Class 5 June

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1st June

Class 5 | Science

Kajol and her mother go to buy vegetables. The

shopkeeper places an empty basket in one of the
pans of the balance, which goes down as shown in
the figure. What should the shopkeeper do now
before placing the weights and vegetables in the

A. Add weights to pan N to bring the needle to the

B. Add weights to pan M to bring the needle to the
C. Add equal weights to both pans to adjust the
D. Not do anything as the measurement will be okay
as it is.

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

The difference of two numbers is 42. If the smaller

number is increased by 10, the new difference will

A. 32 B. 42
C. 52 D. 420

Correct Answer : A
2nd June

Class 5 | Social Studies

Which of these cities, located in one of India's

neighbouring countries, can be reached only by a
plane or ship from India?

A. Kathmandu
B. Lahore
C. Colombo
D. Dhaka

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Science

Kajol and her mother go to buy vegetables. The

shopkeeper places an empty basket in one of the
pans of the balance, which goes down as shown in
the figure. What should the shopkeeper do now
before placing the weights and vegetables in the

A. Add weights to pan N to bring the B. Add weights to pan M to bring the
needle to the middle. needle to the middle.
C. Add equal weights to both pans to D. Not do anything as the measurement
adjust the needle. will be okay as it is.

Correct Answer : A

4th June
Class 5 | English

Which of the following words has the SAME

sound of ''g'' as in ''giant''?
A. gate
B. brag
C. rage
D. igloo

Saturday's Question | Class 5 | Social Studies

Which of these cities, located in one of India's

neighbouring countries, can be reached only by a
plane or ship from India?

A. Kathmandu B. Lahore
C. Colombo D. Dhaka

Correct Answer : C

5th June
Class 5 | Maths

Mrs. Roy buys two cauliflowers in the market which

the vegetable seller weighs as shown below:

How much did the two cauliflowers (together)


A. 350 g
B. 650 g
C. 1 kg
D. 1 kg 350 g

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | English

Which of the following words has the SAME

sound of ''g'' as in ''giant''?

A. gate B. brag
C. rage D. igloo

Correct Answer : C

6th June
Class 5 | Science

The experiment shown below was performed by a

group of students using three identical sets of
seeds. What were they probably trying to check?

A. Whether light is required for seed germination.

B. Whether and how much water is required for
seed germination.
C. Whether air is required for seed germination.
D. How long seeds take to germinate.

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

Mrs. Roy buys two cauliflowers in the market which

the vegetable seller weighs as shown below:

How much did the two cauliflowers (together)


A. 350 g B. 650 g
C. 1 kg D. 1 kg 350 g

Correct Answer : B

7th June
Class 5 | Maths

One table can seat 6 people. Which of the following

will give you the number of tables required to seat
108 people?

A. adding 6 to 108
B. subtracting 6 from 108
C. multiplying 108 by 6
D. dividing 108 by 6

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Science

The experiment shown below was performed by a

group of students using three identical sets of
seeds. What were they probably trying to check?

A. Whether light is required for seed B. Whether and how much water is required
germination. for seed germination.
C. Whether air is required for seed
D. How long seeds take to germinate.

Correct Answer : B

8th June
Class 5 | Science

Rahul wants to find out whether it is true that plants

need water to grow. He takes 2 pots with identical
plants. What should he do for the next few days?

A. Water P more and Q less.

B. Water only P and not Q.
C. Water both P and Q equally.
D. Not water either P or Q.
Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

One table can seat 6 people. Which of the following

will give you the number of tables required to seat
108 people?

A. adding 6 to 108 B. subtracting 6 from 108

C. multiplying 108 by 6 D. dividing 108 by 6

Correct Answer : D

9th June
Class 5 | Social Studies

The paintings shown here portray various aspects of

the life of the great Mughal Emperor Akbar and his
time. Identify the one showing him hunting.

A. B.

C. D.
Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Science

Rahul wants to find out whether it is true that plants

need water to grow. He takes 2 pots with identical
plants. What should he do for the next few days?

A. Water P more and Q less. B. Water only P and not Q.

C. Water both P and Q equally. D. Not water either P or Q.

Correct Answer : B

11th June
Class 5 | English

Some festivals ___________fall on a Sunday and

we lose a holiday.

A. ocasionally
B. occasionaly
C. occasionally
D. ocasionaly

Saturday's Question | Class 5 | Social Studies

The paintings shown here portray various aspects of

the life of the great Mughal Emperor Akbar and his
time. Identify the one showing him hunting.
A. B.

C. D.

Correct Answer : D

12th June
Class 5 | Maths

Shorty and his friend Tallman are shown here. If

Shorty is 80 cm tall, roughly how tall would Tallman
A. 1 m
B. 1.5 m
C. 2 m
D. 3 m

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | English

Some festivals ___________fall on a Sunday and

we lose a holiday.

A. ocasionally B. occasionaly
C. occasionally D. ocasionaly

Correct Answer : C

13th June
Class 5 | Science

From the figure identify the type of food that you

need to eat the most.

A. Food that is sweet in taste.

B. Food that is rich in proteins.
C. Food that is rich in minerals
D. Food that gives us energy

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

Shorty and his friend Tallman are shown here. If

Shorty is 80 cm tall, roughly how tall would Tallman

A. 1 m B. 1.5 m
C. 2 m D. 3 m

Correct Answer : C

14th June
Class 5 | Maths

Dinu's teacher gives him the following number


She asks him to pick any two cards from these and
put them next to each other to form a number
between 30 and 50.

Which two cards should he choose?

