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A Research Paper

Presented to

Sheena Mae Dacasin


This research paper entitled “EFFECTS OF BODY SHAMING TO GRADE 12

STUDENTS IN SAN CARLOS COLLEGE”, prepared and submitted by Sheena Mae


Dra. Alicia Peralta

Research adviser

Body shaming (BS) is a popular term for a type of negative social interaction, which

frequently occurs in social media. However, there is a lack of a clear scientific definition

of BS and data on its relation to other concepts in social aggression research. The

present study therefore aimed at providing a definition and classification of BS. In an

exploratory online-study, 25 participants (60%) provided personal definitions of BS and

rated the fit of a suggested definition. In addition, they reported similarities with and

differences to related concepts (appearance teasing, cyberbullying, trolling). We

conducted qualitative analyses of the verbal definitions guided by the Grounded Theory

approach and quantified the fit to existing concepts in the field of social aggression.

The results show that BS is perceived as an unrepeated act in which a person expresses

unsolicited, mostly negative opinions/comments about a target’s body, without

necessarily intending to harm him/her. Still, the target perceives the comments as

negative. BS can range from well-meant advice to malevolent insults and it can occur

online and offline. Participants saw similarities between BS and appearance teasing. BS

can be a tool for trolling and can evolve to cyberbullying with repetition over time.

Altogether, BS is a form of social aggression that has a negative impact on individuals.

The definition and classification help to investigate BS and its effects on body image

and mental health in future research.

Table of contents iv








 THE PROBLEM __________________________________1


 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK_________________________3

 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ________________________4

 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ______________________5

 HYPOTHESIS OF ASSUMPTION______________________6

 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ______________________7

 DIFINITION OF TERMS _____________________________ 8



 RELATED STUDIES _________________________________10

 SYNTHESIS OF RELATED STUDIES _____________________11


 RESEARCH DESIGN_________________________________12

 LOCALE OF THE STUDY ____________________________13

 METHODOLOGY ___________________________________14

 DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT AND___________________15




Background and need of the study

Body shaming has emerged as a critical issue affecting individuals across different

age groups, particularly adolescents. Body shaming often leads to low self-esteem, low

body dissatisfaction, and depressive symptoms, which is consistent with the growing

body of work emphasizing the harmful role of appearance-based harassment among

youth. (Gam et al., 2020)

According to Pediatrics, about 30% of girls and 24% of boys report daily bullying,

teasing and/or rejection based on their body size. These numbers are doubled (63% of

girls and 58% of boys) for high school students who are living in larger bodies.

Body shaming refers to the act of making negative comments, judgments, or

comparisons about a person’s physical appearance, often leading to psychological

distress and a negative body image. Among students, body shaming can be especially

detrimental, as they are in a critical phase of their lives where they are more vulnerable

to social pressures and peer influence. In a 2021 study of more than 950 “sexual

minorities,” study authors found alarming rates of Hispanic males ages 18 to 30

experiencing: symptoms of eating disorders and disordered eating, body dysmorphic

disorder, appearance and performance-enhancing drug misuse and excessive drive for


This research study aims to investigate the effects of body shaming to grade 12

students in San Carlos College . San Carlos College represents a diverse student

population, providing an opportunity to examine the impact of body shaming across

different backgrounds and experiences. By focusing on this specific grade level,

researchers aim to explore the potential ramifications of body shaming during the final

stages of secondary education, where students face various challenges in preparing for

their future endeavors.


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for the effects of body shaming to Grade 12 students in San

Carlos College can be based on several psychological theories and concepts. Two

prominent theories that can be applied to this study are Social Comparison Theory and

Self-Esteem Theory.

According to Social Comparison Theory, proposed by Leon Festinger, suggests that

individuals have a natural tendency to compare themselves to others in order to

evaluate their abilities, opinions, and physical attributes. This theory can be applied to

body shaming, as students may compare their bodies to societal ideals or their peers,

which can lead to negative self-perceptions and increased anxiety.

Self-Esteem Theory: Self-Esteem Theory posits that individuals’ evaluations of their self-

worth influence their emotional well-being. Students who experience body shaming may

develop low self-esteem due to negative evaluations of their appearance, leading to

increased anxiety levels. This theory emphasizes the importance of positive self-

perception and the impact it has on mental health.


Body Shaming: This variable represents the experiences of Grade 12 students at San

Carlos College regarding body shaming. It includes instances of negative comments,

teasing, bullying, or unrealistic societal standards that students may encounter related

to their physical appearance.

Anxiety Levels: This variable measures the level of anxiety experienced by Grade 12

students. It encompasses feelings of worry, fear, or nervousness that may arise due to

body shaming experiences. Anxiety levels can be assessed through validated

psychological scales or questionnaires.

Mediating Variable: Self-esteem can act as a mediating variable between body shaming

and anxiety levels. Negative evaluations of one’s body may lower self-esteem, which, in

turn, contributes to increased anxiety. It is important to consider self-esteem as a

potential mechanism through which body shaming impacts anxiety.

Gender can moderate the relationship between body shaming and anxiety levels.

Research suggests that body image concerns and experiences of body shaming may

differ between males and females. Therefore, the impact of body shaming on anxiety

levels may vary based on gender.

Social support can also moderate the effects of body shaming on anxiety levels.

Students who receive adequate support from friends, family, or school personnel may

be more resilient and better able to cope with body shaming experiences, resulting in

lower anxiety levels.

The relationship between body shaming, self-esteem, and anxiety levels while

considering the moderating effects of gender and social support, this theoretical

framework provides a foundation for understanding the complex dynamics at play

among Grade 12 students at San Carlos College

Conceptual Framework

Independent variables Dependent variables

Figure 1. Research paradigm

Statement of the problem and subproblem

The study is designed to analyze the impacts of body shaming on grade 12 students

and seek to determine the effects of this topic that cause anxiety in these students.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

What are the experiences of Grade 12 students on body shaming?

