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Brayan Rosas Cuero


LAN (Red de área local): Local Área Network.

WAN (Red de are extensa): Wide Area Network

MAN (Red de área metropolitana): Metropolitan Area Network

PAN (Red de área personal: Personal Area Network

Switch (conmutador): A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses MAC addresses to
forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model.

Router (enrutador): Is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer

Routing (enrutamiento): the process of sending information from one computer network to

Hardware: The physical part of a computer including underlying electronics.

Software: Instructions for the equipment. The "program" is the set of instructions that perform a
certain task.

Line Configuration Mode (modo configuración de línea) - Used to configure console, SSH, Telnet,
or AUX access.

Keyword (palabras clave) - This is a specific parameter defined in the operating system (in the
figure, ip protocols).

Argument (argumento) - This is not predefined; it is a value or variable defined by the user (in the

Frame Relay(retardo de fotograma) is a data link layer digital packet-switched network protocol
technology designed to connect local area networks (LAN) and transfer data over wide area
networks (WAN).

Bandwidth(ancho de banda) Transmission capacity of a specific device or network.

Byte (compuesto por 8 bits) : A unit of data that is typically eight bits.

Bit (binary digit, digito binario) : The smallest unit of information on a machine.

Encryption (cifrado): It is the manipulation of data to avoid that any of the users to whom the data
is not directed can make an accurate interpretation.

IP Address (dirección de protocolo de internet): Address that is used to identify a computer or

device on a network.

Dynamic IP (IP dinámica): Address Temporary IP address assigned by a DHCP server.

Static IP (IP estática): Address Fixed address assigned to a computer or device connected to a

DNS (Domain Name Server, servidor de nombres de dominio): IP address of your ISP server, which
translates the names of Web sites into IP addresses.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line, línea de suscriptor digital): Permanent broadband connection through
traditional telephone lines.

Full Duplex (dúplex completo): The availability of a network device to receive and transmit data

Half Duplex (dúplex medio): Data transmission that can occur in two directions through a single
line, but only in one direction at a time.

Fiber optics (fibra óptica): Transmission medium commonly used in data networks; a very fine
thread of transparent material, glass or plastic materials, through which pulses of light are sent
that represent the data to be transmitted.

Firewall (corta fuegos): Element used in computer networks to control communications, allowing
or prohibiting them.

Malware (software malicioso): "Software" that aims to infiltrate the system and damage the
computer without the knowledge of its owner.

Subnet Mask (mascara de subred): Address code that determines the size of the network.

Cable Modem (Modem por cable): A device that connects a computer to the cable television
network that in turn connects to the Internet.

Ping (Internet Packet Finder, buscador de paquetes de internet): Internet utility used to determine
if a given IP address is online.

Preamble (preambulo): Part of the wireless signal that synchronizes network traffic.

Default Gateway (puerta de enlace por defecto): Device that redirects Internet traffic from your
local area network.

Port (Puerto): A connection point on a computer or network device used to connect a cable or

Point-to-Point Network (red punto a punto): Those that respond to a type of network architecture
in which each data channel is used to communicate only two nodes.

Backbone (red troncal): Part of a network that connects most systems and links them to the
network, as well as controls most of the data.

Spyware (software espía): Software that is installed on a computer to collect information about
the activities carried out on it.
TCP (Transport Control Protocol, protocolo de control de transmisión): A network protocol for data
transmission that requires confirmation from the recipient of the data sent.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol, protocolo de datagramas de usuario): Network protocol for the
transmission of data that does not require the confirmation of the recipient of the data sent.

Broadband (banda ancha) High-speed Internet connection and always active.

Download (descargar) Receive a file transmitted over a network.

Ethernet IEEE standard network protocol that specifies how data is placed and retrieved from a
common transmission medium.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, protocolo de configuracion de host dinamico ) A

protocol that allows a device on a network, known as a DHCP server, to assign temporary IP
addresses to other network devices, typically computers.

