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January 2, 2020


Vol.7 No.1
To: Research Paper Contributors
From: The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS)
ISSN (Online): 2408-9532 Print: 2412-5180 ISBN: 978-99944-70-78-5
College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Jimma University
Subject: Call for Papers
The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS) invites interested contributors to submit
their manuscripts for Vol. 7 No.1 before or by January 30, 2020.
Papers will be submitted in English under the following or related areas: Social Sciences, Languages, and
related disciplines. Specifically:
 Culture/Anthropology  History and Heritage Management
 Applied Linguistics  Media Studies
 Languages /Literature  Development
 Environmental Studies  Geography
 Religion and Politics  Indigenous customs
 Psychology
 Governance systems
 Communication
 Sociology  Folklore& Literature
 Public Relations

Article Length: Original manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words. Book review and Article Review should not
exceed 2000 and 4000 words respectively. Editorial preferably consist of no more than 1,000 to 1,500 words and
do not have subheadings. Short communication should not exceed 4 pages. Abstract and key words should not
surpass 250words and six (6) words respectively. The title of the manuscript should not surpass 12 words.
Margin: 1.5 from left and 1from top, bottom, and right
Spacing: Single space between paragraphs as well as lines.
Indentation (of paragraph): Five (5) spaces
Language: UK or American English with consistency. Personally (by language expert), reviewing the papers
especially the language is important.
Submission Address (online): . If you are new register otherwise login.
On the cover page of your manuscript, suggest five potential reviewers; please note that the journal may use them
or not.
Strictly following the guide to authors and latest APA style is mandatory.
For further information, please visit:

We look forward to your participation and learning more about your work.
If you have questions or want more information about the call for papers process, please contact
Dr. Tesfaye Gebeyehu, the editor-in-chief
(251) 0911693938; 09 85177888; email at;

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