glocal teacher must act
locally but think globally wherein a local teachers has the quality of the global teachers or the
teachers abroad.

Self-check Questions

Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become
borderless primarily due to: - Understanding

a. Advances in technology

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about a professional teacher of the 21st century? – Analysis

d. Disregard of cultural diversity and a focus on the 21 st century skills is the ultimate goal of
globalized education.

3. When Roland Robertson started to use the phrase “think local, act global” he meant that
________. – Understanding

a. Even if you will be teaching in your hometown, your competence is world class.

d. You believe that the best examples in your lessons from abroad.

4. To which does global village refer? – Understanding

a. Other countries abroad

5. Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher possesses to become a glocal teacher? –

d. Borderless thinking and interconnectivity

Lesson 2

Take Actions

Task No 1: Make a matrix using the example below:

Title: The Teacher Professional and the Teaching Profession Across the ASEAN and Beyond
The Professional Educational What Grade Levels How are they
Teacher in Qualifications can They Teach Recruited

ASEAN College graduate The BEed The teacher in the

with bachelorette professional teacher ASEAN country is
degree, must have they can teach in being guided and
underwent student elementary level and recruited by the
practicum and the BSEd professional Ministry of Education.
license for teacher can teach in And given the license
teaching. secondary level, but to teach by the
both of them can country’s appropriate
teach in tertiary level agencies.
if they are qualified.

CHINA Primary teacher should They can teach There is no

have at least graduated according to their standardized system of
from secondary normal program if they teacher recruitment in
school or senior choose in elementary China. Teaching
secondary school while education then the can positions can be quite
the junior secondary teach in the primary competitive in urban
teachers should at least education and so on. areas but rural areas
have a teaching often suffer from a
deploma from junior shortage of candidates.
teaching college. As result, the often
must employ “supply
teachers,” or teachers
who are primarily
substitutes, in their
local schools.

JAPAN They must underwent They can teach In addition to

6 years in elementary according to the field completing a degree,
school, 6 years in they choose. the teacher applicant
lower and upper must secure a license
secondary school and 4 to teach from a
years in prefectural board of
college/university. And education. A licensed
they must have the awarded by any
Teacher certification prefecture is valid in
for them to have the all prefectures.
right to teach. However, applicant is
required to take

U.S.A. They must attend a They can teach They were recruited
college or a university according to their by the superintendent
for four years. And program and chosen if he/she approves the
must have a teaching year level as long as the applicant. And
diploma or teaching they are licensed they were hire already
degree. And must pass teacher and qualified if the superintendent
the National Teacher to teach. already sign.

Enrichment Activity

Write an Essay on the topic. How does a Filipino teacher compare with a teacher in the ASEAN
and Beyond?

— All of us can compete maybe we can win or lost but our capabilities were comparable to
others specially to the teacher in the ASEAN and Beyond. You might be asking if a Filipino
teacher is capable enough to teach in other country?

The Filipino teacher is being compare with a teacher in the ASEAN and Beyond, we all know
that we have different characteristics and behavior and culture and traditions also may affects the
performance of the teacher. Filipino teacher can be a local or glocal teacher wherein the Filipino
teacher is competitive enough to other teachers in other country. If the teacher in other countries
were doing performance well in terms of classroom management and teaching then majority of
the Filipino teacher is performing well also but the performance of the teacher is being affected
by the educational system of the country.

Thus, the Filipino teacher possessed also the quality of the teacher in other country, majority of
the teacher is performing well but the educational system has the huge impact to the performance
of the teacher.

Make Reflection
If given an opportunity to experience teaching in another country listed above, where
would you like to teach? Explain.

— If given the chance and opportunity to experience teaching in another country. I would rather
choose to teach in the country of Singapore because of some reasons:

First Reason: Today, the school system of Singapore is considered the best worldwide. And this
is not only restricted to high schools but also at the university levels, with the National
University of Singapore being the highest ranking in Asia and outperforming renowned
institutions worldwide.

Second Reason: In Singapore, they have an intensive, appropriate and relevant Curriculum which
focuses on teaching specific subjects and problem-solving skills. Singapore's school system
encourages project work and creative thinking. Hence, the country introduced a Teach Less,
Learn More strategy, which inspires teachers to focus on quality rather than quantity of

Third Reason Singapore's education system is highly centralized. The Ministry of Education
oversees kindergarten (ages four to five) through higher education and lifelong learning.

Fourth Reason: Singapore as having the best education system in the world. Also, Education in
Singapore is superior because the classes are focused on teaching the students specific problem-
solving skills and subjects.

Fifth Reason Based on research studies and a profound survey of teachers' status in 21 countries
has found that Singapore has a relatively high level of respect for teachers, ranking seventh
ahead of Finland, Britain and the United States. Perhaps, the study looked at key indicators of
teacher status, such as public perception of the profession and salaries.

Enrichment Activity

Write an Essay on the topic. How does a Filipino teacher compare with a teacher in the
ASEAN and Beyond?

— All of us can compete maybe we can win or lost but our capabilities were comparable to
others specially to the teacher in the ASEAN and Beyond. You might be asking if a Filipino
teacher is capable enough to teach in other country?

The Filipino teacher is being compare with a teacher in the ASEAN and Beyond, we all know
that we have different characteristics and behavior and culture and traditions also may affects the
performance of the teacher. Filipino teacher can be a local or glocal teacher wherein the Filipino
teacher is competitive enough to other teachers in other country. If the teacher in other countries
were doing performance well in terms of classroom management and teaching then majority of
the Filipino teacher is performing well also but the performance of the teacher is being affected
by the educational system of the country.

Thus, the Filipino teacher possessed also the quality of the teacher in other country, majority of
the teacher is performing well but the educational system has the huge impact to the performance
of the teacher.