Firmware (inalterable software) the programming code that runs a network device. Fragmentation
splitting a packet into smaller units by transmitting them over a network medium that cannot
support the original packet size.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol, protocol de transferencia de archivo) Standard protocol for sending
files between computers over TCP / IP networks and the Internet.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, protocol de transferencia de hipertexto) A communications

protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web.

Browser (navegador)Application program that provides a way to query and interact with
information on the World Wide Web.

Packet (paquete) A packet is a small block of data transmitted on a packet-switched network.

Phishing (suplantacion de indentidad) Type of crime framed within the scope of scams, and is
committed through the use of a type of social engineering characterized by trying to acquire
confidential information.

Hacker (pirata informatico) A jargon term for a computer enthusiast. It also refers to individuals
who gain unauthorized access to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and corrupting

Preamble (preambulo) Part of the wireless signal that synchronizes network traffic.

Access Point (punto de acceso) device that enables computers and other devices equipped with
wireless functionality to communicate with a wired network. It is also used to extend the range of
a wireless network.

Server (servidor) Any computer whose function on a network is to provide user access to files,
printing, communications and other services.

Spam(correo no deseado) Spam, spam or junk SMS are unsolicited messages, usually of an
advertising nature, sent in large quantities (even massive) that harm the recipient in one or more
ways. The act of sending such messages is called spamming.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, protocolo de transferencia simple de correo) Internet
standard email protocol.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol, protocolo simple de administracion de red) Widely
extended network monitoring and control protocol.

SOHO (Small Office / Home Office, oficina pequeña/hogar pequeño) The market segment of
professionals working at home or in small offices.

SSID (Service Set Identifier, identificador de conjunto de servicios) Name of your wireless network.
TX rate Transfer rate.

Topology (topologia) Physical distribution of a network.

URL (User Resource Locator, localizador de recursos del usuario) Address of a file located on the

Wireless (inalambrico) Type of communication in which no physical means of propagation is used,

this means that electromagnetic wave modulation is used.

WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network, red de area local inalambrica) A group of computers and
associated devices that communicate with each other wirelessly.

WPA (WiFi Protected Access, acceso protegido de wifi) Security protocol for wireless networks
that is based on the basic foundations of WEP. It ensures the transfer of data wirelessly by using a
key similar to WEP. The added robustness of WPA is that the key changes dynamically. The ever-
changing key makes it difficult for a hacker to know the key and gain access to the network.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, protocolo de resolucion de direcciones) A protocol that

provides dynamic allocation between IP addresses and Ethernet addresses

Dos (denial of service attack, ataque de denegacion de servicio) Attack in which incoming network
packets intentionally or unintentionally bypass a server. The performance of a server may be
significantly affected or the server may be overloaded or not operational.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol, protocolo de control de mensajes de internet) A

protocol that reports errors and exchanges control messages. It is useful for diagnosing network

MAC address (Media Access Control address, direccion de control de acceso a los medios) A
unique address that is assigned to a network interface. The MAC address is used for
communication on the physical network segment.

MTU (maximum transmission unit, unidad maxima de transferencia) The size of the largest data
unit, in octets, that can be transmitted over a link.

NAT (network address translation, traduccion de direcciones de red) Translation of an IP address

used on one network to another known IP address on another network. It is used to limit the
number of global IP addresses that are needed.
NIC (network interface card, tarjeta de interfaz de red) A network adapter card that connects a
computer to a network. Some network interface cards can have multiple physical interfaces, for
example the igb card .

Password (contraseña)a secret word or combination of letters or numbers, used for

communicating with another person or with a computer to prove who you are.

Login (iniciar session) a name that you enter in order to be able to use a computer system.

Data (datos) the data represents the information that the programmer manipulates in the
construction of a solution or in the development of an algorithm.

VLAN (virtual local area network, red de area local virtual) A subdivision of a local area network at
the data link layer of the protocol stack.