2.What course of action could be done to stop the body shaming?

3.How do the participants cope with body shaming?

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effects of body shaming to grade 12

students. The respondents are limited to 25 studens in grade 12 at San Carlos College.

The scope of body shaming is wide and can include, although is not limited to fat


Significance of the study

Teacher. This study will assist instructors in identifying students who are affected by it,

and they may use it to instruct their students on how to handle it.

Students. Only how to deal with body shaming will be helped by this study.

Future Researchers. This study will give future research ideas for their own research

and will serve as a reference if they wish to conduct similar research.

Definition of terms

Body shaming. The act or practice of subjecting someone to criticism or mockery for

supposed bodily faults or imperfections. It involves humiliating someone by making

inappropriate or negative comments about their body size or shape.

Effects. A changes that result when something is done or happens.

Chapter II



Body shaming is done when someone gives a hateful impression to body shape or

body type. Body shaming in practice has existed for a year and up until now. People

have a definite concept of “beauty” that defines standards of skin color, body

dimensions or something that is connected to physical appearance (Times Now Digital,


Filipinos are highly observant and they constantly notice things that change to a
person upon meeting them after a short or long time, according to Dan (2021), in his

post entitled “Fat/Skinny Shaming in Filipino Culture: When Friends or Families Take

Notice of Your Weight (Part ½)”. It has become customary for Filipinos to state the

obvious when engaging in casual conversation with new people after first meeting them.

“Uy, ang laki/payat mo na ha!” is a popular response to greetings in the Filipino language.

This word shall be Hello! Oh, you’re large or slim now, how are you?”, which is equivalent

in English. This article demonstrates Reportr’s (2020) claim that Filipinos have unique

criteria for beauty. The majority of people in our nation have seen similar blowback

while discussing body size. Additionally, the so-called “Pintasera Culture” has affected

both common people and those who have made a name for themselves in certain well-

known industries. Attacks include posting videos and photos on various social media

platforms as well as receiving hate comments such as “Tabachoy, lumba lumba,

dabiana, baboy,” some insulting Tagalog words that are frequently heard by many.

Although a person’s reaction to a particular activity is intrinsic, Lamarche et al. argue

that people are more likely to experience negative effects when their socially acceptable

body image is threatened. Al. (2017) has noted that when body image is a factor in a

social-evaluative threat, men become anxious about not living up to the societal ideal of

being muscular and fear that they will be treated less favorably in terms of physical

appearance and more likely to experience social rejection.


These are studies or investigations which are already completed or finished to which
the present study is related. They are usually unpublished materials such as

manuscripts, thesis, and other dissertations conducted in the Philippines and other

research publications.

These are already conducted research or reviews related to the present report. Typically,

these are secret documents such as notes, theses, and dissertations carried out in the

Philippines and other academic publications.

Global Literature and Studies International Literature: It is composed of news,

knowledge blogs, and papers from other countries or from other countries that offer

great importance to your work or analysis. Global studies are international studies,

articles, dissertations, surveys, or some other analysis techniques.

Studies in international literature include systematic iterature work in the language of

the nation in which it was published that involves the analysis of the geographical and

historical circumstances in which it was published.

Studying some international literature involves learning the language in which literature

has been translated.


History and International Studies seek to have the strongest breadth of detailed human

interactions in liberal arts schooling. It provides the ability for students to research

history, not only for their own sake but for the insights it gives to the present.
Chapter III


Research Design

The research design is a comprehensive plan that outlines the techniques and steps to

be taken for gathering and analyzing the necessary data.

A population’s or phenomenon’s characteristics were described using a descriptive

study design. This research strategy is appropriate for the study in order to acquire the

proper data via the questionnaire and to describe the information obtained.

Source of Data

Locate of the Study

The respondent of this study are approximately 80% of female students and 20% of

male Grade 12 students in San Carlos College in which they’ll be asked to answer the

survey questionnaires that being prepared by the research.


Figure 2. Map of San Carlos City,mabini ,Pangasinan

One of the three secondary private schools in the Municipality of San Carlos City is the

San Carlos College.It is situated in


mabini, the secondary small barangay in San Carlos. The respondents are senior high

school students in grade 12.

Population/ Sampling

The population of this study is concentrated on how body shaming affects students.

The form of sampling that will be used in the research is called purposeful sampling.

Purposive sampling, sometimes referred to as judgement, selective, or subjective

sampling, is a sampling approach where the researcher uses his or her own judgment to

pick members of the population to take part in the study. It is a non-probability sampling

technique where pieces are picked for the sample based on the researcher’s discretion.

Researchers frequently think that by using excellent judgment and obtaining a

representative sample, they may save time and money.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The study’s primary tool is a survey-questionnaire. The advisor approved the

questionnaire. The respondents’ respective classroom were used to complete the

questionnaire. The questionnaires were personally handed to respondents by the


A letter requesting permission to conduct the study was sent to the principal of Dumpay

National High School prior to the distribution of the final copies of the questionnaire.

This was done in order to secure the backing and cooperation of higher authorities for

the study’s execution.

Tools for Statistical Analysis

This data determined using the following:

To obtain valid and reliable results from the data gathered, no. of percentage was used

to determine the profile of the students in terms of age and gender. Frequency was also

used to determine the problems about the Impacts of Group Activities on Senior High

School Student Performances at Dumpay National High School.

The formula for percentage:

Where: P-percentage

X= number of responses

N= total number of respondents


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