Heterotrophic Nutrition Handout-1

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Amity International School

Heterotrophic Mode of Nutrition

Heterotrophic Saprophytic
Nutrition Holozoic


I. In Unicellular organisms
Nutrition in amoeba diagram:

II. In Multicellular organisms

Nutrition in human beings:
Nutrition in humans involve following steps:
1. Ingestion: The intake of food takes place through the mouth and various parts
involved are
a. Teeth: To chew the food.
b. Tongue: To mix the food with saliva and push into the oesophagus.
c. Saliva: To make the food soft.

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2. Digestion: In this process complex food is broken down into simpler form. The
various organs involved are
a. Mouth: The salivary gland present in the mouth secretes the enzyme salivary
amylase which breaks down starch into simpler form.

b. Stomach: The inner lining of stomach secretes gastric juices which contain
i. HCl- Makes the medium acidic and kill germs.
ii. Mucus- It protects the inner lining of stomach.
iii. Pepsin- Breaks down proteins into simpler forms.

c. Liver: The liver secretes bile juice which helps in

i. Emulsification of fats.
ii. Makes the medium alkaline.

d. Pancreas: The pancreas release pancreatic juice which contains following

i. Trypsin- Changes complex proteins into simpler forms.
ii. Pancreatic amylase- Changes complex carbohydrates into simpler forms.
iii. Lipase- Changes emulsified fats into simpler form.

e. Small intestine: It releases intestinal juices which convert

Carbohyrates Glucose
Proteins Amino acids
Fats Glycerol + Fatty Acids

3. Absorption:
a. Small intestine- The absorption of nutrients take place in the small intestine.
The inner lining of the small intestine has finger like projections called villi and is
richly supplied with blood vessels.

b. Large intestine- Absorption of water takes place in large intestine.

4. Assimilation: Energy is produced and reserve food is stored in the body.

5. Egestion: The unabsorbed food is temporarily stored in the rectum and is finally
given out through the anus.
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Diagram of human alimentary canal:

Points to remember:
1. The stored form of food in animals is known as glycogen.
2. The exit of food from the stomach is regulated by sphincter muscle.
3. The exit of waste from the body is regulated by anal sphincter muscle.
4. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the alimentary canal
is known as peristaltic movement .

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