Virtual network (red virtual) A network that emulates a physical network and is a combination of
hardware and software network resources.

virtual port (Puerto virtual) The connection point between the VNIC and an elastic virtual switch. A
virtual port encapsulates different network configuration parameters that are inherited by the
VNIC when connected to the virtual port.

Physical Layer (capa fisica) Coordinates the functions necessary to transmit the data flow.
Considered as a sequence of bits through a physical medium. Does not understand frames.

Data Link Layer (capa de enlace de datos) It is in charge of detecting and correcting all the errors
that occur in the communication line. It is also in charge of controlling that a fast emitter does not
saturate a slow receiver.

Network layer(capa de red) Provides logical addressing on the network. Routes packets between
networks based on logical addressing used the route it deems best.

Transportation layer (capa de transporte) He sees to it that he goes directly to the other end
without caring what is in the middle (routers, swich, ...)

Session layer (capa de session) Establish an end-to-end communication section.

Presentation Layer (capa de presentacion) Adapt the information that reaches the team.

Application layer (capa de aplicacion) Defines interfaces between application software and
network communication functions.

Channel (canal) Also called a transition medium, it provides whereby the message travels from
source to destination.

Layers (capas) Also called LEVELS. Networks are organized in layers to reduce their design

CLI (The Cisco IOS Command Line Interface, interfaz de linea de comandos) is a text-based
program that allows the entry and execution of Cisco IOS commands to configure, monitor, and
maintain Cisco devices. The Cisco CLI can be used for both in-band and out-of-band management
Crosstalk (diafonia) It is the filtration of signals between different pairs. If it is measured near the
transmitting end, it is called crosstalk, and if it is measured at the receiving end of the cable, it is
called end-crosstalk. Both forms of crosstalk degrade network performance and are often caused
by excessive cable stranding when terminals are placed.

Datagram (datagrama) Packages can travel different paths until they reach their destination.

Encapsulation (encapsulacion) The process of placing one message format within another message
format is called.

Frequency (f) (frecuencia) Number of times the signal is repeated per second (Measured in Hz:
cycles per second).

Hertz (hercios) Number of times a signal is repeated in one second.

Host (anfitrion) Device that directly participates in network communication. A host can use the
available network resources or can provide network resources to other hosts on the network.

Hub (cubo) Everyone can receive the frame higher than the one they have to send because they
do not understand frames or give anything. It is a single collation domain.

Private IP (ip privada) They are IPs that I can calmly put on my computer because there will be no
problem since they will not go out on the Internet as public IP.

93.OSI Reference Model (modelo de referencia osi) It is more a model than an architecture. It has
7 layers starting from the bottom up 1-7.

MODEM (Modulator / Demodulator, modulador/demodulador). Device that is in charge of

adapting a signal so that it can be transmitted through a certain medium (Modular) and returning
it to its original state when it is received from the medium (Demodular).

RFC (request for comments, requisites para comentarios) Define all network standards.

SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol, protocolo para transferencia simple de correo) It is an
application layer protocol. Text-based network protocol, used for exchanging email messages
between computers or other devices.

ISP (Internet service provider, proveedor de servicios de internet). It is these companies to whom
we pay a monthly fee for giving us our daily Internet.

Network Adapter (adaptador de red) It is a component that allows you to manage an Ethernet
connection or a Wifi connection, it is also known as a network interface . Each interface is unique.
Each one is a different connection.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, instituto de ingenieros electricos y

electronicos) is a worldwide association of engineers associated with standardization and
development in technical areas.

LLC (logical link control, control de enlace logico) communicates with the network layer, places
information in the frame that identifies which network layer protocol is used for the frame. This
information allows multiple Layer 3 protocols, such as IPv4 and IPv6, to use the same network
interface and the same media.

Addressing (direccionamiento) - The encapsulation process contains the Layer 3 PDU and also
provides data link layer addressing.

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