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Framework of the Study

This study is anchored on Community-Policing Theory by Eck & Maguire, (2000) and the
Organizational Theory.

Community Policing Theory emphasizes the collaboration between law enforcement agencies
and the community to address crime and disorder effectively. It prioritizes proactive problem-
solving strategies and emphasizes building trust and partnerships between the police and
community members. In the context of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs) in Baguio
City, several factors affect their effectiveness in combating criminality. Firstly, the level of
community engagement and cooperation plays a crucial role. Research suggests that active
involvement of community members enhances the success of community policing. Secondly, the
training and resources provided to BPAT members significantly influence their ability to perform
their duties effectively. Proper training equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to
address various crime-related challenges in their communities. Furthermore, the support and
supervision from local law enforcement agencies and barangay officials are essential. Clear
communication channels and coordination mechanisms between BPATs and police authorities
facilitate information-sharing and joint efforts in crime prevention and Lastly, the socio-
economic conditions and cultural dynamics within Baguio City's barangays may impact the
functioning of BPATs. Addressing underlying social issues such as poverty, unemployment, and
community cohesion can contribute to creating a conducive environment for effective crime
prevention efforts (Eck & Maguire, 2000).

Organizational theory provides a valuable lens through which to analyze the factors influencing
the effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs) in combating criminality in
Baguio City. According to Mintzberg (1979), organizations, including BPATs, are complex
systems with various structural elements and interrelated components that impact their
functioning. One relevant aspect of organizational theory in this context is the structural design
of BPATs. Mintzberg's configuration theory suggests that organizational effectiveness is
influenced by the alignment between the structure of the organization and its task environment
(Mintzberg, 1980). In the case of BPATs, the effectiveness of their peacekeeping efforts may be
influenced by factors such as the clarity of their mission, the distribution of roles and
responsibilities among team members, and the coordination mechanisms in place to facilitate
communication and collaboration.
Another pertinent perspective is contingency theory, which posits that organizational
effectiveness depends on the fit between organizational practices and the demands of the external
environment (Donaldson, 2001). In the context of BPATs, this implies that their effectiveness in
combating criminality may be contingent upon factors such as the level of support and
cooperation they receive from local law enforcement agencies, the availability of resources and
training opportunities, and the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the barangays they serve.
Moreover, resource dependence theory underscores the importance of external resource
dependencies in shaping organizational behavior and effectiveness (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978).
For BPATs, this suggests that their ability to effectively address criminality may be influenced by
their access to resources such as funding, manpower, equipment, and information networks, as
well as their ability to leverage external partnerships and alliances with other stakeholders, such
as community organizations, government agencies, and private sector entities.
Organizational theory provides valuable insights into the factors affecting the effectiveness of
BPATs in combating criminality in Baguio City. By considering aspects such as structural design,
environmental contingencies, and resource dependencies, policymakers and practitioners can
better understand the complexities of organizing and managing these peacekeeping initiatives,
thereby enhancing their ability to contribute to community safety and security.

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