Self-check Questions

All the items refer to Lesson 2. Choose the correct answer from the choices given.

1. In all the ASEAN member countries, which level of schooling is free and compulsory? –

a. Primary level

2. Which of the ASEAN member countries, gives the highest teacher salary? – Remembering

c. Singapore

3. Which country issues a teacher’s license through the Professional Regulation Commission? –

b. Philippines

4. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from what country have the teachers the
greatest respect form students?

a. China

5. Which country, according to the Global Teacher Status Index, gives the highest salary to
teachers? – Understanding

a. Singapore

Lesson 3. The Changing Global Landscape for the 21st Century Teacher

Take Action!

Pillars of Learning Observed Practices in the School

1. Learning to know In the Pillars of Learning to know I observe

in our campus that the Institution provide a
great knowledge and understanding for the
students to learn about one’s life and also
they will make sure that the students were
equipped enough with knowledge and
wisdom in the way of letting the students
experience the real world of the job they
were preparing of, as education students they
will undergo students practicum for the
students to gain more knowledge and
become literate.

Learning to do In this Pillar I observe that our campus is

really good enough in Acquiring new types
of skills, more behavioral than intellectual,
as I witnessed that the Institution is doing its
best to the students to acquire new types of
skill and also to have a good characteristics
and behavior not just only in intellectual

Learning to be In the Pillar of learning to be our school

campus practice this pillar just like
Nurturing imagination and creativity, it lets
the students to nurture imagination and
creativity in a way of preparing a lot of
activities during a big events in the school
and not just that but also in the classroom set
up there is activity that will nurture the
students imagination and creativity.

Learning to live together In the Pillar of learning to live together the

institution practice the sharing and caring
because from the tag line itself ACC CARES
it shows that the Institution cares about the
students and the teacher as will and it let the
teachers to share their knowledge to the

2. Make a comparison of the global teaching-learning landscape before and in the 21 Century

Parameters Before 21st Century

Learners Learners work in individually. Learners work collaboratively.

Teachers Teacher-centered with a Student centered - teacher is a
fragmented curriculum and facilitator.
students working in isolation
memorizing facts.

Learning environment Traditional classroom is 21st Century learning

where a flow of information environments are well
and knowledge. Students are equipped with computer,
expected to continue software, electronic white
developing their knowledge boards and rich digital and
of a subject outside of school online curricular resources.
through homeworks and school through homework The
exercises. learning environment also
consist of interactive learning.
higher level thinking skills and
student engagements are
pervasive, whether students
are learning various subjects

Ways of learning The content was the sole Today's emphasis is on

focus of learning. Students practical application of the
would learn new material content being taught in the
with little regard for its actual world.

Learning content Emphasis on subject Focus on student learning

knowlegde. capabilities.

Make a Reflection!

The global learning village has changed and will keep on changing. As you prepare to
become the teacher of the 21st Century, how will you prepare for these rapid changes?

— Change is constant and everything will change even the educational system, we all know that
the global learning village has changed a lot and keep on changing and as a 21 st century babies I
am always ready to become a teacher in the current century which is 21 st century, I will always
keep my self prepared by adapting the new and advance technology nowadays knowing that
classes not only happen during a face to face discussion but there is a new mode of discussion
which is distance learning, Blended modalities and Experiential and lifelong, with the mentioned
new ways of learning the teacher must knowledgeable enough in order to survive. And I will
always ready my self to face the changes that may happen, and make myself literate in terms of
Information, Communication and Technology.

Self-check Questions

Read and choose the correct option for the items that follow.

1. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the learners in the 21 st century are
characterized bynn-Understanding

B. Initiative and self-direction

2. The new global landscape of the 21 st century shows the following EXCEPT one. Which one is

B. Learners are attuned to rote memorization

3. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being described by the phrase “unity in diversity”?

C. Learning to live together

4. The teacher who spends more that what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan sharks

B. Financial literacy

5. To be ready to teach in the 21 st century, a teacher should develop life and career skills which
should also be nurtured among learners. Which of these career skills enables a person to quickly
respond to the changes in the modern times?-Understanding

B. Flexibility and adaptability

Take Actions

1. Evaluate yourself as to the Pillars of learning. Use the template below. (Nest slide)

Learning to Know / X
Mastering the skills and strategies of knowing and understanding.

Learning to learn and discover.

Understanding about one’s environment.
Thinking in a coherent and critical way.
Acquiring knowledge of the scientific method and instruments. ✔️

Developing a scientific spirit and an inquiring mind ✔️

Acquiring independence of judgment. ✔️
Learning to Live Together / X
Knowing oneself. ✔️
Discovering others. ✔️
Appreciating the diversity of the human race. ✔️
Being receptive to others and open to others’ ideas during dialogues and ✔️
Caring and sharing. ✔️
Working toward common objectives in cooperative undertaking. ✔️

Managing and resolving conflicts. ✔️

Learning to Do / X
Shifting from skill and ‘practical know how’ to competence. ✔️

Applying in practice what has been learned. ✔️

Developing the ability to transform knowledge into innovations and job- ✔️
Developing competence, a mix of higher skills, of social behavior, of an ✔️
aptitude for team work, and imitative/readiness to take risks.

Acquiring new types of skills, more behavioral than intellectual. ✔️

Earning that is no longer limited to work but responds to participation in ✔️

Learning to Be / X
Developing the mind and body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic sense, ✔️
personal responsibility, and spiritual values.

Nurturing imagination and creativity. ✔️

Being complete in oneself, in all the richness of one’s personality. ✔️

Developing one’s full potentials and tapping the hidden treasure within ✔️

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