A. B.

C. D. It is not possible to make such a number.

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Science

From the figure identify the type of food that you

need to eat the most.
A. Food that is sweet in taste. B. Food that is rich in proteins.
C. Food that is rich in minerals D. Food that gives us energy

Correct Answer : D

15th June
Class 5 | Science

When a person votes, a special ink mark is placed

on one of the fingers to ensure that the person does
not try to cast another vote. The ink mark as shown
in the figure will __________

A. never disappear.
B. disappear after a few weeks.
C. disappear on washing.
D. disappear within a few hours.

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

Dinu's teacher gives him the following number

She asks him to pick any two cards from these and
put them next to each other to form a number
between 30 and 50.

Which two cards should he choose?

A. B.

C. D. It is not possible to make such a number.

Correct Answer : D

18th June
Class 5 | English

Which sentence has no mistake?

A. Is she from Andhra pradesh.

B. is she from Andhra Pradesh?
C. Is she from Andhra Pradesh?
D. Is she from Andhra Pradesh.

Saturday's Question | Class 5 | Social Studies

How do archaeologists learn about the life of Early

Man who lived in forests and caves?

A. by studying their stone tools B. by studying their iron weapons

C. by studying the meat they ate D. by studying the Brahmi script

Correct Answer : A

19th June
Class 5 | Maths

The weighing machine below is displaying the

weight of the melon placed on it.

How much does the melon weigh?

A. 300 g
B. 750 g
C. 1 kg 100 g
D. 1 kg 250 g

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | English

Which sentence has no mistake?

A. Is she from Andhra pradesh. B. is she from Andhra Pradesh?

C. Is she from Andhra Pradesh? D. Is she from Andhra Pradesh.

Correct Answer : C

20th June
Class 5 | Science

Igloos are usually made of

A. snow
B. white clay
C. white cement
D. Marble

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

The weighing machine below is displaying the

weight of the melon placed on it.

How much does the melon weigh?

A. 300 g B. 750 g
C. 1 kg 100 g D. 1 kg 250 g

Correct Answer : B

21st June
Class 5 | Maths

One third of a chocolate bar weighs 30 g. How much

will the whole chocolate weigh?

A. 10 g
B. 30 g
C. 33 g
D. 90 g

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Science

Igloos are usually made of

A. snow B. white clay

C. white cement D. Marble

Correct Answer : A

22nd June
Class 5 | Science

Most food items we eat have different amounts of

water in them. The figures below show the fraction
of water in four different foods.

50 grams of each of these four foods were taken,

and the water in them was removed completely
through a scientific process. Which food will weigh
the most now?

A. the cucumber
B. the butter
C. the apple
D. the bread

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

One third of a chocolate bar weighs 30 g. How much

will the whole chocolate weigh?

A. 10 g B. 30 g
C. 33 g D. 90 g
Correct Answer : D

25th June
Class 5 | English

A group of SHEEP is called a FLOCK. What is a

group of COWS called?

A. a pride
B. a herd
C. a gang
D. a pack

Saturday's Question | Class 5 | Social Studies

In summer the day temperature in Sujanpur goes up

to 45 degrees Celsius and in winter the mercury
drops to 2 degrees Celsius. The climate of Sujanpur
can be described as

A. extreme B. temperate
C. mediterranean D. humid

Correct Answer : A

26th June
Class 5 | Maths

3 paths are drawn on a sheet of paper. On each

path, an ant starts at a point, travels along the path
once, and returns to the starting point.

On which path did the ant do this without going over

ANY point twice?

A. Path 1
B. Path 2
C. Path 3
D. on all the 3
Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | English

A group of SHEEP is called a FLOCK. What is a

group of COWS called?

A. a pride B. a herd
C. a gang D. a pack

Correct Answer : B

27th June
In the diagram shown, when an object 'X' is brought
near the ring shaped magnet, the magnet moves
away from it. Four friends are discussing what they
can say about X.

Nikhil : X can be a piece of any metal

Shailaja : X can only be a piece of iron.
Aakash : X is definitely a magnet.
Vinay : X can either be a magnet or an iron piece.
Who is correct?

A. Nikhil
B. Shailaja
C. Aakash
D. Vinay

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

3 paths are drawn on a sheet of paper. On each

path, an ant starts at a point, travels along the path
once, and returns to the starting point.

On which path did the ant do this without going over

ANY point twice?
A. Path 1 B. Path 2
C. Path 3 D. on all the 3

Correct Answer : A

28th June
Class 5 | Maths

Shown below is a shape formed by slicing a solid

wooden cylinder in half.

How many PLANE faces does this piece have?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Science

In the diagram shown, when an object 'X' is brought

near the ring shaped magnet, the magnet moves
away from it. Four friends are discussing what they
can say about X.

Nikhil : X can be a piece of any metal

Shailaja : X can only be a piece of iron.
Aakash : X is definitely a magnet.
Vinay : X can either be a magnet or an iron piece.
Who is correct?

A. Nikhil B. Shailaja
C. Aakash D. Vinay

Correct Answer : C
29th June
Class 5 | Science

The items in the table below have been put into two
categories. Which set of headings is MOST suitable
for the two categories?

A. Group 1: Living; Group 2: Non-living

B. Group 1: Not used at home; Group 2: Used at
C. Group 1: Not man-made; Group 2: Man-made
D. Group 1: Not transparent; Group 2: Transparent

Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths

Shown below is a shape formed by slicing a solid

wooden cylinder in half.

How many PLANE faces does this piece have?

A. 4 B. 3
C. 2 D. 1

Correct Answer : B

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