Guided by Hindrance - Life Group Notes

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Guided by hinderance.

Acts 16:6-7
(MAP 0)
6 Paul and his companions travelled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having
been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.
7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus
would not allow them to. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas


The missionary team's goal was to spread the gospel throughout Asia Minor and Ephesus, a
major hub of politics and culture. However, on Paul's second missionary tour, together with
Silas, Timothy, and Luke, they ran into several interferences.

Contradictory to what Jesus said in Matt.28:19 says: we are to go into all the world and
make disciples of all nations and Act 1:8 says: we are to be witnesses to the end of the

Paul’s frustration went to the most logical place, in his mind and it appeared to be an open
door but God shut the door to Asia Minor and Ephesus in particular.

Definition: The term “hindrance” means the state of being interfered with, delayed, or
slowed down. It is also an act of prevention, obstruction, or impediment that makes it
difficult to do something. Often people use this word to describe an obstacle or, perhaps, a
person that makes a situation more challenging or troublesome than it should be.

Logic and need do not necessarily constitute a missionary call. Asia had great need and it
was logical to go there, but God had other plans and they were directed towards Europe.
Cornerstone have a great need to be in certain venues, and it was logical to go there, but
God has other plans and we are directed elsewhere.

Instead of becoming frustrated, Paul, Timothy and Silas expressed an attitude of expectant
readiness. They knew that God had something special planned.
Q: Do we become frustrated when the Holy Spirit intervene and hinder us?
Q: Do we trust that God has something special planned for us/Cornerstone?

Let us cultivate an attitude of expectant readiness.

Let us meditate on Paul’s passion for evangelism.
Let us meditate on Paul’s sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.
Let us meditate on the fact that God is always at work around and ahead of us.

At that time, the Gospel would spread more quickly and widely among Occidental
(European) nations than if it remained in Oriental (Asian) nations, as Greece and Rome's
cultural impact was progressively extending throughout the known world.
Paul was well prepared for this by God. He was born into a family that had been granted
Roman citizenship and was a Jew. He was raised in Tarsus, one of the best educational cities
in the world, where there were many instructors and philosophers. Gamaliel, a renowned
legal scholar, was another instructor he studied under. He was well versed in the Scriptures,
but more than any of the apostles, he understood western philosophy and thought.

It is not surprising that God led him to the West in a major way as God was busy preparing
the right man for the right task.
It won't come as a surprise when God decides to lead Cornerstone/you in a big way because
God is now working to prepare Cornerstone/you for the correct task.


I. Finding Wisdom in Closed Doors,

In Acts 16:7, Paul and his companions faced a closed door on their missionary journey. We
have to recognise that the Holy Spirit guides us not only through open doors but equally
through closed ones. The Spirit of Jesus prevented them from entering Bithynia, a hindrance
that carried a divine purpose.

1. In Genesis 19 Joseph is falsely accused and imprisonment, seemingly a hindrance to the

destiny he had in his own mind. Yet, it was through this closed door that God orchestrated
his rise to power in Egypt.

2. In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 - 7 or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore,

in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger
of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s
power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in
hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Paul pleaded with God to remove a thorn in his flesh, a hindrance to his ministry.
Q: How many times do we want to use logic and remove a hinderance in our pathway –
whether in the ministry or in our personal lives?
The same is true for us as it was for Paul, God's response revealed that His grace is sufficient
even in our weaknesses.

3. Matthew 26:39 - 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed,
“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”,

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus, prayed for the cup to pass, but the door to the cross
remained open. Unlike me, Jesus recognised that the Holy Spirit guided Him not only
through open doors but through this closed one and through the Crucifixion and His
submission to God's will. Through Jesus’ obedience and submission, this apparent
hindrance, brought salvation to humanity.
David Livingston was guided by hinderance as he wanted to go to China, but God sent him
to Africa, William Carey was guided by hinderance as he wanted to go to Polynesia, but God
sent him to India, Adoniram Judson went to India, but God guided him to Burma. God
guides along the way, to just the right place.

We learn patience and tenacity during these periods of closed doors, which serve as a
reminder that setbacks are not the end but rather a chance for improvement and a reroute
towards bigger gifts. We welcome the uncertainty with courage and faith as we submit to
divine wisdom, knowing that God's purpose is far bigger than our comprehension.

II. Open Doors Preference

In today’s society, the emphasis often lies on success and achievement. We're trained to
pray for open doors —promotions, breakthroughs, new jobs, relationships, healings, etc.
While we are praying for open doors, we ignore the chance that a closed door might be

When we disregard closed doors, it can lead to unintended consequences: Abraham's

decision to father a child with Hagar stems from his impatience with God's promise. He
disregarded a closed door.

2. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, "For everything, there is a season, a time for every activity
under heaven." We must learn to embrace God's timing, trusting that closed doors are not
obstacles but part of His plan, His sovereign plan.

These narratives resonate deeply with our lives today. We might found ourselves facing
close doors, job loss, initially perceived as a hinderance, ultimately led to a better
opportunity ordained by God.

Personal testimony time of close or open doors.

Let's cultivate a lifestyle of prayer and discernment throughout it all so that we can
recognize the Holy Spirit's guidance in both open and closed doors.

The Gospel got to Asia and these regions would have churches in several cities including
Ephesus, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Colossae, Sardis and many more. For now, that
door was close to Paul and the hinderance was only temporary, not permanent.

Whenever we are doubtful as to our course, let us submit our judgment absolutely to the
Holy Spirit, and ask Him to shut every door apart from the right one. PRAY, " I give You, Holy
Spirit, every authority to stop me from taking any path that is not approved by God. Let me
hear Your voice behind me whenever I turn to the right hand or the left.

Do not be surprised if His Voice answers in closed doors.

Troas was a modern seaport city built just north of ancient Troy and was extremely
important in the days of Paul.

Caesar had wanted to build the capital of the Roman Empire there, but remained in Rome.

Well, according to tradition, when Troy fell to the Achaeans, a man named Aeneas escaped
and he was essentially responsible for the founding of Rome.

The Romans always considered that they stood in the tradition and heritage of Troy.

I have a point to this - From Troy one man went out to Rome and began what turned out to
be a vast Roman empire.

And now from the later city Troas, one man is called by God to the West. Paul eventually
ended up in Rome and was influential in building the kingdom of God which will rival the
Roman empire. What Paul did affected generations, one man build an empire, another man
built a church and brought heavenly kingdom that will last for eternity.
The kingdom of God most certainly outlasted the vast Roman empire.”

In the same way that God perfectly prepared Paul, for this, so is He preparing us. God is
forming and shaping us within our different cultures and from our different backgrounds,
for His work.

Q: Are available for what God opens to us?

We need to be available for what God opens to us and be particularly aware that all our gifts
and talents are to be surrendered to Him to use as He will.

Young woman who had prepared for missionary service in foreign country.

Q: What has been your closed door?

Let's change our viewpoint on hindrance when the doors close and take us to a different
location where God's plan is supposed to happen.
Let us acknowledge that the Holy Spirit will lead us both in and out of closed doors. Let us
have faith in God's supply. Let us acknowledge that He is wise beyond our comprehension
and that He always provides counsel, even when faced with obstacles.

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