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Name: Tăng Nguyệt Ánh

MSSV: HS186246
Class: MKT1915
In a short essay (500 words), discuss the challenges and advantages of new communication
technologies for marketers as they work to build relationships with their customers. Give
relevant examples.

Today, in the age of digital technology, everything is constantly developing and innovating,
especially the digital media industry. This creates many opportunities and advantages for
marketers. While new technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to help marketers
engage with customers, they also pose unique challenges that marketers must overcome if
they want to build relationships. successful system. This essay explores the advantages and
challenges marketers face when building meaningful relationships with their customers
through new communication technologies.

First of all, I will talk about the advantages that new communication technology brings. The
first advantage of new media technology is increased reach. Thanks to technological
developments, today marketers can reach a much wider audience than before thanks to
social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram... They can interact with many
customers. especially potential consumers who may have previously had difficulty
contacting, this creates additional opportunities to develop customer relationships and
increase sales. For example, Nike has used new media technology to reach large audiences
and build strong relationships. Nike uses social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter
and YouTube, Facebook to create engaging content and connect with their customers.
"Nike"'s Instagram has up to 360M followers. Youtube is also a channel that Nike focuses on
promoting promotional videos or series that create effective interaction between customers
and the brand.

More precisely targeted advertising is the second advantage. With the ability to collect and
analyse customer data, marketers can now create highly targeted ads to reach specific
groups of people based on their demographics, interests, and behaviours. . The result is
more successful marketing initiatives and a higher return on their investment. For example,
Facebook and other social media platforms allow marketers to create highly targeted ads
based on a variety of demographics, interests, and behaviours.

And the third advantage is real-time feedback. Digital communication channels allow for
instant feedback from customers, which can help marketers promptly adjust their strategies
accordingly and make improvements when necessary. For example, Starbucks uses the
platform to connect with customers through weekly live Q&A sessions, where followers can
submit questions and receive real-time responses from company representatives. This
interactive and transparent communication fosters a sense of community, helping Starbucks
directly address customer concerns. By actively participating in conversations and building
online dialogue, Starbucks strengthens the relationship between brand and consumer and
creates a more accessible image in the eyes of the audience.

Besides those advantages, there are challenges of new communication technology for
marketers. The first challenge of new communication technology is information overload.
With so many communication channels available, customers can be overwhelmed by
messages from marketers. This can lead to feelings of fatigue and make it harder for
marketers to stand out from the crowd. An example of a company that has faced the
challenge of information overload in new media technology is clothing retailer H&M. As a
famous global brand, H&M regularly sends promotional emails to its customers to promote
new collections, sales and offers.

The second challenge is privacy concerns. As technology advances, customers are

increasingly concerned about the privacy of their personal data. Marketers must carefully
respect the privacy of their customers and avoid using their data in ways that could be
considered intrusive or intrusive. For example, Facebook, as one of the world's largest social
media platforms, has faced criticism and controversy over the years regarding its use of user
data and privacy policy.

The third challenge is to continuously update and keep up with trends. The pace of change
in digital media technology is rapid, forcing marketers to work hard to stay up to date with
the latest trends and best practices. Failure to do so can result in loss of competitive
advantage and missed opportunities. For example: Starbucks, as a famous coffee chain with
a large customer base, Starbucks uses many different communication channels to interact
with customers, including social networks, email, mobile applications and promotions at the
store. However, managing these multiple communication channels can be a complex task. It
requires careful coordination and integration across different platforms to ensure a
consistent brand message and customer experience.

In short, new media technologies offer many benefits to marketers as they strive to build
relationships with customers. However, these technologies also pose a number of challenges
that must be carefully navigated. By understanding these challenges and taking advantage of
the opportunities presented by new media technologies, marketers can build stronger
relationships with customers and achieve greater success in this age of communication.

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